文献标识码:A 中图分类号:u270.1
为了评估液力变矩器的经济性能,变矩器的效率不应小于理想值( = 75%使用在工程机械, = 80%的汽车通常)。YJ355的液力变矩器的主要特点是显示在图1(赵 et a1。,2001)。有两点满足= 。全工况变矩器的条件分为两个点,即三个地区,效率低的范围,低比转速定位,高效率范围和低效率范围在高速率的定位。当转矩变换器工作在效率低的范围内,工况点位于低或高速率,换挡规律必须控制变速器的换挡,使变矩器在高效区工作。
图1. YJ355液力变矩器的主要特点
换挡规律是控制发动机和液力变矩器的一套共同工作点,使液力变矩器的效率不小于理想值;换句话说,满足条件的点 =作为换挡点。换挡决定自动变速控制系统计算传动比,控制液力变矩器在的范围内工作。
图.2 车辆的模型
首先,我们考虑的情况下,变矩器低速比的工作定位在低效率的范围。据推测,在图1表示的两个工况点满足在低效率范围内定位在低速比和换挡点的条件 = r/,、分别代表两个点的转矩。
虽然传输的理想传动比连续值。实际的齿轮比的传输提供的是离散的有限值。在实际应用中,齿轮比的选择根据是否变矩器的工况点位于低速率的地区或高一。的条件下,对液力变矩器工况点位于低速率最低的区域转移时选用计算传动比大于传输的最大传动比更大的齿轮比。否则会选择当计算传动比传动的传动比之间的两个实际的情况。液力变矩器的工作工况点位于高速率下的地区,最高的移位时选用计算传动比小于最小传动比的传动小齿轮比。 否则,小齿轮比将选择当计算传动比传动的传动比之间的两个实际。
现在。举例说明如何使用它。假设4班制传输,i4 I 0.4
The ground vehicle model is shown in Fig.2 (Gong and Zhao, 2001a; 2001b).
First, we consider the case of the torque conv-
[10 0.2
o l 。V l o
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Speed ratio i
Fig.I YJ355 Torque converter primary characteristics Fig.2 Model of vehicle
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880 Gong et al.I J Zhejiang L’niv SCI 2004 5(刀·878气883
erter working in the low efficiency range locating in the low speed ratio. It is supposed that the two points in Fig. I represent the working condition
i _ ;
Inexl ’t pres町11 咱句
£1c lim
point in the low efficiency range locating in the low speed ratio and the shift point meeting the condition of 1J1c = 1J1c min, respectively, and Tic, Tic lim represent the two points' torque, respectively.
Suppose that the transmission gear ratio is i1. To move the working condition point to the high efficiency range from the low efficiency range, the transmission is used to increase the torque. Then there is
i, 兀 I T.c1 m
When the torque converter works in the low effi ciency range locating in the high speed ratio, Eq.( 1) is obtained in the same way, where the difference is that Tic lim is the output torque coηesponding to the shift point in the high speed ratio.
The above two situations are considered to gether. Since the function of the transmission in the vehicular drive system is to adjust the output torque of the drive system by gear shift, the above obtained i1 is the multiple (or fraction) of the transmission output torque at the next moment. However, during a continuous shift, the transmission is already in a certain shift, that is, the transmission output torque has been magnified to a fraction at the present moment and the magnitude is the gear ratio of the transmission . Therefore, the multiple (or fraction) of the transmission output torque at the next mo ment must be increased (or decreased) by a factor i1 again. In other words, the gear ratio at the next moment must be increased (or decreased) by a factor i1 on the basis of the present gear ratio, that is
Although the ideal gear ratios of the trans mission are continuous values, the actual gear ra tios of the transmission supplied are discrete finite values. In practical applications, the gear ratio is chosen according to whether the working condition point of the torque converter locates in the low speed ratio region or in the high one. Under the condition that the working condition point of the torque converter locates in the low speed ratio re gion, the lowest shift is chosen when the calculated gear ratio is larger than the maximum gear ratio of the transmission . Otherwise the bigger gear ratio will be chosen when the calculated gear ratio is between the two actual gear ratios of the transmis sion. Under the condition that the working condi tion point of the torque conve口er locates in the high-speed ratio region, the highest shift is chosen when the calculated gear ratio is smaller than the minimum gear ratio of the transmission. Otherwise the smaller gear ratio will be chosen when the calculated gear ratio is between the two actual gear ratios of the transmission .
