Design of small intelligent vegetable harvester
Gao long, Yijinggang, Kong Degang, Yuan Yongwei
Absrtact: at present, most of the vegetable harvesting in China is basically done manually, the harvesting efficiency is low, and the damage to vegetables is great. Aiming at the problems of leaf vegetable harvesting, a small intelligent automatic leaf vegetable harvester was designed by using function tree to analyze the machine function. The machine can intelligently adjust the cutting width and stubble height of harvested vegetables according to the different kinds of vegetables, and adopt battery DC drive technology, wire rod lifting technology, bidirectional lead screw technology and grading transmission technology. The harvester has high harvesting efficiency, which can ensure the harvesting quality of vegetables and meet the needs of leafy vegetables in most areas of China.
Research on Agricultural Mechanization
[Year (Vol.), Issue ]2016(000)009
[Total pages ]4
[keywords] vegetable harvester; cutting adjustment; stubble adjustment
0 Introduction
According to the latest information :2014, China's vegetable area of more than 20 million hm2, Annual output exceeding t ,700 million For over 500 kg per person, Both ranked first in the world [1]. Among them, Facilities vegetable area up to hm2,3.862 million Leaf vegetables account for 50%[2] of facility vegetables. Because of the ecological characteristics of different leafy vegetables, The unified harvest of leafy vegetables is difficult, Its harvest work basically depends on manual completion; But the growth cycle is short, The quality of harvesting is difficult to control, Directly affect the quality of vegetables, and the value [3] of leaf vegetables is reduced. As labor prices rise, The cost of manual harvesting has increased significantly in the cost of vegetables, A kind of intelligent leaf vegetable harvesting machinery [4] is urgently needed in the market. To that end, Design an intelligent automatic leafy vegetable harvester, Can vary according to vegetable species and harvesting requirements, Intelligent adjustment of cutting amplitude and stubble height, And the key working parts are optimized. This machine makes full use of power resources, To minimize environmental pollution during machine operations, Make it meet the harvesting requirements of leafy vegetables in most areas of China.
1 Device programming
For the purpose of designing the functions of the small intelligent automatic leafy vegetable harvester, the function tree [5] of the harvester is analyzed, and the analysis structure is shown in figure 1
According to the principle of creation method, the functional morphology matrix [6] can be established, as shown in Table 1.
according to the morphological matrix theory, there can be 2×3×3×3,2×3,3=324 schemes to realize the function in the functional tree. Through the analysis of similar products in domestic and foreign markets, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various execution methods and taking into account the requirements of cost, difficulty and reliability of assembly of small intelligent automatic leafy vegetable harvester, the final scheme is determined as disk drive wheel walking, conveyor belt conveying vegetables, two-way lead screw cutting pair adjustment, wire rod lifting stubble adjustment, disc cutter cutting vegetables, and manual start-stop control scheme.
2 General structure
The blade vegetable harvester uses battery as DC power supply; the front end of the harvester is equipped with stubble height adjustment mechanism, which is composed of DC motor and wire rod lift, which is driven up and down by DC motor; the front end is equipped with cutting adjusting device, which is driven by motor and can be adjusted manually. The stubble adjusting mechanism, the splitter, the cutting amplitude adjusting mechanism, the conveying mechanism, the conveying DC motor, the forward handrail, the control box, the walking wheel and the collection box are all installed on the rack, and the cutting knife driven by the DC motor is arranged on the cutting amplitude adjusting mechanism, as shown in figure 2.
As shown in Fig .2, the DC motor is directly connected with the wire rod hoist, both of which are installed in the front end of the frame; the splitter is installed in the middle of the front end of the frame; the cutting mechanism is installed in the lower part of the frame; the front end of the conveying mechanism is installed in the front end of the cutting mechanism, the middle part is arranged in the middle of the frame, and the rear is installed in the rear end of the frame; the battery is placed in the lower part of the frame; the driving wheel is arranged in the lower part of the battery and connected to the frame; the control box is installed on the right side of the middle of the frame; The vegetable collection box is installed at the rear of the rack, and the forward armrest is connected to the protruding part of the rear of the rack.
When working, the species of harvested vegetables are determined, the signal is sent out by the control box, the amplitude and width adjustment mechanism and the wire rod lift are moved to the appropriate harvesting position, and the two actions stop. At this point, the cutter starts to work, the walking wheel starts to walk under the drive of the DC motor, and the conveying mechanism moves under the drive of the conveying motor. The harvested vegetables are flipped and transported to the secondary conveying device by the first stage conveying device °90.
3. Key component design
3.1 Cutting adjustment mechanism
The cutting adjustment mechanism is composed of the main adjustment mechanism and the fine adjustment mechanism.The main adjustment mechanism mainly includes DC motor, bidirectional lead screw and cutter placement device.The micro adjustment mechanism includes a small two-way lead screw, a handwheel and a width controller, as shown in Figure 3.
