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Foundations of machine design
Bearings with rolling contact
In bearings with rolling contact, the shaft is directly or indirectly supported by rolling elements, such as balls, cylindrical or conical rollers, or needles (ie , cylindrical rollers with a high l/D ratio).the occasionally encountered name ” antifriction bearings” suggests that this type has litter or no friction. This is erroneous, since the friction is merely of another nature than in journal bearings. In bearing with rolling contact, friction losses are caused by the elastic deformation of the surface in rolling contact , sliding friction of rolling elements with cages, retaining rings and seals, or with one another ,and also by some shear of lubricant.
1. Ball bearings have rolling elements in the form of balls, which in all but the most inexpensive types are held in cages, separators, or retainers, and inner and outer grooved races.
2. Roller bearings have mainly cylindrical, conical, or barrel-shaped rollers instead of balls, but are otherwise quite similar to ball bearings.
3. Needle bearings usually have neither an inner race nor a cage .The needles are retained by integral flanges on the outer race. Transitional types between roller and needle bearings are found in many catalogs.
Bearings with rolling contact have no slipstick effect, low starting torque and running friction, and unlike as in journal bearings, the coefficient of friction varies litter with load or speed. Low starting torque is of great advantage in railroad cars, and the railroad industry has given the main impetus for the development of mass-produced roller bearings in the past, mainly for this reason.
These bearings may take both radial and axial loads (depending upon the type), and need less space axially but more radially(except needle bearings), and less lubrication and maintenance, than journal bearings .they are also noisier and more expensive, and cannot be repaired easily.
Since rolling elements and raceways are theoretically in point or line contact and thus highly stressed in the contact area by typically cyclical loads, all bearings with rolling contact will eventually fail by fatigue when operated at their rated load, metal failure is typically by shear, just below the surface of raceways or rolling elements—a result of the three principal stresses in the x, y and z axis, all compressive .the phenomenon is popularly called spalling and is characterized by the presence of metal flakes in the grease. Even a small bearing load will induce contact stresses above the yield point (up to 500000psi; called hertz stresses after the mathematician who analyzed them). As a result, the contact surfaces are under residual compressive stresses, the phenomenon is popularly called spalling and is characterized by the presence of metal flakes in the grease. Even a small bearing load will induce contact stresses above the yield point (up to 500000psi; called hertz stresses after the mathematician who analyzed them). As a result, the contact surfaces are under residual compressive stresses, balanced by tensile stresses under the surface. Friction between rolling elements and races causes tensile stresses in the surface, believed to cause pitting. The pits, in turn, are the starting point of fatigue failure cracks.
Life expectancy
The life expectancy of ball bearings is not uniform and is base upon statistics. Usually, rated load values in catalogs give the minimum life (revolutions or hours at a given rpm) for 90% of a group of bearings, the so-called B-10 life . Mean or average life is about three times rated life, while median or 50% survival life is about five times rated life.
The considerable spread of the expectancy curve is due to the many possible forms of favorable or unfavorable interaction between the different bearing elements on the basis of dimensional tolerances, surface finish and varying structural properties, as well as conditions of service.
For plain ball bearing, radial load ratings in pounds (as given in catalogs) are based upon a given rpm and a given number of hours of life with 90% survival. The product rpm 60 hr life is then equal to .
Other manufactures give rated loads on the basis of revolutions instead of hours of life (again, 90%survival). In that case, the number of hours of life can be found by dividing by rpmx60. it will be clear from the foregoing that ,for a given load, changes in rpm(within the design limits as given by the manufacturer)affect life in hours inversely; thus
where n=rpm and H=life(hr.).changes in load, on the other hand, affect life in revolutions exponentially; thus
where F=load(lb) and B=life(revolutions).values of k range between 3 and 4 (3 for ball bearings;3.3for most roller and needle bearings).note that for k=3 ,doubling the load means reducing the life in revolutions by a factor of 8.
