附录 1 文献翻译
域的 CNC(电脑数值控制)加工、位置和仿形精度都是极端重要的。此外,需要更高的精度和更复杂的自由表面减少了组件几何公差和增加的需求更高的处理能力。五轴机床加工(或如果你喜欢)使这些表面主张的充分实现姿态控制的工具,同时也减少了安装和生产时间。然而,识别和量化相关的错误是一个挑战,往往耗费时间,与完整的物理校正近乎不可能。本文的重点是锥截的重复性和功能验收测试在 2012 年标准草案,ISO 10791 7。这项工作建立在艺术的状态和建议使用的人工制品标准锥截测试开发包括两个或两个以上的锥形表面。的解释和调查多锥角人工制品,加工结果在森精 NMV1500,报告。结果表明锥截测试的重复性和潜在的诊断的好处使用多锥角人工制品。
选择和同行评审的责任下的国际科学委员会第六届 CIRP 国际会议上高性能切削。
1 介绍
无数的关键机械部件靠,高精度 3 d 表面功能。其中包括可以使医疗器械的生物相容性,为航空发动机、气动组件和各种汽车零部件,从涡轮增压器叶轮复杂齿轮[1]。此外,对更复杂的需求和更高的精度 3 d 表面只会随着产品的发展,在许多工程领域,以满足增加的功能和性能的要求。汽车行业的象征,可以猜测的案例研究汽车涡轮叶轮如图 1 所示。应该指出的是,业务流程链从计算机辅助设计(CAD) 五轴电脑数值控制(CNC)制造精度的影响最终的表面实现[2]。这是本研究的核心过程感兴趣。
图 1 显示了一个汽车涡轮叶轮。之间存在强烈的影响的数学描述三维叶片表面和叶轮的运作效率[4]。这些叶片通常是完全自由的,要求 5-axisCNC 加工,通过计算机辅助设计和制造(CAD / CAM -数控加工)。这些过程的准确性,在 CAD / CAM 数控链,插入和生成复杂 3 d 表面,决定最终的几何和完成质量。
2 锥截
锥截(CF)测试概念源于 NAS(国家航空标准)979 作为五轴机床的验收测试。在NAS979 然而,z 轴锥轴对齐到机器。的作品从 Bossoni[5],锥截科学提出的倾向。从这个 ISO10791-7 技术委员会(TC39)包括斜锥及其配置值为 ISO / DIS 10791 - 2012。旨在评估产生的锥形面五轴仿形机床的性能当所有轴同时操作。两个加工特性给出一个平面和位置参考。测试配置如图 2 所示。
• 最小机器停机时间
• 可以检测关键错误
• 圆度测量精度对 CMM 测量成为可能
• 最小化减少部队参与
• 完整的系统测试
• 快,因此热运动并不影响结果。
2.1 锥截作为诊断工具
严格检查的一些文献基于锥截法,它是发现有很多 ofinteresting contributions.interesting 贡献。格布哈特等人研究了工件定位的影响在四个不同的地点在一个森精 NMV5000 TTTRR 配置[6]。小锥循环结果之间还是有差异的。循环通过格布哈特受到增加报道的范围线性轴和转动轴上的阿贝误差影响性能。锥之间的小变化循环报道整个机器,显示线性轴,至关重要的是,转动轴错误是在 一个高水平的精度。这项研究还列出了一个详细描述执行 CF 测试夹具的要求在不同机床的位置。
在[7]Uddin 礼物的五轴运动误差建模方法的五轴机床转盘倾斜。错误使用球杆仪测试旋转轴线的确定。五轴运动误差确定然后模拟使用五轴运动误差模型来预测他们的影响力在锥截加工测试。然而本文研究三种不同锥配置,一个 75 度的倾角。报告结果比较的加工结果配置仿真结果。本文只给出了循环配置文件,这些
香港也调查了运动误差影响锥截测试方法通过五轴运动误差模型的发展[8]。他检查了两个锥配置,都有相同的锥顶角不同倾斜角度。据香港工作的重点是模拟错误位置的影响依赖这两个倾斜转盘机配置。在这种情况下,只检查本文介绍循环概要文件。他的结果表明锥构型的敏感性旋转轴的错误。从实验调查使用 R-test B-axis 运动被证明错误影响锥加工的结果。
在[9]加藤等使用球杆仪衡量一个圆形的圈状五轴本文介绍,模拟一个锥形表面的加工。本文是根据圆锥截 NAS979 和草案 ISO 10791 - 7 的考验。工件端球杆仪持有人是定位在编程理论基础中心锥的点。工作报告的加藤检查的敏感性的影响测量角度的数据备份系统与理论 CF 的半顶角。转动轴错误的重点以及同化 CF 使用数据备份系统测量装置进行测试。执行数据备份系统的能力测试,模拟 CF 测试,允许隔离的影响加工过程的错误加工圆锥截的结果。
机评价技术,如 R-test[10],或球杆仪[12]在空载条件下执行。因此他们不考虑轴条件,或加工动力学。测试的数据备份系统的主要优点之一,R-test 快速获得结果的能力一旦设置,允许变更的机器参数,也为了调整机器和校准机器运动结 构。还有一个数字跟踪这些类型的测试报告和错误跟踪可以很容易地生成的。加工测试,工件必须测量和跟踪过程的参数较少使用。
