
1、 Flf’A及CAS规则在中国足球职业联赛球员合同纠纷中的实务应用研究 ——以球员合同争议管辖为视角 THE APPLlCATIoN oF FlFA AND CAS REGULATloNS IN PLAYER CoNTRACT DISPUTES UNDER CHINESE FooTBALL LEAGUE 吴炜中国 DaVid W:Wu,China 国际体育仲裁院(CAS)仲裁员 上海市邦信阳律师事务所律师,高级合伙人 (CAS ArbitratoL Senior Panner,L孙呵er of Boss&、bung Atto翔eys at Law)
2、摘要 国际足坛每年发生大量的球员合同纠纷。近年来,随着中圈足球整体环境的改善,多家 俱乐部加大投入,引进高水平外援,大大提升了中国足球职业联赛的水平。但与此同时,中 圉足球职业联赛中球员与俱乐部之间的合同纠纷也得到升级。 以2011年及2012年为例,中国足球职业联赛中发生了多起球员与俱乐部之问的合同纠 纷,根据起因不同可分为以下几类:(1)伤病球员不满俱乐部提供的治疗措施;(2)球员未 通知俱乐部擅自离队;(3)俱乐部拖欠球员工资;(4)核心球员要求俱乐部加薪;(5)球员 或教练员受到中国足协或亚足联或FlFA的严重处罚:(6)球员服用兴奋剂,俱乐部要求解 除合同;(7)球员不遵守合同强
3、制性条款;(8)球员与俱乐部之问因商业合同产牛的纠纷, 影响了工作合同的履行,或因工作合同解除而引起的商业合同纠纷。 球员合同属于劳动合同,中圜的劳动合同争议有专门的管辖机关,即劳动争议仲裁委员 会并可上诉至法院,适用的法律为中罔的《劳动合同法》。而在足球领域,球员工作合同纠 纷是由国家足协、困际足联_:7,至圜际体育仲裁院进行管辖,适用的规则为国家足协或国际足 联相关规则。因此,当球员合同纠纷发牛在中圈职业联赛中时,如何结合我罔当前的立法及 国际足联关于足球行业的内部规定,选择恰当的纠纷管辖机构,是实践和理论中一个具有挑 战性且意义深远的课题。 近年来,笔者作为团内足球俱乐部及球员的代理
4、律师及瑞士洛桑圜际体育仲裁院仲裁 员,在实务中参与处理了多起诉至中嗣足防、图际足联及困际体育仲裁院的球员合同纠纷。 本文中,笔者将总结在处理这些足球运动员合同纠纷过程中积累的实务经验,分析中团足球 职业联赛中不同类型的球员合同纠纷的解决方式及管辖权,以保护中罔职j眦联赛中球员及俱 乐部的利益,促进中国足球与国际足球在法律制度层面上的融合与接轨。 关键词:中国足球职业联赛球员合同纠纷管辖权国际足联规则国际体育仲裁院 ABS。l’KAC’J A la玛e amount ofplayer contract disputes occur in f的tball world eVeU year
5、.1n recent years, with the improvement of the entire environment of Chinese Football League,many football clubs input more如nds to buy hi曲leVel foreign pIayers,which haVe impr0Ved the 1eVel of Chinese f.ootball league to a great extent.Meanwhile,the player contract disputes haVe been upgraded in
6、Chinese F00tball League. During the season Of 20 1 l and 20 l 2,seVeral player contract disputes haVe occun.ed in Chinese Football League.A great range of reasons which haVe resulted in disputes:(1)alledged not pmviding the player with an appropriate medical treatment;(2)the player lea“
7、ng the club without notice;(3)Non—payment of salaries;(4)core playerS ba唱aining for more sala巧;(5)the player/coach being seVerely sanctioned by Chinese Football Associatio以FC/FlFA; (6) consuming prohibited substances(Doping);(7)not complying with a mandato叫clause of the e
