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1、 48个国际音标发音字母及字母组合对照表 /ɑ:/ a after plant graph ask grasp glass fast father ar car farm card arm garden /ʌ/ u o ou oo up supper lunch gun cup bus come mother brother love above trouble flourish blood flood /ɔ:/ al or au our ar small wall talk tall call

2、walk short more horse sport store author catch caught autumn (fall) four mourn(哀悼n.) warm quarter /ɒ/ o a hot lost lot fox box not want wash watch what /ɜ:/ “饿” ir ur ear er or girl shirt skirt thirty bird burn nurse Thursday learn earth heard

3、term her work all over the world /ə/ er or ou ar o a teacher leader remember player doctor actor author delicious gracious familiar collar(衣领,项圈)dollar together tomorrow today Washington around ago elephant banana Canada /i:/ ee ea e ie three tree green sheep

4、 meet beef eat tea meat leave teacher he she me piece receive ceiling /ɪ/ i y结尾 e sit picture it pig big many twenty happy delicious /u:/ oo o u food moon room goose (鹅,笨蛋)tooth shoe do two true truth blue full 1 / 5 /ʊ/ oo ou u o look good

5、 foot book wood should could put full pull push woman wolf /e/ ea e a head bread Its my pleasure (嘴张一指大小) elephant November sell lesson better many any // a bag hand happy hat bad black (嘴张两指大小) /eɪ/ a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate play say way =(放在

6、单词结尾) great break rain paint plain =(放在单词中间) they grey /aɪ/ i--y igh y eye bike fine die light night high my try fly eye /əʊ/ o ow oa home cold go no know low grow show boat coat goal /aʊ/ ou ow house out ground sound loud mouse flower down now

7、 town /eə/ ear air ere are pear bear chair air fair there where care /ʊə/ our oor tour / poor /ɔɪ/ oy oi boy toy joy oil voice choice /ɪə/ eer ear ere ea beer deer ear near here idea /p/ p pig potato pool /b/ b brother bear beer /t/ t

8、ten cat hat /d/ d dog doctor bird /k/ k c ck kite key cook card cat chick /g/ g green get egg /f/ f ph fish frog of photo elephant /v/ v vest van five /θ/ th thank think tooth mouth = (咬住舌尖发/s/的音) // th this these that those = (咬住舌尖发/z/的音

9、)) /s/ c s ch face cinema sick snake mechanic /z/ z se s zip zoo whose cars farmers vans /ʃ/ sh ti she push fish (音似“嘘”) nationality /ʒ/ Sure/3ə Sion/3n Pleasure television /h/ h he horse house /r/ r red rice /ts/ “次” ts cats goats elephants

10、→出现在以t结尾的名词复数 /dz/ “资” ds goods birds →出现在以d结尾的名词复数 /tʃ/ ch tch child chicken china (音似“去”) catch /dʒ/ ge j开头 age language vegetable joy July junk (音似“桔”) /tr/ tr tree train try →(以t嘴型开始卷舌) /dr/ dr driver dress drink →(以d嘴型开始卷舌) /m/ m much mom moon

11、 →(元音前发“么”) am arm →(元音后闭嘴) /n/ n neck nice →(元音前发“呢”) in thin → (元音后发“嗯”) /ŋ/ n ng Drink Sing song /j/ y 开头 yes year your yellow / w/ w wh water warm what where /ǀ/ l leg let → (元音前发“乐”) bell sell →(元音后舌尖上卷) 温馨提示:最好仔细阅读后才下载使用,万分感谢!

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