8D Report(8D流程及报告解析)【英文版】

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1、8-D Problem Solving ProcessObjectives1. Provides participants with hand-on experience using a systematic process for resolving complex cause unknown situations2. The problem solving process is composed of 8 systematic steps with decision analysis and problem definition techniques are featured. It em
2、phasizes on utilization of cross function teams and provides appropriate composition of those teams3. The business impact the achievement of six sigma quality and ultimately total customer satisfaction by utilizing a problem solving process to find root causes and achieve permanent solutions8-D Prob
3、lem Solving Process8-D Problem Solving ProcessCourse Outline1. Apply 8 step systematic process in identifying, correction and resolving complex problem2. Choose the appropriate analytical and systematic team through the 8 steps3. Practice using the 8 steps reporting system including preparation of a
4、 concern analysis report4. Working as a team8-D Problem Solving Process Overview Step 1 : Team Formation Step 2 : Describe the Issue Step 3 : Containment Plan Step 4 : Root Cause Analysis Step 5 : Corrective Action Plan Step 6 : Preventive Action Step 7 : Verification Step 8 : CongratulationsTABLE O
5、F CONTENTS8-D Problem Solving ProcessOverviewStructured Team Problem Solving Objective-To use efficient, data-based approach for problem solving & corrective actionStrategies Learn the systematic steps for effective team-oriented problem solving Use the approach as framework for applying statistical
6、 & qualitative methods to your organizations priority concern Report the results of your problem-solving efforts for documentation & future reference Continue to improve your organization by applying these methods, project by project to each concern on priority list8-D Problem Solving ProcessUse the
7、 8 STEPPROBLEMSOLVING processonly when the cause isunknown!8-D Problem Solving Process Inhibitors1. Problem Described Incorrectly - problem description was not clear enough in scope for the team to handle2. Problem-Solving Effort Rushed - to obtain a quick solution, steps in the problem-solving proc
8、ess were skipped3. Poor Team Participation - team member did not participate effectively4. No Logical Process - a disciplined system to prioritize, analyze & review problem was not available8-D Problem Solving Process Inhibitors5. Lack of Technical Skills - statistics & problem-solving methods were
9、not know by team members6. Managements Impatience - all levels of management demand to know exactly when a problem will be solved.7. Mis-identified Root Cause - a potential cause is cause identified as a root cause, concluding the problem investigation8. Permanent Corrective Action Not Implemented -
10、 a root cause may be identified, but no action taken to implement the permanent corrective actions8-D Problem Solving Process- Systematic, yet flexible- Superior usual methods- Efficient interdepartmental communication- Widespread familiarity- Effective management evaluation & control- More skills &
11、 creativity- Buy-in eases implementation- Good data is indisputable- Eliminates personal biases- Tied Demming philosophy- Powerful & commonly available statistical tools- STEPS provides framework for application of methods- Standard format for reporting all action- Later reference provides insight t
12、o problem solutionProvide a structureCommon approachTeam workFact basedQuality methodDocumentation8-D Problem Solving Process -Applying Steps Predicated on team approach Use for a cause unknown situation where you are concern Must be driven top-down to provide adequate resources Management by fact a
13、nd data Require action planning and documentation for each step Focus on effectively using the process not on writing the report No preconceptions!Step 1 - Initiate Project Team ObjectiveTo establish a team of group of people with product & processknowledge, skill in the appropriate technical discip
14、lines andallocated time and authority to take needed action to solve the problemSupporting Concepts and Methods Employee involvement / participative, management Team Leadership skill for group dynamic Meeting facilitation skills8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 1 Team FormationStep 1 - Action & Issu
15、e Management must determine if the initial statement of concern is worth further problem solving investigation Management will designate their staff to sponsor the team as a “champion” Team member shall be designated, representing all departments that may be concerned with the problem Management sha
16、ll identify the expected time commitment from team member and make arrangement for peoples time availability Team member must reach consensus on a mission statement & goals, and document it in writing8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 1 Team FormationStep 1 - Team Composition MembersGood team member
17、are persons who are : willing to contribute capable of diagnosing problem trainable in the use of improvement methods team players, rather than go-it-alone Team Size5 - 9 member is optimum8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 1 Team FormationStep 1 - Use Team ApproachDetermine the problemneeds an 8DAre
