关键词: 履带式起重机;结构设计; 三维建模
This article describes the historical background of the development of domestic crawler cranes, crawler cranes overall analysis of the structure and operation characteristics, focusing on the important parameters related data crawler cranes, hook design, the overall hydraulic decency, track wheel. In this paper, the original crawler crane experimental analysis, and then complete the existing crawler crane mechanism and structural design optimization based on experimental results. The new crawler crane to the original mechanical transmission hydraulic transmission mode; crawler structure used so cranes can adapt to different terrain conditions, to facilitate the work.
In this paper, crawler crane 3D modeling analysis, the overall structure is analyzed and improved using a hydraulic device, it can be well used in mechanical engineering.
Engineering practice lifting program design still remain in the traditional mode, manually checking mode selection sling, crane selection by referring to the performance table, the use of conventional two-dimensional drawing software AutoCAD and other design lifting processes. This traditional design approach relies heavily on the designer's experience, require multiple iterations, long design cycles, not fully before lifting, visualize dynamic lifting process.
In this context, computer-aided design lifting (CALPAD) technology emerged. Among them, the crane can quickly select the appropriate selection of the crane, and hoisting path planning and simulation can be intuitive and quick lifting process design and preview. However, by comparing the project needs and existing research found that: the application of a wide range of lattice boom crawler cranes less selection; single lifting crane walking path planning is not considered; less simulation of dual-lifting, the conventional method many parameters to be set and it is difficult to determine. Since most existing research projects lack of consideration of certain constraints,
So that it is difficult to apply to real actual hoisting.
In this paper, crane under multiple constraints intelligent selection, consider walking path planning lifting single, dual lifting three simulation research and implement the appropriate software, theoretical results and software form has been successfully applied to the actual hoisting. The main research work are as follows:
1.Shows the multiple constraints crane selection algorithm for mobile crane. First, we constructed a mathematical model of multiple crane selection constraints, based on this selection gives the overall framework of the algorithm, then lattice boom crawler crane for example detail the algorithm performance lifting frame, hanging objects and arm spacing, ground pressure constraint implementation process Finally, an example to verify the availability and effectiveness of the algorithm. Compared with the existing selection algorithm, the algorithm will be technically complex three-dimensional spatial distance computation problem into a two-dimensional geometry calculations, reducing the spacing constraint difficult to deal with; the algorithm because no crane was lifting three-dimensional modeling objects in the application more convenient.
2. The proposed consider walking a single crawler crane hoisting path planning algorithm. First planning mathematical modeling and design based on RRT-Connect ++ lifting path planning algorithm, gives the definition of the configuration space, the distance measure between two shaped expression, crawler cranes nonholonomic kinematic constraints, and finally availability and performance through three simulation verification algorithm, the results show that the algorithm can be found in a variety of complex environments without lifting overload, collision-free path feasible. Algorithm nonholonomic kinematic constraint crawler crane walking into the algorithm to make the path more natural, smooth. In addition, where the distance metric length dimensions and angle dimension subtly unify better expression lifting path length, and the distance measure gives intuitive physical meaning, avoid setting the weighting factor for each component.
3. The proposed based on dual-lifting collaborative simulation geometry of space constraints. For typical simulation for dual-hoisting hoisting working condition, collaborative research between the two planes, designed dual-lifting collaborative simulation model are given expression and design of the basic operation of the dual system. Examples of the availability and effectiveness of the verification by simulation method, the results show that this method can be easily simulated dual-lifting process typical operating conditions. Since the cooperative strategy is embedded dual machine to achieve the basic operation, therefore, in a typical dual-lifting in the lifting process simulation method is more accurate simulation easier to use. In addition, the method of two cranes and hanging objects as a whole complex system called dual system), the concept of Double other aircraft Cooperative hoisting provides a fresh perspective.
4. Proposes a forward kinematics of the double ceiling mount Common Simulation Method. First, from the point of view of statics inquiry Duplex Lifting lifting system from the kinematics law section, the principle of minimum potential energy will play a part of the lifting system kinematics abstract as a constrained mathematical optimization problem, since the principle of minimum potential energy of hoisting ropes yaw angle and lift from the algorithm, with the ADAMS simulation results verify the correctness of the algorithm. Then on the basis of the forward kinematics design double ceiling mount Common Simulation Method. Finally, the availability and effectiveness of the verification method for instance, the results show that the method is an effective means to design and preview dual-lifting process. Compared to conventional dual-based dynamics simulation hoisting method, which only needs to be the center of gravity relative to the position and weight of the hanging objects can be accurately determined during the lifting posture and hanging objects from the lift for lifting dual-emulation provided strong support, can be easily embedded hoisting simulation software for real-time dual-lifting operation simulation, with less parameters, real-time characteristics.
Key words: Crawler Crane; The Structure Design; Three Modeling
目 录
第一章国内外发展现状 2
1.1国外履带式起重机发展现状 2
1.1.1 利勃海尔公司 2
1.1.2 特雷克斯德马格公司 2
1.1.3 马尼托瓦克公司 2
1.2 国内履带式起重机发展现状 3
1.3 履带起重机的发展趋势 3
第二章 履带式起重机的重要参数 5
2.1 起重量Q 5
2.2 工作幅度R和有效幅度A 5
2.3 起重力矩M 5
2.4 起升高度H 6
2.5 工作速度V 6
第三章 吊钩的参数设计 8
3.1 吊钩的结构设计 8
3.2 吊钩的类型及其选择类型 9
3.3 吊钩尺寸的设计计算 10
第四章 发动机的选择及其发动机发热条件 13
4.1 发动机的选择及发热条件 13
第五章履带式起重机液压系统 14
沈阳化工大学科亚学院学士学位论文 致谢
5.1液压系统整体介绍 16
5.2 整体的性能分析 16
5.3 液压传动总结 17
第六章履带式起重机操作注意事项 18
第七章基于Solidworks软件进行的建模及装配 22
7.1 Solidworks软件建模与装配概述 22
7.2 运用Solidworks软件进行零件设计 22
7.3 运用Solidworks软件进行零件装配 25
第八章 结论与展望 26
8.1 结论 26
8.2 展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29