毕业论文答辩毕业论文答辩PPTPPT北华航天工业学院2017级机电工程学院 答辩人指导老师胡晓斌贺俊杰1升降机的简介THEBACKGROUNDOFTHESUBJECTANDCONTENT设计原理PRESENTSITUATIONANDDEVELOPMENTOFSUBJECT升降机总体方案设计THERESEARCHMENTALITYANDTHEPROCESS各个机构设计THERESULTSOFEXPRIMENTALDATA参考文献及致谢SOLUTIONSANDSUMMARY2345目录/Contents升降机的发展1845年,第一次工业革命出现了第一部工业水压式的升降机,1857年,首部客运升降机在美国纽约的一家商场安装,开创了升降机载人的先河。1880年,德国人西门子发明了电动的升降机。我国升降机发展较晚,从20世纪90年代开始,中国的升降机才开始慢慢普及。升降机的分类升降机的类型繁多,根据其结构类型一般可分为双柱式升降机、四柱式升降机、剪式升降机等。根据升降机的驱动类型分类,升降机大体上可分为机械式和液压式两类。本次设计的升降机本次毕业设计研究的方向是双柱式机械式升降机。机械式升降机虽然维护成本虽然有些高,但是同步性好,不存在漏油污染问题,自锁保护简单易行,升降机性能的好坏受多种因素的影响。l升降机简介l设计原理运用带传动将电动机的动力传递给大带轮,大带轮通过键连接传递给滑动螺旋副,螺旋副中的丝杠螺杆可以将传来的旋转运动转换为螺母的直线运动,带动悬臂梁以及梁上物体实现升降。01电机配置 双电机方案02升降机构 滑动螺旋传动03导轨机构 滚动直线导轨04锁紧机构采用适用于固定Z轴上使用的导轨钳制器设计方案总结原动机为分别安装在左右立柱上的两电机,通过两电机的通断电实现左右螺杆的同步运动,螺杆把转动转变为直线运动,从而是螺母同步上下运动,实现物体升降。l总体方案带传动设计升降机构设计支撑机构设计导轨机构设计锁紧机构设计l各个机构设计l带传动设计123带的设计V带的主要失效形式主要有:1)带在带轮上打滑,不能传递动力;2)带由于疲劳产生脱层、撕裂和拉断;3)带的工作面磨损。带传动的计算设计功率:2.32kw带型:A型4根V带传动比:4带轮基准直径:大带轮335mm小带轮85mm带速:4.27m/s带轮结构的设计带轮的主要组成部分有轮缘、轮辐和轮毂。通过查阅机械设计手册,最终确定小带轮为实心轮,大带轮为孔板轮,材料均为HT200。轮槽的工作表面应尽可能光滑。择较为普遍的普通V带传动,结构为绳芯结构。结构简单、成本低、传动稳定、不需要润滑l举升机构设计螺旋传动分为滑动螺旋传动、滚动螺旋传动和静压螺旋传动三类。选择滑动螺旋传动:结构简单、易于自锁、运转平稳。举升机构螺纹分为梯形螺纹、锯齿形螺纹、矩形螺纹。选择梯形螺纹:牙根强度高,工艺性好;对中性好,不易松动;可以调整和消除间隙。螺母分为整体螺母、组合螺母和剖分式螺母采用整体螺母:结构简单设计计算螺距:10mm螺母工作高度:98mm旋合圈数:10螺纹工作高度:5mm当量摩擦角:6螺纹升角:5自锁l支撑机构设计当成载物体进入到升降机的范围里时,升降机的整个工作范围的宽度就可以随着悬臂的角度和长度的改变而改变。本次设计的支撑机构为对称式悬臂,有利于保持承载物体的稳定性,使立柱中各机构的受力更均匀。悬臂由两段部分组成,可以根据实际情况来改变悬臂的长度,其伸缩范围为250mm.校核弯曲切应力校核弯曲正应力悬臂结构悬臂结构图计算l导轨结构设计直线导轨通常分为滑动直线导轨、滚动直线导轨和静压直线导轨三种。本次设计采用滚动直线导轨:运行速度不会太低,刚度、可靠性较高。选择四方向等载荷型滚动直线导轨。承载能力大,刚性好;摩擦因数小,节省动力;面接触,磨损小,寿命长;两侧安装有互为垂直的两列承载滚珠,刚性好,承受冲击较大。l锁紧机构设计在一个固定的Z轴上运用导轨钳制器,防止悬臂在工作停止时滑落。其制动的动力为气压,并且为常闭型。当电机停止工作时没有气压被供给,导轨钳制器便依靠特殊弹簧的作用夹紧轴,使托臂固定在所要求的位置。当电机工作时会供给给钳制器气压,弹簧便会松开不会对升降产生影响。锁紧光轴的直径:28mm导轨钳制器l参考文献1 郭武,黄泽星,吴上生.汽车举升机的发展趋势分析J.应用研究,2011:75-79.2 上官红喜.一种双柱汽车举升机的设计J.液压与气动,2013(13期):106-109.3 机械设计手册编委会.机械设计手册单行本带传动和链传动M.北京:机械工业出版社,2007.2.4 机械设计手册编委会.机械设计手册单行本带弹簧 摩擦轮及螺旋传动轴 M.北京:机械工业出版社,2007.2.5 成大先.机械设计手册单行本轴承M.北京:化学工业出版社,2004.1.6 良贵,纪名刚.机械设计M.北京:高等教育出版社,2006.5.7 刘鸿文.材料力学IM.北京:高等教育出版社,2011.1.8 孙桓,陈作模,葛文杰.机械原理M.北京:高等教育出版社,2006.5.9 高为国,钟利萍.机械工程材料M.长沙:中南大学出版社,2012.9.10 Neil Sclater,Nicholas P.Chironis.Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices SourcebookM.2007.2.11 Paul D Walker,Nong Zhang,Active damping of transient vibration in dual cluch transmission equipped powertrains:A comparison of conventional and hybrid electric vehiclesJ.Mechanism and Machine Theory,2014,77:11212 成大先.机械设计手册第五版第一卷M.北京:化学工业出版社,2007.11.13 成大先.机械设计手册第五版第二卷M.北京:化学工业出版社,2007.11.14 任济生,唐道武,马克新.机械设计课程设计M.徐州:中国矿业大学出版社,2008.08.l感谢语THANKYOU感谢母校提供了宝贵的学习与实践的机会!感谢贺俊杰老师给与的耐心指导!感谢大学生活中的每一位!感谢各位答辩评审!感谢各位同学的支持与帮助!感谢观看诚恳指正感谢观看诚恳指正北华航天工业学院2017级机电工程学院 答辩人指导老师胡晓斌贺俊杰
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Elevator System Based on PLC
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Elevator System Based on PLC
作 者
Leonard Knox
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国 籍
1. PLC控制电梯的优点:
(4) PLC可进行故障自动检测与报警显示,提高运行安全性,并便于检修。
⑴ 能源消耗低
⑵ 电路负载低,所需紧急供电装置小
⑶ 可靠性高,使用寿命长。
⑷ 舒适感好
⑸ 平层精度高
⑹ 运行平稳无噪声
4. PLC控制电梯的设计
Composed by the order of relay control system is a realization of the first elevator control method. However, to enter the nineties, with the development of science and technology and the widespread application of computer technology, the safety of elevators, reliability of the increasingly high demand on the relay control weaknesses are becoming evident.