18、all the needed areas of knowledge & experience represented ?Team size correct?(5/9 member)Establish time &authority to work on problemAYESNONOSelect individuals for the teamEstablish a team Leader8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 1 Team Formation- action plan established- agenda written for next mee
19、ting- Minutes of previous meeting availableAEstablish team advisorsAre all areas of technical expertise represented?Team establish workingrelationshipsIs team members clear on going & rolesYESNONOStep 1 - Use Team Approach8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 1 Team FormationPower of the Team Approach C
20、ommitment from many disciplines (expertise) breaks down inherent barriers diversity of knowledge & expertise high morale wide range of ideas & observations open ,honest communication positive confrontation - “no right answer” everyone has something to contributeStep 1 - Use Team Approach8-D Problem
21、Solving Process -STEP 1 Team Formation8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 1 Team FormationStep 1 - Use Team ApproachWhy Teams May Fail No leader empowered to implement ideas personality conflicts, domination, by one member, negative attitudes excessive management expectations, not enough time insuffic
22、ient problem solving skills by members undefined progress - no sense of urgency, no goals lack of data/facts, not shared by all8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 1 Requirements for SuccessDirectionteam discussion to clarify & ensure understanding &commitment by allTimeadequate time required from all
23、participants to perform the taskTrainingprovide people skills needed to approach the situationResourcetechnical expertise may be neededSpacework area for data collection or interactionLeadershipFacilitator; coordinate the resources; meetings & reporting the programStep 1 - Use Team Approach8-D Probl
24、em Solving Process - Hints for Problem SolvingPriorities Participation Focused Activity Causal Analysis Leadership8-D Problem Solving Process -Teamwork for Problem SolvingSkills- more talents- more experience- more knowledge- more technical competence- cross departmental lines- increased productivit
25、y- increased dignity morale- consensus decision-making- ”buy in” to change- job enrichment-better solution-solutions more likely to be accepted-response to complete stated missionCommunicationParticipationEffectivenessAdvantagesof Teams8-D Problem Solving ProcessStep 1 - Teamwork RolesLEADER- Empowe
26、red to hold meeting & test theories- spokesperson for the team- has the day-to-day authority & responsible for overall coordinationPARTICIPANTS- diverse backgrounds/responsibilities; - experts from the floor responsible for carrying out assignments- receptive to the consensus decision making process
27、- keeps open mind on possibilities8-D Problem Solving ProcessStep 1 - Teamwork Building COMMITMENT COMMUNICATION LEADERSHIP MEETING EFFECTIVESS RECOGNITION & FEEBACK CONFLICT RESOLUTION CONSENSUAL DECISION MAKING8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the ProblemObjecti
28、veTo determine the extent of the problem & its effects inquantifiable terms resulting in a narrower focus for containment and cause-finding effortsSupporting Concepts and Methods Process flowcharts is/is not analysis check sheets pareto diagrams control charts“A problem welldefined is aproblem half-
29、solved”8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the ProblemProcedure1. Customer Complaint 2. 5W,2H3. Subdivide 4. Deviations Statement - include benchmark - prioritize - decide on team to address - one deviation per statement5. Data Collection Define 6. Operational - flo
30、w diagram - wording - collect - four dimensions - stratify - summarize7. Comparative Analysis 8. Revise Problem - is/is not - STATEMENT - table of known facts8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the ProblemProcedure1. CUSTOMER COMPLAINT describe the symptoms experien
31、ced by the customer (user) in their terms make sure the customer complaint is clearly understood - from the customers viewpoint search for comparative situations8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the ProblemProcedure8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The
32、IssueStep 2 - Define the Problem2. 5W , 2HWho? Identify the customers who are complainingWhat? What is the problem in operational definitionsWhere? Identify defect locationsWhen? Identify the time when the problem startedWhy? State any known explanations of the problemHow? Identify the situations or
33、 mode of operation problem occurredHow many? Quantify the extent & severity of the problemProcedure8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the Problem3. SUBDIVIDE ASK SOME SEPARATION QUESTIONS- what is really troubling us?- will one action correct our problem?- how many
34、 things are we discussing? Etc? PRIORITIZE- probable customer impact- probable negative growth- impact on people, productivity, resources DECIDE ON TEAM- if subdivided problem are very diverse, be appropriate to form additional teamsProcedure8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep
35、 2 - Define the Problem4. Develop Deviation Statement the expression of the difference between what should have happened (what was expected to happen) & what actual happened includes the benchmark for good performance to provide a basis of comparison contains reference to one deviation only. Write a
36、s many deviation statements as are neededProcedure8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the Problem5. DATA COLLECTION Flow Chart- process flow chart that details all alternative process paths Collect the data- anticipate the type of knowledge to be gained- decide what
37、 data will be collected- decide who will collect the data- decide when, where & how data will be collected- decide who will analysis the data- collect the data as soon as possible Stratify- stratify the data into separate process stream Summarize- summarize the evidence of the problem to establish b
38、aselineProcedure8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the Problem6. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Be Specific! Be Concise! BE Precise!Procedure8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the Problem6. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION SEARCH- what is the defec
39、t in question?- need to know what the defect could be but is not- where was the discrepancy observed?- where could the discrepancy have been observed but was not?- where on the part is the defect?- where on the part could the defect be but is not?- when was the non conformance observed?- when could
40、the non conformance observed? Observed but was not?Procedure8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the ProblemApplication- To allow a team identify the actual flow or sequence of events in a process that any product or service follows- Flowcharts can be applied to anyt
41、hing from the travels of an invoice or flow of materials, to the steps in a making sale or servicing a productFlow Chart : Purpose- Show unexpected complexity, problem areas, redundancy, unnecessary loops, and where simplification and standardization may be possible.- Compare and contrasts the actua
42、l versus the ideal flow of a process to identify improvement opportunities.- Allow the team to come to agreement on the steps of the process and to examiner which activities may impact the process performance- Identifies locations where additional data can be collected and investigated- Serves as a
43、training aid to understand the complete processProcedure8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the ProblemFlow Chart : Construction1. Determine the frame or boundary of the process2. Determine the steps in the process3. Sequence the steps4. Draw the flowchart for compl
44、eteness5. Test the flowchart for completeness6. Finalize the flowchartProcedure8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the ProblemProcedure8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 2 Describe The IssueStep 2 - Define the ProblemAn oval is used to show the material, information
45、or action (inputs) to start the process or to show the results at the end (output) or the processA box or rectangle is used to show a task or activity performed in the process. Although multiple arrows may come into each box, usually only one output or arrow leaves each activity box.A diamond shows
46、those points in the process where a yes/no question is being asked or a decision requiredA circle with either a letter or a number identifies a break in the flowchart and continued elsewhere on the same page another pageArrow show the direction of flow of the processAObjective to define, implement &
47、 verify effectiveness of temporary actions to isolate process customer from the effects of the problemSupporting Concepts and Methodscheck sheets histograms control chartsStep 3 - Implement Containment Action8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 3 Containment ActionStep 3 - Implement Containment Action
48、Takes time before the team identifies the root cause (s) Actions should be immediate, once the problem has been defined Containment actions are quick fixes designed only to address the effect Containment actions add cost to the product Containment actions are temporary until corrective actions are i
49、mplemented8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 3 Containment Action100% inspection to sort out defects stop production from a know source of the problem purchase subject parts rather than make in-house single source to one rather than multiple suppliers change tooling more frequently8-D Problem Solving
50、 Process -STEP 3 Containment ActionStep 3 - Implement Containment Action8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 3 Containment Follow-Up Containment actions must last until the root cause is identified & corrective action is implemented Decision making tools are used - when choosing the action needed Risk
51、assessment is an important step during the decision - making process The effectiveness of the containment action must be monitor8-D Problem Solving Process - Step 3 - The ProcessDefine Possible ActionAvoid RippleImplement CADocumentPlan TestsExperimentInformAddress All AspectsDefine possible actions