8、mployment contract;(8)the business contract dispute afrecting the fu临11ment of the wod( comract or the work contract dispute afkcting the内1fjmnent of the business c伽traet. The nature of player contract is labor contract.1n China,labor contract disputes are regulated to be exclusively gove
9、med by the Arbitration Commjttee for Labor Disputes and hereaRer appealed to the coun.The applicable 1aws are Chinese Laws and Regula“ons.HoweVer,in football world,the player contract disputes are goVemed by the f的tbal】federation o九he coum巧 concemed,FlFA,or the Court of Arbitrati
10、on in Sport(CAS).7I'he applicable laws are Football Federation Regulations or FlFA Regulations.Consequently,when player contract disputes occur, hOw to coordinate national laws with football world intemal regulations and hOw to choose the appropriate inStitute to settle the disputes are challen
11、ging and profound issues both j n practice and inmeoU. As lawyer of domestic clubs and players and arbitrator of the Coun of Arbitl ation in Sport (CAS),l haVe joined in the process of the settlement of many disputes before Ch nese Football Association,FlFA and the CAS in recent yearS.1n this arti
12、cle,1 will summarize my:xperiences jn the process of dealing with football player contfact disputes and analyze the correc:way to settIe dif佗rent sorts of football player contract disputeS and the ju—sdi“on in order[o protect the bene6ts of clubs and playerS in Chjnese Football League and prom
13、ote the fusion a nd integration between Chinese Football and Jntemational Football in the legal System. KEYwoRDS: chinese Football League,player contract dispute,jurisdiction,FlF气Regulations, CAS 中困足球职业联赛18年来,发生的球员与俱乐部、或者教练与俱乐部之闷的合同纠纷 大多是通过体制内的行政手段进行解决,鲜有的几起通过国际足联或国际体育仲裁院解决的 纠纷,比如佩特科维奇Vs申花案,马特