在五轴 CAD / CAM 数控过程链,5 -轴机床及其运动精度是至关重要的。另外两个转动轴的介绍一个典型配置,总是增加运动链的长度和总质量驱动的。这降低了硬度,增加潜在的阿贝误差,导致更多的误差来源与更复杂的控制策略要求在使用硬件[13]。完整的校准机器定位系统是费时和昂贵的停机时间和必要的工具。在正常工作条件下,磨损的机器组件包括推动和指导系统导致的偏差,本文从名 义。重要的是,正是这些运动的错误主要是负责数控机的体积误差,通常在~
70%[14]。因此,它的动机是研究员评估五轴 CAD / CAM 数控系统,专注于运动误差评估。
3 实验研究计划
锥截测试被认为是一个合适的机器错误方法的调查,与许多研究锥截先前执 行的标准配置。ISO 10791 - 7 两种锥的配置细节。为了建立一个基础调查多锥角产物 3.1 节所述,5 个样本两锥截配置进行了加工试验在森精 NMV1500。的目的也进行比较的影响机器配置错误。测试设置详细的表 1 中。
夹具用于配置是一个模块化系统的倾角锥可以改变之间的配置。视锥细胞中心的偏移量从 C-axis 中心角度设置为:x = 37.5 毫米,y = 0,z = 100 毫米。这个偏移量是相同的配置。夹具的有限元分析显示在典型负载下亚微米偏转。设置如图 3 所示。
3.1 多锥角的人工制品
作为我们研究的一部分锥截人工制品的使用五轴机器错误评估,提出了一种 双锥产物[15]。的基本前提是人工制品与多个锥形表面可以通过:改进的错误诊断的基础
▪ 多个锥形面相对位置的精确测量
▪ 测量在一个更大的轴在一个范围内测试
这里开发的多锥角产物,称为多锥目的是插入一个半球的锥形表面不同的顶点角度、同轴半球轴。分辨率依赖于顶角增量。为简单起见,所以最基本的文物是一个双锥配置如图 4 所示。这将是第五节的调查
较低的锥顶角和人工制品的倾向是根据 ISO 10791 - 7 配置 1,锥。上面的锥顶角是 90 度大于锥越低,即它是 120 度。这个配置设计,本文需要有相同的 B-axis 范围。这允许比较类似本文之间的上、下圆锥表面,B-axis 相同的范围内,在两个不同的执行中央 B-axis 位置。这有潜在益处 B-axis 运动检查的错误。任何额外的锥形表面必须以这种方式搭配,与锥形壁长度相等的所有面孔。如果选择奇数的圆锥表面,然后中间的表面将会有一个顶角的 90 度。
2012 ISO 10791 - 7 标准提出了一种锥形 20 毫米的高度,产生不同的锥壁长度取决于顶角。所以锥壁长度必须等于所有锥,最小长度为 6 毫米,由于 ISO 10791
- 7 的要求 2 毫米从顶部和底部循环测量。
4 标准锥的结果
4.1 配置 1 的结果
表 1 显示了测量位置相对于循环引用(XY)和循环(O)5 配置 1 锥加工。圆度误差是可以接受的报道 2012 ISO 10791 - 7 标准草案(80 微)。平均锥理论开发的意思是测量和标准偏差被测量,即 n = 15。从检查结果,标准偏差小于 10 微米五轴和3 -轴加工操作。平均值的变化的 x 和 y 位置平均锥柱< = 2 配置 1 米。
然而,它指出有一个偏差低水平的循环平均锥上沿墙,增加 4 微米。重要的调查锥截错误是在加工操作期间产生的环状轮廓,运动学误差模型可以被用来识别主要影响错误吗
图 5 显示了一个示例的循环配置文件记录了锥在配置 1 加工试验。检查所有样品的循环配置文件有一个消极的 Y 轴附近的天线波束的控制效果伴随着逐渐减少的影响消极 X 和消极的象限的圆形的阴谋。
4.2 配置 2 结果
表 3 显示了配置执行的测量结果和分析 2 筒加工试验。考试的结果,机器的可重复性和评价量化的标准差< 7μm 4μm 平均锥循环记录。平均的变化意味着值, 在第六列,不同位置的 x 和 y 锥,4μm。这是配置不如报道 1,表明更大范围的配置所需的 B-axis 2 可能引入小角错误的工具,从而扭曲了锥轴。显著位置误差锥年代的轴心线与循环引用特性被认为由于使用的理想机模型循环引用特性如配置 1。
图 6 显示了锥的循环配置文件示例配置 2。检查所有样品的循环配置文件配置 2 也有类似的功能的配置 1,然而,一个更大的循环价值。附近有一个天线波束的控制效应的负面 Y 轴伴随着逐渐减少的影响消极的 X 和 Y 象限的圆形的阴谋
5 多锥角产物结果
本研究的调查所需的加工旧版本之前描述所以使用理想的运动学模型进行 M 半精 NMV1500 机器。所以的加工也表现,分析了在同等条件下的配置 1 标准锥。
理想运动学模型被用来模拟两锥轴运动所需的加工表面。这些结果图 7 和图 8 所示。B-axis 运动范围的比较表明,他们是相同的上、下表面,然而 60 度抵消的开始位置。
多锥角的产物只需要一套参考功能。这允许精确比较个人的锥位置相对于彼此, 参考功能。这有可能提高五轴绩效评估在更广泛的机器的体积通过锥的精确比较的相对位置错误。这种比较可能是有用的错误诊断,锥之间的关系可以通过运动学误差模型来理解。
