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Aspen Polymers Plus Examples&Applications Version Number:2006.5 November 2007 Copyright(c)2007 by Aspen Technology,Inc.All rights reserved.Aspen Polymers Plus,aspenONE,the aspen leaf logo and Plantelligence and Enterprise Optimization are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology,Inc.,Cambridge,MA.All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.This document is intended as a guide to using AspenTechs software.This documentation contains AspenTech proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed,used,or copied without the prior consent of AspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement.Users are solely responsible for the proper use of the software and the application of the results obtained.Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation,the sole warranty for the software may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user.ASPENTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION,EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENTATION,ITS QUALITY,PERFORMANCE,MERCHANTABILITY,OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Aspen Technology,Inc.200 Wheeler Road Burlington,MA 01803-5501 USA Phone:(1)(781)221-4300 Toll Free:(1)(888)996-7100 URL:http:/ Contents iii Contents Introducing Aspen Polymers Plus.1 About This Manual.1 Related Documentation.3 Technical Support.3 A1 Creating a Simulation Model.5 Creating a New Run.5 Creating the Process Flowsheet.6 Placing Blocks and Streams.6 Renaming Blocks and Streams.7 Specifying Setup and Global Options.7 Entering a Simulation Title.8 Defining Unit-Sets.8 Entering a Simulation Description.8 Defining Report Options.9 Specifying Other Simulation Options.9 Specifying Components.9 Characterizing Polymers.10 Specifying Physical Properties.11 Specifying Feed Streams.12 Specifying Kinetics.13 Modifying Reactions.13 Specifying Gel Effect.15 Defining the Unit Operation Block.16 Entering Block Specifications.16 Improving Convergence.17 Overriding Global Values.17 Entering Mixer Specifications.17 Running the Simulation.18 Examining Simulation Results.18 Input Summary.19 Plotting Distributions.22 Creating Live Distribution Plots.23 Viewing Plots for Multiple Simulations.24 Pasting and Linking Between Aspen Polymers Plus and Excel.26 Saving the Run and Exiting.27 A2 Predicting Physical Properties.28 Defining the Simulation.29 Creating a New Run.29 Specifying Setup and Global Options.30 Specifying and Characterizing Components.30 iv Contents Specifying Physical Properties.31 Defining Molecular Structure.32 Specifying Mass Fraction Crystallinity.33 Creating Property Sets.33 Creating Property Tables.34 Running the Simulation and Examining the Results.35 Input Summary.37 References.38 A3 Regressing Property Parameters.39 Defining the Simulation.40 Creating a New Run.40 Specifying Setup and Global Options.40 Specifying and Characterizing Components.41 Specifying Physical Property Method.42 Entering Experimental Data.42 Specifying a Regression Case.45 Specifying Physical Property Parameters.46 Running the Simulation and Examining the Results.47 Input Summary.48 References.50 A4 Fitting Kinetic Parameters.51 Defining the Simulation.52 Creating a New Run.52 Creating the Process Flowsheet.52 Specifying Setup and Global Options.54 Specifying and Characterizing Components.55 Specifying Physical Properties.56 Specifying Polymerization Kinetics.57 Supplying Process Information.59 Specifying Data Regression.61 Running the Simulation and Examining the Results.65 Input Summary.66 A5 Fractionating Oligomers.69 Defining the Simulation.69 Creating a New Run.70 Creating the Process Flowsheet.70 Specifying Setup and Global Options.71 Specifying and Characterizing Components.72 Specifying Physical Properties.73 Supplying Process Information.76 Running the Simulation and Examining the Results.77 Input Summary.79 References.81 A6 Calculating End-Use Properties.82 Defining the Simulation.82 Creating a New Run.83 Creating the Process Flowsheet.83 Contents v Specifying Setup and Global Options.84 Specifying and Characterizing Components.84 Specifying Physical Properties.85 Supplying Process Information.86 Creating a Sensitivity Table.87 Running the Simulation and Examining the Results.89 Input Summary.89 References.91 Section B-User Models.92 Installing Polymer User Model Library.92 B1 Polymer Fractionation Algorithm.94 Installing the Polymer Fractionation Examples.95 Creating a Working Directory.95 Developing a Proprietary Model.95 Opening the Model.95 Specifying Pseudo-Componenets.95 Running the Example.96 Example Polymer Fractionation Model-PolFrac1.96 Input Summary.97 Stream Report.100 Example Polymer Fractionation Model-PolFrac2.103 Input Summary.106 Stream Report.108 References.109 B2 Aspen Polymers Plus-Predici Interface.110 Developing a Proprietary Model.110 Opening the Model.110 Mapping the Components.111 Specifying Stream Flash.113 Running the Example.114 Example