Now, an example is taken to show how it is used. Suppose that a transmission with 4 shifts, i4< i3 < i2 < i1, where i,, is gear ratio, n is shift, and
= 1,2,3,4. The shift is chosen as shown in Table 1.
脚1ethod to prevent shift cycling
As discussed before, the upshift point and the downshift point are the same in the above shift
schedule. In order to prevent the transmission "hunting” in use, a method is adopted to distinguish
Table 1 Shi“ choosing measure
l Inexl = lIpresenl lt (2)
where i1nex1 is the transmission gear ratio at the next moment, i1 present is the transmission gear ratio at present.
From Eqs.( 1) and (2), the shift schedule for mula is as follows:
i, nexr < i4
/4 < i, nex 1 < i3
13 < 11 ne< I < i2
i2 < iInexl < iI
i, nex 1 > i1
Shift when the Shift when the working point is working point is in i n low speed ratio high speed ratio
A『 句‘d
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the normal from the frequent gear that changes shi白.
Firstly, since the shift frequency of the ground vehicle is nearly a thousand times per hour (Wang et al., 2000), the minimum time interval from one shift to the next is chosen to be 2 seconds. Suppose
that the time of the data acquisition is t (m时,the
frequency of the shift decision between two shifts is 2000/t . Therefore, when the frequency of the up shift (or downshift) is half of the shift decision
times, it is a frequent gear changes shift. When the times of the upshi白(or downshift) are the same as
the shift decision times, it is a normal gear changes shift.
The method not only adapts to the above shift schedule, but also acts as a general method for all shift schedules to avoid shift cycling.
The gear shift is completed by controlling clutch or brake to engage or disengage. As shift quality is closely linked to whether a shift schedule can be applied to the actual vehicle, it is necessary to discuss the deliberated index and the main fac tors affecting shift quality, in order to provide a theoretical basis for improving shift quality.
At present, jerk is used as the deliberated index of shift smoothness. Jerk is defined as the change of the longitudinal acceleration of the automobile. Its mathematical expression is (Lei et al., 1999)
unchanged during a shi白,lw is the moment of in ertia relating to the part of the transmission output sha白.
The above formula shows that the effective method of decreasing jerk is to control the effect of torque change on the transmission output shaft, that is, to make the torque change minimum .
In order to verify the shift schedule, an auto
matic transmission test experiment was made on an automatic transmission ’s test-bed.
Componen t of automatic transmission ’s test-bed The components and control method of the automatic transmission ’stest-bed is shown in Fig.3.
It can be seen that the automatic transmission ’s
test-bed consists of an engine, a torque converter, a transmission, a speed increaser, and an electric eddy current dynamometer. The engine is a power supply. The electric eddy cuπent dynamometer is a power dissipation device used for loading for the drivetrain by adjusting winding cuπent to change the brake load. The speed increaser is used for matching the rotational speed for the electric eddy current dynamometer. During the test, the speed and torque of the engine and the torque converter were acquired and processed by a computer. The computer control actuator’s electromagnetic valve
Electric eddy current dyna mometer controller
iof w dt i0lw dt
where ),α,v are the jerk , acceleration and speed of the vehicle, respectively , t is time, rr is the wheel radius, i0 is the gear ratio between the transmission output shaft and the driving wheel, woT, ToT are the angular velocity and torque of the transmission
output shaft, respectively , Tw is the resistance Fig.3 Schematic diagram for the automatic gear sh恼’s moment acting on the wheel, and supposed to be test-bed
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882 Gong et al. I J Zh吃;iang l.iniν SCI 2004 5(7):878-883
opened or closed to implement shift according to the shift schedule.