多锥角的人工制品,单个所以人工制品加工为考试的结果与报道的标准锥加工试验。从加工试验,这台机器是量化的可重复性。这里的所以测试允许机器精度检查 B-axis 65 度范围,但由于两个单独的,旧版本。错误的评估是基于两个相邻的分析锥形表面。提出了加工试验的结果在表 4。
这些结果的最重要的方面是上下锥形表面的位置偏移量,在X 方向最重要微42 米。这表明之间的不一致性加工两个类似的工具路径由一个 B-axis 45 度角。是有区别的循环值两个锥形表面 11 微米然而,一个类似的循环配置文件都被认为,除了类似于标准锥加工试验结果。< 2 的标准偏差微米都是视锥细胞在三个循环测量。标准偏差的减少,所以的标准锥配置偏差的 7 關米和 4 微米,推断是由于个人的墙长度减少锥上的所以比标准锥壁的长度。
6 结论和未来的前景
本文详细介绍和分析了加工试验的标准锥截配置 ISO 10791 7。一个详细的分析结果进行了量化的过程可重复性。鉴定了大量的错误结果。理想化机模型的
使用显然是检测到循环模型,显示的功能锥截完全CAD / CAM 数控过程链测试方法。在循环配置文件错误已经出现,在配置有相似之处。三个循环概要文件的标准偏差在一个锥增加配置 1 配置 2。工具的推断,一个角错误由于存在大范围的 B-axis 配置 2。
主要的调查标准锥配置,多锥角的人工制品与加工试验进行描述。多锥角起源的概念有很多提出了五轴误差诊断方法的好处。通过插值的半球使用锥它允许多个五轴加工操作的比较单一的人工制品,因此只需要一套参考功能。在这个比较中, 多个锥的位置误差相对于彼此可以准确量化而不需要考虑循环引用。所以的人工制品 B-axis 调查检查了 65 度范围,然而有两个集中本文介绍。两种视锥细胞产生的交叉比较有潜力增强的错误诊断通过更好的理解 B-axis 影响力。多锥产物被视为一个额外的人工制品在 2012 年给出的原始配置 ISO 10791 7。多锥角调查的产物,通过 5 -轴运动误差建模,将用于分离锥循环中的主要误差来源和位置错误,从而有助于诊断。进一步的系统测试计划将计划量化的重复性和功能所以相比标准锥。
我们想表达我们对您的感激之情机床技术研究基金会(MTTRF),森精、DP 技术宝贵的支持。我们也想给一个特殊的感谢 MTTRF 的优秀组织这次会议,邀请参加。我们将真诚地感谢:爱尔兰强生集团NSAI,弗拉体和爱尔兰政府(通过IRCSET)赞助这和相关研究。
1. Chaves-Jacob,J。、J.M.利纳雷斯和 J.M. Sprauel,增加摩擦表面质量的膝关节假体的自由曲面。CIRP 年报,制造技术,2011 年。60(1):531 - 534 页
2. Chaves-Jacob,J。、g . Poulachon 和 e . Duc 最佳策略完成叶轮叶片使用五轴加工。国际先进制造技术学报,2012 年。58(5 - 8):573 - 583 页。
3. k·a·Jagadeesh 这位 Rajenthirakumar、d 和分析几何之间的交互和使用快速原型叶轮泵的效率。先进制造技术的国际期刊,2009 年。44(9):890 - 899 页。
4. 林,M.-T。和 S.-K。吴,伺服系统动力学建模和分析错误五轴机床的测量路径。国际机床和制造杂志,2013 年。66(0):p . -14。
附录 2 英文文献
Investigation of a Multi-Cone Variant of the Standard Cone Frustum Test for 5-Axis Machine Tools
In the domain of CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining, both positional and contouring accuracy are of extreme importance. Moreover, the need for higher precision and more complex freeform surfaces has reduced component geometric tolerances and increased the demand for higher process capabilities. 