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一、 行业市场状况
改革开放20多年来,国民经济突飞猛进,国家基础建设蓬勃发展,带动着国内工程机械的 需求,推动着工程机械的发展。工程起重机行业也同其它工程机械一样得到长足的发展。目前从行业2003年13家企业报表来看,1-6月份销售量4600台,比去年同期增长50%以上,估计全年 将超过8000台市场规模,各个企业都有不同程度的增长。从起重机行业历年来的销售数据分析,以下四个特点十分明显:
一是市场规模具有显著的地域性,经济发达的地区持续热销,落后地区的购买力则相对较 弱;二是中大吨位产品增长迅速,16吨以上产品均有较大幅度增长,今年上半年20吨级以上产 品增幅更是高达100%以上;三是行业发展与国家投资政策关联率较大,周期变化受国民经济发 展影响明显;四是用户的不确定性和分散性,据统计,目前私人用户占整体用户的70%以上, 而且还有不断增加的趋势。可以预见在2002年大发展的基础上,今年又将取得突破性发展,体 现着国民经济发展的强大动力和潜力。随着国家发展战略调整,各项措施的到位和落实及全民 共谋发展奔小康的强烈愿望,经济建设必将走向快速健康发展之路,工程起重机及配套行业, 通过市场竞争的洗礼,也必将摆脱前几年徘徊局面,进入健康稳步发展的新时期。 我国工程起重机行业面对新一轮挑战
工程起重机行业在94~99年是发展低谷,5年中行业几个主要的生产厂家,苦练内功,积极 组织产品变型和换代,在产品外观上下功夫。从99年以来,随经济建设新一轮启动,工程起重 机市场竞争格局发生巨大变化,各企业不断调整思路、更新观念、转换机制、提高核心竞争 力,努力开发产品,开拓市场。产品重心也从8t、12t向16t、25t、50t中大吨位发展,25t增 速最快,产量不断翻新,基本占据主导地位。50t产品由于需求面较广,技术逐渐成熟,也大 批量进入市场。目前国内主要产品系列,汽车起重机为8t、12t、16t、20t、25t、35t、50t、 65t、80t、l00t,全地面起重机为25t、50t、125t、160t和履带起重机为35t、50t、l00t、 150t。整体技术风格是: 下车有全头和半头两种不同风格,多年来半头车因总体布置的方便性及价格因素一直被广 泛采用。但近年来随着物质条件的改善,人们的生活条件和质量提高,操作方便、舒适、可靠 逐渐成为用户关注的焦点,中大吨位向全头方向发展。 上车操纵从传统的机械操作向液比例和电液比例方向发展,起重吊臂也从传统的三节向四节、五节方向发展,产品的起重性能和起重高度有了较大提高,产品的外观和可靠性有了较大 幅度提高。 我国工程起重机市场趋势与对策分析
可靠性、外观都有较大幅度的提高,但同国外工程机械比较来看,还存在较大差距,就工程起 重机而言,今后的发展主要表现在如下几个方面:
l、整机性能:由于先进技术和新材料的应用,同种型号的产品,整机重量要轻20%左右。 随着结构分析应用和先进设备的使用,结构形式更加合理:
机整个制造行业的技术进步放在同等位置上,力求把起重机行业从低价格恶性竞争的状态,带 向高技术含量、高附加值的良性品牌竞争的新时代,从而带动配套行业的健康发展。起重机电气控制技术未来的发展趋势
国外工程起重机从整体情况分析,领先国内10~20年(不同类型产品有所不同)。随着国外 经济发展速度趋于平稳,工程起重机向智能、高性能、灵活、适应性强、多功能方向发展。 25t以下基本上不生产,产品向高附加值、大吨位发展,如利勃海尔公司汽车起重机基本退出 市场,目前市场主导产品为全地面起重机,最小吨位是35t,而80t和160t是主导产品;格鲁夫 公司:主导产品是全地面起重机和轮胎起重机,最小吨位是25t;多田野公司:汽车起重机只 占20%,主导产品是全地面起重机和轮胎起重机,最小吨位16t。因此行业配套也与国内有所不同:
主机厂家产品技术水平和档次的提高,一方面依赖主机厂产品开发、技术进步,另一个重要方面就是配套行业整体水平的提高和质量的保证。考核某一产品两项最重要的指标就是性能和可靠性,性能的高低是以可靠性作基础的,没有可靠性的保证,高性能是不能成立的。因此产品的开发首当其中的要考虑产品可靠性,在满足可靠性的前提下,不断提高产品性能,不断使产品升级换代,这就要求配套厂家时刻与主机厂保持同步,随时了解企业产品的质量可靠情况,多听最终用户呼声和要求,加强产品质量控制,及时掌握主机厂家产品性能的总体要求,加强沟通和服务,这样才能适应市场和用户,才能与主机厂一起开发新品,开拓市场,以达到共赢的目的。纵观世界工程机械行业发展状况,可以明显感觉到目前欧美配套的液压件、传动件等零部件大公司,其产品开发不仅仅局限于零部件的研究,而是注重整机系统的匹配。在推销产品的同时,给主机厂匹配系统,非常了解行业的发展动态,能与主机厂一起研究用户的需求,不仅功能上满足要求,还在系统的微动性和平顺性上给主机厂提供保证,使产品发展能够实现自动化平稳操作,极大地提高产品性能和舒适性,提高产品的竞争能力。目前,国内大部分配套厂家只注意主机厂功能要求,对性能和可靠性关注较少,虽然主机厂积极引导,在新品开发和老品改进上仍难满足要求,高技术含量、高附加值的产品仍主要依赖进口,这就要求配套厂家加大新产品开发力度,加大投入,加强产品质量攻关,提高产品可靠性,及时研究市场需求的变化,使企业与市场同步,这样才能赢得客户,企业才能健康持续发展。近几年起重机行业液压控制技术的发展已从单一的机械操作方式向液压先导、电液比例控制、自动控制集成显示的方向发展,配套厂家应积极研究这种变化,努力开发出适合中国国情 的产品,使企业与整个行业发展同步。
根据多年新产品试制经验和市场反馈分析表明,绝大多数问题是配套件引起的,主机厂自制件突出的是外观问题,性能基本可以满足要求。因此在以后的工作中,主机厂在加强产品细 化设计,提高制造装配技术水平的同时,要求配套厂应重视以下几个方面的工作,以便降低反 馈率,大力提高产品的性能和实物质量。
China Construction Crane and the development trend of the pre-market
First, industry market conditions
Reform and opening up over the past 20 years, the national economy by leaps and bounds, national infrastructure development boom, driven in domestic demand for construction machinery, engineering machinery to promote the development. Crane also works with other industries, like construction machinery have developed by leaps and bounds. Currently industry in 2003 from 13 enterprises statements of the 1-June sales of 4,600 units over the same period last year more than 50 per cent, it is estimated that more than 8,000 Taiwan will be the year the size of the market, various companies have different degrees of growth. Crane industry over the years from sales of data analysis, the following four characteristics is very clear:
First, the size of the market with significant regional, economic developed areas continued hot, backward areas of purchasing power is relatively weak; second is the rapid growth of large-tonnage products, 16 tons or more products have a big increase, the first half of this year 20-ton increase over product is as high as 100 percent above the third is the development of industries associated with the national rate of greater investment policy, periodic changes affect significantly the development of the national economy; Fourth, users of uncertainty and dispersion According to statistics, At present private users total more than 70 percent of users, but also the increasing trend. It can be foreseen in the 2002 large-scale development on the basis of this year will achieve a breakthrough development, reflects the strong driving force for national economic development and potential. With the adjustment of national development strategies, the measures in place and implement all the people and seek common development and the strong desire of fairly well-off, economic construction is bound to rapid and healthy development, engineering cranes and supporting industries, through the baptism of market competition, will also A few years ago to shake off lingering situation, access to health steady development of the new era. China Construction Crane industry faced a new round of challenges
Second, industry product development
Construction Crane industry in the 94 to 99 is the development of low ebb, the five-year industry in several major manufacturers, bitter Liannei Gong, and actively organize and updating of product variations in product appearance on. From 99 since, with the launch a new round of economic construction, engineering crane market competition has seen tremendous changes, companies constantly adjust ideas, new concepts and mechanisms to enhance core competitiveness, product development efforts and open up the market. Product focus from 8 t, 12t to 16 t, 25t, 50t development of the Chinese University of tonnage, 25 t the fastest growth rate of output constant renovation, basic hold the leading position. 50t products due to demand broader, technology matured, but also in large quantities to enter the market. At present domestic product family, truck crane to 8 t, 12t, 16t, 20t, 25t, 35t, 50t, 65t, 80t, l00t, the whole ground crane for 25 t, 50t, 125t, 160t and cranes to 35 t, 50t, l00t, 150t. Overall technical style is: get off a full head and the first half of two different styles, semi-trucks over the years due to the overall layout of the convenience and price factor has been widely used. But in recent years with improvements in material conditions, people's living conditions and to improve the quality, convenient, comfortable, reliable gradually become the focus of attention of users, the first large-tonnage to the whole direction of development. On the train from the manipulation of the traditional mechanical operation of proportion to the ratio of electric and develop in the direction of lifting the crane from the traditional three to four, five direction of development, product performance and lifting the lifting height have been greatly improved , Product reliability and the appearance of a more substantial increase. China Construction Crane analysis of market trends and countermeasures
Third, engineering industries and technological development trend of cranes
