(1)现代信息处于爆炸的时代,文献量在成指数的增长,社会的信息量在迅速的增加。据不完全统计,当今社会,全球每年大约产生100万份发明专利,450万篇科技文献,1亿2千万册各类出版物,以及数以亿计的各种机构文件和资料。其中每年我国发表的经济类学术论文和资料就有3万多篇,也就是说,每天平均有100多篇,它们分别发表在1 000多种报刊上。这些文件和资料每十年大约要翻一番。此外各类信息系统内部以及地区之间、国际之间昼夜不停的信息传递也达到难以统计的程度。面对如此巨大且日益膨胀的信息量,没有足够的计算机系统和互联网络的支持和处理是不可思议的。
传统意义上的我国汽车维修业,长期以来一直处于原始、落后的现状,是公认的脏、苦、累、差行业,这种落后表现在管理水平、技术水平、人员素质、设备装备等诸方面,而信息资源方面的落后表现得尤为突出。一百多年前诞生的汽车,只不过是一个简单的四轮交通工具,是被一些人,包括马车夫所嘲笑的笨重怪物。谁也不曾想到,就是这样一个笨重怪物,历经100多年的发展,由原始汽车变化成为一个高科技的结晶体。特别是电子技术、电脑技术的飞速发展,使汽车的高科技化程度不断得到提高。电子燃油喷射系统的应用,ABS 防抱死制动系统、SRS安全气囊系统、电子控制自动变速箱系统、空气悬挂系统、动力转向系统、自动巡航系统、中控门锁及防盗系统、动力牵引系统、自我诊断系统……,这一系列高新技术,不断完善着汽车的性能,展现在我们面前的汽车再也不是比马车强不了多少的简单的交通工具,而是一个集现代文明和智慧的高科技产物,而这个高科技产物,还在不断地向高科技领域纵深发展。这种汽车自身的高科技特征,加上世界各个汽车制造厂商每年不断地推出新的车型车种,先进技术的不断采用,多种系统的不断发展,使得广大汽车维修技术人员对汽车维修信息方面的需求越来越强烈。
我国汽车维修专业互联网络,是从90年代中期开始起步,以欧亚·笛威汽车维修专业网站为例,从1995年起,即开始建立了在会员单位内部使用的远程通迅BBS。从96年起,开始投入巨资,大规模建立汽车维修INTERN ET互联网站。目前已发展成为专业性最强的汽车维修专业网站,涵盖欧美亚各车系的发动机、变速箱、空调、悬挂、转向、定速、安全气囊、防盗等各系统的基本保养、检修程序、各类数据、各类元件位置图、机械拆装图、电气线路图,并实现了在网上答疑、网上咨询、网上查询、网上培训等功能。这种以电脑信息处理技术为特点的互联网站,已构成现代汽车维修企业的一大高科技特征。
事实上,由于汽车维修行业业务过程复杂、数据信息量大,仅仅依靠人力往往难以对维修、配件、客户档案、车辆档案、员工及各部门工作进程的监督、企业经营数据进行准确的统计和分析。而运用电脑管理,速度快、时间短、资料全、效率高。一个30人的维修企业的月度工时统计,如采用人工计算,需要一个统计员1-2 天的时间,采用电脑进行统计仅仅需要几秒种,效率提高何止几千倍。
其次,电脑在众多汽车维修企业的应用不够,有很大一部分汽车维修企业装备的电脑 还只是花瓶式的摆设,并没有真正成为生产力。可以说,由于许多汽车维修企业厂长、经理的认识局限,许多汽车维修企业对电脑的兴趣,甚至还不如许多家庭高。电脑已经大规模的进入家庭,甚至许多小学生都能够熟练的操作电脑,而在很多汽车维修企业,电脑还是稀罕物,许多员工还是电脑盲,这不能不说是我国汽车维修业的悲哀。
1、我国的信息化建设自改革开放以来已取得长足进展,主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)信息基础设施不断完善。 “八五”期间,我国共投入约290亿美元资金,基本建成以光缆为主、数字微波和卫星通信为辅的通信干线网络,技术上基本实现了数字化和程控化。
(1)信息产业有了较大发展。信息产业在我国仍是一个正在逐步形成的新兴产业,但经过十几年的发展,其整体实力不断增强,信息技术和信息服务产业都取得了较大进展。1995年我国电子工业总产值达2457亿元,为1980年的24。5倍,已形成一批具有较强实力和市场竞争力的大型电子骨干企业和企业集团。信息服务业发展迅速,其服务范围不断拓宽,服务水平逐步提高。据统计,我国信息服务业销售额由1990年的2亿元增长至 1995年的77亿元,全国从事信息服务业的企事业单位共2万多家,已建立各种数据库1000多个。我国信息服务业正朝着计算机化、数据化、网络化和有线咨询信息网等方向发展。
(2)信息技术开发与应用初见成效。我国“863”星火计划中包含有许多信息领域的高技术研究课题,如先进的感测系统、智能计算机、自动化技术、现代通迅技术等主题项目,这些课题目前大多已被攻克。“八五 ”期间,我国计算机装机量由1990年的50万台增长到1995年的330万。信息技术在工业控制、计算机辅助设计、企业管理等方面的应用取得重大进展,应用程度已从单项应用向集成化、综合化方向发展。在信息资源开发方面,我国目前已建成了经济、科技、统计、银行、邮电、电力、铁路、民航、海关、气象、人口等12个国家信息系统,初步建成了国家公用分组交换数据网。1993年后我国又开始实施以金桥、金关和金卡构成的 “三金”工程为重点的国民经济信息化“金”字工程。这些大型应用系统在开发的同时建设了一批较大型数据库,从而大力促进了我国信息资源的开发与利用。
Computer aided process planning for sheet metal based on information management
D. Lutters*, E. ten Brinke, A.H. Streppel, H.J.J. Kals
Laboratory of Production and Design Engineering, University of Twente,
PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands
During the last few years, attention in the manufacturing cycle has shifted towards concurrent engineering (CE). With this, the integration of the different product life cycle processes has become a focus in both research and industry. However, it is obvious that the integration of all manufacturing processes, taking into account all life cycle aspects from initial functional requirements to final disposal, is hardly feasible in the traditional way.
In this paper, the execution of the manufacturing cycle based on information management is explained by describing the development of a generic architecture for computer aided process planning. This architecture is elaborated upon for the field of sheet metal manufacturing in a small batch part environment. @2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Concurrent engineering; CAPP; Architecture
1. Introduction