14、拉齐Vs天津泰达案,皆以国内俱乐葱的败诉告终。 这主要是因为国内俱乐部对国际足球规则以及纠纷解决程序缺乏了解,尤其是:j行政手段无 法解决纠纷时,俱乐部对应向哪一机构求诉没有一个明确的概念。本文中,笔j彗根据自己多 年处理国际体育纠纷,尤其是解决足球领域内纠纷的经验,通过案例解析的方.弋,结合中圈 圈内法律法规、中国足协、国际足联及国际体育仲裁院的相关规定,针对球员1}同纠纷的管 辖机构做相应的分析和介绍。 一、球员劳动合同及商业合同纠纷引发的管辖权案例175 外籍球员甲与国内俱乐部x签署了为期5年的球员工作合同,双方在该1}同的争议管 辖条款中约定:“双方因本合同发生争议通过协商
15、不能解决,应提交至中圉足协直至国际足 联协商解决;如争}义在6个月内不能通过中国足协或国际足联解决,双方均有权向中国国际 经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会提起仲裁,并适用中华人民共和国法律。” 在劳动合同履行的过程中,甲与x又签署了一份形象权商业合同,在商业合同的争议 管辖条款中双方约定:“因本合同发生争议,协商不成,应提交至瑞士洛桑国际体育仲裁院 仲裁解决。” 合同签订几个月后,双方发生争议。球员甲认为俱乐部未能完全履行其付款义务构成违 约,加之其不适应在中国的生活,遂决定单方解除球员工作合同以及形象权商业合同。 本案发生后,作为俱乐部x的代理律师,笔者与外援甲的外国律师多次!E致律师函,
16、针对本案的诸多细节问题交换意见。最终得出结论,外援甲如果单方解除合同,将承担巨额 75所引案例在不影响基本事实的前提下进行适当改编以保护相关俱乐部的商业秘密。 247 赔偿,外援甲因此放弃了单方解除合同的念头,避免了未来可能发生的诉讼及仲裁。但是, 笔者也在随时准备着可能发生的诉讼及仲裁,而本案一旦无法协商解决,究竟应交由哪个机 构进行裁判,是本案最值得探讨和研究的问题之一。也是未来解决中国足球俱乐部球员合同 纠纷过程中首要关注的具有代表性的问题。 二、针对本案的争议管辖分析 我们来看本案中的争议解决机构的选择,及它们的管
17、辖权。如上所述,根据本案中球员 工作合同的约定,三个争议解决机构在一定条件下有权管辖本案中的球员工作合同争议,包 括中国足协、FlFA、以及中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会(以下简称:“贸仲上海分 会”)。而本案中与球员合同相关的商业合同中约定瑞士国际体育仲裁院(以下简称:“cAs”) 为争议解决机构。实际上,本案中的形象权商业合同是整个球员工作合同的有机组成部分。 我们来分析一下球员工作合同中约定的三个争议解决机构、国内法院及形象权商业合同 中约定的CAS的管辖权来源的依据。 (一)中国足协的管辖权来自于其规定。 根据《中国足协章程》第62条第1款规定:“会员协会、注册俱乐部及其成员
18、,应保证 不得将他们与本会、其它会员协会、会员俱乐部及其成员的争议提交法院,而只能向本会的 仲裁机构诉讼委员会提出中诉。”根据《中罔足球协会仲裁委员会工作规则》第5条笫2款: “仲裁委员会受理下列案件:(一)会员协会、足球俱乐部、足球运动员、教练员、经纪人相 互问,就注册、转会、参赛资格、工作合同、经纪人合同等事项发生的属于行业管理范畴的 争议。”因此,中闵足协对于球员合同争议有管辖权,从上述法规的文意看其管辖权应当涵 盖国内球员合同及外援合同争议。然而,实践中,外援合同争议通常由国际足联或者圈际体 育仲裁院管辖。 (二’)FlFA的管辖权来自于其规定 《国际足联球员身份和转会规定》第22
19、条对FIFA的管辖权作出了规定,即在不妨碍 任何球员及俱乐部通过民事法庭解决雇佣纠纷寻求赔偿的同时,国际足联的管辖权如下: a) ;b)俱乐部与球员间发生的带有国际因素的雇佣关系纠纷,除非在协会框架下和/或经 各方协商同意,诉诸于国内仲裁机构,并确保公正审理、遵守球员与俱乐部地位平等原则; c):d)、e)、f) 。由于本案的争议双方为中国俱乐部和外援,因此带有了国际因素,FlFA 应当有管辖权。且根据其第24条的规定,本案的争议应当由圉际足联争议解决委员会(以 下简称;“FlFA DRC”或者‘‘DRC”)进行裁决。 .但是,FlFA无权处理任何商qk性合同,也不受理形象权商业合同,其管辖
