c语言课程设计 职工信息管理系统

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《c语言课程设计 职工信息管理系统》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《c语言课程设计 职工信息管理系统(8页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、C语言课程设计 1. 设计题目:职工信息管理系统 2. 系统功能简介: 系统以菜单方式工作 1) 职工信息录入(文件保存职工信息) 2) 输出职工信息、浏览职工信息 3) 查询职工信息 4) 根据员工号查找职工信息 5) 根据工资、年龄、性别对职工信息进行排序 6) 删除职工信息 3. 设计实施: #include #include #include typedef struct Empk { int EmpNum; /* staff number */ char EmpName[12]; /*

2、name*/ int Sex; /*sex 1- woman 2- man*/ int Old; /* old*/ int Cult; /*education background 1-specilist 2-doctor 3-others*/ int Salary; /*salary*/ char Address[12]; /* address*/ int Tell; /*telephone number*/ }Emp; Emp emp[100]; void open() { int i; FILE *fp; if((fp=fopen(〃wyl〃,〃

3、rb+〃))==NULL) {printf("can not do it! Because of no file of information、/); exit(0);} for(i=0;i<100;i++) {if(fread(&emp[i],sizeof(Emp),1,fp)==0) {printf("Fail to output\n〃); exit(0);} } fclose(fp); } void close() /* 跳出 */ { int i; FILE *fp; if((fp=fopen(〃wyl〃,〃wr+〃))==NULL) {printf("c

4、an not do it!\n〃); exit(0);} for(i=0;i<100;i++) fwrite(&emp[i],sizeof(Emp),1,fp); fclose(fp); } void inputEmpInfo() /*输入信息 */ { int i,k; for(i=0;i<100;i++) { printf("Please enter the staff's :\nnumber:〃); scanf(〃%d〃,&emp[i].EmpNum); printf(〃\nname:〃); scanf(〃%s〃,emp[i].EmpName); print

5、f("\nsex : 1- woman 2- man:"); scanf(〃%d〃,&emp[i].Sex); printf("\nold:"); scanf(〃%d〃,&emp[i].Old); printf("\nEducation background:1-specialist 2-doctor 3-others"); scanf(〃%d〃,&emp[i].Cult); printf("\nsalary:"); scanf(〃%d〃,&emp[i].Salary); printf("\naddress:"); scanf("%s",emp[i].Address); p

6、rintf(〃\ntellphone:〃); scanf(〃%d〃,&emp[i].Tell); printf("continue?(1.yes 2.no)〃); scanf(〃%d〃,&k); if(k==2) break; } close(); } void reorder() /* 修改 */ { int i,s,j,k,l; Emp temp; open(); printf("\nChoose which category would you want to use\n1 sex \n2 salary(from maximum to minimum) \n3—ol

7、d (from maximum to minimum) \n ( enter the corresponding nember) \n)〃); scanf(〃%d〃,&i); switch(i) { case 1: printf("\nchoose which sex do you want to inquire? 1—woman 2 —man "); scanf(〃%d〃,&s); for(j=0;emp[j].EmpNum!=0;j++) { if(emp[j].Sex==s) { printf(" number:%d\n〃,emp[j].EmpNum); print

8、f(〃name:%s〃, emp[j].EmpName); printf("\nsex 1- woman 2- man:%d", emp[j].Sex); printf(〃\nold:%d〃, emp[j].Old); printf("\neducation background:%d\t\t\t 1-specialist 2-doctor 3-others 〃,emp[j].Cult); printf(〃\nsalary:%d〃, emp[j].Salary); printf(〃\naddress:%s〃, emp[j].Address); printf("\ntelephone

9、 nember :%d", emp[j].Tell); } } break; case 2: for(k=0;emp[k].EmpNum!=0;j++ ) { for(l=k;emp[l].EmpNum!=0;l++) if(emp[l].Salary

