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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?倒伽川? ?官,? ? ? ? ?耐,? ? 块叫,?时?块哪? ? ?哪?反? ? ? ? ? ? ?姐? ? ?昭? ? ? ? ? ?,? ? ?昭?,? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?元? ? ? ? ? ?,?,? ? 堪范 ? ?,? ? ? ?秘?面? ? ? ? 。?饭内,? ? ?卯? ? ? ? ?呢? ? ? ?雌?堪? ? ? ? ? ? ?,? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?,? ?雌? ? ? ? ? ? ?雌? ? ? ? ?,? ?而? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?,? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ! ?#%& ?( ) ?+? ! ?, ? %(.%#/ &! ? 0 1 /2/? #,an dpr obe sintothetra jeetoryeontrolf orw orkinge明iPmentofhyd raulieex c avator,thePowerr n ateh ingeontr olbet weenhydraul iepumpandengine.Therem otem onitori雌andthef aultdiagnosis exper tsyst e m a redeveloped.T hePraetic alaPPlic ationreve alsthattheintelligentizedhydraulieexc a v ator15highlyautom ated,intel l igentizedan dinform ationized,应nden joystheadv antagessu ehasrelativ elystro ngperf or man e e,relativelyh ighoper atingel f ieieneyande c onomi c alef f ieieney.K。叨O r d sHydraulie exc avator,Intel l ige nte o ntr olG PS /G P RSba s ed;F aultd iagn o sis.1Int】, :心U Ct io nAsar n ain -stre amPr oduetofeon struetion alm aehinery,hydraul ieexc av atorPlaysani mPort antr oleineonstruetionofindustr ialan dei v ilbui l d ings,traf f ief aei l itie s,w ate re onser va neyf ac il itie s,hydroeleetriefaei l itiesan d而l it a ryf aeil ities.Withthe sustaine ddevelopmen tofthe nation a leeonomy,thede幻n a ndso ne xc av at or侧11 in cre asesbya侧demarginye a:by”a产.In20 0 4,theproduetionv olumeofe xc avatorinChinare aehed27500sets,aeeountingf or27.8%ofthepr oduetionthroughoutthew orl d.AtPr esent,theissuesrelatingtoe nvir onme ntalPr otec tionan de ne rgye onse rvationha vear ousedagre atde alofpubl iee onee rn.Asar esult,higherrequirementsar eputforwardonr eliabi lity,eeonomieef fieienc y,funetionanda utor n ationofhyd ra ul ieex c av at or.Theh州raulieexc avatorPresentlyav a ilableont he口进rket,howe ver,一hasthef ollo初ngd i s a dvant ages:(1 )助wdegr ee ofaut ot n ation:W henusinghydraul ie ex c av at ort oleveluPaf iel dordi gadit eh,sineethedrive rh astoe ontrolthebc om,日幻的andbu eketsimult ane ou sly,theintensityofhislab ou r15relativelyh igh,an dhe15als orequir edtobewel lski l led.(2)Whe nthehydr aul iee xc avator15runn i雌,i fthePowe rabs orbedbythehydr aul iesysteme xe eedst her atedp ow e rofthee ng ine,t heen gine侧11st a llandevenstoP.Insuehc ase,theoPer ation alPe汀ort r进n eeofe xc av ato rc an,tbebroughtintoful lplay,andthefuelc onsumption诫11alsoinere ase.(3) Owingtoits eompl ic atedstrueture andtheex treme oPer atin genvironment,hydr aul iee xc av atoren joysarelativelyh ighfaultrate.Whene ve raf aultoe eurs,m ainten ane eper sonnelhav etom akegre atef fortstoi denti fythec aus eoff ault,whiehme anstheexc avatorwi l lbeoutofservieef orlongti meandthustheuser诚11ineurhuge eeonom ielosses.