The relation between B(life in revolutions)and H(life in hours),is as follows:
Other factors affecting bearing life
The rated life of any bearing with rolling contact is based upon proper application conditions, such as adequate lubrication, good alignment, and adherence to recommended interference fit values for the races, if applicable. Any negative variance from these conditions will affect fatigue life unfavorably. On the other hand, life can be extend considerably by materials, the manufacture can produce a bearing with great life expectancy by increasing the accuracy of manufacture i.e. by reducing manufacture tolerances
Static and dynamic load
In tables giving permissible load data for ball dynamic loads, i.e, with the bearing stationary or rotating. The permissible static load is smaller than the permissible dynamic load due to the possibility of permanent indentation (flattening of the contact areas when the bearing is at rest). This phenomenon is called Brinelling .Some permanent indentation is almost unavoidable due to the high contact stresses, however, it has been found that permanent deformations smaller than times the element diameter usually do not unfavorably affect the bearingˊs operation.
Rotation factor
When the outer race rotates and the inner race is stationary (the reversal of common practice), the rated load may be increased by a factor of 1.2,since a ball rolls further per revolution on the outer race when the outer race rotates (the ball rotates in the same sense as the race) than on the inner race (where ball rotation is opposite to that of the race), and life is limited by ball revolutions.
Equivalent dynamic load
A plain ball bearing is designed to take radial loads. However, due to the curvature of the tracks in an axial plane of both inner and outer races, some axial load may be imposed on a radial ball bearing as well. Note that an axial load is taken by all balls , at least in theory, while a radial load is carried by less than half their number.
Manufacturesˊcatalogs give simple conversion methods to and axial loads occur simultaneously in a rotating ball bearing. One manufacture uses a load conversion facture Fc which, when multiplied with the radial component R, gives the equivalent radial load P, which is then used to select a properly size bearing. These load conversion factors depend upon the ratio of the thrust load and the radial load(T/R)and vary for different types of bearings。
A friction drive consists of two cylinders rolling together under some pressure. When no slipping occurs, the tangential velocity V at the line of contact of the two cylinders is, of course, the same for each. From physics we know that V=w*r., in which V is the tangential velocity (in./sec), W is the rotational velocity (rad /sec), and r is the radius of rotation. Since V=w1r1 and also V=w2r2, we can equate both equations. Thus, dividing both sides by we get where is the speed ratio (Mw).
When w is divided by 2π and multiplied by 60,we obtain rpm(n).Therefore, Mw= That is, the speed ratio of two cylinders in rolling contact is equal to the inverse ratio of their radii or diameters, in consistent units.
The drawback inherent to a friction drive, such as that described above , is that it is liable to slip when power of any consequence is transmitted. It can be used only for very small torque applications, such as phonograph turntable drives and the like.
The positive prevention of slippage in the transmission of large quantities of power requires the use of teeth, penetrating into the surface of each cylinder of the friction drive. Mating cylinders provided with teeth are called gears. The diameter of each of the original rolling cylinders is called the pitch diameter, and the sectional outline is called the pitch circle. The curved shape of the tooth outline must be such that no change in speed ratio occurs during the passing contact of each tooth with its mating tooth on the other gear. This is a basic requirement for all gearing. Curves that satisfy this requirement are called conjugate curves.
While several of such curves exist, the one almost universally used at this time is the involute. This curve is that described by a point on a string as it is being unwound from a cylinder.
In spur gears, the simplest of all gears, the teeth are straight lengthwise and parallel to the axis of rotation. The spur gear nomenclature which is mostly applicable to all other types of gears as well.
Nomenclature and definitions
The pitch point P is the point of the pitch circle. The pitch diameter Dp is the diameter of the pitch circle, and is equal to twice the pitch radius. The addendum (i.e., that which is added) is the radial distance from the pitch circle to the top of tooth (the crest) .The dedendum (i.e, that which is deducted ) is the radial distance from the pitch circle to the bottom of the groove between adjacent teeth (the root). Clearance is the difference between addendum and dedendum in mating gears. Clearance prevents binding caused by any possible eccentricity.
