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1、2019/6/7,1,IPv6技术讲座,滕小玲 北京大学计算中心,2019/6/7,2,主要内容,为什么使用IPv6 IPv6主要特性 IPv6报头 IPv6地址 IPv6的发展历程,2019/6/7,3,为什么使用IPv6,The Case for IPv6 IPv4所面临的问题 IPv4的地址严重匮乏 路由表急剧膨胀 网络安全 暂时的解决方法 NAT CIDR,2019/6/7,4,IPv6主要特性,Larger Address Space 128位 Aggregation-based address hierarchy Efficient backbone routing Efficie

2、nt and Extensible IP datagram No fragmentation by routers 64 bits field alignement Simpler basic header Autoconfiguration Security IP Renumbering part of the protocol,2019/6/7,5,IPv6报头,2019/6/7,6,IPv6报头,Version(4bits) 6 for IPv6 Traffic Class(8 bits) TOS in IPv4 identify classes and priorities(diffs

3、erv) Flow Label(20 bits) PayloadLength( 16 bits) Next Header(8bits) Extensible header structure Hop Limit (8 bits) TTL in IPv4,2019/6/7,7,IPv6地址类型,RFC2373 可聚集全球地址( Aggregateable Global Unicast Addresses) 001 1/8 total space 链路本地地址(Link-Local Unicast Addresses) 1111111010 1/1024 total space 节点本地地址(Si

4、te-Local Unicast Addresses) 1111111011 1/1024 total space 多点传送地址( Multicast Addresses) 11111111 1/256 total space,2019/6/7,8,IPv6地址,Unicast addresses Link-Local FE80:/10 automatically configured with interface id used for neighbor and router discovery Aggregateable Global 2000:/3,2019/6/7,9,IPv6地址,M

5、ulticast Addresses RFC2375 IPv6 Multicast Address Assignment FF00:/8 FFfs:/16 f: flag 0: permanent; 1: not permanent s: scope 1: node 2: link 5: site 8: organization E: global FF02:1 all nodes on the local network FF02:2 all routers on the local network,2019/6/7,10,IPv6地址,Anycast Addresses RFC2526 R

6、eserved IPv6 Subnet Anycast Addresses Advantages of anycast routing optimization server load Anycast address style,2019/6/7,11,IPv6地址表示,Format is x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x x is a 16 bit hexadecimal field FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210 Leading zeros in a field are optional : can be used to represent m

7、ultiple groups of 16 bits of zero : can only be used once in an address FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101 = FF01:101 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 = :1 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 = :,2019/6/7,12,IPv6地址表示,Loopback Addresses :1 Like in IPv4 Automatic IPv6 Over IPv4 Tunnel : IPv4 Compatible Addresses :FFFF: for IPv4-only nodes,20

8、19/6/7,13,IPv6地址表示,RFC2732: Preferred Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URL http:/1080:8:800:200C:417A:80/index.html,2019/6/7,14,IPv6地址,Required Node Addresses Its Link-Local Address for each interface Assigned Unicast Addresses Loopback Address All-Nodes Multicast Addresses Solicited-Node Multic

9、ast Address for each of its assigned unicast and anycast addresses Multicast Addresses of all other groups to which the host belongs.,2019/6/7,15,IPv6地址,Required Router Addresses All the required node addresses The Subnet-Router anycast addresses for the interfaces it is configured to act as a route

10、r on. All other Anycast addresses with which the router has been configured. All-Routers Multicast Addresses,2019/6/7,16,IPv6的发展历程,6BONE IPv6地址分配 CERNET IPv6实验床 北京大学IPv6实验床,2019/6/7,17,6BONE,国际IPv6实验床,不是实用的网络。 通过 tunnels 和一些纯IPv6链接(mostly IPv6 over ATM) 技术文档RFC2471 IPv6 Testing Address Allocation 3F

11、FE:/16 6bone TLA RFC2546 6bone routing policies 6Bone registry http:/ IANA(Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) 1999年12月,IANA开始通过分配正式的IPv6地址200:/13 欧洲的RIPE-NCC 亚太平洋地区的APNIC CERNIC 地址范围为2001:250:/35,2019/6/7,19,CERNET IPv6 Testbed,背景 1998年6月加入6BONE 同年11月成为其骨干成员 1999年,CERNET在国内教育网范围内组建了IPv6试验床 目标 研究同下

12、一代互联网有关的网络技术 开发新型网络应用 示范上述技术和应用,推动国内IPv4向IPv6的过度,2019/6/7,20,Addressing,2019/6/7,21,Addressing,2019/6/7,22,CERNET IPv6 Testbed,Contact Information: Technical Staff General Mail List URL http:/ 加入试验床的邮件列表 M 组建IPv6网络 规划网络地址和拓扑 申请地址空间和接入点 配置主机和路由节点 申请域名,2019/6/7,24,北京大学IPv6实验床,2000年4月开始 Nokia路由器和FreeBSD系统 IPv6 over IPv4 测试路由和DNS 移植tcp_wrappers,2019/6/7,25,IPv6实验床结构,2019/6/7,26,IPv4到IPv6网络应用的迁移,SUN Scrubber IPv6 Socket API RFC2133,RFC2292,RFC2553 已有的IPv6网络应用: BIND SENDMAIL APACHE TCPDUMP NEWS,2019/6/7,27,相关站点资源,http:/www.ipv6.org http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/,2019/6/7,28,

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