(4) Sineethe ex c av atorc an,tbebroughtunderrem otem onitoringan dm anagement,therationaldispatehingf orexc avat orc an,tbere al i z edandtheneedsofm oderneonstr uetionc an,tbesatisfied.Thankstotheextensiveappl ic at ionofeo mputerteehnologya ndintell igenteontrolteehn ology,c onstruetion alr n aehine ryhasde velope dfr omhydra ul ic al l y -c ont r ol ledtyPetodig it al i z edty Pewhieh15ofsi mPl i f ie dstruetur e,e asytoc ontrolandm oreintel l ige ntized.F orex ample,thePC 3oohyd raul ieex c av at orr r以n uf aetu re dbyJaPan -ba sedKOMA T S Uob面ns3一dimens iontra jeetoryeontrolabi litywiththehelpofthetilte dangles ensorsmountedatitsbo om,ar mandbueket,othe rhyd ra ul ieex c av ato r sm an uf aetu r edbyV OL VO,CAT,KO侧护L T S Uand H IT A C Hobtainthe remotem on itor ingabi litythankstotheG P Sm ou nted.T heintelligentiz e dhydraulieexc avator15highlyintel ligenti z e d,autorn atedandinf or m ationi z ed.Its一521一医比Inlyemb od ie dint hef ollo初眼aspeets:Itc anc ar ryoutautom ation;itre aliz esthetra jeetoryeontrolf orwor拓叮叫uipment,itre al iz e sthes elf -ad aPtingp owe rm ateh ingc ontr olbetwe ene ng in ea ndhyd r aul iepump;itc anc ar ryoutr em otedat atr a ns而ssion,r emotem onitor inga ndrem otem anag ement,itc anc ar ryo utf au ltd iagn o sisa ndmainten an e e.2C omp哈it io no fl nt e ll i罗n吐双月Exc a v af o rs s st em珑.2反he m atiediag r田旧 ofc ontr olle rAsin dic atedinF ig.l,thein tel l ige nt ize dh州r aulieex c av ator sy stem 15 eomPOsedofac ontr oller,aGPS(GlobalP OsitionSystem),GPRS(G ene r alPaeketRadioS er vie e),are rnotese rv er,arn onitor,a因r t ablef aultd i昭n osis syste mandet C .咙.1C om卯siti o nofh州r a u l i cv at orinte】 1运entize drsystem2.1(劝nt洲目 】 e rA sindic ate dinF ig.2,thec ontr ol ler15c om卯se dofa ignala叫uisitionm odule,卯werd r ivem odule,m on it ormo duleandGPs /GPRSmodule,an dt ake sad ig it alsignalpr o ce ssor(D6P)asitse oree ontr olu垃t 2.Itssign ala equisitio nme duleme asu re sthetilte da呢le,pre ssure,sPe edandte mper atur eth ro呀hperipher a lsen s ors,andthe sesignalsa r ese nttothec ont r ol l e raf te rgoin gthr oughan alog -d ig itc onve rsio几Inth isw ay,t her e a卜timeinf on刀atio nab out thee x Cav at or15obt a ine d.T hem onit or15u se dt od isplaythemaino沐rati呢P aram et ers suehas eng ine speed,th ee眼ine0 1 1temPerature,engl ne01 1Pres surea ndc o ol in gw ate rtempe rature,t od is Playf aultc odean dg iv ea nala r monthebasisofth aoPe r atin gc ondi t ionsoft heex c avator,andtod isplayre al -ti meinfor m ationab outp osi t ionandgestureofbueketinthef or mofdig itorf igureS ineethec ontr ollerc or n r nun ic atesw it hothe rP ar tsinCAN(伪ntr o l Are a Netw ork)m od e,alotof初rehasbe endispense d,an dthusthe519汕1一c ont r ol一522一rel iabilitya ndanti -inter fereneec aPaeityhavebeenimPr ove d.T heC A N buswhieh 15 adaPt a bletotheoPe r ati飞env iron m entofhy draul icex c av at orensuresthat thec ontr olc anbe carrle doutin a re alt im e,f ie范ble andexPan dablewayan dm akesite asyf orthec ontrollert of or mamult卜c ontrolle rnet、 v o rkt ogethe r诚thotherper iPher a l dev iees.SineetheC A Nbusad optsthemess a犷bas edeneodingm ethodandthepr ior it犷 base dn ondestruc tivebusa r bit r ationteehn ology,iten joyshighanti-inte班ereneec apadty,hig hrel iabi l ityandrelativ elyhighre al -tim ec apa eity.T hec om munic ationproto c olobse rvedbyCANbusmeetsSAEJ1 939,t hephysic allayerofCANbusm eetsSAEJ1939/15,thec o r n mun ic ationrateofCANbus15250Kbit/s,a ndtheter mlnalr esist anc eofCANbus1512on3.F orthepu rpo seofmeetin