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1、Digital worlds: designing games, creating alternative realities 数字世界:游戏设计,创造另一种现实 概要 从计算机的早期运用开始,电脑游戏已经在引导我们探索与数字媒体互动的方式。在这十周的在线课程里,你将会了解如何设计、制造、销售和应用电脑游戏和互动的数码体验。通过设计、制造、分享并回顾你自己的游戏,你将学习通常如何从简单的砌块而构建起一个复杂的游戏。你同样将看到电脑游戏周围社区的演变,怎样促进了从休闲单人游戏延伸到互动在线娱乐和“严肃的”教育游戏的一种国际制造业。 课程内容 这门课是十周的短期课程,每周学习时间大概

2、十小时。课程提供了对电脑游戏设计以及它们与互动媒体和拟真虚拟世界的发展关联的总体介绍。每周提供学习、实践、上网和反馈的一个创意组合。课程期间,你将会学习电脑游戏设计和互动媒体的各种问题,从关键的技术概念,到可视化、描述的设计方法,以及为什么游戏好玩且具有如此吸引力。 通过一系列的实践活动,从认识游戏和互动的虚拟环境,到设计并定制你自己可玩的电脑游戏,每周都将提升你对互动媒体的理解和鉴赏力。 你将有机会同课程小组其它成员分享你的工作成果,如果你是以期终评定为目标,例如你可能需要提交一份自己设计的游戏的知情审查报告。 通过分享商业产品的审查报告,同时对你自身的工作和其他课程成员的工作进行反思

3、,将稳步提高你对游戏开发和设计实践的认识。 你还有机会去探索多种互动的社会媒体,并看到这个迅速发展的创新技术领域背后更广泛的社会、经济和伦理背景。 课程将给你带来: · 使你能够识别不同的游戏类型和互动模式,并鉴别影响用户参与和体验质量的因素 · 教会你生产、分配和消费互动信息和娱乐产品的办法 · 教你使用GameMakerPro(PC第7版)来进行电脑游戏设计的引导性原则和主要方法 · 教你在技术和艺术的持续改进精神下,怎样批判性地反思和评价你自己和别人的工作 · 帮助你接触网上互动媒体,并探讨当代人机交互界面提供的范围 · 告诉你如何在作为支持在线社区一部分的互动媒体原则下

4、进行试验 软件 课程中使用的游戏制作软件是GameMaker Pro (version 7 for PC),在课程网站上提供。GameMaker 使用键盘导航相当容易获取,在可聚焦元件与GameMaker界面之间的导航是可能的,同时JAWS能够类似地宣读可聚焦原件。 学习内容 课程将全方位介绍互动媒体设计的相关内容, 包括: · 游戏设计中的关键要素 · 互动环境的基本产生方式 · 数字化生产流程和产品生命周期的管理 · 2D游戏开发环境的使用 · 3D虚拟环境的导航 · 社区角色和在线社会环境的演变 · 在线互动中身份的性质 · 怎样将同行审查作为迭代设计周期的一

5、部分 入门 Level 1 课程提供了更高层次教育和远程学习所需的核心的学科知识和学习技巧。If you have any doubt about the suitability of the course, please contact our Student Registration & Enquiry Service. 准备工作 需要安装软件并获得ISP(最好是宽带连接)账户,需要管理电脑文档和使用基本软件的能力,如文字处理和网页浏览。 Although you don’t need to have had much experience with a computer, yo

6、u’ll need to install software and get an account – ideally broadband – with an internet service provider (ISP) before the course begins. You also need to be able to manage your computer files competently and use basic software such as a word processor and web browser. If you don’t feel comfortable a

7、bout doing that on your own, you might want to take a basic introductory course at a local college before you start the course. 条件 这门课程能够计入我们学士水平的多数学位,有助于你成为一名理学士。 This course can count towards most of our degrees at bachelors level, where it can help to weight your degree towards a BSc. We advis

8、e you to refer to the relevant qualification descriptions for information on the circumstances in which this course can count towards these qualifications because from time to time the structure and requirements may change. 如果你有障碍或是附加需求 The course is delivered entirely online (with no printed mate

9、rials) through a web-browser and will require extensive use of the internet. The practical game design element of the course uses a commercially available software package (GameMaker) that employs a visual (drag and drop) programming editor. If you use special hardware or software you should find ou

10、t from the course manager whether it will work with the course software well before the course begins. Written transcripts of any audio components required for the course will be available on the course website.  Our Services for disabled students website has the latest information about availabilit

11、y. If you are a new student, or new to courses using a computer or the internet, you will need to inform us of your particular needs as soon as possible, as some of our support services may take several weeks to arrange. Details of how to do this and our range of support services are described in o

12、ur booklet Meeting Your Needs which you can download or request from our Student Registration & Enquiry Service. You can also find information about accessible course materials, financial support and the Disabled Students' Allowance, equipment and other services, on our Services for disabled studen

13、ts website. It also includes our contact details for advice and support both before you register and while you are studying. 教材 包含内容 Game Maker Pro (version 7 for PC); 课程网站和在线论坛。 你的额外支出 多数时间用于网上学习,会产生上网的花费 You are likely to be spending most of your time studying online. This may mean extra cha

14、rges to your telephone bill, unless you have a package that provides unlimited access to the internet. 计算机运作要求 课程包括在线的计算机活动,要使用能播放Flash和Shockwave的网页浏览器。 需要Internet接口和计算机,Windows 2002及之后的版本都符合课程计算的需求。 This course includes online computer activities – you can access these using a web browser that

15、can play Flash and Shockwave. Some of your course software will be provided on disk. You will need internet access and a computer. If you have purchased a new Windows computer since 2002 it should meet your course computing requirements. Check our Technical Requirements section if your computer is

16、older than this or is otherwise unusual. Please note that you can use an Apple Mac or Linux computer if you can run Windows using Boot Camp or similar. 教学和评价 学习支持 这门课完全是网上教授,不会配备个人的指导教师。强烈推荐你参与在线的学生自助论坛,这是很好的支持和信息来源。 如果在你注册之前想知道关于OU学习的更多内容,可以联系“学生注册和问询服务处”。 The course is taught entirely online

17、and you will not have an individual tutor. You will have access to online student self-help forums that you are strongly encouraged to participate in, as they are an excellent source of support and information. Contact our Student Registration & Enquiry Service if you want to know more about study

18、with The Open University before you register. 评价 必须使用在线eTMA系统提交你的期终评定。 The assessment details for this course can be found in the facts box above. You must use the online eTMA system to submit your end-of-course assessment (ECA). 相关课程 学这门课的学生同时还学习: · 数据,计算和信息 · Data, computing and informati

19、on (M150) · 设计网页 · Design and the Web (T183) · 数字摄影:创造和分享更好的影像 · Digital photography: creating and sharing better images (T189) · 机器人技术和生命的意义:看待思考事务的导论 · Robotics & the meaning of life: a practical guide to things that think (T184) · 网络生活:探索信息和通信技术 · Networked living: exploring information and communication technologies (T175) 这里给出的详细资料适用于2009年5月和10月开设的课程,我们期望一年有两次开课机会。

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