20、权限于球员 工作合同。.因此,在本案中,FlFA只能受理球员工作合同争议,而不受理形象权商业合同 纠纷。 (三)贸仲上海分会的管辖权不具有实际意义 ‘虽然根据《国际足联球员身份和转会规定》第8章22条的规定, FlFA有条件地允许 将球员工作合同争议提交国内仲裁机构。但是,实际上,这样的规定无法适用于中国。主要 原因有二: l、中国国内的仲裁机构与西方国家的仲裁机构,比如美国的仲裁机构,其职能和受案 范围有很大的差异。首先,中国国内仲裁机构,除了劳动争议仲裁外,大多为纯商事仲裁机 构,其受案范围无法涵盖民事以及劳动性质的案件。其次,其作出的裁决也无法包含行政类 的处罚,比如停赛、降级、
21、罚款、警告等。而球员合同争议的裁决中又往往涉及停赛、降级、 罚款、警告等行政类处罚。 2、球员工作合同纠纷实质上仍然属于劳动合同纠纷,而中国的劳动合同纠纷仅由劳动 争议仲裁委员会管辖,对仲裁不服可起诉到法院。国内商事仲裁机构作出的与劳动争议有关 的裁决,在申请执行的时候,可能遭到异议。 因此,虽然根据《国际足联球员身份和转会规定》第22(b)条的规定,FlFA有条件地允 许将球员工作合同争议提交国内仲裁机构,但这一规定无法在中国的司法体制内适用。 (四)无法排除国内劳动争议仲裁机构及法院的管辖权 劳动争议仲裁机构及法院实际上对本案中的劳动合同争议也有管辖
22、权,但是,通过劳动 争议仲裁机构及法院管辖,受损害一方可能得不到充分的赔偿。原因有以下三点: l、球员工作合同纠纷实质上仍然属于劳动合同纠纷,中国的劳动合同纠纷仅由劳动争 议仲裁委员会及法院管辖。仲裁约定无法排除其管辖。 2、虽然FlFA章程第68条第2款和第3款,要求会员协会、注册俱乐部及其成员,应 保证不得将足协内部争议或者与联赛、联赛成员、俱乐部、俱乐部成员、球员、官员以及其 它足协官员有关的争议提交普通法院,除非FlFA规定中有特别规定,并要求各会员协会在 其各自的章程和规定中插入类似条款,但是《国际足联球员身份和转会规定》第8章22条 规定FlFA的管辖权不妨碍任何球员及俱乐部
23、通过民事法庭解决雇佣纠纷寻求赔偿。也就是 说FlFA的争议解决程序可以与国内法院的程序并行。况且,体育单项联合会的规定,不能 挑战国家的司法主权。 3、当俱乐部或球员违约解除合同时,受损害的一方可能无法得到足额的违约金。 根据中国《劳动合同法》对单位违约应支付劳动者的赔偿金的规定"6,假如一名外援与 上海某俱乐部签约3年,其平均月工资为300万人民币,效力1年后,俱乐部违约解除合同。 本案若提交至中围法院,该球员能够得到的最高赔偿金为,433 1元(上海市2011年职工月 平均工资)×3(倍)×1(个月)×2(倍)≈2万6千元。若根据合同剩余价值等因素计算违 约金,该球员可获得的赔偿至少为
24、300万元×12(个月)x2(年)=7200万元。二者相差近 3600倍。 另一方面,我闲《劳动合同法》规定,只有在单位支付了培训费或者有竞业禁止条款时, 才能约定违约金,除此之外用人单位不得与劳动者约定由劳动者承担违约金。还是以上段中 所述的情况为例,若球员违约解除合同,根据合同剩余价值等因素计算违约金,俱乐部可球 员索要至少7200万元的违约金,若提交中国法院,那么当球员违约时,山于中国《劳动合 同法》几乎不支持在合同中约定I_:}1劳动者承担违约金,俱乐部索要违约金将很难得到法院的 支持。 (五)CAS解决体育纠纷最全面 l、本案的形象权商业合同中约定了CAS为纠纷解决机构
25、,这一约定可以排除困内司法 机构及其它一切仲裁机构对本案商业合同的管辖权。根据cAS规则"7第12条关于cAs的 任务的相关规定,cAs管辖与体育相关的纠纷,实践中包含与体育有关的商业合同纠纷。 CAS在审理本案时会考虑体育的特殊性,将更有利于本案得到公正合理地解决。 2、本案中的外籍球员工作合同纠纷也可以约定由CAS进行管辖。虽然如前所述这样的 约定可能无法排除国内劳动争议仲裁委员会及上诉机构,即法院,对劳动争议的管辖。但是 如果双方约定了cAS管辖,cAS可以直接适用普通程序审理该案,并通过FlFA在足球领域 内执行其裁决。 3、本案中的球员工作合同纠纷如果提交FlFA管辖,双方若对
26、FlFA的管辖不服,皆可 以上诉至CAS。根据《国际足联章程》第66条的相关规定,FlFA承认CAS管辖FlFA、其 成员、各洲际足联、各足协、俱乐部、球员、官员、经纪人之间的纠纷。cAS在解决上述 "6具体规定参见《劳动合同法》第46、47、48、87条。 ”7《国际体育仲裁院仲裁及调解规则》,2012年1月版。 249 纠纷时应当优先适用FlFA规则。 综合以上分析,我们可以看出,就本案面言,中国足协实践中通常不处理外援工作合同。 FlFA有权管辖本案的球员工作合同纠纷,但不能管辖形象权商业合同纠纷。实践中,由于 本案
