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1、本科生毕业设计(论文)翻译 英文原文名 Programmable Controller Designed for Electro-pneumatic Systems 中文译名 应用于电气系统的可编程序控制器 学 院 专业班级 学生姓名 学生学号 指导教师 填写日期

2、 英文原文版出处: Programmable Controller Designe for Electro-poeumatic Systems 译文成绩: 指导教师(导师组长)签名: 译文: 应用于电气系统的可编程序控制器 摘要 此项目主要是研究电气系统以及简单有效的控制气流发动机的程序和气流系统的状态。它的实践基础包括基于气流的专有控制器、自动化设计、气流系统的控制

3、程序和基于微控制器的电子设计。 1.简介 使用电气技术的自动化系统主要由三个组成部分:发动机或马达,感应器或按钮,状如花瓣的控制零部件。现在,大部分的系统逻辑操作的控制器都被程序逻辑控制器(PLC)所取代。PLC的感应器和开关是输入端,而发动机的直接控制阀是输出端,其中有一个内部程序操控所有运行必需的逻辑,模拟其他的装置如计算器、定时器等,对整个系统的运行状态进行控制。 因为可以根据需要无数次创建和模拟这样的系统,所以皆由PLC的使用,此项目有灵活的优点。因此,可以节省时间,减少失误的危险,同时在使用相同材料的情况下,它可以更加精密。 市场上的许多家公司都使用了常规的PLC,它不仅可以

4、用气流系统来控制,还可以用各种电气设备。PLC 的用途广泛,可以应用于许多工业生产中,甚至用于建筑物的安全和自动化系统中。 由于以上的各种特性,在一些实际应用中PLC提供了很多的资源,甚至包括不控制系统的资源,电气系统就是一种这样的应用。对于自动化的工程,PLC的使用是比较昂贵的,尤其是对那些小型的系统。 针对这种情况可行的一种办法是创建一个可提供特定尺寸和功能的控制器。这种控制器可以根据微控制器来制作。 这种基于微控制器的适用范围比较小,只能用于一个类型的机器或者可以用做一个像普通PLC一样可以被编程的控制器,那样它就可以通过可变化的逻辑程序来进行各种作业。所有的这些特性根据具体需要的

5、不同而不同,具体的设计者的经验的不同而不同。但是这种设计的主要优点在于设计人员非常了解自己的控制器,可以自由掌握控制器的大小尺寸,改变它的功能。这就意味着此项目有更多的独特性,但同时系统的控制也由它的设计者所控制。 2.电气系统 人们可以从一个自动化系统中找到三个上文中提到的基本部件,外加一个控制系统的逻辑线路。只有成熟先进的技术能做出特定的逻辑线路和执行正确操作所需要的部件升级。 对于一个简单的运动,系统自动程序可以完成,但是对于间接或更加复杂的运动,系统的程序就会产生复杂的线路和错误的信号。这是就需要另一种方法可以节省时间,产生清晰线路,能够防止偶然的信号交叠和线路堵塞。 这种方式

6、的不同标准的线路基法叫循序渐进式或规则系统,它对气流和电气系统非常有效,而且也是此项目的一个基础。它包括根据发动机状态各个不同变化所设基础上的系统。 第一步是为每个步骤设计那些种标准的线路。第二步是连接接收来自感应器,开关和先前的运动信号,同时把空气或电传送给每个步骤的补给线。如图中所示, 1 和 2 标准线路是为气流的和电气系统服务.我们能够很清楚的看到每一步骤和下一个步骤之间的联系。 3.控制器内部的应用原理 上述方法可以使发动机的每一个运动都被很好地用步骤来定义。这也就是说发动机的每一次运动变化都是系统的一个新的状态,而两个不同状态之间的转变叫做步骤。 先前提到的标准线路可以

7、帮助设计人员定义系统的不同状态和不同步骤的变化所带来的不同环境。在设计的最后阶段,系统中会有一个从来不变化的序列和明确的输入和输出端。我们把一个序列从输入端输入,经过转换后,由输出端输出。 这些步骤的所有过程都是在微控制器内部进行的,并且以同样的方式在运行着。部件的序列在控制器里被 5个位元组规划;每个部分都有程序的一个步骤结构。输入端有二个位元组,输出端有一个,其他结构部分和附加功能步骤有两个。在编程之后,部件序列被内部微控制器的记忆所储藏,因此,他们是可读的而且可以运行。 不同于传统的PLC,这种控制器的工作目的是成为特定领域设计的多用控制器。传统的 PLC 的系统运行程序是一个循环的