gthere quire m ento neomfor t ab leoper atio n,theintel l igenthydraul ieex c av at or15四uippe d初thac ontr olhandledesignedinaec ord anee侧ththePr in c iPleofhum aneng in e er ingAsindic ate dinF ig.3,a noptic alt即en on -c ontaetsw iteh15moun tedonthec ontr olh an dle.T hr oughth aC A N bus,thesign alrelatingtothed isPlac eme ntofthee ontrolha ndleandthesign a loftheoptic als诚teha resenttothec ontr oller.T hebuttons onthe eontr ol handle areusedtoseleetoPerati吧mo de.Ifthem anualoPer atingm ode15 sele cte d,thee ontrolh andle15Fig.3C ontr olh an d lede si,曰ina c c or da nee嫩thhun坦ne侧,n e er i呢Pr in ci ple,theoPer atorinPutsoPeratingparametersthroughthem on it or,andthe ntheexc av atorwi l loPer ateina ec ordane ewiththetra je ctorywhieh15deter minedbythee ontr ol le ronthebasisoftheope ratingPa ramete rs,5 0thattheautomatiee ontrolo ntheex cav ator15re al iz ed.strueture,whieheonneetedtothesi multane ously.】 11e s n ss e v e r alm odemsr n aybes e r v e rf ordat str a n smis sio n、泛、占2 . 2 R e m o t七inf o川阳t l叨t.此s r川s s l o nG P R Sisa初relesspaekets侧tehingteehnologyw hiehof tersend - -to - -endw irelessIPeonneetionw ithin诚de are aand w herebydata15transm itted inPaeket.T hestruetureofrem oteinf ormationtransmissionm odule of intell igentizedhydr aulieexeavator15 asindieated inF ig.4.G PR S IPModem15 eonneetedtothec o爪rollerwh ieh 15 rno untedonthe ex c avatorthr ough R S232p ort,a ndexehange sdat swiththere rn otes er ve rviatheInte rnet.Thee ontr ol ler侧11eonver tthed at aaequired intothef orm atwhiehc anbetrans而tted bytheG PR S IPModem,a ndthe nthedatawi l lbesenttotherem otese rve rbytheGPRSI PModemviatheInternet.Remoteserv erw il lalsose nde omm andtothee ontr ol le r.Inthisw ay,therem otem onitoringonhydr aul iee xc av at or15re al iz ed.B etwee ntheGPRSIPModemandther em otese rve r15aC /S下下岛 mo妞 Con U n阴i伪石On n nT T TCP几Pe e e e竹竹Ot O阅!犷犷R R R S 2 3 2P o r t t tF ig.4 S tr u e t ur eofr e比I O teinf onl犯t i ont犷 已n 51而”幻n2.3AP Plic aUo no fG玲GPS 15 aglobalwirelessn avi gation andP os ition i雌systemc omp osedof 24arti fieial s atel litesa nde a rthstations.Withthehelpof G PSand G PR S,theremotemonitorin g,serv ie eandr n anageme ntonintel l ige nti名e de xc av at ora r ere aliz ed.B eside stheinfor matio nabo utPo sitio nofex c av ato r,thee ontr ol le rwhieh15equippedwithaGPS /GPRSmodulealsosendstheoper atingPa ramete rsoftheex c avatorsuehastemper ature,pressur eandworki呀hourstothe re mote server.肠bl el户乃司喊.寸P lannin gand州u a ll rl l,”u r曰喇u ef o rexc ava奴片i n510诊州浏耐n go讲r atlo ne e e e e l () ) )氏(.) ) )么(.) ) )E E E E Exp戈t己Value e eMe asu r 已V a lue e eEx户沈t曰Value e eM e asur曰Value e eEx户,t已V a lue e eM e asur曰V a lue e eG G Gr ouPI I I45.4844 4 445.32 2 2一 30.8705 5 5一 30.65 5 5一 59.6139 9 9一 59.87 7 7G G Gr ouP Z Z Z47.6061 1 147.53 3 3一 37.9184 4 4一 38.20 0 0一 54.6877 7 7一 54.32 2 2G G Gr ouP 3 3 349.3361 1 149.62 2 2一 43.4816 6 6一4 3.43 3 3一 50.4445 5 5一 50.59 9 9G G GrouP 4 4 450.8090 0 05 1.20 0 0一49.1842 2 2一 49.32 2 2一 46.6247 7 7一 46.31 1 1G G GrouPS S S52.0931 1 15 1.76 6 6一 53.9979 9 9一 54.03 3 3一 43.0952 2 2一 4 3.2 7 7 7G G Gr ouP6 6 65 3.2 2 8 9 9 95 3.5 2 2 2一58.4522 2 2一 58.53 3 3一 39.7766 6 6一 39.82 2 2G G Gr ouP7 7 