A Practical Approach to Vibration Detection and Measurement
——Physical Principles and Detection Techniques
By: John Wilson, the Dynamic Consultant, LLC
This tutorial addresses the physics of vibration; dynamics of a spring mass system; damping; displacement, velocity, and acceleration; and the operating principles of the sensors that detect and measure these properties.
Vibration is oscillatory motion resulting from the application of oscillatory or varying forces to a structure. Oscillatory motion reverses direction. As we shall see, the oscillation may be continuous during some time period of interest or it may be intermittent. It may be periodic or nonperiodic, i.e., it may or may not exhibit a regular period of repetition. The nature of the oscillation depends on the nature of the force driving it and on the structure being driven.
Motion is a vector quantity, exhibiting a direction as well as a magnitude. The direction of vibration is usually described in terms of some arbitrary coordinate system (typically Cartesian or orthogonal) whose directions are called axes. The origin for the orthogonal coordinate system of axes is arbitrarily defined at some convenient location.
Most vibratory responses of structures can be modeled as single-degree-of-freedom spring mass systems, and many vibration sensors use a spring mass system as the mechanical part of their transduction mechanism. In addition to physical dimensions, a spring mass system can be characterized by the stiffness of the spring, K, and the mass, M, or weight, W, of the mass. These characteristics determine not only the static behavior (static deflection, d) of the structure, but also its dynamic characteristics. If g is the acceleration of gravity:
F = MA
W = Mg
K = F/d = W/d
d = F/K = W/K = Mg/K
Dynamics of a Spring Mass System
The dynamics of a spring mass system can be expressed by the system's behavior in free vibration and/or in forced vibration.
Free Vibration. Free vibration is the case where the spring is deflected and then released and allowed to vibrate freely. Examples include a diving board, a bungee jumper, and a pendulum or swing deflected and left to freely oscillate.
Two characteristic behaviors should be noted. First, damping in the system causes the amplitude of the oscillations to decrease over time. The greater the damping, the faster the amplitude decreases. Second, the frequency or period of the oscillation is independent of the magnitude of the original deflection (as long as elastic limits are not exceeded). The naturally occurring frequency of the free oscillations is called the natural frequency, fn:
Forced Vibration. Forced vibration is the case when energy is continuously added to the spring mass system by applying oscillatory force at some forcing frequency, ff. Two examples are continuously pushing a child on a swing and an unbalanced rotating machine element. If enough energy to overcome the damping is applid, the motion will continue as long as the excitation continues. Forced vibration may take the form of self-excited or externally excited vibration. Self-excited vibration occurs when the excitation force is generated in or on the suspended mass; externally excited vibration occurs when the excitation force is applied to the spring. This is the case, for example, when the foundation to which the spring is attached is moving.
Transmissibility. When the foundation is oscillating, and force is transmitted through the spring to the suspended mass, the motion of the mass will be different from the motion of the foundation. We will call the motion of the foundation the input, I, and the motion of the mass the response, R. The ratio R/I is defined as the transmissibility, Tr:
Tr = R/I
Resonance. At forcing frequencies well below the system's natural frequency, RI, and Tr1. As the forcing frequency approaches the natural frequency, transmissibility increases due to resonance. Resonance is the storage of energy in the mechanical system. At forcing frequencies near the natural frequency, energy is stored and builds up, resulting in increasing response amplitude. Damping also increases with increasing response amplitude, however, and eventually the energy absorbed by damping, per cycle, equals the energy added by the exciting force, and equilibrium is reached. We find the peak transmissibility occurring when fffn. This condition is called resonance.
Isolation. If the forcing frequency is increased above fn, R decreases. When ff = 1.414 fn, R = I and Tr = 1; at higher frequencies R 0.1 in., to make them practical.
The change in intensity or angle of a light beam directed onto a reflective surface can be used as an indication of its distance from the source. If the detection apparatus is fast enough, changes of distance can be detected as well.