8、线路:输入一个图像,运行所有的内部程序, 然后升级输出的状态。这一个控制器以不同的方式工作,它读取步骤的结构,等待输入,然后升级或输出,然后直接跳跃到下一个步骤,开始另一次的程序运行。 它也有局限性,例如这种控制器有时会不执行指令,在同一程序指令下,会出现某一个运行的反复等等,但是这一个问题可以通过外部的逻辑运行解决。另外,这中控制器在没有序列的系统上不能够被应用。这些局限性也是这个系统的特性,这种系统的每一个应用都必须要有相应的系统分析。 4.控制器的特色 这种控制器以微集成电路微控制器 PIC16F877 为基础,它拥有全部此次项目所需要的资源。它有足够的插孔,线路连续通讯 EEPR

9、OM 记忆解救系统的所有结构和步骤的序列。它提供了项目所需要的所有的运行,例如定时器和分岔等。 我们做出了控制器的资源目录,想尽可能的使它变的完善。在步骤的运行过程中,程序自动选择如何读取每一步骤的结构。这个操作有两个位元组位于电子输入处。一个位元组位于输出端,还有一个被用作内部定时器,类似输入或暂停功能。EEPROM 记忆内部是 256 位元组,可以储藏所有步骤的运行,即可以储藏 48个步骤之间的所有运行。 除了一个互动菜单外,这种控制器还有一个控制台和一些指令按钮,他们一起控制各个步骤的运行和连续性,也控制其他的一些装置。 4.1交互作用 在实际运行操作中,控制器需要有一些辅助设备

10、帮助它和使用者进行互动,可以提供可靠的操作监控,同时对气流系统进行逻辑控制。 交互工作模式:在主要的程序中,使用者可以根据指导发出信号来进行具体步骤的操作 LCD 平台可以显示系统工作的状态,衡量输入,输出,计时器和运行的数据等。 嘀嘀声用来提示重要警示,停止,开始和一些紧急情况的发生亮灯表示接通电源,和输入,输出状态。 4.2 安全性 如果想正常运行程序,必须保证每一个步骤都正确的执行。更重要的是,应该有预防运行故障和问题的解决方法。控制器提供了这种可能性,通过使用两个内部虚拟线路同时运行。他们可以重新启动程序,随时恢复到程序的原有状态。有两个输入端共同工作可以快速的运行这

11、些功能。 4.3 接口 程序运行序列可以用控制器的接口来编程。一台计算机的接口也可以用来升级使用程序。使用者能利用接口配置一连串定义序列的步骤位元组。但是也可以设计一个程序,利用可视资源为使用者翻译所需要的信息。 但是,如果想联结电脑接口和控制器,至少应该有一个仪器来保证数据的可靠性。 4.4. 固件 主要的线环是通过读取EEPROM 记忆中的每一资讯步骤进行工作。 在每个步骤中,系统的状态被储存,同时它也在显示器上被显示。根据使用者的构造,它能利用分流或暂停应付紧急线路情况来保证系统安全。 5. 电气系统例子 这种系统不只是适应于特定的机器。它由四个主动器组成。 主动器

12、A , B 和 C 是两倍的,只有 D是单倍的。第一步,主动器A 开始运行,并保持在一个特定的位置一直到一个循环的结束,如图 5 所示它可以确定某一对象的下一运动。第二步,当A 完成了它的工作后,主动器 C 连同 B 一起开始尽可能多的产生电流圈,并受 B 的运行速度的限制,而 B 速度由一个流动的控制活瓣管理。B 和 C 是一起工作的主动器的例子,当 B 慢慢地推动一个物体的时候, C 有时则重复它的工作。 第三步,当 B 到达最后的位置时候, C 停止立刻它的循环运动并且回到开始的位置。利用回旋的电流工作的主动器 D 连同 返回来的C一起工作。第四步,主动器 D 快速往返来回运动一

13、次。D 可以充当一个工具,在物体上的表面上打洞。当 D 返回开始的位置时候, A和 B 也同时返回,这是第五个步骤。 图 6 显示了程序设计的第一部分。我们把每个步骤的所有运行统称为 . (A+) 表示主动器 A 向前推动,而 (A-) 表示返回到开始的位置。 同时发生的运动在相同的步骤中被一起叠加。这个系统共有有五个步骤。 图 5 和 6 所表现的系统运行清楚的描述了所有序列。 利用他们我们可以用必需的逻辑语言设计整个的控制线路。但是现在还它还不是一个完整的系统,因为它还缺少一些辅助设施,(图中没有显示)。 对于程序的最后运行,这些辅助设施十分的重要,因为他们能使线路有更

