目 录
第一章 前言............ ............................1
第二章 转向系设计.....................................2
§2.1 转向系概述.....................................2
§2.1.1 转向系的设计要求............................2
§2.1.2 转向系概论..................................3
§2.2 转向系设计.....................................5
§2.2.1 转向性能与阿克曼几何学..................10
§2.2.2 转向系方案分析及确定.......................12
§2.2.3 转向系主要性能参数的确定...................15
§2.2.4 转向系的载荷验算...........................19
§2.2.5 转向传动机构及优化设计.....................20
§2.2.6 转向横拉杆设计与校核.......................23
§2.2.7 转向节的设计...............................26
§2.2.8 转向器及液压助力装置的设计.. . ............27
第三章 悬架设计.....................................41
§3.1.1 悬架概论..................................41
§3.1.2 悬架的设计要求............................41
§3.2.1 悬架的结构形式与方案分析.................41
§3.2.2 悬架主要参数的确定......................45
§3.2.3 弹性元件的设计计算....................... 46
§3.2.4 减振器的选择与设计........................49
§3.2.5 横向稳定杆的设计..........................51
第四章 结论................................. .........52
致 谢.....................................53
摘 要
随着社会的不断发展,人们对货车的使用越来越频繁,3吨小货车的商用价值决定了它的市场定位和设计成本,所以设计时转向系统和悬架设计是汽车设计中的一个非常重要的环节。本次设计在参考同类车型的基础上,按照汽车转向系统和悬架的设计方法,注重其实用功能,同时合理降低制造成本。先选择了转向系统和悬架结构形式,根据所给货车的使用的具体情况, 结合设计要求,确定转向角度﹑转弯半径﹑转向的结构形式及转向装置各部分的结构和强度计算。悬架的结构形式﹑主要参数﹑导向机构﹑减振器和钢板弹簧﹑横向稳定杆设计。使转向系统和悬架满足货车的使用性能。
关键词: 转向系,悬架,循环球式,液压
Along with the continuously develop of the society, the people's usage to the truck is more and more multifarious, 3 ton the company of the small truck comes to a decision its market fixed position and design cost with the value Therefore, 3 ton truck design takes into account cross-country capability, but also pay more attention to comfort, safety and fuel consumption。
Suspension and steering system design of the automobile design, a very important component. The reference design similar models on the basis of the motor vehicles suspension and steering system design methods, Actually oriented functions, a reasonable lower manufacturing costs. First select a steering system and suspension structure, according to the 3 ton truck used in specific circumstances, with the design requirements, determining perspective shift﹑turning radius to form and the structure of devices to all parts of the structure and strength. Suspension structure﹑main parameters﹑oriented institutions﹑absorber and spring﹑horizontal stabilizer design. So that suspension and steering system meet the performance 3 ton truck.
The steering system so that the suspension and re-balance between power and fuel economy on the basis of rational choice of the structure, make a reasonable size, the layout is easy to install. But can be used for other models, have a broad prospect。
KEY WORDS : steering system, suspension, recirculating ball , hydraulic
“这意味着,作为我们正在驾驶,我们正在制氢在实时性,以及混色等,它与汽油的比例为30 %到40 % , ”他说。
氢-汽油混合动力技术来自hydrorunner公司 。
“我们仍在使用汽油,但我们希望使用低于40 % , ”麦克斯韦说。 “氢清除所排放的废气,它实际上是消耗碳,它是不完美的车,不是电动,但也可能是某种东西马上要发挥作用了” 。
罗恩汽车展示了一个“蝎子”的工作原型, SAN的结构,周二在市中心的奥斯汀。
氢内燃机可以达到比30至50 %更高的效率,超过一般的汽油车,麦克斯韦补充。引擎盖下是一个09年阿库拉3.5 ,伟易达电讯电机与280马力的发动机,或450匹马力与双涡轮增压。它有6速手动变速器。
麦克斯韦只是针对lamborghinis ,法拉利,或电动特斯拉这类汽车爱好者的,但表示,他希望创造一个轿车年。仍有待观察是否罗恩汽车将接替在提供其跑车的客户在10月按计划进行。
Hybrid Technologies公司正在拟定一项“绿色”跑车展示在汽车X奖竞赛,根据一份报告,在《大众机械师》。
煤气-电池混合动力将达到相当于二百二英里每加仑汽油,而全电式,将获得150哩到180哩。 一个 drivable原型将在9月上市。
“我们正在寻找此车,基本上结束了主流-不仅仅是建立一个合作,项目开发工程师罗恩c erven告诉该杂志: “ X奖汽车将会成为很值得购买的汽车-显然是一个更高的高端轿车,我们将在X奖可能会得到更多的东西” 。
Hybrid Technologies公司并没有得到和特斯拉电动机和菲斯科汽车一样的重视,这都是准备混合电动跑车。
电动车: 汽车工业的IPHONE?