27、的球员工作合同中约定了贸仲上海分会仲裁,FlFA很有可能以此为由而排除自身的管 辖,拒绝受理本案。然而,如上述所析,贸仲上海分会的仲裁不具有实际意义。因此,本案 中的外援工作合同纠纷最好交由FlFA或者cAS裁决。而本案中的形象权商业合同纠纷,已 约定的提交CAS解决是最好的选择。考虑方便审理和效率,统一提交CAS仲裁是最佳选择。 三、球员合同纠纷如何选择管辖权 实践中,被约定为球员合同纠纷管辖机构的国内外争端解决机构有以下几个:(1)中国 足球协会仲裁委员会;(2)国内劳动争议仲裁委员会及国内法院;(3)国内商事仲裁机构, 如中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(ClETAC);(4)国际
28、足联(FJFA);(5)国际体育仲裁院 (CAs)。下面根据笔者的实践经验,通过一个表格来比较一下,各机构管辖球员合同纠纷 的优劣势: 丽毫捌 齑淫鼎 蹄匠融 褂‘《]榷 较世 区-吲 求茛县 鼍蒸墨 器温妥 当肇荽蓬釜 *lo赵b懈 o 釜罢蠢 鋈雾霉 搽妇名羞笛 王回吣蟠蒜 呕捌专..。 平砉菲差荣 鬻理茛S 矗垄蒜骘器 {卷。豁 藿蓦莲譬蔷 圃堪R基 墼 《墨?郑转 莨惑躲Z 震 ÷山寒督《≈辱 暹蚕篓装羚曩 穴_;彝似蠼B 譬琴蔷篓篓薰 言罢 譬墓
29、罕专螫 鼍.≤《Ⅱp廿[J蛮 n。_’一《咕'.’i“l 、 ’r4 囊餐藿豢l。蓑 塞K 等善氓穹& 茎≤ 堡疆篮夏、: 萋善主垂霉薹奁耄主 看盎司留卫磷基《≈ 蘸竺藜霎妻粪量囊嘉 墨烩,裂轻糕# 寒一毂日匿口喂 墼 娶 警卫裂.上HI恒兹 州鼠 卜■ j忙, Fb §餐 。 擎丰 詈 萋霎蓁萋萋萎錾 呕』 魁 <廿 K 爿餐 碳 审七水 程 整 _二‘诀‘ 噼 啼 H .燃 揍只 媒 啦晖< 爨辎搽 扭芷 燧 交接王 S型 献 趔她巾 匡袁 卫望 囊萋囊 啦.. Ⅱ区证
30、皿 《Ⅱ一 忙。
兹咏米 需筻 。叵
登餐蓦 匡 31、, 碰 娟攥睾嗡e
楚蠢蒌垂 篓蒌煮 孓器t .毫
;|薹鬈薹藿 薹豪冀 蜊.始辎.
嚣薏君 长粼星e冰
藜囊鬟藿..禁莲鼍 喇餐阜墨蔽 噼 塞e划爿忙
噼 限茨尊霉梢 嘿
熏 壮彳丑悟 瑟墨因
卿了世芒 熹抖型
蔌菡云需葺 。一日
星“翟心羁 姜莺姜曩
{垣 l
萋 蔓鋈墓饕鎏 委 [艮<坐。
雾 鼙蓁萋喜萋 垂
蓁 霉萋圣薹囊 薹 誊《i蓑罨
蓁 薹薹蓁重蓁 囊 嚣婪耋i萋
宝..蓬g芒幽挺 寨 忖譬?乓
主囊要喜善雪垂运蓑 噼 基签旺(塑
№ 芷书黉爿 鹱
ⅣP 霪选;超 32、K岛矗
史 譬耋 茹
巡 ?廷 囊
媒 摄q丁 基
她 墨 异鲁《 最照
蓁鬟萎妻差薅 篓菽 文 '州 盏鉴:j三生 ‘lq
日 限
萋篓萋冀萎羹 薹蓁 ●● K,
式 鸶坚 。翟
<Ⅱ <Ⅱ
垂蚕摹蓁堑薹 羹{||| 爿 嚣 蒸曼 熹基 谴
蒹譬纛要警譬 再三 蒙 誓 篙≤弗耋主 心■I
龚鼍±鼍髫至 蠢鲞 帐●● 逭 忙器萋恒塞
萋曩囊奏薰霉 茎差 匣 F)
较 寒世型啦匦
之Ⅱ 之Ⅱ
世 佟 接_姜佟廿 世
。. 一齑
坼霎 沓
黼 恒寒 喇
墨柩 蝮
圃壬 面
§』旦卷黎g匡如世H啄篱瓦茸 瓦。姑罨罹星黉妊忙 34、暌,L《匾姆染缸,餐辎咏嚼叫竖兰 聂蹙鐾收.霎墨《墼察聂缸肇S爿妒 。楚、婆缸肇趱静太恹富翁
综合上述案例及表格分析,我们可以得出如下结论, 1、中国足球协会仲裁委员会管辖球员合同的最大缺点就是,仲裁程序不规范,且通常
不管辖外援合同争议。 2、国内劳动争议仲裁机构和国内法院管辖球员合同,除了专业性不强外,存在两个重
2)无法做出行政类处罚,导致对球员的 36、处罚力度不够。
4、国际足联对球员合同的管辖,主要限定在带有国际因素的球员合同,并且国际足联 的管辖不涉及球员与俱乐部间的商业合同。
5、国际体育仲裁院既可以管辖球员与俱乐部之间的工作合同,又可以管辖他们之间的 商jIk合同,针对工作合同的裁决由FlF’A执行,针对商业合同的裁决,根据《纽约公约》在 中国法院申请执行。
四、问题的解决 综上所述,笔者认为,为了更好地保护足球俱乐部及球员的利益,使可能发生的合同纠
针对圈内球员的工作合同,可以约定由中圈足球协会仲裁委员会管辖,适用中国足 37、协相
规则,或者直接约定由_CAs管辖; 针对球员的商业合同(包括其它与体育有关的商业合同),约定由国际体育仲裁院管辖,
若球员与俱乐部之间既有工作合同又有商业合同,且二者密不可分,则两合同争议都约 定由CAS裁决,既方便案件审理,又能提高案件解决的效率。
参考文献: ..