14、多的功能。 他们中最重要的是连接在每一步骤中的平行线路。那一个线路能够随时停止序列而且将主动器的状态换成一个特定的位置。它可以重起系统或是应付紧急情况。图7 和 8 显示的是在没有使用控制器的情况下会发生的一些结果。 这些照片是控制线路的电图表,包括感应器,控制键和电的活瓣卷。 另外的一些辅助设施也包括在这个系统中,比如自动机械/ 手动调控器,他们可以使系统不断的循环工作;两个开始控制键,他们能让操作员手动控制系统的开始和停止,这样就减少了发生意外事件的危险。 6. 使用者变更例子规划 气流线圈在前面已经详细说明过:它可以让我们了解到控制一个系统所需要的条件,那就是在系统的实际

15、运行中必须提供所有的功能设施。但是,如前面提到的那样,使用一个 PLC 或特定的控制器 , 这种控制就变得比较容易的,而且系统的精密性也会提高。 使用传统的 PLC的,如图7,8所示,在绘制接口处的电图表时,要注意线路的逻辑。使用这种可编程的控制器,使用者必须知道运行方法的观念并且规划每个步骤的结构。 那就是说,使用传统的 PLC ,使用者清楚各个操作之间的关系。一般情况下,使用者可以在接口上运行一个模拟程序寻找逻辑上的错误同之前所述的一样,新的编程允许每一步骤的结构被分割。 序列独自被定义,但每一步骤只被输入和输出端描述。 7. 结论 这种控制器是专门为这一项目所设计的。显示了

16、一个以微控制器为基础的非常有用的可编程的控制器。它不需要为了获取微控制器里的资源而安装外部记忆器或外部的定时器。除了微控制器之外,只有少量的零部件执行一些如输出,输入,类比输入,显示接口和连续运行的情况等功能。 单独使用内部记忆,我们可以控制一个有48个步骤的气流系统,但是如果使用一个比较简单的系统,就会达到60个步骤.控制器的变成不使用 PLC 语言,而是用一个比较简单的和直觉的结构。利用电气系统,我们的项目应用了相同的技术,但同时我们的设计更加直接。 一种非常简单的机械语言能让设计者用四或五个位元组定义步骤所有结构构成。这就要看他使用控制器的经验如何了。这种控制器虽然不能和商业的 P

17、LC 相比,但是它原本就是为特定的的目的而设计的,所以很难说哪一个好哪一个坏。总之,我们的这个系统是基于微控制器而设计,简单快捷。 外文原文 Programmable Controller Designed for Electro-pneumatic Systems Summary this item is mainly the procedure which studies electricity system and in brief valid control current of air to launch machine

18、 to compatibly flow the appearance of system. It of the fulfillment foundation include according to the control procedure of particularly have of the current of air controller, automation design, current of air system and design according to the electronics of the tiny controller. 1. Brief introduc

19、tion The automation which uses an electricity technique mainly constitutes to. from 3 part: Launch machine or motor, sensor or button, the form is zero partses such as the control of flower petal. Now, greatly part of system logic the controllers of the operation drive all procedure logic controlle

20、r (PLC) replace. PLC sensor and switch's aring an importation to carry, but launch the direct control valve of machine is an exportation to carry and have an internal procedure to operate among them all circulate essential logic, imitate other devices like calculator, in fixed time machine etc., car

21、ry on a control to the whole movement appearance of system. Can according to need numerous time to establish and imitate thus of system, so all from PLC usage, this item contains vivid advantage. Therefore can save time, the danger of decrease error, in the meantime under the sistuation that use sa

22、me material, it can be getting more precise. Many company that is on the market used the PLC of normal regulations and it can not only control with the current of air system, but also can use various electricity equipments. PLC wide range of application, can be apply in much industry to produce med

23、ium, even used for safety and automation of building in. Because of above various characteristic, the PLC provided a lot of resourceses in somely physically appliedly, even include not a resources of control the system and the electricity system was a kind of application like this.For the engineeri

24、ng of automation, the PLC usage is more expensive, particularly is to those small scaled systems. Aim at this kind of circumstance's a kind of viable way establish a controller that can provide particular size and function. This kind of controller can create according to the tiny controller. This

25、kind of applies scope according to the tiny controller smaller, the machine that can used for a type perhaps can use to do a be like the common PLC is similar and can be woven a distance of controller, so it can pass variable turn of logic procedure to carry on various homework. All of these charact

