男女语言差异 英语PPT

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《男女语言差异 英语PPT》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《男女语言差异 英语PPT(18页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Linguistic Difference between Man and WomanContents123Linguistic differenceLinguistic differenceReasons for such differencesReasons for such differencesWays to avoid contradictoryWays to avoid contradictory2Goal of using languageIntonationLinguistic differenceVocabularyTopic selectionManner of speak

2、ing3VocabularyManWomanLordGood lordGood heavenBless my soulMy dear GoodnessGraciousDear meOh dear, youve put the peanut Oh dear, youve put the peanut butter in the refrigerator again.butter in the refrigerator again.Shit, youve put the peanut butter in the refrigerator again.4Intonation(语调)Man: alto

3、 voice making their speech sound steadyWoman: a wider range of intonation ultra-high tone and ultra-low tone making their speech sound somewhat affected 5Topic selectionl Politicsl Economicsl Sportsl Cars 6Topic selectionl Personal relationshipl Child-bearingl Clothes stylel Skin carel Gossip news(八

4、卦) 7ManWoman Tend to be about making Tend to be about making connections to other people.connections to other people. Talk more about people , Talk more about people , relationships and feelings relationships and feelings Tend to be about getting things done Talk more about things and factsGoal of u

5、sing language8Man 、Woman DirectlyDirectly Cooperative Cooperative for equality and harmony for equality and harmony Would you mind shutting the Would you mind shutting the window?window? Indirectly Competitive to acquire and maintain status Shut the window!Manner of speaking9Example“Would you like t

6、o stop for a coffee? ” ”1011Early Childhood Early Childhood SocializationSocialization2Social role Social role 3Social Social discriminationdiscrimination4Psychological Psychological elementelementReasons for such differences11Early Childhood Socialization Girls sit and talk in small.Girls sit and t

7、alk in small. After they become adults, they bring their respective After they become adults, they bring their respective childhood socialization with them.childhood socialization with them. Boys play in larger groups that are activity-focused.Boys play in larger groups that are activity-focused.12S

8、ocial role Carry out different social responsibilities.Carry out different social responsibilities. Womens social status is governed and Womens social status is governed and dominated by men.dominated by men. Men occupy a more powerful position.Men occupy a more powerful position.13Social discrimina

9、tion The society is men-centered.The society is men-centered. This reason can best explain why women are This reason can best explain why women are indirect in proposing their request even orders.indirect in proposing their request even orders. The women are considered in a lower status.The women ar

10、e considered in a lower status.14Psychological element Women tend to use more standard or Women tend to use more standard or educated expressions in their speeches.educated expressions in their speeches. Men will try to come up with a solution while women Men will try to come up with a solution whil

11、e women try to show their sympathy.try to show their sympathy. Men tend to think logically, while women are Men tend to think logically, while women are likely to think emotionally.likely to think emotionally.15Ways to avoid contradictory1 1、To understand the linguistic difference between man and wo

12、man.To understand the linguistic difference between man and woman.2 2、 To understand the speaking characters of man and woman. To understand the speaking characters of man and woman.3 3、To eliminate the concept of gender discrimination.To eliminate the concept of gender discrimination.4 4、To be good

13、 listeners.To be good listeners.5 5、 ToTo encourage woman to express their ideas directly.encourage woman to express their ideas directly.6 6、To improve mans abilities to interpret other people.To improve mans abilities to interpret other people.16QuestionWhat other linguistic difference What other linguistic difference do you think between man and do you think between man and woman?woman?17Thank youThank you

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