“我们突然有一个目前的汽车制造商不知道的电池,或软件,或设计这些车辆的开放的领域, ”他补充说,现任公司仍然是离大规模生产电动汽车还有四到五年的距离。
“这是一个谬论,说大家都去跳转小康石油上电池,然后我们将刚才有一个短缺的锂和价格将上升,说: ”丹尼尔埃利奥特,总裁兼首席执行官的凤凰车。 “什么的真的就是一个压裂燃料” 。
凤凰车,相比之下,正在全电式卡车和汽车,是另一个供应商,电动。要解决范围的限制,凤凰汽车正在设计其车辆的基础上, altairnano钛酸锂电池,使用在舰队所在的使用和范围是众所周知的。
“我们正在把压力就越大,他说: ”林志钊,总裁兼首席执行官底特律电动,计划把电动汽车和巴士在2009年。 “我们是' dells '的行业-小男孩有一个巨大的机会,以验证该行业,并成为下一个大的事” 。
林说,消费者也越来越精明的关于环保的索偿要求,汽车制造商。他说,混合与一个大6升引擎,像一凌志是决策,是“一个笑话,一个矛盾的” 。
菲斯科likens电池供电的汽车iphones ,一个产品的消费者都愿意提供出额外的,即使这意味着同时对一些风险,作为一个早期采用者。
“我们看到一个运动的人所要求的产品,这是不存在,人们希望有一个绿色的汽车, ”他说。 “我认为我们要看到的是人要采取这种危险的行动是因为有没有其他的选择” 。
鲁珀特塔德勒,奥迪的主席及行政总裁,在接受采访时说,与德国世界报每周上午Sonntag )刊登星期日表示:在未来5至10年以他预计的电池技术以主导。
“届时我们将生产没有尾气排放的汽车, ”路透社引述塔德勒说。 “电动车提供了巨大机遇,我们已经抓住了” 。
Scorpion sportscar would burn gasoline and hydrogen
Posted by Elsa Wenzel 15 comments
The $150,000 Scorpion would produce hydrogen as it drives.
(Credit: Ronn Motor Company)
A Texas company is offering a glimpse of a high-end hydrogen-gasoline sportscar it hopes to sell by the fall.
Rather than using fuel cells to power an electric motor, the Scorpion from Ronn Motor Company would have an internal combustion engine burning both gasoline and hydrogen, achieving 40 highway miles per gallon.
Unlike with a hydrogen fuel cell car, the Scorpion's "hydrogen on demand" system wouldn't require a high-pressure hydrogen storage tank. Nor would a driver need to find and fill up at a hydrogen fueling station.
Instead, electricity from the Scorpion's alternator sends an electric charge through the water in a storage tank, fracturing molecules and releasing hydrogen, which is injected into the motor, explained Ronn Maxwell, CEO of Ronn Motor in Horseshoe Bay, Texas.
"This means that as we're driving down the road, we're producing hydrogen in real time, and blending it with gasoline at a ratio of 30 to 40 percent," he said.
The hydrogen-gasoline hybrid technology comes from Hydrorunner.
"We are still using gasoline, but we're gonna be using 40 percent less," Maxwell said. "The hydrogen cleans up the emissions. It actually consumes carbon. It's not the perfect car, not electric, but it is something that'll work right now."
Ronn Motor showed off a working prototype of the Scorpion, sans body, Tuesday in downtown Austin.
The hydrogen internal combustion engine can achieve between 30 to 50 percent greater efficiency over standard gasoline cars, Maxwell added. Under the hood is a 2009 Acura 3.5 Vtech motor with 280-horsepower stock, or 450-horsepower with a twin turbo option. The car has a 6-speed manual transmission.
Ronn Motor has taken several orders so far and has plans to build 200 Scorpions this year, eventually ramping up to 500, Maxwell said. He believes his will be the first company to market a passenger car with a hydrogen-on-demand system, which gearheads already tinker with in private garages and which are available for the trucking industry.
