
上传人:小** 文档编号:32619311 上传时间:2021-10-15 格式:DOC 页数:7 大小:494KB
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1、如何使用西部数据硬盘的 wd alig n ? 前言:如果您系统是 Vista和 Win7或者Mac则无需安装wd align。分别下好32位系统的 wd align和64位系统的wd align。现对32位XP进行举例说明,我把新买回的 1TG西数绿 盘(缓存64M)接入第二块硬盘位置,操作如下: 1、首先安装wd align,虽然全英文,但一直点击下步直至安装完成即可,桌面出现如下图 2、双击以上图标,即运行 WD Alig n System Utility - Powered By Parago n ,出现如下图 Mign Syste> Ut ility

2、一 ered By Parag an Powered By Paragon WD Align System Utility Uersion: 1.10571.40 This utility is intended to be pun on your Western Digital Advanced Format driue WITHOUT the use of jumpeps. 11 is not necessary to pun this utility if you haue placed a jumper on pins 7 & 8. Please conf irm

3、 that you have NOT set a jumper on pins 7 & 8 by answering to proceed with the alignment process. If you haue set a jumper on pins 7 & 8, please exit the utility by answering yAnswep: a 如上图输入a,回车。出现下图 ID Align Systeat Utility 一 PoTered By Paragon WD Align System Utility 一 Powered By Paragon Ue

4、rsion: 1.10571.40 This utility will help you find and align partitions on Western Digital Advanced Format Drives to maximize the on-disk peif ormance. The alignment utility will: pt. Scan the system for Western Digital Advanced Format Driues. 2. Report on the detected driues, identifying non-ali

5、gned partitions . □. Align all detected non-aligned partitions, or end if no suitable driue has be |en found. Note* 卜 The alignment process is a technical operat ion, which is time and resource int ensiue. Please allou time for the alignment process to be completed- k 11 is recommended t

6、o back up yolif data before start ing the alignment process. p To prevent data loss, please do not interrupt the alignment operation once sta rted ■ p Vonr computer may be restarted seueral times to complete the alignment opevati >on. These restarts are a normal part of the alignment process and w

7、ill be peror med antomatically. 按上图提示按任意键,出现如下图: 按上图输入y,回车出现如下图 □ i X Disk 1: UDC WD10EARS-泗5B1 : Advanced Format Partition 0 Alignment operation in it ializat ion... 06z 00:00:41 D Align Syste> Utility — Povered By P

8、aragon pisk 1: WDC WD10EARS-00V5B1 : Aduanced Format Partition 0 Mlignnent operation in it ializat ion••・ 10z 00:00:42 Hlignnent operation conpleted successfully. Partition 2 Alignnent operation initialization••• 03z 00:00:10<

9、elapsed> 00:05:23 Overll<03z 00:00:10> TO Align System Utility - Powered By Paragon Disk L: WDC WD10EARS-00V5B1 : Aduanced Format Partition 0 Alignnent operation in itialization... 10Z 00:00:42

10、fully. 2 operation initialization.•. 03z 00:00:10 00:00:13> 00:00:16> 00:00:42> 按任意键即可完成 Adva need Format

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