5-axis machine tools (or machining if you prefer) have enabled realization of these surfaces availing of full tool posture control, while also reducing set-up and production time. However, identification and quantification of associated errors is a challenge, often time consuming, with full physical correction near impossible. This paper's focus is on the repeatability and functionality of the cone frustum acceptance test presented in the draft standard 2012, ISO 10791 -7. This work builds on the state of the art and proposes that the artefact used in the standard cone frustum test be developed to include two or more conical surfaces. Explanation and investigation of the Multi-Cone artefact, with machining results on a Mori Seiki NMV1500, are reported. The results show the repeatability of the cone frustum test and the potential for diagnostic benefits using the Multi-Cone artefact.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee
of the 6th CIRP International Conference on High Performance Cutting 1.Introduction
A myriad of critical mechanical components depend, functionally, on high precision 3D surfaces. These include biocompatible medical devices, aerodynamic components for aero engines, and a range of automotive components, from turbocharger impellers to complex gears [1]. Moreover, the demand for more complex and higher precision 3D surfaces will only increase as products are developed, in many engineering sectors, to meet the demands for increased functionality and performance. The automotive sector is indicative, as may be surmised from the case study of the automotive turbo impeller shown in figure 1. It should be noted that the business process chain from Computer
Aided Design (CAD) to 5-axis Computer Numerical Control (CNC) manufacture affects the accuracy of the final surface realized [2]. This is the core process of interest in this research.
Figure 1 shows an automotive turbine impeller. A strong influence exists between the mathematical description of the 3D blade surface and the impeller’s operational efficiency [4]. These blades are often completely freeform, requiring 5-axisCNC machining, enabled through Computer-Aided Design and Manufacture (CAD/CAM – CNC machining). It is the accuracy of these processes, within the CAD/CAM – CNC chain, to both interpolate and generate the complex 3D surfaces, that determines the final geometry and finish quality.
