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1、,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Software Project Management,*,Software Project Management,Lecture,7-7,SEI-Capability Maturity Model,Overview,A short history,Software Process,What is CMM-a detailed introduction,Diffe

2、rences from ISO 9001,Software Project Management,2,History,In the 1980s,realization about the inability to manage the software process,Projects late,over budget,or plain failures,1986-1987:Software Engineering Institute(SEI),Began developing a process maturity framework,1991:CMM-SW 1.0,1993:CMM-SW 1

3、.1,Software Project Management,3,What is a process?,It can be seen as a method that can be used to focus the efforts of a development team towards a desired result,A process integrates:,People(with Knowledge,Skills,Training,Motivation),Tools and Equipment,Procedures and Methods defining the relation

4、ship of tasks,A good process will provide clear guidance,is disciplined and constantly refined based on experience,Software Project Management,4,Immature Organizations,Immature Organization:,A defined/documented process may not exist,If processes exist they are improvised,临时准备的,(as required),not rig

5、orously,严厉地,followed,Managers react to crises only(fire fighting),Ad-hoc,随意的,project planning(poorly documented),Schedules/budgets are rarely met(poor estimation),Product quality is difficult to predict or judge,Difficult to maintain the products in the long term,Has a high turn-over of employees,So

6、ftware Project Management,5,Mature Organizations,Mature Organization:,Well-defined and well-followed processes that are updated when necessary(Process changes are formal),Well-defined roles and responsibilities(Reduces confusion),Product and process quality are monitored,Schedules are realistic(refi

7、ned estimation process),Participants understand value of the process(Staff are fully trained in the company process,expectations),The deliverables from these organizations take longer,but the output is stable and predictable,Long term costs are low,Software Project Management,6,What is CMM?,Capabili

8、ty Maturity Model(CMM)is a framework that describes the key elements of an effective software process.,It describes an evolutionary improvement path from an ad hoc,immature process to a mature,disciplined process.,Covers practices for:,Planning,Engineering,Managing software development and maintenan

9、ce.,When followed,these key practices improve the ability of organizations to meet goals for cost,schedule,functionality,and product quality.,Software Project Management,7,Definitions from the CMM Specification,We shall look at the definitions of:,Capability Maturity Model(CMM),Software process,Soft

10、ware process capability,Software process performance,Software process maturity,All definitions are,quoted,from the SEI CMM v1.1 Specifications.,Software Project Management,8,Structure of CMM,The CMM is composed of five maturity levels.,Each maturity level is composed of several key process areas(exc

11、ept Level 1).,Each key process area is organized into five sections called common features.,The common features specify the key practices that,when collectively addressed,accomplish the goals of the key process area.,Software Project Management,9,Structure of CMM,Maturity Level,Key PA,Common,Feature

12、s,Key,Practices,Process,Capability,Goals,Implementation,Infrastructure/,Activities,contain,organized,by,contain,describe,address,achieve,indicate,Software Project Management,10,Maturity Levels,A maturity level is a well-defined evolutionary,进化的,plateau,稳定水平,toward achieving a mature software process

13、.,CMM provides for 5 top-levels:,Initial,Repeatable,Defined,Managed,Optimizing,Software Project Management,11,Maturity Levels,Initial,No process,Ad-hoc response,Repeatable,Disciplined Process,Defined,Standard,Consistent Process,Managed,Predictable Process,Optimizing,Continuous Improvements,Software

14、Project Management,12,Structure of CMM,Maturity Level,Key PA,Common,Features,Key,Practices,Process,Capability,Goals,Implementation,Infrastructure/,Activities,contain,organized,by,contain,describe,address,achieve,indicate,Software Project Management,13,Key Process Area,Each maturity level is composed

15、 of key process areas.,Each key process area identifies a cluster of related activities that,when performed collectively,achieve a set of goals considered important for establishing process capability at that maturity level.,The key process areas have been defined to reside at a single maturity leve

16、l.,For example,one of the key process areas for Level 2 is Software Project Planning.,Software Project Management,14,Structure of CMM,Maturity Level,Key PA,Common,Features,Key,Practices,Process,Capability,Goals,Implementation,Infrastructure/,Activities,contain,organized,by,contain,describe,address,achieve,indicate,Software Project Management,15,Goals,The goals:,Summarize the key practices of a key process area,Can be used to determine whether an organization or project has effectively implemente

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