Predici Four CSTR Model.114 Results.115 Input Summary.116 Stream Report.118 C1 Polystyrene Bulk Polymerization by Thermal Initiation.121 About This Process.121 Process Definition.121 Process Conditions.122 Physical Property Models and Data.123 Reactors/Kinetics.123 Process Studies.124 Selected Simulation Results.128 Simulation Stream Summary.130 References.132 vi Contents C2 Polystyrene with Styrene Monomer Distillation.133 About This Process.133 Process Definition.133 Process Conditions.134 Polymers and Segments.135 Physical Property Models and Data.135 Reactors/Kinetics.136 Inhibitor.136 Process Studies.136 Selected Simulation Results.141 Simulation Stream Summary.143 References.146 C3 Expanded Polystyrene Suspension Polymerization.147 About This Process.147 Process Definition.148 Process Conditions.149 Physical Property Models and Data.150 Reactors/Kinetics.150 Process Studies.151 Selected Simulation Results.154 References.156 C4 Styrene Ethyl Acrylate Free-Radical Copolymerization Process.157 About This Process.157 Process Definition.157 Process Conditions.158 Reactors/Kinetics.158 Parameter Regression.160 Process Studies.163 Selected Simulation Results.167 References.171 C5 Styrene Butadiene Emulsion Copolymerization Process.172 About This Process.172 Process Definition.173 Process Conditions.173 Physical Property Models and Data.175 Reactors/Kinetics.175 Process Studies.176 Selected Simulation Results.180 References.183 C6 Styrene Butadiene Ionic Polymerization Processes.184 About This Process.184 Process Definition.185 Process Conditions.186 Kinetics.186 Process Studies.187 Selected Simulation Results.189 Contents vii C7 High-Density Polyethylene High Temperature Solution Process.192 About This Process.192 Process Definition.193 Process Conditions.193 Reactors/Kinetics.194 Process Studies.194 Selected Simulation Results.200 Simulation Stream Summary.205 References.210 C8 Low-Density Polyethylene High Pressure Process.211 About This Process.211 Process Definition.211 Process Conditions.213 Physical Property Models and Data.214 Process Studies.215 Selected Simulation Results.219 Simulation Stream Summary.222 References.228 C9 Nylon 6 Caprolactam Polymerization Process.230 About This Process.230 Process Definition.231 Process Conditions.232 Physical Property Models and Data.233 Reaction Kinetics.233 Process Studies.239 Selected Simulation Results.244 Simulation Stream Summary.245 References.248 C10 Methyl Methacrylate Polymerization in Ethyl Acetate.249 About This Process.249 Process Definition.249 Process Conditions.250 Reactors/Kinetics.251 Process Studies.251 Selected Simulation Results.253 References.258 C11 Polypropylene Gas Phase Polymerization Processes.259 About This Process.259 Process Definition.260 Process Conditions.261 Physical Property Models and Data.263 Reactors/Kinetics.263 Process Studies.264 Selected Simulation Results.269 Simulation Stream Summary.269 References.277 viii Contents Index.278 Introducing Aspen Polymers Plus 1 Introducing Aspen Polymers Plus Aspen Polymers Plus is a general-purpose process modeling system for the simulation of polymer manufacturing processes.The modeling system includes modules for the estimation of thermophysical properties,and for performing polymerization kinetic calculations and associated mass and energy balances.Also included in Aspen Polymers Plus are modules for:Characterizing polymer molecular structure Calculating rheological and mechanical properties Tracking these properties throughout a flowsheet There are also many additional features that permit the simulation of the entire manufacturing processes.This casebook is a compilation of simulation examples,user models,and industrial application examples.Note:Some of the simulations described in this book require Fortran files.These are found in the same location as the simulation files(xmp or app sub-directory of the GUI installation directory).You must compile the accompanying Fortran before running the files.About This Manual The Aspen Polymers Plus Examples&Applications Casebook is divided into three sections:Section A Simulation Examples provides step-by-step instructions for using Aspen Polymers Plus to build and use a polymer process simulation model.Topics include:o Creating a simulation model o Predicting physical properties o Regressing property parameters o Fitting kinetic parameters o Fractionating oligomers o Calculating end-use properties 2 Introducing Aspen Polymers Plus Section B User Models provides step-bystep instructions for using and customizing currently available User2 models.Topics include:o Four-phase equilibrium TP-Flash o Polymer fractionation algorithm o User-specified molecular weight distribution for feed streams o Aspen Polymers Plus Predici interface Section C Application Examples presents common industrial processes and describes how to simulate the reactor section of specific polymer production processes.A few of the application examples describe a complete