Elevator control system relays the failure rate high, greatly reduces the reliability and safety of elevators, and escalators stopped often to take with the staff about the inconvenience and fear. And the event rather than taking the lift or squat at the end of the lift will not only cause damage to mechanical components, but also personal accident may occur.
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is the first order logic control in accordance with the needs of developed specifically for industrial environment applications to operate the electronic digital computing device. Given its advantages, at present, the relay control the lift has been gradually replaced by PLC control. At the same time, AC variable frequency motor speed control technology, the way the lift drag speed has been a gradual transition from DC to AC frequency converter. Thus, PLC control technology increases VVVF Elevator modern technology has become a hot industry.
1. PLC elevator control advantages
(1) used in elevator control PLC, with software for automatic control of lift operation, reliability greatly increased.
(2) layer was removed and a majority of the relay, the control system structure is simple, to simplify the external circuit.
(3) PLC can be a variety of complex control system, easy to add or change control functions.
(4) PLC can be automated fault detection and alarm display to improve the operation of security and ease of maintenance.
(5) for the group control the allocation and management, and improve the efficiency of elevator operation.
(6) do not need to change the control scheme changes when the hardware connection.
2. VVVF elevator control characteristics
With the power electronics, microelectronics and computer technology to control the rapid development of technology, communication technology VVVF also a very rapid rate. AC variable frequency motor speed control technology is the power to improve the process in order to improve product quality and improving the environment and promoting technological progress as a primary means. Frequency of its excellent performance and the speed brake from a smooth performance, high efficiency, high power factor and power-saving effect of a broad scope of application and many other advantages of being at home and abroad recognized as the most promising approach speed.
Exchange characteristics of VVVF Elevator
(1)low energy consumption
(2) low load circuit, the required emergency power supply device of small In the acceleration stage, the required start-up current of less than 2.5 times the rated current. Peak starting current and time is short. Since the starting current is drastically reduced, so power consumption and power supply cable diameter can be reduced a lot. Required for emergency power supply devices are also relatively small size.
(3) high reliability and long service life.
(4) good comfort
Elevator operation is best to follow the speed curve of a given operation. Their characteristics can be adapted to human feelings, and to ensure that noise operation, smooth brake Ping layer and high precision
(5) Stable noise-free
(6) In the car, the engine room and adjacent areas to ensure that noise. Because their systems use a high clock frequency. Always produce a true sine wave power supply current yet. Motor torque ripple does not appear. Therefore, to eliminate vibration and noise.