2. Cone Frustum
The Cone Frustum (CF) test concept originates from NAS (National Aerospace Standard) 979 as an acceptance test for 5-axis machine tools. Within NAS979 however, the Cone axis was aligned to the machine Z-axis. From the works of Bossoni [5], the inclination of the cone frustum was scientifically proposed. From this the technical committee of ISO10791-7 (TC39) have included the inclined cone and its configuration values into ISO/DIS 10791-7 2012. The conical surface produced is designed to assess the 5-axis contouring performance of the machine tool when all axes operate simultaneously. Two machined features give a planar and positional reference. The test configuration is shown in figure 2.
The conical surface generated can be measured for form, orientation and position relative to the machine reference features. Two standard cone configurations are detailed in the standard, with their inclination and apex angles as the varied parameters. These configurations will be detailed in section 2. There are a number of benefits from this test, as follows:
• Minimal machine downtime
• Can detect critical errors
• precision roundness measurement over CMM measurements possible
• Minimised cutting forces involved
• Complete systems test
• Fast, thus thermal motion does not affect the results
3. 2.1. Cone Frustum as a Diagnostics Tool
Critically examining some of the literature based on cone frustum method, it is seen that there have been a number ofinteresting contributions.interesting contributions.
Gebhardt et al. examined the influence of work piece positioning in four different locations within a Mori Seiki NMV5000 with TTTRR configuration [6]. Small differences were seen between the cone circularity results. The circularities reported by Gebhardt were affected by increasing range of the linear axes and the abbé error effect on the rotational axes performance. The small variation between cone circularities reported throughout the machine, showed that the linear axes and, critically, the rotational axes errors were at a high level of precision. This research also lays out a detailed description of the fixturing requirements for performing CF tests in different locations of the machine tool.
In [7] Uddin presents a method of 5-axis kinematic error modelling for a 5-axis machine tool with a tilting rotary table. The errors of the rotary axes were identified using ballbar testing. The 5-axis kinematic errors identified are then simulated using the 5-axis kinematic error model to predict their influence on a cone frustum machining test.
This paper however examines three different cone configurations, one with an inclination angle of 75 degrees. The reported results compare the machining results of the configurations with the simulated results. In this paper only the circularity profiles are presented and these have been overlaid on the obtained machining results. A large proportion of the circularity errors are accounted for from a comparison of kinematic error simulations with the real circularity profiles, noting that there are trending differences in the circularities along the cones wall [7]. No sample size is quoted, thus a single machining test is assumed. This paper shows the influence of the kinematic errors on the 5-axis performance, however it also shows that there are other unaccounted errors such as process or dynamic errors.
Hong also investigated the kinematic error influence on the cone frustum test method through the development of a 5-axis kinematic error model [8]. He examined two cone
configurations, which both had the same cone apex angle but different inclination angles. The focus of the work reported by Hong was to simulate the influence of
positional dependent errors on these two configurations on a tilting rotary table machine. In this case, only the tool-path circularity profile was examined. His results show the sensitivity of the cone configurations to rotary axes errors. From experimental investigations using the R-test, B-axis motion errors were shown to influence the cone machining results.
In [9] Kato et al used the ballbar to measure the circularity of a circular 5-axis tool-path, simulating the machining of a conical surface. The tool-path was produced
according to the cone frustum test of NAS979 and draft ISO 10791-7. The workpiece end ballbar holder was positioned at the programmed theoretical base centre point for the cone. The work reported by Kato examines the effects of the sensitivity of the measurement angle of the DBB in relation to the half apex angle of the theoretical CF. Rotational axes errors were the key focus as well as the assimilation of the CF test using the DBB measurement device. The ability to perform DBB tests that simulate the CF test, allow for the isolation of the influence of the machining process errors on the machined cone frustum results.
Machine evaluation techniques such as the R-test [10], nonbar [11] or ballbar [12] are performed under no load conditions. As such they do not consider spindle condition, or machining dynamics. One of the main advantages of tests like the DBB and R-test is the ability to obtain results quickly once setup, allowing for alteration of machine parameters, in order to tune the machine and also calibrate the machines kinematic structure. There is also a digital traceability in these types of test as a report and error trace can be easily generated. For machining tests, the workpiece must be measured and there is less traceability of the process parameters used.