52、Document all actions takenPerform the experiments to quantitatively provethat the problem effects are containedAddress all aspects of the problemInform customerImplements the chosen actionsChoose CAs that will not create more problemPlan test to verify the effectiveness of the actions8-D Problem Sol
53、ving Process - STEP 4 Root Cause AnalysisObjectiveto identify & test all potential cause using the problemdescription & test data to isolate & verify the root causeSupporting Concepts and Methods brainstorming cause & effect diagrams check sheets histogram control charts capability studies Gage R&R
54、scatter diagram design of experiments FMEAs8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 4 Root Cause AnalysisTwo Sources of Root Cause : the specific local cause that resulted in the problem the systematic cause that is part of the existing design / manufacturing system that allowed the specific local cause t
55、o occurSystematic Procedure for this step :Review problem definition & existing data, looking forclues to potential causeAsk “What changed when?” AND ASK.“Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?Brainstorm all potential cause using a cause and-effectdiagramSelect the most likely cause, compare them to theproblem de
56、finitionConduct parallel, fact-based investigations of the mostlikely cause8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 4 Root Cause AnalysisAsk, “What Changed”No Changes, No New Problem!Review problem statement to find differences between what the problem is & what it is not8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP
57、 4 Root Cause Analysis8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 4 Root Cause AnalysisStep 4 - ASK 5 WHYs Review symptoms or effects of the problem To drive teams understanding from the effect to the cause, ask, “WHY?” FIVE TIMES!”ASK “WHY?” until you can no longer ask“WHY?”then proceed with the process8-D
58、Problem Solving Process - STEP 4 Root Cause AnalysisStep 4 - BRAINSTORM POTENTIALCAUSE all possible cause of the problem should be identified best way to produce a maximum amount of idea is to conduct a brainstorming session cause-and-effect diagram is an excellent tool to assist in brainstorming fo
59、r causes8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 4 Root Cause AnalysisStep 4 - Cause & Effect DiagramMETHODSMACHINEMATERIALMANEFFECT8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 4 Root Cause AnalysisStep 4 - SELECTSelect Choose Potential Cause To Investigate- investigate several cause at the same time- cause are cho
60、sen via routine group Compare Selected Cause To Is/Is Not Data- investigate several cause at the same time- true cause of the problem should explain resulting is & is not data Arrange For Technical Assistance- make arrangement for them to help plan the data collection, conduct the experiments & anal
61、yze the data Data Collection Tools- data collection tool must be matched to the data- example of tools: check sheet, design of experiments8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 4 Root Cause AnalysisStep 4 - CONDUCT PARALLEL INVESTIGATIONSPotentialCause 1Potentia2Cause 2Potentia3Cause 3Root CauseRoot Cau
62、seRoot CauseProblem Solved8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 4 Root Cause AnalysisStep 4 - VERIFICATIONTURN IT ON. .TURN OFFThe true root cause should be able toexplain all of the data & facts collected upto this time8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 4 Root Cause AnalysisStep 4 - IDENTIFY & VERIFY
63、SUMMARYProblem Solving Steps provide concise problem definition describe problem in detail (is/is not) identify differences, changes & dates develop list of possible causes select most likely causes & test verify root cause (turn it on .turn it off)8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 5 Corrective Act
64、ion PlanStep 5 - Permanent Corrective actionObjectiveto select from alternative solutions to the problem & quantitatively confirm through test programs that the problem cause are eliminated, without undesirable side effectsSupporting Concepts and Methods checklist sheets histograms capability studie
65、s control charts scatter diagram design of experiments Weibull Analysis FMEAs 8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 5 Corrective Action PlanTeam must quantitatively confirm that the action will resolve the problemfor the CUSTOMERMOST CRITICAL STEP8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 5 Corrective Action P
66、lanGenerate Alternative Solution remedies for the root cause (s) use brainstorming and/or a cause-and-effect diagram to generate the alternative solutionSelect An Appropriate Solution an appropriate solution must consider :- cost- implementation issue- timing- effectiveness- potential side effects- any other elements important to you or the customer8-D Problem Solving Process - STEP 5 Corrective Action PlanPlanning state the objectives of the plan & define the standards to achieve identify & lis
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