The whole adjusting mechanism is installed at the front end of the harvester support; the DC motor is connected with the bidirectional lead screw through the coupling, and the square nut on the bidirectional lead screw is connected with the cutter placement device. When the DC motor rotates, the bidirectional lead screw rotates and drives the square nut to move in a straight line, thus realizing the adjustment of the harvest line spacing. The square nut on the small two-way screw in the fine-tuning mechanism directly fixed the width controller and adjusted the spacing of the width controller by shaking the handwheel on both sides. The main function of the fine-tuning mechanism is to adjust the clamping width of different vegetables manually.
3.2 Cutting height adjustment mechanism
The stubble height adjustment mechanism consists of DC motor, wire rod hoist and walking wheel, as shown in figure 4.
The DC motor is directly connected with the wire rod hoist, the two wire rod elevators are connected by the synchronous shaft, and the walking wheel is installed at the lower end of the wire rod of the wire rod hoist.
The stubble adjusting mechanism determines the stubble height according to the species and growth status of different leafy vegetables. The control device gives the definite signal, the DC motor rotates, drives the wire rod lift to carry on the lifting movement, thus realizes the different kind and the different growth condition vegetable has the different stubble height.
3.3 Transport institutions
The conveying mechanism is composed of the first stage conveying mechanism and the second stage conveying mechanism: the first stage conveying mechanism mainly includes the front end vertical conveying small wheel, the transverse conveying wheel and the strip belt, etc. The second stage conveying mechanism includes the front and rear conveying wheel, the wide conveyor belt, etc. The structure is shown in figure 5.
The first stage conveying mechanism is installed on the front end of the vegetable harvester, one end of the strip belt is installed on the vertical conveying wheel, the other end of the adjacent two belts is placed on the upper and lower two vertical conveying wheels respectively, and the vegetables can be transported by clamping force between the adjacent two belts. The main function of the primary conveying mechanism is to hold and transport the harvested leafy vegetables and the vertical vegetables horizontally and then to the secondary conveying mechanism; The secondary conveying mechanism conveys the vegetables from the primary conveying mechanism to a higher position and throws them into the collection box.
4 Determination of vegetable transport speed
The conveying mechanism is a bridge connecting cutter and collecting box, and its speed directly affects the working performance of the whole machine. The conveying mechanism can not be blocked or waste unnecessary power, and the vegetables should be stored in the collection box. In order to ensure the harvest quality of leafy vegetables, it is necessary to calculate the conveying speed of the conveying mechanism and obtain the conveying speed matching the walking speed of the whole machine.
4.1 Speed calculation of the first stage conveyor mechanism
The first stage conveying mechanism mainly depends on the clamping force of the strip belt to carry on the vegetable transportation, the conveyor belt fast clamps the vegetable layer thin, the conveyor belt slow increases the vegetable layer thickness. At this point, the conveyor belt speed should be determined according to the specified vegetable stacking thickness so that the conveyor belt unit time of vegetable transport and machine harvest equal and [7]. i
The speed of Vm — machine (m/s);
q1— vegetable production density (plant/ m3);
B— cuts (m);
Vs — first class conveyor belt speed (m/s);
The clamping thickness of d — vegetables in the conveyor belt (mm);
q2— is the concentration density of vegetables on the conveyor belt (m/s).
And so there's Vs =VmBq1/dq2=VmB /kd (2)
The k is the vegetable accumulation coefficient, the k=q1/q2,k is generally 18~33, dk=q1/q2,k 60 mm ..1
4.2 Calculation of secondary transport mechanism
The secondary conveyor belt needs to have a certain thickness of vegetable stacking. The relationship between the velocity Vd of the secondary conveyor belt and the thickness h the clamping layer can be obtained by analyzing its conveying principle
Vd =VsB /kh (3)
Formula Vd — the speed of the secondary conveyor belt;
h — the stacking height of vegetables on the secondary conveyor belt.
At the same time, in order to throw vegetables into the collection box, the end of the secondary conveyor belt should also meet the following conditions [8](see figure 6), that is
The quality of m — vegetables (kg);
Radius of r— delivery wheels (mm);
ω— the angular velocity of the conveyor belt wheel (rad/s);
g— gravitational acceleration (m/s2);
α— the inclination of the conveyor belt.
As a result
ω≥√gcos α/r (5)
Vd =rω(6)
So, so
Vd ≥√rgcos α(7)
For the most adverse case when cos α=1, the minimum limit is
Vmin ≥√rg (8)
Among them, the Vmin is the lowest limit value of the conveyor belt. So to sum up, the speed of the two-stage conveyor belt is Vd greater than Vmin. percent
By theoretical calculation, the range value of the velocity between the first stage conveyor belt and the second stage conveyor belt can be obtained. The q of rod diameter agglomeration coefficient between different leafy vegetables and the thickness of the clamping layer of the transported vegetables d different from the stacking height, which results in the value of the conveyor belt speed can not be obtained accurately. In order to ensure the harvest quality of leafy vegetables, it is necessary to carry out field experiments to determine the accurate value of conveyor belt speed.