4. Experimental Research Plan
Within the 5-axis CAD/CAM – CNC process chain, the 5- axis machine tool and its kinematic accuracy are critical. The introduction of two additional rotational axes for a typical configuration, invariably increases the length of the kinematic chain and total
driven mass. This reduces rigidity and increases the potential for abbé error, leading to a higher number of error sources with more complex control strategies required over the 3-axis counterpart [13]. Full calibration of machine positioning systems is time consuming and expensive due to down time and necessary instrumentation. Under normal working conditions, wear of machine components including drive and guide systems lead to the deviations of the tool-path from nominal. Importantly, it is these kinematic errors that are largely responsible for the volumetric errors of the CNC machine, typically at ~70% [14]. As such, it is the motivation of this researcher to evaluate the 5-axis CAD/CAM – CNC system, focusing on the kinematic error assessment.
The cone frustum test is seen as a suitable method for machine error investigation, with much research previously performed on the standard configuration cone frustum. ISO 10791-7 details two cone configurations. In order to establish a basis for investigation of the Multi-Cone artefact described in section 3.1, a five sample machining trial of both cone frustum configurations was conducted on a Mori Seiki NMV1500. The purpose was also to perform a comparison of the effect of the machines errors on both configurations. The test setup is detailed in table 1.
The fixturing used for both configurations was a modular system where the inclination angle of the cone could be changed between both configurations. The offset of the cones centre from the C-axis centre point was set as: x=37.5mm, y=0, z=100mm. This offset was the same for both configurations. Finite element analysis of the fixture showed submicron deflection under typical loads. The setup is shown in figure 3.
3.1. The Multi-Cone Artefact
As part of our research into the use of the cone frustum artefact for 5-axis machine error assessment, a double cone artefact was proposed in [15]. The basic premise is that an artefact with multiple conical surfaces can be the basis for improved error diagnostics through:
• Accurate measurement of the multiple relative conical surface positions
• Measurement over a larger axis range in a single test
The Multi-Cone artefact developed here, referred to as an MCone, is designed to interpolate a hemisphere by conical surfaces of different apex angles, coaxial to the hemisphere axis. The resolution is dependent on the apex angle increment. For simplicity, the most basic of the M-Cone artefacts is a two-cone configuration shown in figure 4. This will be investigated in section 5
The lower cone’s apex angle and the artefact’s inclination are per the ISO 10791-7 configuration 1, cone. The upper cone apex angle is greater by 90 degrees than the lower cone, i.e. it is 120 degrees. This configuration is designed such that the tool-paths required have the same B-axis range. This allows for comparison of similar tool-paths between the upper and lower conical surfaces, with the same B-axis range, performed at two different central B-axis locations. This has the potential benefits for the examination of B-axis motion errors. Any additional conical surfaces must be paired in this manner, with the conical wall length equal across all faces. If an odd number of conical surfaces are chosen, then the middle surface will have an apex angle of 90 degrees.
The 2012 ISO 10791-7 standard presents a cone height of 20mm, which produces a different cone wall length depending on apex angle. The M-Cone cone wall length must be equal across all cones, with a minimum length of 6mm, due to the requirements in ISO 10791-7 of 2mm from top and bottom for circularity measurements.
5. Standard Cone Results
4.1. Configuration 1 Results
Table 1 shows the measured position relative to the circular reference (XY) and circularity (O) for the five configuration 1 cones machined. The circularity error reported is acceptable by the 2012 ISO 10791-7 draft standard (80μm). A theoretical average cone is developed from the mean of the measurements and the standard deviation is taken from all measurements, i.e. n=15. From examining the result, the standard deviation is less than 10 μm for both 5-axis and 3- axis machining operations. The variation of the mean values of the x and y positions in the average cone column are <=2μm for configuration 1.
It is noted however, that there is a deviation in circularity from the lower level of the
average cone to the upper along its wall, with an increase of 4μm. What is important for the investigation of cone frustum errors is the circularity profile produced during the machining operation, as kinematic error modelling can be used to identify the major influencing error groups
Figure 5 shows the circularity profiles recorded for a sample cone in the configuration 1 machining trial. From examination across all samples, the circularity profile has a lobing effect near the negative Y-axis accompanied by a tapering effect in the negative X and negative Y quadrant of the circular plot.
Although the contouring and repeatability of the trial results are within tolerance, there is a significant positional error of the cone in relation to the circular reference feature. The circular refere