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1. 题目名称:J31-315曲柄压力机设计
2. 要求:
(1)公称压力 曲柄压力机的公称压力是指滑块离下死点前某一特定距离或曲柄旋转到离下死点前某一特定角度时,滑块上所容许承受的最大作用力。J31-315压力机的公称压力为3150千牛。
(2)滑块行程 它是指滑块从上死点到下死点所经历过的距离,它的大小随工艺用途和公称压力的不同而不同。J31-315压力机的滑块行程为315毫米。
(3) 滑块每分钟行程次数, 它是指滑块每分钟从上死点到下死点,然后再回到上死点所往复的次数。J31-315压力机的滑块的行程次数为20次∕分。
1、 本课题研究的意义;2、调研(社会调查)情况总结;3、查阅文献资料情况(列出主要文献清单);4、拟采取的研究路线;5、进度安排。
1. 本课题研究的意义:
2. 调研情况总结:
3. 参考文献:
[1] 苏翼林主编《材料力学》(第二册 上册) [M] 北京 高等教育出版社 1987年
[2] 濮良贵,纪名刚主编《机械设计》(第七版)[M] 北京 高等教育出版社 2001年
[3] 机械设计书册编写组主编《机械设计手册 [M] 北京 化学工业出版社 1981年
[4] 何德誉主编《曲柄压力机》(第一版) [M] 北京 机械工业出版社 1981年
[5] 华中工学院编写组《机械传动及压力机》 [M] 北京 人民教育出版社 1999年
[6] 申永胜主编《机械原理教程》(第二版) [M] 北京 清华大学出版社 2005年
3月 2日—3月 15日 查阅文件,书籍材料。
3月 16日—3月 29日 翻译英文材料。
3月 30日—4月 26日 写课题论文,写初稿。
4月 27日—5月 17日 完善论文,定稿。
5月 18日—6月 7日 绘制设计草图、打印。
6月 8日—6月 21日 整理,熟悉文件。
年 月 日
年 月 日
学 历
职 称
(1) 确定压力机的技术参数;
(2) 进行传动系统的方案设计;
(3) 初步确定主要零部件的结构形式及主要尺寸,绘制总装配草图和主要草图;
(4) 核算主要零部件的参数和尺寸;
(5) 绘制零部件图和总图。
2019年2月25日-----2019年4月1日 完成开题报告
2019年4月 2 日-----2019年4月12日 完成论文提纲
2019年4月13日-----2019年5月13日 完成论文初稿
2019年5月14日-----2019年6月8日 论文修改、定搞、打印
2019年6月18日-----2019年6月20日 论文答辩
2019年 2 月 25 日
年 月 日
导 师
学 号
专 业
一、 目的及意义:
二、 研究的主要内容:
指导教师签名: 日期:
课题类型: (1)A—工程设计;B—技术开发;C—软件工程;D—理论研究;
年 月 日
年 月 日
年 月 日
年 月 日(学院公章)
年 月 日
年 月 日
J31-315是一种单点、闭式的曲柄压力机。它是利用电动机带动皮带轮转动,经两级齿轮减速后,再通过曲柄滑块机构把旋转运动转化为滑块的上下运动,从而对工件进行锻造加工。在设计中,通过设计方案的对比,传动系统采用三级传动的形式,且最后一级用偏心齿轮代替曲轴传动。完成了皮带轮 、离合器、制动器、偏心齿轮和轴等主要零部件的选用和设计以及压力机的机身的设计,并进行了强度与刚度的校核,计算结果表明设计合乎要求。压力机的运动与停止选用浮动嵌块式摩擦离合器和制动器来控制。
The design of J31-315 Crank Press
The press is used for forging industrial equipment, forging a productive part of a high efficiency, good quality, light weight, low cost features. Therefore, we must vigorously develop the crank presses, to meet the needs of China's modernization drive.
The J31-315 is a single point, closed crank press. It is the use of motor driven pulley rotation, the two gear reducer, and then through the slider-crank mechanism to rotate into a slider up and down movement, thereby forging the workplace for processing. In the design, by contrast design, drive system used in the form of three transmission, and the last one to replace the eccentric crankshaft gear transmission. Completed a pulley, clutch, brakes, gears and eccentric shaft, and other major components of the selection and design of the fuselage and press the design, and the strength and stiffness of the check, the results showed that with the design requirements. The movement and stop of The Press is optional floating inlay block friction clutch and brake to control.