5. Conclusions
By using the function tree to analyze, in order to meet the needs of leafy vegetables harvesting in most areas of China, a small intelligent automatic leafy vegetable harvester was designed, and the machine was determined to use battery as power. The cutting mechanism and stubble height adjustment mechanism were used to harvest leafy vegetables. The cutting amplitude and stubble adjusting mechanism make the machine better meet the actual operation requirements and have higher versatility. Through the theoretical calculation of the speed of the conveying mechanism, the range value of the vegetable conveying speed matching the walking speed is determined, but in order to better ensure the harvest quality of the vegetables, the field test of the whole machine is needed.
Compared with the traditional vegetable harvester, the small intelligent automatic leaf and vegetable harvester designed in this paper has the advantages of simple structure, easy manufacturing and processing, convenient operation, high working efficiency and guaranteed the quality of harvested vegetables. Therefore, vegetable harvester has great application prospect and development potential, but it needs further improvement in individual parts of machine, and the whole machine needs further test and analysis.
[1] People's net, China vegetable area output per capita occupies the world first [EB/OL].] in the world http://scitech.people.com.cn/n/2014/0515/c1007-25019148.html.,2014-05-25
[2] State Council. National Planning for the Development of Modern Agriculture (2011-2015)[ EB/OL]. 2012-01-13 http://scitech.people.com.cn/n/2014/0515/c1007-25019148.html.
[3] Wang Jun, du Dongdong, Hu Jinbing. J]. on Mechanized Harvesting Technology and Development of Vegetables Journal of Agricultural Machinery ,2014,45(2):81-87.
[4] Chen Yongsheng, Hu Hui, Xiao Qiqiong, et al. Current Situation of Mechanization of Vegetable Production in China [J].] and Development Countermeasures Chinese Vegetables ,2015(10):1-5.
[5] Zhao Han, Huang Kang, Chen Ke. Design [M].] of Mechanical Systems Beijing: higher Education Press ,2005.
[6] Liu Siping, Liu Shuwu [M].] of Creative Methodology Harbin: Harbin University of Technology Press ,1998.
[7] Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization. Manual for the Design of Agricultural Machinery (first volume)[ K].].1 Beijing: China Agricultural Science and Technology Press ,2007.
[8] Geng Duanyang, Zhang Daolin, Wang Xiangyou, et al .[ M].] of new agricultural mechanics Beijing: national Defense Industry Press ,2011.
Fund projects: Hebei Province Science and Technology support Project (15227209 D); Hebei Province vegetable Industry Technology system Project (2014)
高 龙,弋景刚,孔德刚,袁永伟
【摘 要】摘 要:目前,我国大部分叶菜类蔬菜收获作业基本靠人工完成,收割效率低,且对蔬菜损伤较大。针对叶菜类蔬菜收割存在的问题,通过使用功能树对机器功能进行分析,设计了一种小型智能自动化叶菜类蔬菜收割机。该机能够根据蔬菜种类的不同,智能调节收割蔬菜的割幅宽度与割茬高度,并采用了电池直流驱动技术、丝杆升降技术、双向丝杠技术和分级传动技术。该收割机收割效率高,可保证蔬菜的收割品质,满足国内大部分地区叶菜类蔬菜收割的需要。
0 引言
据最新资料显示:2014年,我国蔬菜面积达到0.2亿hm2多,年产量超过7亿t,人均占有量500kg多,均居世界第一位[1]。其中,设施蔬菜面积达386.2万hm2,叶菜占设施蔬菜的50%[2]。由于不同叶菜类蔬菜之间的生态学特性各异,叶菜类蔬菜的统一收获有着较大的难度,其收获作业基本依靠人工完成;但叶菜生长周期短,收割即时性强、劳动强度大、人工收割质量难以控制,直接影响蔬菜品质,降低了叶菜价值[3]。随着劳动力价格不断上涨,人工收割费用占蔬菜成本大幅度提高,市场急需一种智能化叶菜收割机械[4]。为此,设计了一种智能自动化叶菜类蔬菜收割机,能够根据蔬菜种类及收割要求的不同,对割幅和割茬高度进行智能调节,并对关键工作部件进行了优化设计。该机充分利用电力资源, 尽可能地减轻机器作业时对环境的污染,使其满足国内大多数地区的叶菜类蔬菜的收割要求。
1 装置方案拟定
2 总体结构
3 关键部件设计
3.1 割幅调整机构
3.2 割茬高度调整机构
3.3 输送机构
4 蔬菜输送速度的确定
4.1 一级输送机构速度计算
VmBq1=Vsdq2 (1)
式中 Vm—机器前进速度(m/s);
所以有Vs=VmBq1/dq2=VmB/kd (2)
4.2 二级输送机构计算
Vd=VsB/kh (3)
式中 Vd—二级输送带的速度;
mrω2≥mgcosα (4)
式中 m—蔬菜的质量(kg);
ω≥√gcosα/r (5)
Vd=rω (6)
Vd≥√rgcosα (7)
当cosα =1时为最不利的情况,其最低极限值为
Vmin≥√rg (8)
5 结论
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1iJOE ‒ Vol. 14, No. 3, 2018