The most sensitive, accurate, and precise optical device for measuring distance or displacement is the laser interferometer. With this apparatus, a reflected laser beam is mixed with the original incident beam. The interference patterns formed by the phase differences can measure displacement down to <100 nm. NIST and other national primary calibration agencies use laser interferometers for primary calibration of vibration measurement instruments at frequencies up to 25 kHz.
Electromagnetic and Capacitive Sensors. Another important class of noncontact, special-purpose displacement sensors is the general category of proximity sensors. These are probes that are typically built into machinery to detect the motion of shafts inside journal bearings or the relative motion of other machine elements. The sensors measure relative distance or proximity as a function of either electromagnetic or capacitive (electrostatic) coupling between the probe and the target. Because these devices rely on inductive or capacitive effects, they require an electrically conductive target. In most cases, they must be calibrated for a specific target and specific material characteristics in the gap between probe and target.
Electromagnetic proximity sensors are often called eddy current probes because one of the most popular types uses eddy currents generated in the target as its measurement mechanism. More accurately, this type of sensor uses the energy dissipated by the eddy currents. The greater the distance from probe to target, the less electromagnetic coupling, the lower the magnitude of the eddy currents, and the less energy they drain from the probe. Other electromagnetic probes sense the distortion of an electromagnetic field generated by the probe and use that measurement to indicate the distance from probe to target.
Capacitive proximity sensor systems measure the capacitance between the probe and the target and are calibrated to convert the capacitance to distance. Capacitance is affected by the dielectric properties of the material in the gap as well as by distance, so calibration can be affected by a change of lubricant or contamination of the lubricant in a machine environment.
Contact Techniques. A variety of relative motion sensors use direct contact with two objects to measure relative motion or distance between them. These include LVDTs, cable position transducers (stringpots), and linear potentiometers. All of these devices depend on mechanical linkages and electromechanical transducers.
Seismic Displacement Transducers. These devices, discussed in detail later, were once popular but now are seldom used. They tend to be large, heavy, and short lived.
Double Integration of Acceleration. With the increasing availability and decreasing cost of digital signal processing, more applications are using the more rugged and more versatile accelerometers as sensors, then double integrating the acceleration signal to derive displacements. While older analog integration techniques tended to be noisy and inaccurate, digital processing can provide quite high-quality, high-accuracy results.
Measuring Vibratory Velocity
Transducers. Some of the earliest "high-frequency" vibration measurements were made with electrodynamic velocity sensors. These are a type of seismic transducer that incorporates a magnet supported on a soft spring suspension system to form the seismic (spring mass) system. The magnetic member is suspended in a housing that contains one or more multiturn coils of wire. When the housing is vibrated at frequencies well above the natural frequency of the spring mass system, the mass (magnet) is isolated from the housing vibration. Thus, the magnet is essentially stationary and the housing, with the coils, moves past it at the velocity of the structure to which it is attached. Electrical output is generated proportional to the velocity of the coil moving through the magnetic field. Velocity transducers are used from ~10 Hz up to a few hundred Hz. They tend to be large and heavy, and eventually wear and produce erratic outputs.
Laser Vibrometers. Laser vibrometers or laser velocimeters are relatively new instruments capable of providing high sensitivity and accuracy. They use a frequency-modulated (typically around 44 MHz) laser beam reflected from a vibrating surface. The reflected beam is compared with the original beam and the Doppler frequency shift is used to calculate the velocity of the vibrating surface. Alignment and standoff distance are critical. Because of the geometric constraints on location, alignment, and distances, they are limited to laboratory applications. One version of laser vibrometer scans the laser beam across a field of vision, measuring velocity at each point. The composite can then be displayed as a contour map or a colorized display. The vibration map can be superimposed on a video image to provide the maximum amount of information about velocity variations on a large surface.
Integration of Acceleration. As with displacement measurements, low-cost digital signal processing makes it practical to use rugged, reliable, versatile accelerometers as sensors and integrate their output to derive a velocity signal.
