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1、Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,-Fifth level,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,HM-,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,-Fifth level,Copyright 2015 Pearson

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8、ducation,Inc.,HM-,1,Chapter,HM,A Brief History,of Managements Roots,Early Management,HM-,2,Management has been practiced for thousands of years.,Organized projects were directed by people responsible for planning,organizing,leading,and controlling.,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,Classical App

9、roaches:Scientific Management,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,HM-,3,Frederick W.Taylor described,scientific management,as a method of scientifically finding the“,one best way to do a job,.”,Classical Approaches:General Administrative Theory,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,HM-,4,Focused o

10、n what constituted,good management,.,Henri Fayol,identified five management functions and 14 management principles.,Max Weber,described the bureaucracy as an ideal rational form of organization.,Fayols Fourteen Principles of Management,1.Division of work,2.Authority,3.Discipline,4.Unity of command,5

11、.Unity of direction,Subordination of individual interests to the general interest,Remuneration,8.Centralization,9.Scalar chain,10.Order,11.Equity,12.Stability of tenure personnel,13.Initiative,14.Esprit de corps,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,HM-,5,Behavioral Approach,Early management writers

12、 included:,Robert Owen,who was concerned about deplorable working conditions.,Hugo Munsterberg,a pioneer in the field of industrial psychology.,Mary Parker Follett,who recognized that organizations could be viewed from both individual and group behavior perspectives.,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education

13、,Inc.,HM-,6,The Hawthorne Studies,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,HM-,7,Studies conducted at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company:,Provided new insights into individual and group behavior at work.,Concluded that group pressures can significantly impact individual productivity.,B

14、ehavioral Approaches 1930s-Today,Human Relations Movement,Organizational Behavior(OB),Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,HM-,8,The Quantitative Approach,Used quantitative techniques to improve decision making.,Evolved from mathematical and statistical solutions developed for military problems dur

15、ing World War II.,W.Edwards Deming and Joseph M.Jurans ideas became the basis for,total quality management(TQM),.,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,HM-,9,Contemporary Approaches:Systems Approach,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,HM-,10,Contemporary Approaches:Contingency Approach,Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.,HM-,11,HM-,12,

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