3)《圈 38、际足联章程》,2012年版。
David W.Wu,China
(CAS Arbitrator'Senior Partner/Lawyer of Boss&Young Attorneys at Law)
A la略e amount of 39、player comract disputes occur in football wOrld eVeq year.1n recem years,
with the improvement of the entire environment of Chinese Football League,many football clubs input more funds to buy high leVel foreign players,whjch haVe impIIoVed the leVel of Chjnese football league to a 40、 great extent.Meanwhile,the player contract disputes haVe been upgraded in Chinese Footban League.
During the season of 20¨and 20 1 2,several player contract disputes haVe occullred in Chinese Football League.A great range ofreasons which haVe resulted in disputes:(1)alledged not providing the pkI 41、yer with an appIjop“ate medical treatment;(2)the player leaVing the club without
notice;(3)Non—paymem of sala“es;(4)core players ba唱aining for more sala巧;(5)the player/coach being severely sanctioned by Chinese FootbaIl Association/AFC/FlF|A;(6) consuming pmhibited 2
subStances(Doping);(7)not com 42、plying with a mandato叫clause of the employment contract;(8)
the business contract dispute af琵cting the ful6llment of the work contract 0r the work contract
dispute a艉cting the ful舢ment of the business contl’act.
The nature of player contract is labor contract.1n Ch{na,labor cOntract disputes aure 43、 regulated tO be exclusively govemed by the Arbitration Committee fbr Labor Disputes and hereaRer appealed to the court.The applicable laws are Chinese Laws and Regulations.HoweVer,in footbaJl worId,the player contract disputes are goVemed by the football federation ofthe country concemed,FlFA,or t 44、he Coun of Arbitration in Sport(CAS).The applicable laws are Football Federation Regulations or FlFA Regulations.ConSequently,when player contract disputes occur,hOw to coordinate nationallaws with football world intemal regulations and how tO ch00se the appropriate institute to settle the disputes 45、9re challenging and profound issues both in practice and in theory.
As lawyer ofdomestic clubs and players and arbitrator ofthe Court ofArbitration in Sport(CAS), l havejoined in the pr09ess ofthe settlement ofmany disputes bef研e Chinese Football Association,FlFA and the CAS in recent years.1n this 46、 anicle,1 will summarize my experiences in the process of d9aling with f.ootball player contract disputes and analyZe the corre’ct way to settle djf俺rent sorts of footbalI 3
player contract disputes and the juriSdictjon in order to protect the benefits of clubs and playerS in Chinese Football Leagu 47、e and pronlote the fusion and integration between Chinese Football and Intemational Football ih the legal System.
KEYWoRDS:Chinese Football League,player contract dispute,jurisdiction,FlFA Regulations, CAS
l 6th Floor,‘BEA Finance+Tower,66 Hua Yuan Shi Qiao Road,Pudong District,Shangh 48、ai 200 l 20,
Tel:(86 21)688679666 Fa)(:(86 21)6886·9333
E—ma订 4
MoSt ofthe contract disputes betWeen football players or coaches锄d clubs haVe been resolved Via inner administratiVe methods since the Chinese professionaJ f00tball 1eague was built 1 8 yearS ago.Only a 49、 few cases haVe been submitted and decided by FlFA锄d the CAS,f研instance D皇ian PetkoVic Vs Shan曲ai Shenhua SVA SMEG FC,or Materazzi Vs Tianjin TEDA FC.It can be appreciated in these cases how the ChineSe clubs always lost the cases due to 1ack of knowledge conceming intemalional f-00tball regulation 50、s as wen as dispute resolution pmcedures.Especially,
when disputes can’t be solVed thl.ough adminis”atiVe way,Chinese cIubs have no idea about
、^mich body is proper and has jurisdiction to solVe the case.To my best knowledge of domestic and intemational football regul 51、ations,the CAS code,case law as well as my experience in dealing w“h footbajl cases,】tU to compare tbe domestic and intemational footbalJ bodies with
.jurisdiction in relation to diSputes solution of f.ootball clubs and players in China.These are the bodies which goVem football disputes and which 52、may fall under conflicts ofjurisdiction.1 will analyze them in order to explain the correct choice ofjurisdiction bodies for Chinese内otball clllbs.