Experimental results of shift schedule
The torque converter efficiency was controlled to be over 75% in the test. The time interval of the data acquisition was set to be 200 ms. The ex perimental results obtained by connecting the points of the data acquisition are shown in Fig.4. The
course of downshift corresponded with that of in creasing load in Fig.4b. The course of upshi白cor responded with that of decreasing load. The points of efficiency less than 75% in Fig.4a were those determined by shift decision. The experimental results proved that the shift schedule saving energy could make torque converter work in the high ef ficiency range by gear shift according to the actual load acting on the drivetrain.
62出 口 。叫目的g-
邑 300
-;; 200
:-e I SO
← 100
气d 5
1 o· l
Time t (s)
100 200 300
Time t (s)
Experimental results of shift quality
The measured results of the torque converter output torque are shown in Fig.4c.
I) On the test site, we felt that the impact and vibration of the downshift were stronger than that of the upshift. The reason for this, as explained by Eq.(4) and Fig.4c, is that the torque change of the downshift is bigger than that of the upshift.
2) There is a trough in Fig.4c, coπesponding to each shift point. This phenomenon indicates oc cuπence of power inteπuptions during gear shi位,
3) To study the controllability condition of shift quality, the thirteen shift points in the test were carefully analysed. To expound the course of gear shift, the experimental data of three gear shift courses were extracted from the experimental re cord, and listed in Table 2. In order to easily de scribe the course of the gear shift. The measured point, after shift instruction is sent out, is called a shift point and marked as point l . The point before the shift point is marked as point 0. The point after the shift point is marked as point 2, the rest can be deduced by analogy. The torque converter output torque of each group has the following changing rule:the torque converter output torque of point 1 is less than that of point 0, the torque converter output torque of point 2 reduces more than that of point 1, the torque converter output torque of point 3 in creases more than that of point 2, the torque con verter output torque of point 4 is the biggest among
those of point 2, point 3 and point 5.
200 300 400
Time t (s)
The course of the gear shift indicates that the clutch of the original shift began to slip at point l .
The clutch of the original shift disengaged and the
Fig.4 Experimental results of the automatic gear shift’s
test-bed (a) Efficiency change; (b) Transmission shift change; (c) Turbine torque change
clutch of the new shift did not engage at point 2. At this moment, power interruptions occurred. The
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Gong et al.I J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2004 5(7):878-883 883
clutch of the new shift began to slip at point 3 and engaged at point 4.
From the above experimental results, we can
conclude that:
In order to solve the problem of the low torque converter efficiency in the automatic transmission of the ground vehicle under heavy load, a new shift schedule saving energy is proposed for the auto
1) The shift schedule saving energy
matic transmission of the ground vehicle. Experi
maintain the torque converter working in the range of an ideal value under all the working conditions except the following two cases, one is the low ef ficiency range on the left when the transmission works in the lowest shift, and the other is the low efficiency range on the right when the transmissi(?n works in the highest shift.
2) Random load was imposed on the drivetrain during the test. Although the above shift schedule
saving energy was obtained by the studying torque converter’s primary characteristic, the experimen tal results showed that the shift schedule saving energy is coηect while the torque converter is
working under conditions of the kinetic characteristic.
3) In order to reduce the impact of the gear shift in the test, it could be known that the clutch of the new shift should be engaged 200 ms earlier than that of the original shift to be disengaged. Therefore, shift quality can be improved by timing control.
Table 2 Experimental data of three shift courses
Torque converter output
ment on the automatic transmission bench-test adopting this shift schedule was made on the
automatic transmission ’s test-bed. The experi
mental results showed that the shift schedule was coηect and that shift quality was controllable. The above research results provide reliable basis for application to ground vehicle and improving shift quality.
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Lei, Y.L., Ge, A.L., Qin, G.H., 1999. Testing study of improving shift quality of automated mechan