In the research presented here, it is advocated that the sheer integration of manufacturing processes within the product life cycle is insuf®cient to achieve true integrated product development. For this purpose, the main focus should be on the information that is applied and generated in these manufacturing processes. If the information of the separate processes can be made available during the entire development cycle, it can be the basis for the control of the entire manufacturing cycle. In order to take full advantage of the modi®ed role of information in the product development cycle, a different attitude with respect to the manufacturing processes is required.
One of the main differences is, that the phases in the manufacturing process become instrumental to the information required in the manufacturing process. This immediately implies that processes in the manufacturing cycle haveto be defined as generic as much as possible. For example, it becomes practicable to interchange systems developed for different product types (prismatic, sheet metal, etc.). Moreover,if the interfaces of the mutual systems can be defined adequately, these systems can become independent modules,that are able to perform their tasks without being dependent on a predefined, sequential scenario. A ®rst prerequisite for this is the ability to effectively manage the information that becomes the basis of the manufacturing process.
2. Information management
2.1. Manufacturing engineering reference model
In order to be able to deal with different views on a manufacturing system, the system is introduced by means of a reference model. A reference model represents a system as an organisation in terms of its structure of relatively independent,interacting components, and in terms of the globally defined tasks of these components [2]. The manufacturing engineering reference model proposed in the present context is shown in Fig. 1.
This manufacturing engineering reference model is based on the manufacturing planning & control reference model introduced by Arentsen [1]. However, adaptations have been made, in order to emphasize the equivalent importance of products, orders and resources in the entire manufacturing
cycle [4].
Company management is concerned with the control of customer orders. It is responsible for the strategic decisions concerning the range of products which will be produced and the processes and resources which are required to this end.
Product engineering refers to all the engineering activities related to the product life cycle of a specific type of product.It is concerned with the design and development of a product type and its variants, starting from functional requirementsup to final recycling/disposal.
Order engineering addresses those activities that relate a customer order to a specific (variant of a) product. It is the task of order engineering to compose production orders and to decide when given batches of products must be processed and with which resources. The objective of order engineering is the in-time execution of the production orders.
Resource engineering refers to all (life cycle) aspects of the resources, required for the execution of the production activities. It therefore includes the specification, design,development, acquisition, preparation, use and maintenance of the resources of a company.
Production is concerned with the actual execution of the plans generated by the engineering tasks. From production,information is fed back to these engineering tasks.
In the manufacturing engineering reference model, information management is discerned as the kernel. This illustrates the opinion that the availability and accessibility of information is preferred over sheer data exchange.