Maxwell is targeting the sort of automotive aficionados who might collect Lamborghinis, Ferraris, or an electric Tesla, but said he wants to create a sedan next. It remains to be seen whether Ronn Motor will succeed in delivering its roadster to customers by October as planned.
The company's stock was listed on the Pink Sheets May 29.
Meanwhile, building the necessary fueling infrastructure remains just one of the barriers to wider adoption of hydrogen fuel cell cars, which primarily reside in the garages of a wealthy and famous few.
Hybrid-electric carmaker readies 220 mpg 'super car'
Posted by Martin LaMonica 23 comments
Hybrid Technologies is preparing a '"green" sports car to submit in the Automotive X Prize contest, according to a report in Popular Mechanics.
The car will come in two versions: one for the Auto X Prize that will have a gasoline engine and battery and another all-electric version.
The gas-battery hybrid will get the equivalent of 220 miles per gallon while the all-electric will get 150 mpg to 180 mpg. A drivable prototype is set to hit the streets in September.
The idea is to make the X Prize entrant something that will result in a mass-produced electric car, the company told Popular Mechanics.
"We're looking for this car basically to end up mainstream--not just built for a one-and-done," project development engineer Ron Cerven told the magazine. "The X Prize car is going to be the purchasable--obviously a higher-end car, but there might be something else from us in the X Prize."
Hybrid Technologies doesn't get nearly as much attention as Tesla Motors and Fisker Automotive, which are both preparing hybrid-electric sports cars.
But Hybrid Technologies has ambitious plans to make a range of vehicles that run on lithium-based batteries, including scooters, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, and cars.
Sanyo to make batteries for Volkswagen cars
Posted by Martin LaMonica Post a comment
Sanyo and Volkswagen announced an agreement on Wednesday to make lithium-ion batteries for hybrid electric vehicles, turning up the competition in the field for energy-efficient cars.
Sanyo intends to open a factory to make the batteries in 2010 and Volkswagen plans to introduce a car with them the same year, according to a Bloomberg report. The first car to get the batteries will be an Audi AG, Reuters reported.
The pact also calls for the two companies to make software to electronically control the batteries.
Sanyo already provides nickel metal hydride batteries for Ford and Honda.
Lithium-ion batteries are growing in favor with carmakers. The Tesla Roadster uses lithium-ion batteries, as will the Chevy Volt when it is released in two years.
The Sanyo factory will have the capacity to supply batteries to power between 1.7 million and 1.8 million hybrid vehicles a year, the company told Bloomberg.
A hybrid electric vehicle runs on a battery and a conventional gasoline engine. The batteries are charged by the engine and regenerated power from braking.
Electric cars: iPhones of the auto industry?
Posted by Martin LaMonica 18 comments
Depending on who you talk to, electric cars pack the disruptive force of either Dell PCs or the Apple iPhone.
Regardless of your choice of analogy, the auto industry is facing the kind of technology-based competition it hasn't seen in years.
And in this game, start-ups claim to have the upper hand on the incumbents.
Click on the photo to see a photo gallery of electric cars at the 2008 New York Auto Show.
(Credit: CNET Networks)
"This is probably something that has not been seen since we moved from the horse to the engine," said Henrik Fisker, the CEO of Fisker Automotive, which is designing a luxury hybrid electric car, the Karma.
"We suddenly have an open field where current carmakers don't know about batteries, or software, or designing these vehicles," he said, adding that incumbent companies are still four or five years away from mass-producing plug-in electric cars.
That may sound like bravado coming from a designer of flashy cars. But when you look at the race to deliver a breakthrough battery-driven car, the field is thick with newcomers.
The best known is perhaps Tesla Motors, which just began producing the Roadster sports car with a starting price of about $100,000. But there are several others, offering up different designs and business models to give the internal combustion engine a run for the money.
At a panel of three young car companies--Detroit Electric, Fisker Automotive, and Phoenix Motorcars--at a clean-tech investor conference last week, executives laid out some of the business opportunities and technical hurdles to cleaner cars.
On one point, they agreed: consumers will have more options to kick, or at least cut down on, their gas habit. But beyond that, their views differed on which technology--all-electric, plug-in hybrids, or hybrid electric--would succeed.
"It's a fallacy to say that everyone is going to jump off of oil onto batteries. Then we'll just have a shortage of lithium and the prices will go up," said Daniel Elliot, president and CEO of Phoenix Motorcars. "What's really going on is a fracturing of fuels."
Pick a horse
The diversity of approaches reflects the challenges that current battery technology pose.
