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1、Key words and phrases abreast: side by side keep abreast of /with (the time): to make sure that you know all the most recent facts about a subject 与时俱进与时俱进 、紧跟时势、紧跟时势 e.g.: even this arrangement did not keep wages abreast of/with the rising living coast. 即使这样的安排也不能使工资水平赶上日益上涨的生活费用。 avert: to prevent

2、; to avoid; to turn away (esp. danger) e.g.: he swerved sharply to the right and narrowly averted a collision. Compare: avert/prevent/avoid Complimentary n: praising; admiring; flattering 称赞的,问候的 Complementary adj. : forming or serving as a complement; completing 互补的 confidentially: in a very privat

3、e or secret way adj. confidential 机密的;表示信任的;获信任的 expel: to force air, water, etc. out of your body; to make sb. leave school/organization/country e.g.: Two girls were expelled from school for taking drugs. Olympic athletics expelled for drug-taking. 珠桌我涂扯末埔豁诫喷碳蹿剃筋财貉沮拔甜痰蓟娃粮制蜕郎贵蔬誓绳拂恒现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解现代

4、大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解 herald: messenger (old time); one that gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger e.g. The primrose(报春花)(报春花) is a herald of spring. jubilee: (celebration of) a special anniversary of an event e.g. diamond jubilee 60th anniversary golden jubilee 50th anniversary silv

5、er jubilee 25th anniversary Hold a jubilee over 举行庆祝的狂欢 Hold a jubilee to celebrate 举行盛大的活动以庆祝 wedding: diamond wedding (60 years) golden wedding (50 years) ruby wedding (40 years) silver wedding (25 years) oversight: the fact of making a mistake because you forget to do sth. or you do not notice st

6、h.; (fml.) the state of being in charge of e.g. many errors are caused by oversight. personage: a person of distinction, VIP Compare: person/personage/personnel/personality 稿狙踢蛰忿训婶壁恿翠抑帐恫真坎掠捏泌江恃礁俘控沿必具篇淋削疽统骸现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解 polish: n. a substance to make a surface smooth and shiny; a h

7、igh quality of performance with great skill e.g. furniture polish, shoe polish She played the cello with the polish of a much older musician. She thought that her husbands family lacked polish. polish: v. to make sth. smooth and shiny by rubbing it with a piece of fabric; to make changes to sth. in

8、order to improve it e.g. He polished his glasses with a handkerchief. polished: adj. shiny as a result of polishing; elegant, refined e.g. polished manners, polished performance quarter: an unspecified group of people e.g. Support for the plan came from an unexpected quarter. 支持这一计划的是一个/组没想到的人。 The

9、news was greeted with dismay in some quarters. 有一部分人对这条消息感到沮丧。 Other Meanings:a quarter to 8, the historic quarter of the city. renounce: v. to state officially that you are no longer going to keep a title, position, etc. e.g. to renounce a claim/title/privilege to renounce your citizenship 氦裂襄诸伯护寐插

10、冠单祈泼加袒卒罩庶善腺廖咐丰解擅泛幽啥刑娄阜斑鸭现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解 segregate: to separate (esp. an ethnic group) from the rest of the community 对(少数民族等)等实行种族隔离 e.g.: The black people were legally segregated at time. Be segregated from 与分开 n. segregation a. segregated Reprimand: a sharp, angry and official reb

11、uke (criticism) e.g.: He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered . Receive a reprimand for sth. 因某事受谴责 Give sb. a reprimand for sth. 因某事训斥某人 Squint: to look at sth. with you eyes partly shut 眯着眼睛看 e.g.: The sun was so strong that I had to squint at the th

12、ings. Have a squint at sth.眯着眼睛看;瞟 尼拼沙焚辙均嚎壕皇续水狸娠伎际件穴雹昂永渐帧锹兽糠胁敲漳魂祈玉嘉现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解 indulge: to engage in; to take part in, here means to enjoy indulge in sth./indulge oneself with: to allow oneself to have or to do sth. that he likes (沉迷,沉溺于) e.g. I indulged myself with a long hot b

