Design and Simulation for the Hydraulic System of a New-style Monorail Crane Traction System
In order to meet the requirement of the underground cable checked, the hydraulic system of a new-style monorail crane traction system is introduced. The hydraulic system of the traction system was designed. The modeling and simulation for the hydraulic system was build, and the simulation results were analyzed subsequently. The research shows the system performance reaches the requirements. The simulation results are almost the same as the theoretical value, and the design scheme of the hydraulic system is feasible.
Keywords: monorail crane, traction system, hydraulic system, modeling and simulation
The design of hydraulic system is the component of the whole system. The hydraulic system is to make the host achieve requirements under the cooperation or control of the hydraulic system. According to the requirement of the new traction system, a hydraulic system was designed; the modeling and simulation for the hydraulic system was build to analysis the hydraulic system performance
Calculation of hydraulic system design
Analysis of load and movement
Calculate work load. Work load is the name for traction 45KN. This is the dynamic friction, fluid power is provided by hydraulic motor。
Calculate inertial load
Calculate feeding speed. According to the requirements of the traction system designed, the feeding speed of the system is at 0.12 m/s [2] .
Protocol hydraulic system diagram
Choose basic hydraulic loop. The design of hydraulic system power is bigger, work load change tiny at work, the system mainly realizes transportation function and lowly demand for stability of system, so volume control loop has been chosen. That is the variable pump-quantitative motor speed regulation
The motor oil is mainly as traction wheel operation in the system work, when the system is stable, the hydraulic cylinder piston is in balance, and the flow is unchanged in a certain speed of 0.12m /s. This shows that system in operation is in high pressure and large flow. For improving the efficiency of the system and meeting the needs of the speed regulation, variable piston pump scheme is chosen as the main loop, and gear pump control is chosen for controlling the hydraulic fluid port
System Modeling and Simulation
Simulate for system under the AMESIM. Start AMESIM, enter into the Sketch pattern. In this pattern, the components in the standard library and optional library are used to set up a hydraulic system .As the figure shows:
1) Travel motor and its control parts 2-Pressure cylinder and its control parts 3-Braking cylinder
4-Simulation braking spring
Fig1 Hydraulic system under AMESIM environmen
After completing the system building, click Sub-model mode button to enter the Sub-model model, in this mode, use the preferred sub-model function of Premier Sub-model for each of the system components selecting sub-model.
After determining the sub-model, click the Parameter mode button to enter the Parameter model, at this time, AMESIM performs various inspections for the system and generate executable code, System compilation window gives the technical information, which illustrates with the correctness of the front modeling .
After setting parameters, click on the Simulation mode button into the operation mode, set operation parameters: running time is 50 seconds, click on the start button to complete the simulation
Analyze for simulation results. After completion of the above operation, a part of the resulting drawing is shown fig2 and fig3.
The two figures show, when motor output torque meets the requirement of 735Nm, the entrance pressure reaches 229.75bar after the system stability, that is 22.975MPa, in starting, entrance pressure reaches to 25MPa and starting torque can reach to 800Nm, the entrance pressure difference between this and the previous in the selection of motor is , this phenomenon is mainly caused by the result did not consider mechanical efficiency and volume efficiency of the oil motor in simulation. From the results of the motor entrance pressure simulation we can see, when starting motor, the system pressure has a very fast rise process, but that is still in setting range [5] .
Fig2 Curve of motor inlet pressure Fig3 Curve of Motor output torque
Through the model of the system simulation, we can easily see the motor needs back pressure under different conditions. Set the motor torque were 735Nm, 635Nm, 535Nm, 435Nm, the simulation curve is shown below.
Fig4 Curves of motor inlet pressure under different load
The simulation results show that pressure the system provided is different under different load requirements and the response time of the system is also different. But the maximum pressure is almost the same when the system starts. The results meet the theory and the fact.
Fig5 Pressure curve of hydraulic cylinder
From the pressure cylinder’s braking force curve can be seen, the braking force of the system can reach 28912N in the stability of the system, this complies with the design requirements and is almost the same as the theoretical value
Fig6 Displacement curve of Brake cylinder Fig7 Force curve Brake cylinder piston rod
The displacement curve of the brake cylinder in the figure 6 shows, the brake cylinder displacement becomes big with the pressure increasing in the beginning, and it is a straight line, when the piston rod reaches to the force balance, the displacement will not change, and the displacement is small, that meets the requirements of actual working condition. The force curve of the piston rod in the figure 7 shows, the pressure is big when system produces 45KN, but the force is still in the design range.
According to the requirements of traction system, the hydraulic system of a new-style monorail crane traction system is introduced. The hydraulic system of the traction system was designed, the modeling and simulation for the hydraulic system was build, and the simulation results were analyzed subsequently. The research shows the system performance reaches the requirements. The simulation results are almost the same as the theoretical value, and the design scheme of the hydraulic system is feasible
[1] Anon. Developments in monorail [J].Colliery guardian Redhill.1988, 236 (12):438-439.
[3] Mlinar J R, Erdman A G. Flexible pipelines prevent pressure losses[J]. Engineering and Mining Journal. 2004, 205(8):10.
[4] Xiao L, Li A, Wang X. Research on soft rock or coal seam roadway monorail hanging technology[C]. Henan, China: IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
为了满足对地下电缆的检查要求,引入了新型单轨起重机牵引系统的液压系统。 设计了牵引系统的液压系统。 建立了液压系统的建模与仿真,并对仿真结果进行了分析。 研究表明系统性能达到要求。 仿真结果与理论值基本相同,液压系统的设计方案是可行的。
液压系统的设计是整个系统的组成部分。 液压系统的作用是使主机在液压系统的协作或控制下达到要求。 根据新牵引系统的要求,设计了液压系统。 建立了液压系统的建模与仿真,分析了液压系统的性能。
1.1.1计算工作负载。 工作负载是牵引式45kn的名称。 这就是动态摩擦力,液压马达提供流体动力。
2.1模拟系统下的系统。 开始AMESIM,进入草图模式。 在此模式下,采用标准库和可选库中的组件建立液压系统,图中显示:
1.行驶马达及其控制部件 2.压力缸及其控制部件 3.制动缸 4.模拟制动弹簧图
图1 AMESIM环境下的液压系统
系统搭建完成后,点击子模型模式按钮,进入子模型模式,在此模式下,对选择子模型的每个系统组件使用Premier Sub model的首选子模型功能。
图2电机进口压力曲线图 图3电机输出转矩曲线
通过系统仿真模型,我们可以很容易地看到电机在不同工况下需要背压。 电机转矩设定为:735Nm、635Nm、535Nm、435Nm,仿真曲线如下。
图5 液压缸压力曲线
图6 制动缸位移曲线图 图7 制动缸活塞杆受力曲线
[1] Anon。 单轨铁路的发展[J] .Colliery Guardian Redhill.1988,236(12):438-439。
[2] Evans R J,Mayer check W D,Salinas J L.单轨桥输送系统的表面测试和评估。煤矿开采.1987。
[3] Mlinar J R,Erdman AG。柔性管道防止压力损失。 工程与采矿杂志。 2004,205(8):10。
[4]肖丽,李安,王新。软岩或煤层巷道单轨悬挂技术研究。 中国河南:IEEE计算机学会,2010年。