2.2. Information management
In recognising the fact that each of the departments in a company makes myriad decisions in order to generate required information, it is obvious that the reasoning behind all these decisions can hardly be transferred together with the information. Consequently, the need for feedback and interdepartmental communication increases, which may lead to extremely complex and uncontrollable flows of information between the separate departments.
However, providing that information generated by the separate departments is attached to an overall and widely accessible model, this situation may change considerably. In this case, instead of `pushing' information from one department to another, departments can `pull' the information they require and are given access to. Hence, the focus can be on the information in support of the control of the manufacturing processes, and for this reason, the course of the manufacturing processes may be guided by the use of, and the need for information.
The types of objects the information is concerned with(orders, products, operators, etc.) can vary considerably.Despite this variation, for the way the information is structured and attached to an overall model, it is unimportant whether information bears reference to, e.g. a product, a machine or its operator. Still, it is important to distinguish between different types of objects, as their different significance for the manufacturing processes is apparent.
Each type of object can be attached to an overall model, a so-called information structure. In accordance with the three piles of the reference model, three of these information structures are discerned (see Fig. 2):
● product information structure;
● order information structure;
● resource information structure.
Because the structures evolve independently of each other, whereas the way of their mutual interactions remains the same, the entire range of manufacturing environments can be addressed: from engineer-to-order to mass production.For example, in an engineer-to-order environment, the order information structure and the product information structure evolve almost simultaneously and the resource information structure remains relatively unchanged. In a mass production environment, the product information structure and the resource information structure are developed concurrently and remain rather static henceforth.Subsequently, the order information structure is used to specify the choice of a certain product variant, and to determine the lead time and other logistic consequences.
The different behaviour of the information structures in different manufacturing environments implies that each of the structures has its own life cycle. In aiming for the integration of processes, the life cycles must be oriented on the information contained in the information structures, instead of on the processes concerned with this information.In elaborating this concept for the product information structure, the product life cycle is oriented upon the product instead of on the manufacturing processes.In this way, information management as part of the reference model, consists of an integrated collection of tasks that can be used as a basis to initiate, accompany, control and evaluate all the manufacturing processes in a structured and transparent way. These tasks are based on the information contained in the three information structures, as is shown in Fig. 2.
It may be obvious that if the engineering tasks are based on information from one of the information structures, they can always be based on up-to-date information, not only from the structure they are directly related to, but from the other structures as well. Especially when applying the concurrent engineering principles, the simultaneous development of products and the related processes can be realised much easier.
3. An architecture for information management
Based on a reference model, an architecture can be developed. An architecture is a specification of the functions of a system and the interactions between these functions in terms of input and output, as observed by the user. The architecture can be applied as the basis for the implementation and realisation of the intended functionality of the
It is important to distinguish the different types of architectures that are required to establish the functionality represented in the reference model. On the one hand,architectures are to be developed for the engineering processes,e.g. for a design system or a process planning system.On the other hand, an architecture for information management plays a different, yet significant role.
As information management is the kernel of the reference model proposed in Section 2.1, it is conducive to develop an architecture that in itself can constitute the footing for architectures outlining the engineering processes. Therefore,the main role of this architecture is to accommodate all functionality concerned with information processing to the architectures built upon it. Additionally, because information management is concerned with all information processing,it can also offer the possibility to initiate, accompany,control and evaluate development cycles by actuating the engineering processes. Moreover, even the entire manufacturing history can be captured.
With this in mind, it is important to notice that no distinction is made between different types of information.The architecture has to deal with information concerningproducts as well as resources and orders.
The architecture for information management is shown in Fig. 3. Before discussing the function blocks in the architecture,the contiguous parts are reviewed.
First of all, the role of the user might easily be misconstrued;
the above-mentioned task of the architecture implies that it is the basis for other systems. Consequently, what is called the `user' here, can only be a system based on this architecture. Even if aÐhumanÐuser wishes to access the information about, e.g. a product, it has to be done via a system that is built on top of information management.
All users access information management through an interface. For systems that are designed according to the principles outlined in the above, this interface hardly influencesthe flow of information. For other systems, e.g.commercially available CAD or CAM systems, the interface accommodates the two-way exchange of information between the user and information management. The complexity of the interface can vary considerably, depending on the level of aggregation that has to be provided.
The controller translates the exchanged information into actions. These actions can initiate, e.g. search, storage or retrieval procedures in information management, but they might also initiate actions of other users (e.g. a specific request for information, or the notification of a change that might influence actions of other users).
It is important to recognise that information management in itself does not store information in a central database. It m