754.2421 1 154.30 0 0一 62.6250 0 0一 62.32 2 2一 366171 1 1一 36.33 3 3G G Gr ouPS S S55.1501 1 154.90 0 0一 66.5701 1 1一 66.87 7 7一 33.5 7 99 9 9一 33.81 1 1G G Gr ouPg g g55.9694 4 456.12 2 2一 70.3722 2 2一 70.56 6 6一 30.6382 2 2一 30.24 4 4G G GrouP10 0 056.6968 8 856.32 2 2一 73.9259 9 9一 74.22 2 2一 27.7708 8 8一 28.02 2 2T hep ositio nc o or din atesoftheex ca v ato rarerefleetedo nthemapbytheeleetro niem ap pingsystem,50asthatthesatel l ite - -basedpositioning&traeki雌ofex c avator15 re alized.Gettingaeeesstothe rem ote server viatheInternet,theoPer atormaym onitortheoPe ratinge onditionsandobt ainPositioninf or m ationofthee xc av atorinare alti mew ay.3Int e ll l罗ntc o n加land f a u ltdi鲜贝佣i s3.1升川代协口c o nt,1f orwo欢in g叫u l pl r比ntT hea uto rnatiec ontrolo ne xc av ato rme an stoeo ntr olthewo rk ingequiPmentofex ea vato ra utom atic ally,5 0astomakethebueketofthee xc avatorrn ovealo眼a speei fietra jeetory.Ifthe exc avator15523一吧,thelab ou rinten sityofdr ive r15l ighte ne d,theope ra t i呀e f f ic ien cy15impr ove dan dthec o n struetion15 ac celer ate d.T hework ing叫uipmentof hyd raulie ex c av atoris alinkagem e c hanismc omp ose dof bo om,annan dbueket.Them ovementofe aehpa r t15re al l双刁onthebasis oftheretraetionandeX tensionoftheeorresPondenthy draulieeyl inder.Asin dic ate dinF ig.5,regardthew or拓ng四说pmentasame chan ic a lhandw it h3 degreesof freedom,re ga rdthebc om,thear ma ndthebueketasl in kl,l in kZandl in k3re sPeetiv ely,r egardthe别r tie ulate dc onn e ctio nbetw ee ntheb以ma ndther ot at in gPlatf or ma sJointl,regardthear tieulate dc onne ctionbetwe e nthear man dthefronte ndofbo omasJointZ,andrega rdthear tie ulatedc onne etionbetwe enthebueketa ndthefr ontendofar roa sJoint3.个zb etw e en the2 l in ks,am e a n sthelen gthofl inki(n amelythele ng thofco nu n o nn ort r进l),ame an st heinelude da雌leb etw e enthe2iointsw hieha r eve r tic al t othe apla ne,anddme an sthed ista n e eb etwe enthe2c o r n r n o nv e rtic all in e soflinki,sa劝allin已n,o,aandPref ertop ositionve etorsofthebu eket.XFig.5SP ae ec o or d in ate sf or叹山P们nentofsys t er nle X C S V 8to rw o南n gD rivenby01 1eylinder,l inkl,l in k2andl in k3m aketheworkin ge quipm entr ot ate sa roun dJointl,Joint2a ndJoint3r espe etivel扒Inaeeo rdan ee侧thther ob ot the ory,the rea r em anymethodswhiehc anbeusedtosetuPal in kc oord in atesystemf orstud如雌thedisPlaee t nentrelationshipam engthesel inks.A mon gthe sem eth ads,them ostwid elyu se d15the压n av it -Hart enberg族thod(nH Methe d ),w her eby。44homoge ne ou str an sf or m atio nr n atr ix15u se dt ode s e ribethespatialr elatio n sh iPbetwe en2a d ja ce ntlinksa ndthe na neq uiv ale nthom ogen e ou stra n sfo r r n at ionm atrix15de riv edtod eter min et her efe r e n e eeo or din atesystemf orbuc kette et h.Ther elative卯sition relationshipbetwe enlin k1and l in k1 - 1eanbede ser ibe dbya4X 4h omogene ousc oordin atestransf or m ationt n atr ixAa sf ol lows.阴二O二a二P二。二二“n,O,a、P、”工一 A,A,A,A,一 一少一y一,了,(2 )n二。