
1、Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. * of 40 3.1 Consumer Preferences3.2 Budget Constraints3.3 Consumer Choice3.4 Revealed Preference3.5 Marginal Utility and Consumer Choice3.6 Cost-of-Living IndexesC H A P T E R 3 Prepared by:Fernando Quijano, Illustrator Con
2、sumer Behavior CHAPTER OUTLINE 2 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. 第三章 消费者行为consumer behavior 3 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. 第三章3.1消费者偏好3.2预算约束3.3消费者选择3.4显示偏好3.5边际效益与消费者选择3.6生活成本指数 4 of 40Copyright 2
3、013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. 消费者行为消费者行为理论 描述消费者如何在不同的商品和服务之间分配其收入以使幸福最大化。下述三个独立的步骤是理解消费者行为的最佳方法:1.消费者偏好2.预算约束3.消费者选择 5 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. Consumer Preferences3.1 Market BasketsTABLE 3.1 ALTERNATIVE MA
4、RKET BASKETSA 20 30B 10 50D 40 20 E 30 40G 10 20H 10 40MARKET BASKET UNITS OF FOOD UNITS OF CLOTHING 6 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. Some Basic Assumptions about Preferences有关偏好的一些基本假设1. Completeness: Preferences are assumed to be complete. 完备性:偏好是
5、完备的,Note that these preferences ignore costs. 7 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. 2. Transitivity: Preferences are transitive. 传递性:偏好是可传递的。3. More is better than less: Goods are assumed to be desirablei.e., to be good. 越多越好 8 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearso
6、n Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. EAG. Indifference Curves 无差异曲线 indifference curve Curve representing all combinations of market baskets that provide a consumer with the same level of satisfaction. 9 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld,
7、 8e. 10 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. Indifference Maps无差异曲线簇 indifference map Graph containing a set of indifference curves showing the market baskets among which a consumer is indifferent. 11 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microecono
8、mics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. INDIFFERENCE CURVES CANNOT INTERSECTFIGURE 3.4 12 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. The Shape of Indifference Curves 13 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. The Marginal Rate of S
9、ubstitution边际替代率(MRS) 为获得一个单位的一种商品,必须放弃的另外一个商品的数量CONVEXITY 拟凸性 When the MRS diminishes along an indifference curve, the curve is convex. 14 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. Perfect Substitutes and Perfect Complements完全替代品与完全互补品完全替代品 当一种商品对另一种商品的边际替代率是
10、常数时 ,两种商品即为 完全替代品。 完全互补品 当两种商品的边际曲线是直角形状,他们的MRS为0或1,此时两商品为完全互补商品。bad 厌恶品 少一点比多一点好的商品 15 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. PERFECT SUBSTITUTES AND PERFECT COMPLEMENTS 16 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. U
11、TILITY AND UTILITY FUNCTIONS效用和效用函数 utility Numerical score representing the satisfaction that a consumer gets from a given market basket.效用 消费者从一个市场篮子中得到的满足程度的数值表示。u (F,C ) =FC 17 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. ORDINAL VERSUS CARDINAL UTILITY序数效用和基
12、数效用 序数效用 能产生对市场篮子排序的效用函数被称为序数效用函数。 基数效用 能描述一个市场篮子在多大程度上比另一个更受偏好的的效用函数。 18 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e.Market baskets associated with the budget line F + 2C = $80 预算线 购买商品F和C的总支出等于收入的情况下,所有的商品F和C的组合。Budget Constraints 预算约束3.2 TABLE 3.2 MARKET BASKE
13、TS AND THE BUDGET LINEMARKET BASKET FOOD (F) CLOTHING (C) TOTAL SPENDINGA 0 40 $80B 20 30 $80D 40 20 $80 E 60 10 $80G 80 0 $80ICPFP CF (3.1) 19 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. (3.2) 20 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyc
14、k/Rubinfeld, 8e. The Effects of Changes in Income and Prices收入和价格变化的效应 21 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. 价格变化的效应FIGURE 3.12 22 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. Consumer Choice 消费者选择3.3效用最大化的菜篮子必须满足两个条
15、件:1. 它特必须位于预算线上.2. 他必须能给予消费者其最偏好的商品和服务的组合 23 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. 24 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. marginal benefit 边际效益 额外一单位商品的消费所对应的收益 marginal cost 边际成本 额外一单位商品的消费所对应的成边际效益=边际成本满足程度最大
16、化的点符合:MRS = PF/PC (3.3) 25 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. 角落点 在一个市场篮子中消费者的边际替代率位不等于价格比的情况。 (LY: equality is allowed, not strict)FIGURE 3.15Corner Solutions 角落点 26 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. 如果一位
17、消费者选择两个菜篮子中的一个,那么消费者未必偏好那个被选中的菜篮子。(why? budget)如果一位消费者选择两个菜篮子中的一个,并且被选中的菜篮子比另一个更贵,那么消费者必定偏好那个被选中的市场篮子。Revealed Preference3.4 27 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. marginal utility (MU) 边际效用 对从消费额外一单位的商品中所获得的额外满足的度量 diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减 随着
18、一种商品的消费越来越多,额外的数量的消费所带来的效用增加也越来越小。Marginal Utility and Consumer Choice边际效用与消费者选择3.5 28 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. 边际效用与消费者选择3.5 ( / ) MU /MUC F F C 0 MU ( ) MU ( )F CF C MRS MU /MUF CMRS /P PF CMU /MU /P PF FC CMU / MU /P PF F C C边际相等原则 是花在所有商品上
19、的每一美元所带来的边际效用相等。 LY: max U=U(x 1,x2) st p1x1+p2x2=M three ways to explain: math, figure and language 29 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. ideal cost-of-living index Cost of attaining a given level of utility at current prices relative to the cost of at
20、taining the same utility at base-year prices.理想生活成本指数 就是以当前的价格达到一个给定效用水平所花成本相对于基期价格所达到相同效果所花成本的比值. Cost-of-Living Indexes生活成本指数3.6 cost-of-living index Ratio of the present cost of a typical bundle of consumer goods and services compared with the cost during a base period.生活成本指数 指商品和服务的典型消费组合在当期的成本与
21、基期的成本之比 30 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. Laspeyres Index Laspeyres price index Amount of money at current year prices that an individual requires to purchase a bundle of goods and services chosen in a base year divided by the cost of purchasing the
22、 same bundle at base-year prices.拉氏物价指数 以当期价格购买一个基期选定的商品服务组合所需的货币数与以基期价格购买同一组合商品所需的货币数商.The Laspeyres index overcompensates Rachel for the higher cost of living, 31 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. Paasche index Amount of money at current-year prices
23、that an individual requires to purchase a current bundle of goods and services divided by the cost of purchasing the same bundle in a base year.帕氏指数 以当期价格购买一个当前 选定的商品组合所需的货币数与以基期价格购买同一组合所需货币数的伤. Paasche Index 32 of 40Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Microeconomics Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. fixed-weight index Cost-of-living index in which the quantities of goods and services remain unchanged.LY: using formalu:p0 p1q0 q1 index=
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