Key words: crank press; crank slide block; the equipment of forging and stamping
摘要 viii
1 J31-315压力机概述………………………………………………………….2
1.1 J31-315压力机工作原理及构件……………………………………………2
1.2 J31-315压力机主要技术参数………………………………………………3
2 J31-315压力机的方案对比及选择……………………………………………4
2.1 电动机的选择………………………………………………………………..4
2.2 传动系统的对比和设计………………………………………………………7
3 主要零件的设计与校核………………………………………………………14
3.5连杆的设计… ………………………………………………………….…..27
4 机身的设计 …………………………………………………………………. 30
4.1 机身的比较和选择………………………………………………………….30
4.2 机身的强度计算…………………………………………………………….30
5 辅助装置的选择 ……………………………………………………………. 33
5.1 过载保护装置的选择……………………………………………………….33
5.2 拉延垫……………………………………………………………………….33
5.3 滑块平衡装置……………………………………………………………….33
5.4 润滑系统…………………………………………………………………….33
谢辞……………………………………………………………………………… 37
附录A 外文翻译-原文部分…………………………………………………..39
Procedia Engineering 29 (2012) 1486 14911877-7058 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.01.160Available online at 2012 International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering (IWIEE) An Investigation on the Impact Noise of a Six-Bar Linkage Mechanical Press Yanxin Luoa*, Ruxu Duba State Key Lab of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044, China. b The Institute of Precision Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N. T., Hong Kong Abstract Conventional mechanical press consisted of crack and slider is one of the most commonly used for stamping. But it cannot satisfy deep drawing operations, in which long dwelling time in the BDC is desirable to avoid crack or wrinkle. This motives the design of a six-bar linkage for the mechanical press. However, the working noise is introduced by the new mechanism. This paper presents a systematics study on the noise of the mechanical press. A combination of noise signature analysis, rigid body dynamics analysis and finite element method (FEM) are adopted to investigate the root cause of the noise. It is found that the noise is caused by the collation of the gears. Finally, an improved design is then proposed and some suggestions are given to reduce the noise. 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Harbin University of Science and Technology Keywords: Six-bar mechanical press, Signature analysis, Impact noise, Finite element method (FEM) 1. Introduction Conventional mechanical press consisted of crack and slider is one of the most commonly used for stamping. Its trajectory is not controllable at the bottom dead centre (BDC), and hence it cannot satisfy the diverse needs 1. For example, long dwelling time in the BDC is desirable to avoid crack or wrinkle for deep drawing operations 2. This motives the design of the five-, six-, nine- bar linkage for the * Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-23-65106999; fax: +86-23-65105795 E-mail address: 1487Yanxin Luo and Ruxu Du / Procedia Engineering 29 (2012) 1486 1491mechanical press 3, 4. In general, in the design of a mechanical metal forming press, designers concern mostly the kinematics 5. Few have studied the dynamics of the press, though it is very important its performance 6. When a commercial press is designed and built, its necessary to investigate its performance and make continuous improvements. In this research, a six-bar linkage (including a four-bar linkage and a crank-slider mechanism) has been adopted to build a commercial mechanical press with the capability of max loading of 300ton. Design engineers had carefully checked the kinematics of the press and the manufacturing and assemblies were done within the design specification and therefore the press works fine. Though, the press generates loud noise with and without loading. The sound intensity is higher than 90db, which causes various concerns, such as the reliability of the machine and the safety of the operator. The mechanism of the driveline is illustrated in Fig. 1 (a), and its CAD model is shown in Figure 1(b). It consists of seven parts: a motor (not shown in the figure) that connects to the flywheel through the high speed shaft, a reduction gear set (which includes the high speed gear and the low speed gear), a coupler that controls the engagement of the gear set and the crank, a crank-slider mechanism, and a four bar mechanism that connects to the slider. Among them, the four bar mechanism is the key as it doctrines the dynamic performance of the press. L1=45mm L2= 165mm L3=208mm L4= 260mm L5=80010000mm e=80mmFig. 1. (a) Illustration of the six-bar linkage mechanism; (b) the physical model of the mechanism This paper aims to find the root cause(s) of the noise. The presented research will investigate the noise from various aspects and provide improvement solutions. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The signature analysis of noise is presented in Section 2. In Section 3, the dynamics of the system is studied by rigid-body dynamics analysis and FEM. In Section 4, an improved design is proposed to reduce the impact noise. Finally, conclusions are given in Section 5. 2. Signature analysis of noise signal 2.1. Experimental setup As mentioned earlier, the noise is the major concern of the design. The first step is to analyze the noise signal. The sound signal was measured using a microphone placed closely to the press. Figure 2 shows the experimental setup, the main apparatuses include a microphone (Manufacturer: Brel & Kjr, Model: Type 4191), a signal amplifier (Behringer, Model: XENYX802), a signal acquisition system (a sound card) and a PC computer. The frequency range of the microphone is 3.15 Hz 40 KHz.1488 Yanxin Luo and Ruxu Du / Procedia Engineering 29 (2012) 1486 1491Fig. 2. Experimental Setup 2.2. Noise signal and signature analysis During the experiment, the operating speed of the press is set at 100 stroke per minute (SPM) (thus, the operating frequency is 1.67 Hz), no loading was applied and the sampling frequency was 48 KHz. Fig. 3(a) shows a typical noise signal. Fig. 3(b) is a zoom-in of three cycles, from which it is seen that each period consists of two large peaks, A and B. /s0500100015002000250005001000150020002500Frequency /HzAmplitude781Hz1255Hz157HzFig.3. A typical noise signal Fig. 4. Spectrum of the noise signal 010203040506070809010002004006008001000Frequency /HzAmplitude23HzFig. 5. Envelope spectrum of the noise signal Fig. 6. Energy-time-frequency spectrum of the noise signal Fig. 4 shows the FFT spectrum of the signal in Fig. 3. From the figure, it is seen that the noise signal has three main components at 157 Hz, 781 Hz and 1,255 Hz respectively. The component at 157 Hz iscorrespondent to the gear meshing frequency and its energy is rather small. The component at the 781 Hz has the largest amplitude and is responsible for the noise. It will be the focus of the study. Fig. 5 shows the envelope spectrum. From the figure, it is seen that the main frequency is at 23 Hz,which is the occurring frequency of the peaks. This indicates that the noise is caused by a series of ABABAB1489Yanxin Luo and Ruxu Du / Procedia Engineering 29 (2012) 1486 1491impacts in each working cycle. Fig. 6 shows the time-frequency spectrum of the signal. From the figure, it is seen that along the 781 Hz a series of peaks appear, and their amplitudes changes from time to time. However, there are mainly two high peak (corresponding to Peaks A and B in Fig. 3) appeared in each period. Moreover, the amplitude of Peak A is larger that of Peak B. Based on the study above, it can be seen that (a) there are two large impacts in each cycle corresponding to A and B respectively, (b) the main frequency of the noise is 780 Hz; and (c) the impact frequency is 23 Hz. It is necessary to analyze the dynamics of the drive system to find the root cause of the noise. 3. Dynamics analysis 3.1. Impact force analysis To investigate the sources of the noise, the dynamic model of the system is necessary for further investigation of mechanical, which may reflect real working conditions, should be constructed for an accurate loading analysis. In this research, the dynamic analysis of the press is carried using a commercial software system RecurDyn. All joint force between the linkages are obtained by this simulation, among which the contact force between the gears is attracted our interesting. Fig. 7 shows the contact force (in black) between the gears, and its differentiation (in orange). Examining the differentiation of the force, it is seen that the contact force quickly changes its direction twice, in A and B, when the punch is moving up. This is very likely to create two big shocks. Consequently, a loud noise will be generated. Differetiation (N/s)Punch position (mm)Gear Force(N)Fig.7. Impact force between the gears In order to further investigate the frequency components in the noise signal, though, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is necessary. 