1、Click to edit Master title stylec,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Cobb-Vantress Incorporated,Avian 48 Female Management,AVIAN48,母鸡管理,By,Dr.,Borisuth Wunnasuth,Maximizing Breeder,Performance,发挥种鸡最好的产蛋性能,The most effective way to maximize breeder pe
2、rformance is to develop and implement a body weight&feeding program that produces a flock that,responds uniformly to light stimulation.,实行正确的喂料程序和体重控制,,鸡群均匀度高、并对光照刺激同时发生反应,,是发挥种鸡最好产蛋性能的最有效途径,1-,Characteristics of the Avian 48 PackageAVIAN48,种鸡的特点,Easy growing female that needs to have dark-out housi
3、ng for maximum egg production.,母鸡饲养管理比较容易,要达到最好的产蛋性能要求全黑式鸡舍,Debeak,females 1,st,wk if 5,lux,in rearing.,如果育成期母鸡舍光照大于5,LUX,,要求断喙,At 10-11 weeks of age needs to receive a 1 week stronger feed increase.,在10-11周,需要在1周内大量提高饲料量,Light stimulation when BW obtains min.2.3 kg(80%uniformity)&2.4-2.5 kg(80%)或 2
4、.3-2.5(均匀度小于80%),才能开始光照刺激.,Will produce good egg size in peak production,在产蛋高峰,蛋重良好,2-,Characteristics of the Avian 48 Package,AVIAN48,种鸡的特点,Competes in egg production(145 chick/HH).,产蛋性能优越(145雏/入舍母鸡),Parent Stock does well in different climates.,父母代对不同气候条件适应能力强,Genetic selection for heat&cold stres
5、s.,在选种时,特别注重对冷和热应激的抵抗能力,Production persistency,high fertility,and,low mortality,are the 3 main characteristics.,产蛋持续能力强、受精率高和死亡率低,是该品种的3个主要特点,Basic Rule in the Rearing Period,Have a logical mind set to the technical recommendations.,正确理解各项技术建议,Apply recommendations of the breeders specifications and
6、 use a control to monitor your results.,正确实施饲养种鸡的各项指标要求,同时监测各项饲养结果,Period from 0-25 Weeks0-25,周,Management period divided in 3 parts;,饲养管理分为以下3阶段:,Phase 1(,第1阶段):,0-5,wks,周,Phase 2(,第2阶段),:,6-14 wks,周,Phase 3(,第3阶段),:,15-25 wks,周,开始,Start,生长发育阶段,Growth and Development,控制生长阶段,Controlled Growth,体重加速增长
7、阶段,Acceleration of Bodyweight,母鸡育雏育成期的管理要点,KEY SEGMENTS OF PULLET REARING,控制,Maintenance,为产蛋做准备,Preparation For Lay,Avian 48 Important Points in Pullet House AVAIN 48,母鸡育成期的管理要点,Achieve 4-5 wk target weights in order to provide improved Frame Size and Uniformity.,为了取得良好的骨骼和均匀度,要求4-5周龄的体重达标,Avian 48
8、female needs a one time strong feed increase from 10 to 11 weeks of age in order,NOT,to fall behind the body weight(BW)curve between 12 and 21 weeks of age.If the BW curve falls behind the standard during this time period,the results will include:delayed start of production and reduced peak producti
9、on.,AVIAN 48,母鸡要求在10-11周之间的1个星期加强饲料量,此做法的,目的是为了避免母鸡在12-21周的体重曲线,不达标,Avian 48 Important Points in Pullet House,AVAIN 48,母鸡育成期的管理要点,This increase in feed from 10-11 weeks of age also plays an important role in the health of the female during the vaccination period.,在10-11周加强母鸡饲料量的做法,同时也对母鸡在免疫期间的健康产生积极
10、的重要作用,Pay close attention to weight gains between 18-22 weeks of age.,注重18-20周的体重增长,科宝500,AVIAN 48,Avian 48 Female requires more,cumulative feed,during the rearing period than the Cobb 500.The“feeding curve”is considerably different between these 2 products as illustrated by the following graph:AVIA
11、N48,母鸡在育成阶段需要比科宝500更多的累计饲料量。在以下2个黄箭头标示的阶段,两品种的饲料量曲线有很大差异,科宝500饲料量,AVIAN 48,饲料量,饲料在3分钟内分发到料桶,Feed distribution within 3 minute,Avian 48 Important Points in Breeder House,AVAIN 48,母鸡在产蛋舍的管理要点,Transfer to the hen house is best done at 20 to 21 wks.This gives the birds the opportunity to get over the st
12、ress of the 18 week vaccination and develop proper condition for production.,转舍时间最好在20-21周,让母鸡有机会度过18周免疫的应激期,为以后产蛋创造更好条件,To obtain good sexual development,light stimulation needs to occur at a minimum BW of 2.3 Kg.with good flock Uniformity.Weight,of course is not the only criteria;the birds need pr
13、oper conditioning as well.Condition of the birds can be measured by the amount of fat reserve on pelvic tips.,为了母鸡良好的性发育,开始光照刺激要求体重至少达到2.3公斤,同时鸡群有良好的均匀度。体重不是唯一的指标,同时需要鸡群的其他方面达到合适的条件。耻骨部位脂肪的累积量可以作为考查鸡群发育情况的标准。,Energy Partitioning of the Hen,母鸡能量的转化,Body Weight,体重,Composition,体型,Light Stimulation,光照刺激
14、,Egg Production,(Good Flocks),产蛋,(好的鸡群),Growth,(Poor Flocks),生长,(差的鸡群),Conditioning of the Female for Right Moment of Light Stimulation,开始光照刺激时母鸡要求达到的各项条件,Certain amount of Wattle and Comb development,WATTLE,和鸡冠的良好发育,Have enough BW and breast muscle development(good V shaped breast).,体重达标,胸肉形状合适(胸呈“
15、,V”,字型),More than 1 finger of pelvic bone opening and,耻骨开放超过1个手指的宽度,Certain fat deposits around the pelvic bones.,耻骨部位的脂肪累积达到一定数量,Conditioning of the Female for Right Moment of Light Stimulation,开始光照刺激时母鸡要求达到的各项条件,Females are looked at and palpated at 19-21 weeks of age,just before the planned light
16、 program starts.,在计划开始光照刺激前,大概在19-21周,要检查母鸡发育的各项情况,A minimum of 90%of females need to fulfill at least 3 of the 4 characteristics to be considered in condition.,鸡群中至少有90%的母鸡的各项情况达到了4个特征中的其中3个,检查胸肉形状,Check fleshing breast meat,胸肉检查,Fleshing Evaluation,1,2,3,4,5,检查胸肉形状=身体发育情况,Breast shape evaluation=field estimate of body condition,检查耻骨的开放情况,Check pelvic bone open or not,22,周龄,耻骨开放到4厘米或2个手指的宽度,Opening of 4 cm or around 2 fingers at 22 weeks,足够的脂肪储存,Good Fat Reserve,没有脂肪储存,Poor Fat Reserve,育成期母鸡,产蛋
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