七年级英语下:Unit 6 Finding the Way lesson 1重难点讲解教科版

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《七年级英语下:Unit 6 Finding the Way lesson 1重难点讲解教科版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语下:Unit 6 Finding the Way lesson 1重难点讲解教科版(4页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 Unit 6 Finding the Way 一. 教学内容: Unit 6 Finding the Way   二. 重点、难点:     Words, Phrases & Sentences   三. 详细内容 Lesson 1 (一)大声读单词 1. map      n. 地图 2. gallery    n. 画廊 3. national   adj. 国家的,民族的,国立的 4. corner     n. 角落,拐角 5. straight    adv. 直接地,一

2、直地 6. block      n. 街区 7. museum    n. 博物馆 8. appreciate   v. 感激,赏识 9. mention     v. 提及,说起   (二)重点词汇 1. map      要点: n. 地图, 图    In the library there are maps of towns, countries, and the world. 图书馆里有城市、国家和世界地图。 The old man’s face is a map of time. 那老人的脸就是岁月的写照。 The place is not foun

3、d on the map. 地图上找不到这个地方。 2. gallery    要点: n. (1) a long enclosed passage, such as a hallway or corridor. 走廊,长廊:长的封闭过道,例如走廊或回廊, (2) a building, an institution, or a room for the exhibition of artistic work. 展览馆,画廊:展览艺术品专用的建筑物、机构或房间 a picture gallery 图片陈列室  a shooting gallery 室内靶场  the d

4、istinguished guest’s gallery 贵宾席 the press gallery 记者席     the public gallery 旁听席 3. national   要点: adj. (1) of, relating to, or belonging to a nation as an organized whole: 全国性的:作为一个组织的整个属于或关于某一个国家的: a national anthem.  国歌  The national emblem of England is a rose. 英国的国徽是玫瑰花。 national p

5、ark 国家公园 (2) of or relating to nationality: 民族的;属于或关于民族的: their national origin. 他们的民族起源 national costume 民族服装 4. corner     要点: n. (1) the position at which two lines, surfaces, or edges meet and form an angle:     角:两条线、面或边会聚并形成一个角度的地方:     the four corners of a rectangle. 长方形的四个角 (2)

6、the area enclosed or bounded by an angle formed in this manner:     角落:以这种方式形成的角度所包围或限制的地方:     The table stood in the corner of the room. 桌子在房间的角上。 (3) the place where two roads or streets join or intersect.     街角:两条路或街相连的地方 to stand at a corner of the street  站在街道拐角处 stand at a street corne

7、r 站在街道拐角处 dark corner 偏僻的地方 v. 把……难住;使走投无路 The dog cornered the rat. 狗把老鼠逼到一个角落。 The police finally cornered the thief.警察最终将小偷逼得走投无路。 5. straight   要点: adv. 直线地;直接地,一直地     The car went straight down the road. 小汽车一直开过这条路。 That painting’s not hanging straight; it’s cockeyed. “那幅油画没挂正,挂歪了。

8、” He went straight to his friend to ask for help. 他直接到朋友那儿请求帮助。 adj. (1) extending continuously in the same direction without curving: 笔直的:在同一方向上无弯曲连续延伸的: a straight line. 笔直的线, This road is straight. 这条路很直。 (2) having no waves or bends: 直而不卷的;没有卷曲或弯曲的: straight hair. 直发 I don’t like my ha

9、ir straight so I’m having it curled. “我不喜欢直头发,所以要去烫发。” (3) direct and candid: 直率的;坦率的: a straight answer. 直率的回答 (4)直接的;连续的 eight straight days of rain 一连下了八天雨 6. block       要点: n. (1) a solid piece of wood or stone or other hard substance. 硬块:如,木块,石块,或其他坚硬物质的一块 a block of wood 一块木头  

10、building block 积木   a butcher’s block 砧板 There was a block in the pipe and the water couldn’t flow away. 水管里有块东西塞住了, 水流不出。 (2)a compact mass of buildings bounded by streets 街区: 沿街两边的建筑群     I live two blocks from the school. 我住在离学校两个路口的地方。     an office block  办公大楼  Turn left after 2 blocks. 

11、 走过两个街区后往左拐。 v. to obstruct, to prevent the movement or use of 阻止     The police have blocked the road. 警察已经封锁了道路。 My nose is all blocked up and I can hardly breathe. 我鼻子塞了,气都透不过来。 7. museum       要点: n. 博物馆 the Palace Museum in Beijing 北京故宫博物院   children’s museum 儿童博物馆 8. appreciate  要点:

12、 v. (1) to admire greatly; value. 欣赏;重视 Do you appreciate good wine? 你会鉴赏好酒吗? I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. 我认为小孩对现代图画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力。 We all appreciate the holiday after a year of hard work. 经过一年的辛苦工作之后, 我们都十分珍惜这个假期。 (2) to be thankful or

13、show gratitude for: 感谢,感激:感谢或对……表示感激: I really appreciate your help. 我真的很感激你的帮助。 (3) to be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize: 意识到,察觉:对……的充分意识或领会;察觉: We appreciate the danger ahead. 我们意识到危险临头。 9. mention     要点: v. to refer to, especially incidentally. 提及,尤指偶然性地 I hope you didn’t mention my name to her.  我希望你没有向她提到我的名字。 He mentioned a useful book. 他说出一本有用的书的名字。 The teacher mentioned a few valuable reference books. 老师提出了几种有价值的参考书。  

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