The circle pitch Pc is the distance between corresponding sides of neighboring teeth, measured along the pitch circle. The diametral pitch Pd is the number of teeth of a gear for each inch of pitch diameter.( do not confuse Pd with Dp). The circle pitch and the diametral pitch are related as follows:
The line of centers is a line passing through the centers of two mating gears. The center distance C (measured along the line of centers) equals the sum of the pitch radii of pinion and gear () or half the sum of the pitch diameters:
Tooth width is the width of the tooth, measured along the Space width is the distance between facing sides of adjacent teeth, measured along the pitch circle. Tooth width plus space width equals the circular pitch. Face width measures tooth width in an axial direction. The circle from which the involute is generated is called the base circle. Backlash is the space width minus the tooth. It is necessitated by the tolerance of the manufacturing processes used.
The face of the tooth is the active surface of the tooth outside the pitch cylinder. The flank of the tooth is the active surface inside the pitch cylinder. The fillet is the rounded corner at the base of the tooth.
The working depth is the sum of the addendum of a gear and the addendum of its mating gearing
The base pitch is similar to the circular pitch but is measured along the base circle instead of along the pitch circle. It can easily be seen that the base radius equals the pitch radius times the cosine of the pressure angle. Since, for a given angle, the ratio between any subtended arc and its radius is constant, it is also true that the base pitch equals the circle pitch times the cosine of the pressure angleΨ.the pressure angleΨ is the angle between the common tangent to the base circles, and the common tangent to the pitch circles at the pitch point. At present, the preferred pressure angle for spur angle gears is . In newer designs this angle replace the value of formerly used.
The AGMA (American gear manufactures association) has establish the following proportions for pressure angle standard spur gears:
Minimum clearance=dedendum-addendum=
In order to mate properly, gears running together must have :(1) the same pitch, (2) the same pressure angle, and (3) the same addendum and dedendum .The last requirement is valid for standard only.
Since the number of teeth of each of two mating gears is proportional to its respective pitch diameter (prove), it is easier and thus customary to express the speed ratio in tooth numbers rather than pitch diameters; thus,
Where subscript p=pinion, and g=gear. Dpg=pitch diameter of gear, and Dpp=pitch diameter of pinion; n=rpm, and N=tooth number.
Recall that the involute is the curve almost universally used at present for shaping the outline of gear teeth, let us now analyze the action of a pair of mating involute teeth.
机 械 设 计 基 础
在滚动接触轴承中,轴直接或间接的由滚动体支撑着。如球滚子,圆柱滚子和圆锥滚子,还有滚针(一种长径比较大的圆柱滚子)。一些偶然间遇到的 名词“减摩轴承”表明这种类型(轴承)只有很少(或者没有)摩擦。其实这种认识是错误的,因为摩擦不仅仅是滑动轴承的通性。在滚动接触轴承中,摩擦损耗是由于滚动接触中的 表面塑性变形、滚动体与保持架、挡圈、密封圈或者它们相互间的滑动摩擦、以及润滑剂的剪切引起的。
所有的球轴承的预期寿命是不一样的。而是统计出来的。通常产品样本的额定载荷值给出了一组轴承内90%的轴承所能达到的最小寿命(转数或额定转速下的小时数)即所谓的B-10寿命。平均寿命大约是额定寿命的3倍。而50%的 轴承所达到的寿命通常是额定寿命的5倍。
( 这里n表示rpm,H表示寿命)另一方面,转化成载荷影响以转速计的寿命是指数关系的,即(F代表载荷(磅),B代表寿命(转速),K的值在3-4之间取,球轴承取3,大多数的滚子和滚针轴承取3.3)假定K=3,把载荷2,这样就意味着以转速计的寿命将为原来的1/8。
周节是指沿着分度圆上测量的相邻两齿同测齿廓渐的距离。径节是指节园直径单位英尺长度上齿轮的齿数。(不要混淆和)周节与径节之间的关系如下所示: =.
因为两啮合齿轮的齿数是与他们各自的节圆直径成比例的,因此我们习惯上易用齿数而不是用节圆直径来表示速度比。即 Mw=