plant flowsheet,and others focus on physical property representation.Topics include:o Polystyrene bulk polymerization by thermal initiation o Polystyrene with styrene monomer distillation o Expanded polystyrene suspension polymerization o Styrene ethyl acrylate free-radical copolymerization process o Styrene butadiene emulsion copolymerization process o Styrene butadiene ionic polymerization processes o High-density polyethylene high temperature solution process o Low-density polyethylene high pressure process o Nylon 6 caprolactam polymerization process o Methyl methacrylate polymerization in ethyl acetate o Polypropylene gas phase polymerization processes Note:Dynamic process applications are available in the Aspen Dynamics Examples documentation set.Introducing Aspen Polymers Plus 3 Related Documentation In addition to this document,a number of other documents are provided to help users learn and use Aspen Polymers Plus applications.The documentation set consists of the following:Installation Guides Aspen Engineering Suite Installation Guide Aspen Polymers Plus Guides Aspen Polymers Plus User Guide,Volume 1 Aspen Polymers Plus User Guide,Volume 2(Physical Property Methods&Models)Aspen Plus Guides Aspen Plus User Guide Aspen Plus Getting Started Guides Aspen Dynamics Guides Aspen Dynamics Examples Aspen Dynamics User Guide Aspen Dynamics Reference Guide Technical Support AspenTech customers with a valid license and software maintenance agreement can register to access the online AspenTech Support Center at:http:/ This Web support site allows you to:Access current product documentation Search for tech tips,solutions and frequently asked questions(FAQs)Search for and download application examples Search for and download service packs and product updates Submit and track technical issues Send suggestions Report product defects Review lists of known deficiencies and defects 4 Introducing Aspen Polymers Plus Registered users can also subscribe to our Technical Support e-Bulletins.These e-Bulletins are used to alert users to important technical support information such as:Technical advisories Product updates and releases Customer support is also available by phone,fax,and email.The most up-to-date contact information is available at the AspenTech Support Center at http:/.A1 Creating a Simulation Model 5 A1 Creating a Simulation Model This example describes how to construct a polymer simulation model.It provides an overview of Aspen Polymers Plus features.The steps covered include:Creating a New Run Creating the Process Flowsheet Specifying Setup and Global Options Specifying Components Characterizing Polymers Specifying Physical Properties Specifying Feed Streams Specifying Kinetics Defining the Unit Operation Block Running the Simulation Examining Simulation Results Plotting Distributions Creating Live Distribution Plots Pasting and Linking Between Aspen Polymers Plus and Excel Saving the Run and Exiting The process in this example uses two CSTR reactors and a mixer.The free-radical kinetics occur in the reactors.Creating a New Run To construct the simulation model you need to start Aspen Polymers Plus.To start Aspen Polymers Plus:1 Start Aspen Plus from the Start Menu or by double clicking the Aspen Plus icon on your desktop.The Aspen Plus Startup dialog box appears.6 A1 Creating a Simulation Model 2 On the Aspen Plus Startup dialog box,click the Template option.Click OK.The New dialog box appears.You use this dialog box to specify the simulation template and Run Type for the new run.Aspen Plus uses the Simulation Template you choose to automatically set various defaults appropriate to your application.3 For this example,click Polymers with Metric Units for your template.The default Run type,Flowsheet,is appropriate.Click OK.The Aspen Plus main window is now active.Creating the Process Flowsheet In a flowsheet you can:Place(or delete)blocks Place(or delete)streams Rename blocks and streams The process flowsheet for this example is shown here.Placing Blocks and Streams Follow these instructions to:Place unit operation blocks Place streams and connect blocks To place unit operation blocks:1 In the Model Library,click the Reactors tab,then the RCSTR icon.2 Move the mouse to the Process Flowsheet window,then click to place block B1.3 In the Process Flowsheet window,click to place the second RCSTR block,B2.4 In the Model Library,click the Mixers/Splitters tab,then the Mixer icon.A1 Creating a Simulation Model 7 If you want to select different Mixer model icons,click the down-arrow on the icon.To place streams:1 Click the Material STREAMS icon on the left corner of the Model Library and move the mouse to the Process Flowsheet window.Red and blue arrows appear on the unit operation blocks.These arrows indicate the location of the required(red)and optional(blue)stream connection ports.2 Place the“+”cursor on the red feed arrow of B1 and click to make the connection.Move the mouse away from the block and click again to