3.2. Natural frequencies of the mechanical components Its well known that the vibration is usually caused by the vibration of structure, and therefore, its necessary to find the natural frequency of the structure. The analytical method can be used to find the natural frequency. However, it is not precise because of the assumptions. In practical, FEA is a variable method to find the precisely solution of differential equations for verifying the vibration of a structure. There is some commercial software for FEA such as Abaqus, Ansys, Nastran, and etc7, 8. In this research, we used Abaqus to find the natural frequencies of the mechanical components as shown in Table 1. Also, the first mode shape of the high speed shaft is torsion, which is in the same direction of the torque. It is believed that this mode is responsible for repetitive frequency of 23 Hz. And the fourth ABBA1490 Yanxin Luo and Ruxu Du / Procedia Engineering 29 (2012) 1486 1491natural frequency of high speed gear and the second natural of low speed gear are close to the mainly frequency of the noise. Moreover, the corresponding mode shape is bending of the gear tooth. Therefore, the gear tooth should be further investigated. Fig. 8(a) shows the FEA model of the low speed gear. The loading is applied to one of the teeth. The applied loading is a normalized force of 1 unit, in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 1,500 Hz. Fig. 8(b) shows results of the frequency response. From the figure, it is seen that the gear has three main frequencies at 480Hz, 740Hz, and 1,350 Hz respectively. The largest frequency component is at 740 Hz. It is believe that this frequency is responsible for the loud noise. The discrepancies between the FEA frequency (740 Hz) and actual noise frequency (780 Hz) may be attributed to the simplification of the FEA model. In conclusions, we believe the loud noise is generated by the collision of the gears, and the noise can be reduced by eliminating of the gear clearance. Table 1. Modal frequencies of the main components of the press (Hz) Fig. 8 (a) FEM model of the gear pinion (b) frequency response 4. An improved design Based on the analysis result presented earlier, the length of the linkages should not be change as to keep the trajectory of the design. Also, the inertia of the flywheel and the stiffness of the high speed shaft etc., can also be fine-tuned to reduce the noise. However, these solution is not effective because of the mechanical components has small room for improving the design due to the strength constraints. Its an option to improve the design by eliminating the clearance between the gears. The proposed design is shown in Fig. 9. There are two gears mounted on the high speed shaft to eliminate the gear clearance. In this design, two set of gear pair are utilized and one spiral spring will mounted between the gears to eliminate the gear clearance. The first set of gear pair will transmit the torque to the crank shaft for the case of the torque is in clockwise direction. When the torque changes its direction, the second set of gear pair works. Therefore, its believed that the design will reduce the noise effectively. However, the dynamics analysis is needed for the new design model in the future. Mode 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th High speed shaft 24.2 29.7 54.8 285.3 581.0 1035.4 High speed gear 67.3 360.5 466.1 753.0 892.9 1189.0 Low speed gear 593.1 619.0 1147.8 1205.3 1278.0 1477.0 Upper linkage 67.0 74.7 80.5 102.6 185.2 282.4 1491Yanxin Luo and Ruxu Du / Procedia Engineering 29 (2012) 1486 1491Fig. 9. An improved design of the gear pair for eliminating the gear clearance 5. Conclusions This paper presents a study on the noise of a six-bar mechanical press. Based on the discussions above, following conclusions can be drawn: The mechanical noise of the press contains a number of components corresponding to the natural frequencies of various components of the press. The noise is generated when the impact occurs. The impact is a result of the four bar mechanism that generates variable speed during the operation. The variable speed generates variable force, causing the gears impact on each other. Its an option to avoid the clearance between the gear pairs to reduce the noise. The combination of the signature analysis, mechanical dynamics analysis and FEM is effective method to analyze the root cause of machine faults. In addition to the application presented above, it can be used for many other applications that involve mechanical motion. Acknowledgements This research is partially supported by the Natural Science Foundation Project of CD CSTC (Grant No. 2011BB0051). References 1 Du R, Guo WZ. The Design of a new metal forming press with controllable mechanism. J Mech Design 2003; 125: 582-592,. 2 Yan HS, Chen WR. A variable input speed approach for improving the output motion characteristics of watt-type presses. Int J Mach Tool Manuf 2000; 40: 675690. 3 Tso PL, Liang KC. A nine-bar linkage for mechanical forming presses. J Mach Tool Manuf 2002; 42: 139-145. 4 Meng CF, Zhang C, Lu YH, Shen ZG. Optimal design and control of a novel press with an extra motor. Mech Mach Theory 2004; 39: 11818. 5 He K, Li WM, Du R. 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