Domestic construction machinery products over the past 10 years as the technology introduction, digestion and absorption, has made great progress in product performance,
Reliability, appearance has greatly increased, compared with foreign construction machinery, there are still a wide gap between the crane project, the future development mainly in the following areas:
l,performance: As advanced technology and the application of new materials, the same types of products with two light weight to about 20 percent. With the application of structural analysis and the use of advanced equipment, a more rational structure:
2, high-performance, high reliability, the matching pieces, choice, adaptability, and performance are brought into full play;
3, the proportion of electro-hydraulic control systems and intelligent control system showed that the popularization and application;
4, operation more convenient, comfortable, safe and protective equipment more perfect:
5, to hoist the weight, lifting height, the greater rate of large tonnage direction. After joining the WTO, although the domestic market (especially the supporting pieces) will be larger impact, but also bring us new technology applications, mainframe and supporting domestic enterprises were more clearly aware of the gap, to learn more about China-made products there fatal problems, will guide the host of enterprises and supporting the technological innovation and technological progress. Xugong Group of heavy plant and other competitive manufacturers like to use three to five years to develop new products, upgrading, keeping up with the world's advanced technologies, will lead its own development and car lifting
For the entire manufacturing industries technological progress on the same location, to the crane industry in vicious competition from low-price state, with the high-tech content and high added value of healthy competition in the brand new era, thus supporting the healthy development of industry. Crane electrical control the future development trend of technology
Fourth, foreign works crane supporting the trend of development and application of
Crane foreign works from the overall situation analysis, the leading domestic 10 to 20 (different types of products vary). As foreign economic growth rate has stabilized, engineering crane to the smart, high-performance, flexible, adaptable, multi-functional direction. 25t following basically does not produce, to the high value-added products, development of large tonnage, such as company car Liebherr cranes basic withdraw from the market, the current market-driven products for the whole ground crane, the minimum tonnage is 35 t, and 80 t and 160 t is the dominant product; grid Lu Fu Company: leading products is the ground crane and tire cranes, the minimum tonnage is 25 t; TADANO Company: truck crane only 20 percent, leading products is the ground crane and tire cranes, the minimum tonnage of 16 t. And therefore also supporting the domestic industry is different:
1, get off is more than 300 kW high-power diesel engines and its accompanying torque converter and automatic transmission gearbox, 12-ton drive to the bridge and cross-country tires.
2, on the train: high-strength materials, high torque or from the agencies, Rotary, Rotary support.
3, hydraulic system: the variable pump, variable motor, electromagnetic valve for the pilot and the main valve, balance valve, the suspension system valves, hydraulic
Lock, hydraulic cylinder and standard-parts pipeline.
