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1、词 1. 1.       fox /fɒks/ n.狐狸 2. 2.       giraffe /ʤɪˈrɑːf/n.长颈鹿 3. 3.       eagle /ˈiːɡəl/n.雕;鹰 4. 4.       wolf /wʊlf/n.狼 5. 5.       penguin /ˈpeŋɡwɪn/n.企鹅 6. 6.       care /keə/n.照顾;护理 v.关心;在乎 7. 7.       take care of照顾处理 8. 8.       sandwich /ˈsænwɪʤ/n.三明治 9. 9.       snake /sneɪk/n.蛇

2、 10. 10.     scary /ˈskeəri/adj.吓人的;恐吓的 11. 11.     neck /nek/n.脖子 12. 12.     guess /ges/v.猜测;估计 13. 13.     shark /ʃɑːk/n.鲨鱼 14. 14.     whale /weɪl/n.鲸 15. 15.     huge /hjuːʤ/adj.巨大的;极多的 16. 16.     dangerous /ˈdeɪnʤərəs/adj.危险的;有危害的 17. 17.     save /seɪv/v.教;储蓄;保存 18. 18.     luck /lʌk

3、/n.幸运;运气 19. 19.     Thai /taɪ/adj.泰国的;泰国人的 n.泰国人;泰语 20. 20.     trunk /trʌŋk/n.象鼻 21. 21.     pick /pɪk/v.捡;摘 22. 22.     pick up拿起;举起 · · 照顾他们的孩子 take care of their babies · 像其他的鸟儿一样飞 fly like other birds · 可以快速地游 swim fast · 他们走路的方式 how they walk · 挨着站在一起 stand close together · 帮助他们保持温

4、暖 help them keep warm · 对…没有好处 be good for · 来自 be from=come from · 很吓人  be scary · 和你的伙伴分享你的观点share your ideas with  · 生活在泰国 live in Thailand · 好运的象征 a symbol of good luck · 我们的国家级动物 our national animal · 看起来和其他的动物不同 look different from other · 有大大的耳朵和长长的象鼻 have large ears and · 看起来像 be l

5、ike=look like 1. 23.     carry /ˈkæri/v.拿;提 2. 24.     playful /ˈpleɪfəl/adj.爱嬉戏的;爱玩的 3. 25.     swimmer /ˈswɪmə/n.游泳者 4. 26.     one another 互相 5. 27.     look after照顾 6. 28.     culture /ˈkʌlʧə/ n.文化;文明 7. 29.     however /haʊˈevə/ adv.然而;不过 8. 30.     danger /ˈdeɪnʤə/ n. 危险 9. 31.     in

6、 danger处于危险中 10. 32.     forest /ˈfɒrɪst/ n.森林 11. 33.     cut down砍伐;减少 12. 34.     too many太多 13. 35.     kill /kɪl/ v.杀死;弄死 14. 36.     made of 由…制成的 15. 37.     ivory /ˈaɪvəri/n.象牙 16. 38.     friendly  /ˈfrendli/adj.友好的 17. 39.     quite /kwaɪt/ adv.相当;完全 18. 40.     quite a few相当;非常

7、19. 41.     not…at all一点也不;完全不 20. 42.     fur /fɜː/.软毛 21. 43.     blind /blaɪnd/adj.瞎的;失明的 22. 44.     hearing /ˈhɪərɪŋ/ n. 听力;听觉 23. 17.     捡起;拾起 pick up 24. 18.     用他们的鼻子提重的东西carry heavy things with their trunks 25. 19.     在某些方面 in some ways 26. 20.     优秀的游泳者 great swimmers 27. 21.  

8、   例如 for example 28. 22.     照顾其他的大象 look after other elephants 29. 23.     泰国生活和文化的重要的一部分 an important part of Thai life and culture 30. 24.     处于危险当中 be in danger 31. 25.     砍伐大量的树木 cut down too many trees 32. 26.     为了他们的象牙而杀死大象 kill elephants for their ivory 33. 27.     保护森林 save the f

9、orests 34. 28.     由象牙制成的东西 things made of ivory 35. 29.     非常大的 quite a big 36. 30.     一点也不让人害怕 not scary at all 37. 31.     帮助我探路 help me find my way 38. 32.     友好的朋友 friendly friends 三、句子 1.狼们能很好地照顾他们的孩子们。(P2) Wolves take good care of their babies. 2.---你喜欢狼吗?        ---不,不喜欢。狼非常危险。

10、---Do you like wolves? ---No, I don’t. They’re very dangerous. (P3) 3.---为什么你如此喜欢他们?      ---因为他们非常可爱。 ---Why do you like them so much? ---Because they’re very cute. 4.---企鹅来自哪里?       ---他们来自南极洲。(P5) ---Where are penguins from? ---They’re from Antarctica. 5.---你为什么不喜欢蛇?     ----因为他们非常可怕。(P5)

11、---Why don’t you like snakes? ---Because they’re really scary. 6.动物是如何成为我们生活中的一部分的?(P6) How are animals part of our lives? 7.它们也是这里好运的一种象征。(P6) They are also a symbol of good luck here. 8.大象看起来和其他的动物不同。他们很大。他们有大大的耳朵和长长的鼻子。他们可以 用他们的鼻子捡起和提起重重的东西。(P6) Elephants look very different from other ani

12、mals. They are huge. They have large ears and long trunks. They can pick up and carry heavy things with their trunks. 9.大象在某些方面和我们很像。(P6) Elephants are like us in some ways. 10.他们爱玩并且喜欢在水里玩。他们是优秀的游泳者。(P6) They are very playful and love to play in the water. They are great swimmers. 11.大象是泰国的生活和

13、文化的重要的组成部分。(P6) Elephants are an important part of Thai life and culture. 12.然而,他们处于危险当中。(P6) However, they are in danger. 13.他们生活在森林里,但是人们砍伐了太多的树木。(P6) They live in forests, but people cut down too many trees. 14.人们也会为了象牙杀死大象。(P6) People also kill elephants for their ivory. 15.让我们一起保护森林,不再买

14、用象牙制成的东西。(P6) Lets save the forests and not buy things made of ivory. 16.它是一条相当大的狗,但是她一点也不可怕。(P7) She is quite a big dog, but she is not scary at all。 17.她也是很特别的。你看,我看不见。(P7) She is also very special. You see, I am blind. 四、课文改编语法填空 Section B 1b Hi, I'm Malee and I live in Thailand! The ele

15、phant is my favourite animal. I love elephants, ________(连词) they are strong and clever. They are also a symbol _______good luck here. The elephant is our national animal. ______ 13 March, we celebrate Thai Elephant Day. Elephants look very different _______other animals. They are huge. They have l

16、arge ears and long_______(trunk). They can _______(捡起) and carry heavy things _______ their trunks. Elephants are like us in some ways. They are very _____(play) and love to play in the water. They are great ________(swim). They are also clever. For example, they can remember one another and places

17、 with food and water after many years. Elephants are very kind too. They _________(照顾)other elephants when they don't feel well. The big elephants also help the baby ones. Elephants are an important part of Thai life and culture. However, they are in danger. They live in forests, but people _______

18、_(砍伐) too many trees. People also kill elephants_______ their ivory. Let's save the forests and not buy things ________(make)of ivory. Every elephant _______(count). Keys: 1.because 2.of   3.On   4.from    5.trunks      6.pick up      7.with 8.playful9.swimmers     10.look after    11.cut down    12.for    13.made    14.counts

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