Fisker's $80,000 Karma, expected for release at the end of next year, will have a custom-designed lithium ion battery that can go 50 miles. That's a range that covers what most people drive in a day. To ensure a longer range, the car will include a four-cylinder internal combustion gasoline engine that charges the battery.
Click on the photo to see a gallery of electric cars of all shapes under development.
(Credit: Phoenix Motorcars)
But, having both a battery and gasoline engine in one car raises costs, say advocates of all-electric cars. Fisker and Tesla have gone after the luxury market first, catering to environmentally oriented customers willing to pay for the latest technology.
Phoenix Motorcars, by contrast, is making an all-electric truck and car, as is another supplier, Miles Electric. To get around the range limitation, Phoenix Motorcars is designing its vehicles, based on an Altairnano lithium titanate battery, for use in fleets where the use and range are known.
"It's difficult to move to plug-in hybrids and make economic sense...You have to have a conventional drive train and a battery," said Elliot. "When you're talking about going down-market, you really have to pick a horse."
In the next few years, a variety of battery technologies will be put through the paces to see which chemistry will be safe, have a long life, and can be recycled.
Parallel to technical development in batteries, new companies are trying to innovate with new business models.
Project Better Place, started by ex-SAP executive Shai Agassi, is planning to test a battery-swapping program in Israel, Denmark, and perhaps San Francisco. It now has a prototype of its car, which will be built by Renault.
Premium green
Apart from all the technical and business challenges remains the question of customer demand.
To fleet owners, replacing trucks with rechargeable electric vehicles could simply be a question of saving money in the face of rising fossil fuel prices. They can also potentially benefit from government incentives for cleaner transportation, such as California's zero-emissions vehicle plan.
But for many consumers at this point, it's more of a lifestyle statement, argued Fisker. Buying a luxury hybrid electric car is like buying Apple's iPhone when it first came out. Buyers of some of the first consumer-oriented electric cars will be technology early adopters, eager to be part of the future, he said.
Meanwhile, Think Global is making an all-electric town car, called the Think City, which can top out at 65 mph and go 110 miles on a single charge. Rather than try to compete with a typical sedan, it's aimed at urbanites who want a smaller, fuel-efficient car, perhaps used as a second car. It plans to bring the Think City to the U.S. and is exploring business models where consumers can swap out batteries.
The incumbent automakers are not sitting still, either. Nissan this week said that it will offer an all-electric car in 2010. GM's Chevy Volt is supposed to come out in 2010, while the other incumbents are pursuing different paths to better mileage.
"We're putting the pressure on the bigger boys," said Albert Lam, CEO of Detroit Electric, which plans to make electric cars and buses in 2009. "We are the 'Dells' of the industry--the smaller boys that have a tremendous opportunity to validate the industry and to be the next big thing."
Lam said consumers are also getting more savvy about green claims from automakers. He said a hybrid with a big 6-liter engine, like the one Lexus is making, is "a joke, an oxymoron."
Fisker likens battery-powered cars to iPhones, a product consumers are willing to shell out extra for, even if it means taking on some risk of being an early adopter.
"We're seeing a movement where people are demanding a product which is not there. People want a green car," he said. "I think what we are going to see are people are going to take that risk because there is no other alternative."
Audi promises electric car within 10 years
Posted by Steven Musil Post a comment
Audi is joining other German automakers in the effort to eliminate exhaust emissions, promising to bring an electric model to market in the next 10 years.
Rupert Stadler, Audi's chairman and chief executive, said in an interview with German weekly Welt am Sonntag published Sunday that he expects battery technology to dominate in the coming five to 10 years.
"By then we will offer cars without exhaust emissions," Reuters quoted Stadler as saying. "Electric cars offer great opportunities, which we have already seized on."
Reducing vehicle emissions is a chief concern for automakers in Germany. BMW recently showed off a hydrogen-powered 7-series sedan at the 2008 SAE World Congress in Detroit that actually emits less carbon monoxide than are found in the air around it.
At last year's Frankfurt auto show, Mercedes showed off a number of diesel-electric hybrid concept cars that are scheduled for production in 2010 as well as its Diesotto engine, which uses turbo charging, direct injection, and diesel-like compression to maximize power and fuel economy.
Luxury German automakers are likely to be among the hardest hit by new European Commission legislation for stricter emissions and fuel efficiency standards, and consequently have been making efforts to find more efficient versions of their performance-focused lineups.