3. Elevator control technology
The so-called elevator control technology refers to the elevator drive system and electrical control system of automatic control. 70 as the 20th century in China's elevator was marked by the exchange of two-speed elevator. Its speed is used to change the elevator traction motor of the very few, two or multi-level approach to the number of windings, very few of them as high-speed winding of the winding, a very few number of windings as the low-speed winding. Windings for high-speed elevator-speed start-up and running, low-speed windings for braking and the maintenance of elevators.
The early 80s, VVVF inverter controlled variable lift system available. It uses AC motor drives, are able to reach the level of DC motor, control the speed of the current has reached 6 m / sec. Its small size, light weight, high efficiency, energy saving, including the past almost all the advantages of the lift. Is the latest elevator drive system.
Operation in vertical lift, there is also the starting point of the terminus station. For more than three-story elevator buildings, the starting point of the terminal stations and stops between the had not, the starting point for these stations at the first floor of the terminal located at the highest floor. Starting point in the first floor of the station known as base stations, known as the starting point at both ends of the terminal stations and stations at both ends of intermediate stops between stations.
Outside the station has a call box, box set are used by staff for elevator call button or touch the call button, the general ends of the lift stations in the call box on the Settings button or touch of a button. Middle layer of the station set up the call box button or touch button 2. No drivers for the control of elevators, at various stations are set up calls me on a button or touch button. Elevator car and the internal settings (except for debris elevator) to manipulate me. Control box switch on the handle or set up stations and the corresponding layer of buttons or touch-button control box on the touch-control button or command button or touch the city button. Outside the command button or touch-button issue as the signal outside the command signal, within the command button or touch-button issue within the signal as a command signal. 80 In the mid-20th century, the touch button has been replaced by micro-button.
As the elevator call box outside the base station, in addition to set up a call button or touch button, but also set a key switch in order to work the elevator clearance. Drivers or management staff to open the elevator to the base station can wriggle through a dedicated key to the key switch. Close the elevator in place to automatically cut off the elevator control power supply or power supply.
4. PLC Control Elevator Design
With the continuous development of urban construction, the increasing high-rise buildings, elevators and life in the national economy has a broad application. Elevator high-rise buildings as a means of transport in the vertical run of daily life has been inextricably linked with people. In fact the lift is based on external call control signals, as well as the laws of their own, such as running, and the call is random, the lift is actually a man-machine interactive control system, simple to use control or logic control order can not meet the control requirements, and therefore , elevator control system uses a random control logic. Elevator control is currently generally used in two ways, first, the use of computer as a signal control unit, the completion of the lift signal acquisition, operation and function of the set, to achieve the lift and set the automatic scheduling function to run the election, drag the control from inverter to complete; the second control mode with programmable logic controller (PLC) to replace the computer control signal sets the election. From the control and performance, these two types of methods and there is no significant difference. Most of the domestic manufacturers to choose the second approach, because the smaller scale of production, their design and manufacture of high cost of computer control devices; and PLC high reliability, convenient and flexible program design, anti-interference ability, stable and reliable operation of the characteristics of Therefore, the elevator control system is now widely used to realize programmable controller.
5. Elevator control system characteristics
Operation of the lift curve is above the start to run comfort indicators lift the key features, and comfort are directly related with the acceleration, according to control theory, for a certain amount of change according to the law must be directly controlled, for elevator control system, according to the ideal acceleration curve acceleration feedback to be used, in accordance with the motor torque equation: M-MZ = ΔM = J (dn / dt), can be seen reflected in the rate of change of acceleration of the system of dynamic torque changes on the control system to control the acceleration of the dynamic torque ΔM = M-MZ. Therefore, during this time to control the use of the principle of acceleration, when the start rate of increase in steady-state value above 90%, the acceleration control system by the switch to speed control, as in paragraph steady speed, speed control for the constant fluctuations in the smaller, little change in acceleration, speed and the use of closed-loop control can maintain a steady-state speed accuracy and precision for the braking section to create the conditions ping layer. Is rising at a rate in the system, and although the above-speed PI regulator used to control, but two of the PI parameters are different in order to improve the system dynamic response indicators. The brake in the system, that is, to reduce the speed of control necessary to ensure the comfort, but also strictly in accordance with the operation of the lift of the relationship between speed and distance control to ensure the accuracy of flat layers. To the speed in the system before 120r/min, in order to take into account both be taken to control the acceleration of time-based and at the same time in each braking distance based on actual speed and speed deviations from the theory to fix the acceleration curve of a given method. For example, from a flat layer at the distance L, the speed should be reduced to Vm / s, while the actual high speed V'm / s, is illustrated by the increase in the braking torque is not enough here, therefore to calculate value determined by the speed-ag after it combined with a negative deviation of ε, even here the value given by the speed of amended - (ag + ε) so that a given rate of deceleration and the actual increase of negative bias, which increases braking torque big, so fast down to the standard value, when the motor speed 120r/min down after the car at this time only a dozen or so cm layer anomaly, low speed lift, in order to prevent yet floor parking area on the phenomenon in order to enable faster access to the lift to floor area ratio adjustment used in this paragraph and the use of optimal control of time in order to ensure accurate and timely access to elevator floor area, in order to achieve accurate and reliable level layer.
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