4, intelligent control system: control of the limited display, memory and communication order telescopic single-cylinder automatic control. As foreign construction machinery started earlier and formed a maturity of the matching system. Rexroth as the pump motors, valves, lifting, rotating, walking; Beling the main valve, the pilot valve, balance valve; Hawe the main valve, the pilot valve, balance valve; ZF's transmission, transfer case ; Kai Silan bridge; PAT force limiter, and so on. Ancillary works in close collaboration with Zhuji Chang, joint development, coupled with the manufacturers of proprietary mainframe technology, can form a strong core competitive edge, to ensure that a host of performance and reliability of the increase. Many foreign firms were optimistic about China tower crane market global giant crane trying to seize market share, domestic and foreign lorry crane status quo and development trend
5, host of ancillary product development products and the general requirements for the development of key parts and components
(A) product development to overall requirements for supporting products
Console manufacturers technical level and grades of products increased reliance on the one hand, Zhu Jichang product development, technological progress, is another important aspect of supporting industries and raise the overall level of quality assurance. Two appraisal of a product is the most important indicators of performance and reliability, performance, the level of reliability as a basis, with no guarantee of reliability, high-performance can not be established. So when the first product development to be considered one of reliability, to meet the reliability of the premise and continuously improve product performance, and constantly upgrading their products, which requires matching Zhuji Chang manufacturers to keep pace with the times, be kept informed of their products Reliable quality, end-users to listen to voices and demands, strengthen quality control, console manufacturers make the best of the general requirements for product performance, enhance communication and services, in order to adapt to the market and users can Zhuji Chang together with the development of new products, open up markets, To achieve the objective of a win-win situation. Throughout the construction machinery industry development, can clearly feel that the current Europe and the United States of supporting the hydraulic, transmission and other parts of large companies, their product development is not limited to parts of the study, but rather focus onthe match. At the same time in the marketing of products to Zhuji Chang matching system, is well aware of the development of the industry dynamics, together with Zhu Jichang on the user's needs, not only meet the functional requirements of the system is still fretting and ride on to provide Zhuji Chang Assurance that product development to achieve a smooth automated operation, greatly improve the performance and comfort, improve product competitiveness. Currently, most domestic manufacturers only supporting the attention of Zhuji Chang functional requirements, the performance and reliability of less concern, although Zhu Jichang positive guidance, in new product development and improvement of old goods on sentiment and meet the requirements of high-tech content, high value-added Products still rely mainly on imports, which requires supporting manufacturers intensify efforts to develop new products, increase investment, enhance product quality research, improve product reliability and timely study of changes in market demand, so that enterprises and the market simultaneously, in order to win customers, In a sound and sustainable development of enterprises. Hydraulic crane industry in recent years the development of control technology from a single hydraulic machinery operation to the pilot, electro-hydraulic proportional control, automatic control the direction of the development of integrated display, supporting manufacturers should actively explore such changes, efforts to develop suitable for China Conditions of products, enterprises and the development of the entire industry simultaneously.
(B) products are supporting the existing problems
Judging from the current situation and market products supporting feedback shows that there are a lot of ancillary problems of quality and reliability of these issues
The proportion of the problem feedback is very high, and manufacturers respond slowly, rectification and reform ineffective, the sale of services tremendous pressure, but also Zhuji Chang technical services to many problems, seriously restricting the development of the market and the fast-growing new products Pace.
The main question is:
Hydraulic cylinders, valves, Locks: oil spills, within China, abnormal sound;
Agencies categories: oil spills, abnormal sound, operation inconvenience, not reliable;
Bridge me categories: oil spills, leakage, broken teeth, the operation failed;
Electrical components: connection is bad and easy to burn, failure;
Liang Shi and appearance of: water leakage, weld cracks, sealing the aging, such as shedding.
Analysis of main reasons:
1, backward technology, processing equipment can not meet the requirements highlighted in parts of the plane, and finish the axis
Vertical amount less than the design requirements;
2, product development lags behind, can not be quickly formed and updating of products;
3, the concept behind, guiding ideology can not meet the strong market demand;
4, have a weak sense of service, can not directly face the user, can not enter the market;
5, control means incomplete, sense of responsibility not strong, and can not play an effective quality assurance system.
(C) supporting measures to be taken by the manufacturers and methods
Preparation of new products based on years of experience and market feedback analysis shows that the vast majority of the problem is caused by matching pieces, Zhuji Chang made of prominent is the issue of appearance, performance, to meet the basic requirements. Therefore, in future work, Zhuji Chang refined products designed to strengthen and improve the technological level of manufacturing assembly at the same time, the plant should attach importance to supporting demands the following aspects of work, so as to reduce the response rate, greatly improve the performance and in-kind product quality.
1, changing concepts, the traditional meet the functional requirements for the following changes in Zhuji Chang, improve reliability and performance to:
2, to accelerate technological innovation and product improvement, without relying on the idea of Zhuji Chang, the positive introduction of talent, and continuously develop the city
Market demand, quality and reliable products, and promote the healthy development of a crane industry in this area can cooperate in the development, with some supporting proprietary technology products;
3, speed up technological innovation, and enhance its own manufacturing capacity, the development of new products can not directly testassembly, the problem can not be
Inon the exposed, this will reduce the rate of successful product development, delays in market access opportunities, such work should be test-bed End
10% of the bulk product testing, adjustments should be strictly in the test bed debugging, strict control, strict control and can not pin hope Zhuji Chang later found to the problem;
4, improving accuracy and finish processing components, the assembly process stri