26、eristic basis concrete demand of dissimilarity but dissimilarity, concrete of design of empirical of dissimilarity but dissimilarity. But the main advantage of this kind of design lie in designing a personnel to understand an own controller very much, can freely control the big baby size of controll

27、er, change it of function. This means that this item contains more special, but in the meantime the control of system also from it of design control. 2. Electricity system People can find out to speak of in three preceding contexts from an automation of basic parts, the in addition is a logic circ

28、uit which controls system. The technique of only mature forerunner cans make a particular logic circuit and performance the parts that exactitude need when operate to get stripe. For a simple sport, the system auto procedure can complete, but for indirect or more complicated sport, the procedure of

29、 system will produce complicated circuit and false signal. This is need another method can save time, produce clear circuit, can keep accidental signal from hand over fold to stop with circuit. The line roadbed method of different standard of this kind of way call follow the sequence and advance gr

30、adually type or rule system, it to the current of air and the electricity system very valid, and is also a foundation of this item. It include according to launch the system of foundation that the machine appearance each dissimilarity variety establish. The square one is each circuit that the ste

31、p designs those kinds of standards. The second step is a conjunction to receive to come from sensor and the switch sends the air or the fax to the supply line of each step in the meantime with previous sport signal. If show in the diagram, 1 with 2 standard circuits is a current of air of with the e

32、lectricity system serve. We can know very much of see each one step suddenly with the contact of the of next step. 3. The applied principle of controller inner part The above-mentioned method can make each sport of launch the machine nicely defined with the step. This be also a new appearance whic

33、h says that the every sport varieties of launch the machines are systems, but the change of of two different appearances be called a step. The standard circuit which speaks of in times before can the in aid of design personnel define different appearance different from what the variety of different

34、 step bring environment of system. The end stage in design will have a sequence and explicit input and output which never changes to carry in the system. We carry a sequence is from the importation the importation be through conversion carried exportation by the exportation. All processes of these

35、steps carry on in the tiny controller inner part, and with same of the way is circulate. The sequence of parts is program by 5 bytes in the controller; Each part contains a step structure of procedure. The importation carries two bytes, the exportation carries 1, and part of and additional function

36、steps of other structure contain 2.After weave distance, the parts sequence is store by the remember of internal and tiny controller, therefore, they are readable and can circulate. Differ from traditional PLC, the work purpose of this kind of controller is to become particular realm to design of u

37、se controller more. The system of traditional PLC's circulating procedure is a circuit of circulation: Input a picture, circulate all internal procedures, then get stripe output's appearance. This controller work in different way, it read the structure of step, wait for an importation, then get stri

38、pe or output, then directly jump up next step, start another procedure movement. It has already limitted sex as well, for example this kind of controller sometimes doesn't carry out instruction, will appear a certain movement again and again an etc. under same procedure instruction, but this proble

39、m can resolve through an exterior logic movement. Moreover, this win the controller is have no sequence of the system top can't be apply enough. These limit sex is also this system of characteristic, each applications of this kind of system have to include homologous system analysis. 4. The special

40、 features of the controller This kind of controller takes tiny tiny controller PIC16 F877 of the integrated circuit as foundation and it owns all the resources need by this subitem. It has an enough socket and the circuit continuous communication EEPROM memory gives relief to all structure of the s

41、ystem and the sequence of the step. It provided the movement of havings need by item, for example in fixed time machine with diverge etc.. We did the resources catalogue of controller, want to make it change possibly of perfect. In the movement process of step, the procedure automatically chooses h

42、ow to read an each one step suddenly of structure. This operation has two bytes to be located on an electronics importation. A byte is also located on exportation to carry, have 1 to be used to inner part in fixed time a machine, similar input or pause function. The EEPROM memory inner part is 256 b

43、ytes, can store all movements of steps, then with all movements of which stores 48 steps. In addition to an interactive menu, this kind of controller still has a control set and some instruction to press button and they control the movement of each step together with continuous and also control a l

44、ittle bit other devices. 4.1 hand over with each other a function At actual circulate in operation, the controller needs some assistance equipmentses to help it and the user carry on interaction, can provide dependable of operation supervision, carry on a logic control to the current of air system

45、 in the meantime. Hand over to with each other work mode: In the main procedure, the user can send out signal to carry on the operation of concrete step according to the instruction The LCD terrace can show the appearance of system work, measure an importation, output, timer and circulate of data

46、etc.. The voice of Di Di is use to hint important caution, stop, the take place of beginning and some urgent circumstances bright light means to connect power supply, with importation, output appearance. 4.2 safeties If want to normally circulate procedure, have to promise each performance with a

47、ll correct step. More important, should there is prevention circulating to break down and problem of resolve a method. The controller provided this kind of possibility and passed to use two internal and virtual circuits to circulate in the meantime. They can re- start procedure and recover the origi

48、nal appearance of procedure at any time. There are two importations carrying a common work can quickly circulate these functions. 4.3 connect The procedure movement sequence can use connect of controller to weave a distance. A set calculator connects and can also use to get stripe usage procedure.

