
1、2025,全国两会精神宣传,PPT,课件,汇报人:XXX,时间:,XXX,2025,政府工作报告要点,2025,政府工作报告要点,双语版,双语版,前,言,3,月,5,日,李强总理向十四届全国人大三次会议作政府工作报告,要点如下:,目,录,1,2024,年工作回顾,2,今年主要预期目标,3,今年部分重点工作,第一部分,2024,年工作回顾,2024,年工作回顾,Gross Domestic Product(GDP)grew by 5 percent,国内生产总值增长,5%,Grain output hit a new high,of 700 million metric tons,粮食产量首次跃
2、上,1.4,万亿斤新台阶,A total of 12.56 million urban,jobs were created,城镇新增就业,1256,万人,The,output of new-energy vehicles passed the 13 million mark,新能源汽车年产量突破,1300,万辆,第二部分,今年主要预期目标,今年主要预期目标,GDP growth of around 5 percent,国内生产总值增长,5%,左右,Over 12 million new urban jobs,城镇新增就业,1200,万人以上,CPI increase of around 2 p
3、ercent,居民消费价格涨幅,2%,左右,今年主要预期目标,Grain output of around 700 million metric tons,粮食产量,1.4,万亿斤左右,A drop of around 3 percent in energy consumption per unit of GDP,单位国内生产总值能耗降低,3%,左右,第三部分,今年部分重点工作,今年部分重点工作,-,财政,“赤字率拟按,4%,左右安排,赤字规模比上年增加,1.6,万亿元。,The government has set a projected deficit-to-GDP ratio for 2
4、025 at 4 percent.The government deficit is set at 5.66 trillion yuan,an increase of 1.6 trillion yuan over last years budget figure.,今年部分重点工作,-,政府投资,拟安排地方政府专项债券,4.4,万亿元、比上年增加,5000,亿元。合计新增政府债务总规模,11.86,万亿元、比上年增加,2.9,万亿元。,4.4 trillion yuan of local government special-purpose bonds will be issued,an in
5、crease of 500 billion yuan over last year.,Chinas new government debt will total 11.86 trillion yuan in 2025,an increase of 2.9 trillion yuan over last year.,今年部分重点工作,-,特别国债,拟发行超长期特别国债,1.3,万亿元、比上年增加,3000,亿元。拟发行特别国债,5000,亿元。,A total of 1.3 trillion yuan of ultra-long special treasury bonds will be is
6、sued,300 billion yuan more than last year,and 500 billion yuan of special treasury bonds will be issued to support large State-owned commercial banks in replenishing capital.,今年部分重点工作,-,消费,实施提振消费专项行动。安排超长期特别国债,3000,亿元支持消费品以旧换新。,China will launch special initiatives to boost consumption in 2025,inclu
7、ding issuing ultra-long special treasury bonds of 300 billion yuan to support consumer goods trade-in programs.,今年部分重点工作,-,新质生产力,推动商业航天、低空经济等新兴产业安全健康发展。培育生物制造、量子科技、具身智能、,6G,等未来产业。加快制造业数字化转型。大力发展智能网联新能源汽车、人工智能手机和电脑、智能机器人等新一代智能终端以及智能制造装备。,China will promote safe and sound development of commercial spa
8、ce,the low-altitude economy and other emerging industries.,The country will also foster industries such as biomanufacturing,quantum technology,embodied artificial intelligence,and 6G technology,and accelerate the digitalization of manufacturing.,China will vigorously develop new-generation intellige
9、nt terminals and smart manufacturing equipment,including intelligent connected new-energy vehicles,AI-enabled phones and computers,and intelligent robots.,今年部分重点工作,-,教育,扩大高中阶段教育学位供给,逐步推行免费学前教育。,China will increase the supply of senior secondary school places and promote free preschool education in a
10、 phased way.,今年部分重点工作,-,市场环境,落实解决拖欠企业账款问题长效机制。开展规范涉企执法专项行动。,To ensure that overdue payments owed to enterprises are settled,China will implement long-term mechanisms to address this issue.,Special initiatives will be launched to regulate enterprise-related law enforcement.,今年部分重点工作,-,开放,推动互联网、文化等领域有
11、序开放,扩大电信、医疗、教育等领域开放试点。,China will open internet-related,cultural,and other sectors in a well-regulated way and expand trials to open sectors such as telecommunications,medical services,and education.,今年部分重点工作,-,住房,持续用力推动房地产市场止跌回稳。加力实施城中村和危旧房改造。推进收购存量商品房。继续做好保交房工作。,China will make continued efforts t
12、o stem the downturn and restore stability in the real estate market.,China will intensify efforts to redevelop urban villages and renovate old and dilapidated houses.,China will facilitate the purchase of commodity housing stock.,China will ensure timely delivery of housing projects.,今年部分重点工作,-,乡村振兴
13、,深入实施种业振兴行动。启动中央统筹下的粮食产销区省际横向利益补偿,加大对产粮大县支持。拓宽农民增收渠道。,Initiatives will be taken to invigorate the seed industry.,China will launch the inter-provincial mechanism for major grain-purchasing areas to compensate major grain-producing areas under the overall planning of the central government,and give g
14、reater support to major grain-producing counties.,China will expand,the channels for increasing rural incomes.,今年部分重点工作,-,城镇化,推动将符合条件的农业转移人口纳入住房保障体系。持续推进城市更新和城镇老旧小区改造。,China will enable those eligible to join the housing support system and see that they have smooth access to social security programs
15、.,China,will make steady progress in urban renewal schemes and the renovation of old urban residential compounds.,今年部分重点工作,-,生态,健全绿色消费激励机制,推动形成绿色低碳的生产方式和生活方式。,Incentives for eco-friendly consumption will be boosted to promote green and low-carbon ways of production and life.,今年部分重点工作,-,就业,拓宽高校毕业生等青年
16、就业创业渠道。加强灵活就业和新就业形态劳动者权益保障。提高技能人才待遇水平。,China will expand the employment and business start-up channels for college graduates and other young people.,China will better protect the rights and interests of people in flexible employment and new forms of employment,and move faster to develop a skills-based pay system to see that skilled workers get better paid.,今年部分重点工作,-,医疗卫生,优化药品集采政策,强化质量评估和监管。居民医保和基本公共卫生服务经费人均财政补助标准分别再提高,30,元和,5,元。,China will refine the policy for centralized medicine procurement
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