
1、,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/11/14,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/11/14,#,轻度加工果蔬,The mild processing fruit and vegetable,园林(观赏园艺),The mild processing fruit and vegetable,Lightly processed fruits and vegetables refers to fresh fruits and vegetables by cleaning,ref
2、urbishing,peeled to the nuclear,cutting,preservation,packaging and a series of treatment for consumers to eat or catering industry to use a new fruit and vegetable processing products,edible rate Close to 100%,Lightly processed fruits and vegetables,also known as the minimum processing of fruits and
3、 vegetables,semi-processed fruits and vegetables,fresh-cut fruits and vegetables,fruit and vegetable conditioning,and fresh bags of fruits and vegetables,not only to maintain the original state of fresh fruits and vegetables,and after processing to clean products belong to clean areas.,Clean vegetab
4、les,also known as fresh disinfection of vegetables,that is,with the new picking vegetables,after finishing(such as removing the non-edible parts,cut points,etc.),washing,disinfection and other processing operations,in a sterile environment,vacuum packaging and made of a product.,Lightly processed fr
5、uits and vegetables,including non-cutting fruits and vegetables and cutting fruits and vegetables,non-cutting fruits and vegetables after rest is still maintaining the original form of a variety of fruit and vegetable products;cut fruits and vegetables in the rest,but also through the simple process
6、ing of the formation of blocks,And other shapes of fresh fruit and vegetable products.,Lightly processed fruits and vegetables with fresh,nutritious,convenient,safe,and 100%edible characteristics.,July 10,2015,切割果蔬,Protective Technology of Lightly Processed Fruits and Vegetables,Cold preservation:cu
7、tting fruit and vegetable quality to maintain a very critical point is the low temperature preservation.Low temperature can inhibit the cut fruit and vegetable respiratory strength,reduce the bodys various physiological and biochemical reaction rate,delay aging and inhibit browning,to extend the she
8、lf life of fruits and vegetables.Low temperature can also inhibit the physiological metabolism of microorganisms,thereby inhibiting the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.,Chemical protection:The browning of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables is mainly enzymatic browning.It is necessary to preve
9、nt polyphenol oxidase from being oxidized by polyphenol oxidase and oxygen.To prevent the occurrence of enzymatic browning,an effective method is to inhibit the activity of polyphenol oxidase,such as the use of chemical protectant(in food additive Acidity regulator:citric acid,acetic acid;antioxidan
10、t:ascorbic acid;preservatives:benzoic acid,sorbic acid),low temperature or blanching treatment,adjust pH(PPO enzyme optimum pH 6.0 7.0)Ascorbic acid can be reduced to O-benzoquinone phenols,citric acid can reduce the surface pH value of the fruit,inhibit the number of microorganisms.Cysteine on fres
11、h-cut fruits and vegetables have a better preservation effect.,Lightly processed fruits and vegetables with the traditional fruit and vegetable processing such as cans,quick-frozen,dried,pickled and so different.Fresh fruits and vegetables after a series of treatment is still alive,with respiration
12、and other physiological metabolic activities.However,lightly processed fruits and vegetables are not the same as their full-grown counterparts.In the process of its processing,cutting and other links undermine the fruits and vegetables of the organizational structure and protection systems,stimulate
13、d product metabolism,such as increased respiratory rate,resulting in a large number of injured ethylene,enzymatic browning and nutritional losses,but also in the incision Parts are susceptible to the invasion of micro-organisms,these changes will lead to the acceleration of product color and taste,a
14、nd promote aging of fruits and vegetables corruption,thus shortening the shelf life.,轻度加工果蔬,是指,新鲜果蔬经清洗、整修、去皮去核、切分、保鲜、包装等一系列处理后,供消费者立即食用或餐饮业使用的一种新式果蔬加工产品,可食率接近100,轻度加工果蔬又称最少加工果蔬、半加工果蔬、鲜切果蔬、调理果蔬、及生鲜袋装果蔬,,既保持了果蔬原有的新鲜状态,又经过加工使产品清洁卫生,属于,净菜,范畴,。,净菜,也称新鲜消毒蔬菜,即用新采摘的蔬菜,经过整理(如去掉不可食部分、切分等)、洗涤、消毒等加工操作,在无菌环境中,真空
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