49、 The user can make use of to connect to install a series of steps bytes which define a sequence. But can also design a procedure, the exploitation can treat resources as the information that user need when translate. But, if want combining a computer connects and controller, should have an instrumen

50、t to the credibility of the assurance data at least. 4.4. Firmware Main line wreath is pass to read EEPROM memory in of each information step carry on a work. In each step, the appearance of system is store and it also is show on the display in the meantime. According to the structure of user, i

51、t can make use of reposition of redundant personnel or pause to cope with an urgent circuit circumstance to promise a system safety. 5. Electricity system example This kind of system is much more than an orientation at the particular machine. It constitutes to°from four active machines. The active

52、 machine A, B and C are double and only the D be doubly a list. Square one, the active machine A starts circulate, and keep in a particular position until a be over of circulation, such as figure 5 show it can make sure some one object of under one sport. The second step, was A to complete it of wor

53、k after, the active machine C is together with the B start together many creation electric current a turn possibly, and be subjected to the restriction of B movement speed, but the B speed be lived a petal management by a control of fluxion. B and C is work together of active machine of example, be

54、the B slowly pushes an object of time, the C sometimes then repeats it of work. The third step, be the position time that the B arrives an end, the C is immediately stop it of the circulation exercise and return to the position of beginning. The active machine D that the elect

55、ric current that the exploitation return work together with return of the C works together. The fourth step, the active machine D quickly goes back and forth a return to exercise once. The D can act as a tool, the superficial dozen that is on the object hole. When the D returns to the position time

56、of beginning, AN and B also return in the meantime and this be the fifth step. Diagram 6 showed program design the first part. We know together as all movements of each step. (A+) mean that the active machine A pushes forward, but(A-) means to return to the position of beginning. Sport of the simu

57、ltaneous with is together fold to add in the same step. This system totally has five steps. Diagram 5 circulate with 6 systems for express clear of described all sequences. Make use of them, we can design with the essential logic language whole of control circuit. But

58、now return it not just an integrity of system, because it is still in need of some assistance facilities, .(diagram in show) Circulate to the end of procedure, these assistance facilitieses are very important, because they can make the circuit have more functions. They win the most important is a

59、conjunction in eachly the one step suddenly of parallel circuit. That circuit can stop a sequence and change the appearance of active machine into a particular position at any time. It can heavy system or cope with an urgent circumstance. Diagram 7 with 8 what to shows be some results that will take

60、 place under the sistuation that have no usage controller. These photographs are the electricity charts which controls circuit, include sensor, control key and give or get an electric shock of live petal book. Moreover some assistance facilities also includ

61、e in this system, the for example automatic machine/ hand moves to adjust to control a machine, they can make system continuous of circulating work; Two beginning control keys, they can let the operator hand move a beginning of control the system with stop, so reduced to take place an accident of da

62、nger. 6. The user changes an example programming Current of air coil fore the noodles has already elaborated on: It can let us understand to control the condition that a system need and that is in the actual movement in system and have to provide all function facilities. But, such as before speak

63、of of so, use a PLC or particular controller, this kind of control becomes more easy of, and the nicety of the system will also raise. The usage traditional PLC of, such as figure 7, 8 show, notice while draw electricity chart of connect the logic of circuit. The usage is this kind of programmable

64、 controller and the user needs to know to circulate the idea of the method and the structure of the programming each step. That is to say, use traditional PLC, the user knows the relation of of each operation. Under the general circumstance, User can before connecting a people's top to circulate

65、1 to imitate procedure to look for a logical mistake together say of similar, new of plait the distance allow an each one step suddenly of the structure be partition. The sequence is alone define, but each one step suddenly be carry by the input and output to describe. 7. Conclusion This kind of

66、controller's ising specialized is what this item design. Showed 1 takes tiny controller as the programmable controller of basal great use. It doesn't need for obtaining the resources in the tiny controller but installing exterior memory a machine or exterior in fixed time a machine. In addition to tiny controller outside, only have a little amount of zero parts performance some like output, importation, type ratio importation, show a circumstance of connect the and continuous movement etc. funct

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