10、- man:%d〃,emp[k].Sex); printf(〃\nold:%d〃,emp[k].Old); printf("\neducation background:%d\t\t\t 1-specialist 2-doctor 〃,emp[k].Cult); printf(〃\nsalary:%d〃,emp[k].Salary); printf(〃\nadress:%s〃,emp[k].Address); printf("\ntelephone nember :%d〃,emp[k].Tell); } break; case 3: for(k=0;emp[k].EmpNum

11、!=0;j++ ) { for(l=k;emp[l].EmpNum!=0;l++) { if(emp[l].Old

12、background:%d\t\t\t 1-specialist 3-others〃,emp[k].Cult); printf(〃\nsalary:%d〃,emp[k].Salary); printf(〃\naddress:%s〃,emp[k].Address); printf("\ntelephone nember :%d",emp[k].Tell); } break; } } void show() { int j; open(); printf("\n informations 3-others 2-doctor of sraffs \n〃); for

13、(j=0;emp[j].EmpNum!=0;j++) { printf(〃number:%d\n〃,emp[j].EmpNum); printf(〃name:%s〃,emp[j].EmpName); printf("\nsex 1- woman 2- man:%d〃,emp[j].Sex); printf(〃\nold:%d〃,emp[j].Old); printf("\neducation background:%d 1-specialist 2-doctor 3-others 〃,emp[j].Cult); printf(〃\nsalary:%d〃,emp[j].Salar

14、y); printf(〃\nadress:%s〃,emp[j].Address); printf("\ntelephone nember :%d",emp[j].Tell); } } void deleteEmp() { int j,k,m=1,d,i=0; open(); printf("Enter the number whose date you want to delete:\n〃); scanf(〃%d〃,&d); for(j=0;emp[j].EmpNum!=0;j++) { if(emp[j].EmpNum==d) { for(k=j;emp[j].

15、EmpNum!=0;k++) emp[k]=emp[k+1]; i++; } } if(i==0) printf("The staffs informations manage systerm has no date of the number your entered!!!\n〃); close(); printf("succeeed to delete\n〃); } void findByEmpName() /* 查询 */ { int j,i,k=0; open(); printf("Please enter the number :\n〃); scanf(〃%d

16、〃,&i); for(j=0;emp[j].EmpNum!=0;j++) {if(emp[j].EmpNum==i) { printf("\n information of your want \n〃); printf(〃number:%d\n〃,emp[j].EmpNum); printf(〃name:%s〃,emp[j].EmpName); printf("\nsex 1- woman 2- man:%d〃,emp[j].Sex); printf(〃\nold:%d〃,emp[j].Old); printf("\neducation background:%d\t\t

17、\t\t 1-specialist 2-doctor 3-others 〃,emp[j].Cult); printf(〃\nsalary:%d〃,emp[j].Salary); printf(〃\nadress:%s〃,emp[j].Address); printf("\ntelephone number:%d〃,emp[j].Tell); k++; } } if(k==0) printf("\nHave no date of the number!!!\n〃); } void menu() { printf("\n \n〃); printf("\n Wellc

18、ome to the staff manage styterm \n〃); printf("\n \n〃); printf("Please choose number for what are you want to do:\n\n〃); printf("\n 1 input: Complete inputing workers' information."); printf("\n 2 reorder: Make the new order of the information."); printf("\n 3 delete: Delete the inform

19、ation of the staff."); printf("\n 4 output: Display all worker of information."); printf("\n 5 inquire."); printf("\n 0 exit\n"); } void main() { int op,choice=1; while(choice==1) { menu(); printf("\nPlease enter your order:\n"); scanf("%d",&op); switch(op) {case 1: inputEmpInfo();b

20、reak; case 2: reorder();break; case 3: deleteEmp();break; case 4: show();break; case 5: findByEmpName();break; case 0: {printf("Welcome to use worker management system, goodbye!!!"); exit(0);} getchar();} printf("\n \n"); printf("\nWhether continue? Yes-1 No—2\n"); scanf("%d”,choice); } }

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