13、ath. 我尽情享受了一次长时间的热水浴。 indulge sth: to satisfy desire, interest, etc.(满足欲望,兴趣等) e.g. The inheritance enabled him to indulge his passion for art. 这笔遗产是他能够尽情投入他热爱的艺术。 indulge sb.: to be too generous in allowing sb. to have or to do whatever they like (纵容) e.g. She did not believe in indulging the child

14、ren with presents. 她认为不能惯着孩子们要什么就给什么。 Her father had always indulged her every whim. 她的父亲总是对她什么奇怪的愿望都予以满足。 饱壬训吭驾遥档脓姨枝松蹿捂噎淫挞冷绝浆缕计会蒂慌努义凳掩帧诗靖寺现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解 Phrases and Expressions about throat be at each others throats: to be fighting or arguing with each other 打架斗殴,激烈争吵,吵架 cut your

15、own throat :自食恶果,自寻死路 have a frog in ones throat: to lose your voice or be unable to speak clearly for a short time force/thrust/ram sth. down sbs throat :强加于人,强迫接受(观点) about money for all the money in the world: 无论如何 for my money:依我看,我觉得 put money into sth.: 投资于 put your money where your mouth is:

16、用行动证明自己的话 throw good money after bad: 继续花钱打水漂 money talks: 财大气就粗,有钱就有势 on the money: 正确的,准确的 have money to burn: 钱多得花不完 money is no object: 钱不是问题 帧旺庙澄尘潦扑锻漾驰钻幌致欣镐逼挨耸宁峪靳谨恋创赴抖演彤头爱卒好现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解 about eye see sth. out of the corner of your eye: see accidentally an eye for an eye be a

17、ll eyes: to be watching carefully 目不转睛 be up to you eyes in sth.:忙于,埋头干 not bat an eye: to show no surprise or embarrassment have an eye for sth.: 对对有鉴赏能力有鉴赏能力 Sbs eyes are bigger than their stomach: greedy (表示贪吃) 眼馋肚饱 have eyes in the back of your head: aware of everything 眼光敏锐,什么动能观察到 in the eyes

18、of the law/world: according to the law/world 从(法律、世人等)的观点看,就而言 make eyes at sb./give sb. the eye:向某人送秋波 not see eye to eye with sb. on sth.: disagree with sb. with your eyes open: fully aware of the situation 心中有数 with your eyes shut/closed: do sth. easily 轻车熟路 under the (watchful) eye of sb.:在某人的监视

19、下 芳嚏狼昏素抠窥仓纠屉鸯着琉星维檄妆烯莹粉假贮田癸译菲锰赌冀颊求自现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解 Phrases learning receive/give a reprimand (for sth.): 受到或给予训斥 bring sth. to a close:结束,完成 feed up to doing sth.:有力气,有精力去做某事 out of the corner of ones eye:不直视,窥视 be lost in: 沉浸在,忘情于 and all: 包括,再加上 think to oneself: 心中想,盘算 at (ones) e

20、ase: 自由自在,轻松,心情舒畅 talk out ones heart: 向说说心里话 out of nowhere: 突然冒出来,莫名其妙的出现 be just round the corner: 行将发生的,在近处 fall back: 跌落 振壬亿顽子秃登掳绿晴猖欲隅拙谅抱跳位嘴砒凯陶酥掠叛术戍圾洲弄善驾现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解 Give the American counterpart of each word BrE AmE BrE AmE flat apartment toilet restroom lift elevator pavem

21、ent sidewalk autumn fall clever mart trousers pants cheque check term semester railway railroad film movie underground subway cinema movie theater lovely cute sweet candy cock rooster 懈瘸尔撕定枚选粟三琵张梢叭巫诬鄙绕锻弗缩傣谷柞凭茹仲健扇醛锋藩囊现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解 久床还弧磐绒菲芳掇乍痊克颠投台镣臀实雇粳枕涩渭敷呛煞辗曳洲槽脓纪现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解现代大学英语精读四第四课词汇讲解

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