Measuring Vibratory Acceleration
Most modern vibration measurements are made by measuring acceleration. If velocity or displacement data are required, the acceleration data can be integrated (velocity) or double integrated (displacement). Some accelerometer signal conditioners have built-in integrators for that purpose. Accelerometers (acceleration sensors, pickups, or transducers) are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, performance characteristics, and prices. The five basic transducer types are servo force balance; crystal-type or piezoelectric; piezoresistive or silicon strain gauge type; integral electronics piezoelectric; and variable capacitance. Despite the different electromechanical transduction mechanisms, all use a variation of the spring mass system, and are classified as seismic transducers.
Seismic Accelerometer Principle. All seismic accelerometers use some variation of a seismic or proof mass suspended by a spring structure in a case (see Figure 3). When the case is accelerated, the proof mass is also accelerated by the force transmitted through the spring structure. Then the displacement of the spring, the displacement of the mass within the case, or the forcetransmitted by the spring is transduced into an electrical signal proportional to acceleration.
Accelerometers. Transducers designed to measure vibratory acceleration are called accelerometers. There are many varieties including strain gauge, servo force balance, piezoresistive (silicon strain gauge), piezoelectric (crystal-type), variable capacitance, and integral electronic piezoelectric. Each basic type has many variations and trade names. Most manufacturers provide excellent applications engineering assistance to help the user choose the best type for the application, but because most of these sources sell only one or two types, they tend to bias their assistance accordingly.
For most applications, my personal bias is toward piezoelectric accelerometers with internal electronics. The primary limitation of these devices is temperature range. Although they exhibit low-frequency roll-off, they are available with extremely low-frequency capabilities. They provide a preamplified low-impedance output, simple cabling, and simple signal conditioning, and generally have the lowest overall system cost.
Most important to the user are the performance and environmental specifications and the price. What's inside the box is irrelevant if the instrument meets the requirements of the application, but when adding to existing instrumentation it is important to be sure that the accelerometer is compatible with the signal conditioning. Each type of accelerometer requires a different type of signal conditioning.
Accelerometer Types. The most common seismic transducers for shock and vibration measurements are:
· Piezoelectric (PE); high-impedance output
· Integral electronics piezoelectric (IEPE); low-impedance output
· Piezoresistive (PR); silicon strain gauge sensor
· Variable capacitance (VC); low-level, low-frequency
· Servo force balance
Piezoelectric (PE) sensors use the piezoelectric effects of the sensing element(s) to produce a charge output. Because a PE sensor does not require an external power source for operation, it is considered self-generating. The "spring" sensing elements provide a given number of electrons proportional to the amount of applied stress (piezein is a Greek word meaning to squeeze). Many natural and man-made materials, mostly crystals or ceramics and a few polymers, display this characteristic. These materials have a regular crystalline molecular structure, with a net charge distribution that changes when strained.
Piezoelectric materials may also have a dipole (which is the net separation of positive and negative charge along a particular crystal direction) when unstressed. In these materials, fields can be generated by deformation from stress or temperature, causing piezoelectric or pyroelectric output, respectively. The pyroelectric outputs can be very large unwanted signals, generally occurring over the long time periods associated with most temperature changes. Polymer PE materials have such high pyroelectric output that they were originally used as thermal detectors. There are three pyroelectric effects, which will be discussed later in detail.
Charges are actually not "generated," but rather just displaced. (Like energy and momentum, charge is always conserved.) When an electric field is generated along the direction of the dipole, metallic electrodes on faces at the opposite extremes of the gradient produce mobile electrons that move from one face, through the signal conditioning, to the other side of the sensor to cancel the generated field. The quantity of electrons depends on the voltage created and the capacitance between the electrodes. A common unit of charge from a PE accelerometer is the picocoulomb, or 10-12 coulomb, which is something over 6 × 106 electrons.
Choosing among the many types of PE materials entails a tradeoff among charge sensitivity, dielectric coefficient (which, with geometry, determines the capacitance), thermal coefficients, maximum temperature, frequency characteristics, and stability. The best S/N ratios generally come from the highest piezoelectric coefficients.
Naturally occurring piezoelectric crystals such as tourmaline or quartz generally have low-char