:a二P二Lo00IJThetr ans f on n ationm atr ix0T .repr esentsthe卯seof bueket te eth,5c o ord in atesystem(4relativetoitsre f eren c eeo ordin a tesystem0,n amelythek inel r巴tic ale qu atio nof bu eket.C滋rr如ngout tra jeetoryplanningandtra je ctoryc on t rol f orw orkin gequipmentofexc avatorme anstoc ontr olthe relative angle of boom,armandbuc ket .Afte rthem ov ingtra jeetoryofbueketteeth15Pre -set,thean gle6 0ofe aehjointatst artp ointa ndthea雌le6 jofe aehjointatst op pointc anbedetemline dbys ol v i眼theinversekinem atieale q u at ionofworki呢equipment,andthe nthem ov ingtra je ctor yc anber ePre se ntedbyasrn o othinte耳沁lati呀fun ctions(t).Inthec ourse ofre al -ti mec ontr ol,thes ensorswi l lme asu rethea呀ulardisplaeementofeaehiointintheworking叫uipment,a ndthec ontr ol le rwi l lc omPa rethean gulardisPlae eme ntaequiredw iththepre -s e tt a饱etvalue an dthendete蒯nethedrivinga r O Ounton thebasisofthe r es ultofc ale ulation.T he r ef or e,thew orkingequipmentwi l lm ovealongthePre -settra je ctory.T akethesloPe -tr im n ungsloPeofex c avatorf orex ample,theti lteda呀le ofbueketoverthe肛oun d15 setat300,theslopea nglea=600,theope ratin gh e ightH=3 00om m,an dtheexP eete dv alueandaetual l犷 me asuredvalueoftr a je ctoryinsloPe -tr im n ungoPerationarelistedinT able1.T hetestr esultreve alsthat them a对mumde viationintr a jeetoryw h ieh 15li m ite dto3050r n mme etsther equirem ents on operating perf or manee.3.2Po明理犷. .奴州n gc on。”l加t we enhydr au l lcp仙叩叨d .回ne产s 8 .15 1诚八:=l。LO一 s i毗c o s ac os 6 tc os a5 1】沁0s in 6 .s i勿一c o喊s in aC OS ai0a、c o喊asin 6 .d1( 1 )I n t h i s e q u a t i o n,伏me ansthein clude da吧le一524一Un derthepre c ond itionth atthe e呢in eruns atratedp ow e r,thep owe rm ateh i呢c ontrol lerintheintell igentlzed hydr aulie ex c av at or嫩11,adoptingthee呼n亡Pu mPinte gra te dc ont r ol mode,e ontr olthed ispla eem entofpumponthebasisofthee nginesPee d5 0a st om akethee ngineandpumPmatehwithe aehothe rration al ly.The ref ore,thepowerofenglne15broughtint oful lPlay,theoperating口ef f ieieney 15i m pr ovedandthefueleonsumption15r edueed.Them odelof卯w e rm atehi叮c ontr ol15 asindic ated inFig.6.Fig.6P Ow err n ate坛吃c ontr O Iofex c avat orT estedun derdi ff erentope r atingc ond itions,thee雌ineal waysoPeratesar oundtheoptimumoper ating point,whiehm e ansthep owe rofe呀ine15broughtintoful lplayon onehandande呀inestalling15 ef feetivelyavoi dedonthe otherhand.T he resultof hydr auliepu娜&e呀ine spe edc ontroltest15 asindic ated inF ig.7.T heref ore,thepurposeofene rgys avin g15re al izedbe c ausethespe edad justin gd ev ic eo fthee雌ine15c ontr olledonthebasis ofa c tualoper ati呢c onditions5 0astom akethe eng ine run ata state of low fuelc onsumPtion.Whenthe ex c av at ordo esn otw ork,itc anredue etheenginespe edaut Ol r比tic ally.F ou rt osixse eo nds afterthec ontr olh and le15tu rne dt othen eutralP ositio n,thee吧in ew illente r intoidle stateautom atic ally,5 0astoPr even ttheen erg y105 5ofhydraul iesystema ndthewe arofenginea ndthusr edue efuelc onsumptionan dn oiseofen gine.Asso onastheex c av atorworksa加n,theen ginewi l lr eturntonor m alrunnl呢st ate侧thin onet otw ose conds,5 0a stoe nsur ethen or m alprogressof,。rk.h州rauli。