1.Case Introduction on Jurisdiction of Disputes 1regarding Player Contract And Commercial Contract
l The intrcHduced case is recomposed to protect t 53、he business secret of the related clubs.5
A Chinese footbalI club concluded a player contract with a foreign pIayer.The contract te姗was 5 years.The iurisdiction clause in the contract stated that:“allthe disputes about the comract shall be referred to Chinese Football AssOciation and even FlFA for 54、se钍lement,provided that the
concemed dispute cannot be settled by negotiation.Jf such dispute can’t be resoived、^一thin sjx months by Chinese Football Association or FlFA,either party is authorized to refer the dispute to the China Intemational Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitrat 55、ion based on its
rules and regulations in Shanghai and applying the law of China.”
Me醐while,both panies concluded a commercial image right contract.The jurisdiction clause of the contract stated that:‘‘all the disputes derived from this ima2e contract shall be referred to the
Coun of Arbitration 56、 for Sports(CAS)in Lausanne,Switzerland.,,
SeVeral months aRer the signing of both c6ntracts,a dispute arose between the panies.The player clajmed thal the cJub had breached the conlract by not fully complying with their疗nancjaJ obbgations and tried to unil毹erally temlinate both the image rights co 57、ntract and the labor contract between the player and the club.1t has to be stated that the non—adaptation to China of such player was an important龟ctor which made the plaver not佗el com向nable in the club and innuenced his decision to te丌_ninate the contract.6
As the outside counsel of the club’l hav 58、e negotiated with the player’s intemationallawyer several times to illustrate our position and to。discuss about eve科deta钉of the case.FinalIy,both of us
concluded that the player would pay a la唱e amount of compensation to the club if he unilaterally
teminated the contract.Based on the abov己consens 59、us,the player waived unilatera“ernlination of the contract which avoided the potential.arbitration.1n case the dispute could not be senled through negotiation,which juris(1icti9n body is competent to this case?ln my opinion,it is one of the mOst notable issues in such case and it is also a common is 60、sue of dispute sohltion between clubs and players in China in the fmure.
11.Analvsis of Jurisdiction of the Case
PurSuant to the aforementioned iurisdiction clause in the player contract,three bodies had competence in this case,including the Chinese Football Association(hereinafkr:CFA),FlFA and Ch 61、ina Intemational Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission(hereinaRer:ClETAC).The
disputes arising f两m the image“ght contract was agreed to be submitted to the Court of Arbitratjon f.or Sport(hereinaner:the CAS).Actually,the image right contmct is an indiVisible pan ofthe whole player contract bet 62、ween the club and the foreign player.7
1.Chinese Football Association’s(CFA)competence based on its regulations
ln accordance with anicle 62.1 ofthe CFA Statutes,the member associations,the clubs and their memberS,sha玎promise not to refer their disputeS against the CFA,the 0ther member aSsociatio 63、ns,
the member clubs and their members to the ordinaU coun and shall only seek redress before the arbitration commission under the CFA.According to the anicle 5.2 ofthe rule ofthe CFA arbjtration commission,the competence of the CFA arbitration commission includes the disputes relat 64、ing to registration,,eligibility,player comfact,agent contract,between the member associations,the football clubs,the football playerS,coaches,agents which belong t0 management of such induStry.Consequently,the CFA has jurisdiction on player contract disputes including
foreign and domesti 65、c player con砸ct disputes purSuant to the literal meaning of the regulations
abovementioned.HoweVer,in practice,the foreign player contract disputes are usually goVemed
by FlFA orthe CAS.
2.F】FA’s competence based on“s regulations
ln accordance wim anicle 22 of Fl FA Regulations on the Status And 66、 Transfer of PlayerS,without
prejudice to the rigbt of any player or club to seek redress before a ciVil court for
employment—related disputes,FlFA is competent to hear employment—related dispmes be似een a
cluband a 8
player of an jntemational dimension,unless an jndependent a而itration tribunal guaranteeing fair proceedings and respecting the principle of equal represemation of players and clubs has been eStablished at nationalleVel within the fhmework ofthe association and/or a coIlectiVe b
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