place stream 1(FEEDA).3 Place the“+”cursor on the red product arrow of B1 and click to make the connection.Move the mouse to the red feed arrow of B3(M)and click again to connect the two blocks.Refer to the process flowsheet for the location of these streams.4 Repeat these steps to create a feed stream for B2,connect B2 and B3(M),and create a product stream for B3(M).5 After placing all streams,turn off the insert mode by clicking the Select Mode button in the upper left corner of the Model Library.Renaming Blocks and Streams To rename blocks and streams:1 Click the block to be renamed,such as B3,and click the right mouse button to display the menu.2 Click Rename Block.3 Enter the Block ID as“M”and click OK.4 Click the stream to be renamed,such as 1,and click the right mouse button to display the menu.5 Click Rename Stream.6 Enter the Stream ID as“FEEDA”and click OK.7 Repeat these steps to rename the other streams.You are now ready to enter input data for your simulation.Specifying Setup and Global Options To enter process and model specifications into Aspen Polymers Plus,you can use the Next button or the Data Browser Menu Tree.In this example,you enter data using the Menu Tree.Use the Setup folder to:Enter a simulation title Define unit-sets 8 A1 Creating a Simulation Model Review and specify global options set by the simulation template you selected Entering a Simulation Title To enter a title:1 From the Data menu,click Setup.The Setup Specifications-Data Browser appears.2 On the Global sheet,type the title of your simulation run as:Creating an Aspen Polymers Plus Simulation Model Defining Unit-Sets This example requires a user defined unit-set for input data and output results.To define a unit-set:1 From the Setup folder in the Menu Tree,double-click the Units-Sets sub-folder.2 Click New to create a new set.3 Enter an ID(for example,SET1)and click OK.A dialog box appears requesting approval to make SET1 the global unit set,click Yes.4 Confirm that SI is entered in the Copy from field.If it is not selected,select SI from the pulldown list.This means the simulation will use SI units as the basis for your new unit set.5 Set the following options:o Mass Flow=kg/hr o Mole Flow=kmol/hr o Temperature=C o Pressure=atm Entering a Simulation Description A Description sheet is available to enter a more detailed description of the simulation.To enter the description for this example:1 From the Setup folder in the Menu Tree,click the Specifications form.2 Click the Description tab.You can either retain or delete the default information displayed,but type the following description:This example describes how to put together a polymer simulation model.A1 Creating a Simulation Model 9 Defining Report Options Since you chose the Polymers with Metric Units simulation template when you started this example,Aspen Plus has set defaults for calculating and reporting stream properties:No mole flow Mass flow To enter a user defined stream report format:1 From the Setup folder in the Menu Tree,click the Report Options form.2 Click the Stream tab.3 In addition to the default options,click Mole for the Flow basis frame and Mass for the Fraction basis frame.Specifying Other Simulation Options To enter other simulation options for this example:1 From the Setup folder in the Menu Tree,click the Simulation Options form.2 Click the Limits tab.3 Enter 1000 in the Simulation time limit in CPU seconds field.4 Click the System tab,and click the Print Fortran tracebacks when a Fortran error occurs option.Specifying Components You use Components forms to select chemical components for your simulation and specify component types(for example,conventional,solid,assay,blend,polymer,segment,oligomer,and pseudocomponent).To select components:1 From the Data menu,click Components.2 On the Selection sheet,enter the components as shown:10 A1 Creating a Simulation Model Characterizing Polymers You must enter additional characterization information for segments,polymers,oligomers and site-based species.You must also define the type of segments present.Segments can be repeat units,end groups,or branch points attached to three or four branches.To define the segments:1 From the Components folder in the Menu Tree,double-click the Polymers sub-folder.2 From the Polymers sub-folder,click the Characterization form.3 On the Segments sheet,from the Type pulldown list,click REPEAT for segments STYSEG and ACNSEG.For each polymer you must define the component attributes to be tracked.All components specified as type Polymer in the Specifying Components section require component attributes.To specify component attributes for the polymers:1 Click the Polymers tab.2 Verify SAN appears in the Polymer ID pulldown list,or select it if it does not appear.3 In the Built-in attribute group field,click Free-radical selection from the pulldown list.The attribute summary table,Attribute list,is automatically filled in.You can click the cells in the attribute list table or clic