syste ma ndele etr ic alc o ntr olsystem.Adopt ingthef aulttre eba sedd iagn osisalg orith m,thef aultdiagn osissystemc ani denti fythec auseoff aultquieklyan daeeur ately,a sse sstheoPe ratingc onditionsofex c av at oronthebasisofthee却ertdatabase and helpm aintenaneepersonneltoele arthef ault.T hef aultdi呀n osis system罗tsitsaPpl ic ations oftwarepr ogranune d初ththeob je ct - or ientedprogr ar n n u呀language andM ier o s of tsqlsev e r2000orMieros of taeeessdatabase,anditsf unetion alstruetur e15asindi c atedinF lg.8.F ig.8Fun ction als tr ue tur eoff aultdia矛均51522( X )T he卯r tablef aultdiagnosis systemc orr e ctstheparametersinthe eont roller untilthe exc avatorw orks at thebestst ate,mon itorstheop er atin geond itionsofthehydr aul ieexc avatorinre alti me,re adsthedatame asuredbye ontr ol lerinre alti me,anddisPlaystheoper atinge onditionsoftheex c avatorsueha se ng inespe ed,fuelle v el,eng ine01 1pre ssureandeool ingw atertemper atureinthef or mofd igitorf igur e.Me anwhi le,thef aultdiagnosissystemc ante ste aehsystemandpart,maint ainandman ageinlor mation,sto rea ndan alyZ ehistor ic alinf or m ation,5 0a stohelPm ainte nane eper son nelele arf aulta e e uratelya ndquiekly.巾任、210 ( )Fig.7T est in g&E叼c urv eofhyd rau liepu jmpn es钾曰。n t r o3.3F知u lt出砚贝佣妇S ineemanyadditionaleleetr ic alc ontr olsystems areintlinkuee dintothehydr aul ieexc avator,记enti f ic ation of f aultc ausebec omes rO0 red i ff ieult.T heref ore,it15ne ce ssa rytom on itoroPe ratinge onditionsofandc a r ryoutf aultdiagnosisf ore xc avator.Ine onsi der at ionoft hefe ature sofhydraul ieex c avator,thef aultdlagnosisineludesdiagnosisonf aultsofe呼nem anageroents”tem,4Ex a mPl eo fa PP liC ationTheCLG920Ca ndCLG925 Cintel l ige nti z edhydraul ieexc avatorha vee nteredintothest ageofm assPr oduetion.Fig.9showsthefiel d -le vel l i呢oPeration ofintell igent ized hydraulie ex c av ator.T hepraetic alappl ic ation reve alsthat:T heintell igentize dhydraul ieex c av atorhasrelativelystro雌perf or m anee andrelativelyhighoper atingeffieieney;the stoppage ofexc avat orc aused byengine stalling15 ef fe c tivelyav oi de d,thefu ele o n s umptio n15obvio u slyr edu e ed,thec aPa eitytod iagn os ea ndele a rf ault15gre atlyimpr o v ed5 0thattheo ut一of -serv ieedurationc ause dbym aintenaneeandr ePair15sh ortene d;therem ot emonitoringandm anagementonexcav atorarere alized.一525一色阅be aPPl i e dt o eonstruetion a ll r比ch in erym or ea ndm ore初dely,a ndintel l ige ntize dc onst ruetion alm aeh ine ryw il lsu re lybe c omet hedevelopi呀direc tion.T han ksf orhelpandassist aneefr omR esearchInstituteunderGua呢元Maeh ineryC o.,Ltd.an dGui l inUrEleetr on ieT eehn olo盯,an dthan ksf ors-theNational863Pr ogr amPro je ctNumbe r:2003AA43 0190).及chn ol og yL iug o n gF ig.9Fi e l小le v el l i雌。沐rat io nof int e llige nt访记h州r a u l ie ex c av at or( APPr oval5o mClu sionSineethein telligen tized hy击aulie ex c av ator re al iz e sautom ation,getsitsfuelc on sumPt ionreduee dand15b roug htunde rrem otem耐to r i呀,f aultd iagnos isa ndm ainten an ce,itrneetsthenee dsofme der nc onstruetion,inc re ase sthete chn olo gyeo nt enta ndinte rn ation alc omPetitivepowerofe nte印r ise,sPro duets,pushe sthea utom ate ddegre eandintel l ige ntde盯e eo fente印rise,5pro duetsontoanewstage.Withthedevelopmentofs cien ceandte chn ology,theinf or m ationte chn ology,aut om ationte chnologya ndar ti f ieialintel l 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