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在1930的时候,一个叫做Dr Norman的步行者发明了首先磨碎和然后切开产物的一个榨汁机 。得到的大量产物然后被投入一个亚麻制袋子并被安置在一个水压机之下, 指引汁液从下端的壶嘴处流出。(Dr 步行者居住对108 年纪- 他死了在一次冲浪的事故) 。您仍然可以购买这2-stage "Norwalk" 机器为大约$2000, 的确是一个让人们望而止步的价格。并且您将发现在销售中发现我们购买的大多数榨汁机从那以后并没有发生很大的改变。离心榨汁机运转时,用一把平的切口刀片安装在一台迅速地转动的过滤器的底部。裁减产物是扔在过滤器的边。由于离心力, 汁液然后通过过滤器上微小的孔。这个设计的内在特点有:
4有很多令人感到不舒服的泡沫 。
6纸浆积存在滤网上并且效率急剧下降 。
7离心力推了很多纸浆通过滤网,产生了大量的果汁 。
8这些果汁器能严重地损害你的听力, 也不会受欢迎,因为噪音在梯田的住宅或公寓,没有任何人能睡好。
最后, 设计一个离心榨汁机, 里面是不同于树木的切削刀的。它们转动在 10000r/min 。收效的摩擦热对您的汁液的不好。当一个马达在持续的抵抗之下10000r/min也不是一件容易的工作。 你能在一个离心的果汁器上花费的数量在从30英镑至100英镑,因此你正在支付什么? 实际上, 主要品牌名字和审美设计。而最便宜的机器当然是不被你关注的和你不去持续的渴望,经验和反馈告诉我们更加昂贵的机器不一定会长期地工作下去。事实上, 如果大家买榨汁机 并且每天都在使用他们的机器,我们认为几乎每个机器在市场会被撤出因为以每日用法实际上所有机器无法在他们的第一年之内, 让单独在保单之内。 在最近一项榨汁机调查中被发现是最有可能留在厨房的新项目. 我们相信,这是由于上述的缺点, 这种风格的榨汁机作为高速离心 ,是迄今在英国被购买走的类型, 是处理整个的农产品的离心的果汁器。哇! 什么样的特征、整个的苹果, 芹菜的整个头,性能最高并不是最好的。一位保健食品作者告诉我们它的伟大在于它的伟大在于能够把一整头的芹菜榨好, 但电机就会被烧坏了,我们还要把他送到检修部。最后, 这个特点是一个便利, 但过程仍然毁坏汁液, 并且您必须仍然清扫在每块玻璃以后被生产作为过滤器障碍物更加迅速地。果汁器它们自己除了它们的逐渐加宽的滑槽之外还没有技术上的重新设计, 所以一直没有考虑增加运动阻力. 同时,一个宽的逐渐强烈的滑槽极端地危险 ,一个成人可以将他们的整个手臂放在那里。 同时, 不填充滑槽的任何事到处嘎嘎响,像一棵简单的红萝卜。通常有许多大体积的泡沫,而且果汁器倾卸许多果肉进入挤出来的水果来汁液里。 你想要今年买多少个果汁器 ?在整个的果汁上的一个最后的字: 动物会吃很多的水果。想想看,即使你的榨汁机可以榨整个苹果,或许它的价值不值每个苹果的四分之一。
大多数商业机器用果汁做酒,相对较小的市场,是一个具有国内少数机器, 酒吧里的果汁要快(这就是为什么他们要牺牲质量和使用离心工艺), 他们要不断地拆开自己的榨汁机是保持清洁。 在离心榨汁机,纸浆弹射,双方的紧张篮庇倾斜, 气流送浆自动制作成一个篮子收集而不需要清洗。 这一进程不能充分证明了漫长的道路, 并提供并没改善所有的缺点,离心48%已经讲过。 请注意,线状,纤维生产和蓝冰榨汁机也不是一个成功。如果你想找个纳入这些果汁,你要继续看完. 一个革命发生在1950年的时候发明plastaket冠军后,本届锦标赛的第一个咀嚼榨汁机. 当冠军是唯一的榨汁与牙齿,我们感到的只是咀嚼可用于榨汁机. 冠军榨汁机提供了更大的产量,然后离心果汁和退化不严重. 但其刀具运行于1425r/min ,可以说是一个问题。叶菜类青菜仍然是一个没有出现,现在只标出夹在牙齿中! 如果你慢慢榨汁(或牙塞满植物纤维) ,你将得到温暖泡沫汁作为回报。切削刀是金属滤网迅速打击制造那些尚未清除的48%. 当冠军赶到现场, 50多年前,齐格弗里德, 作者"疗伤草药汁, "被称为'悲剧'的极高速的榨汁机,导致地摩擦而争吵,有时甚至出现蒸气的果汁. 某些营养素,尤其是所有活酶,被炸毁的热量. 虽然, 我们认为您还是设计出一个齿轮榨汁机, 但你也应该打造绿色果汁。 如低速, 齿轮榨汁机, 齿轮榨汁机的转速在70 和120 r/min之间。因而, 在齿轮榨汁机中,产物被击碎,没有切割或转动 。酵素被保存 。您的汁液是冷的, 因为它应该是合理地压榨 。您每次举一杯生存汁液,他们是所有榨汁机中最容易清洗的。 如同区别的一个视觉表示法我们准备了二杯苹果汁,一个准备在唯一齿轮榨汁机, 另一个在一个离心榨汁机 。苹果汁的迅速氧化做这一个好测试为汁液的颜色和因此生命力。其它产物会显示近似结果为离心被生产的汁液,但典型地唯一齿轮准备的汁液不会陈列较少或泡沫。即橙汁整个地是泡沫在离心榨汁机,而零随地泡沫在一个唯一齿轮榨汁机 。 许多人说或写道, 您需要喝汁液被生产在一个离心榨汁机,直接以后生产它。通常它是解释, 由于果汁微变,你食用它立竿见影. 请停下来想一想. 如果您要对汁液为健康您必须自己生产汁液在低落速度齿轮榨汁机上 。这是获取营养丰盈好处的唯一方法,可利用在新鲜水果里和任何菜里,让它们的纤维安全地被分离。在榨汁机上提取的苹果汁没有营养,而唯一齿轮榨汁机榨出的果汁健康, 颜色显示那是充分酵素和营养素 。20% 更多汁液出产量 ?较少泡沫苹果汁提取与离心榨汁机 ? 。氧化了和被转动的清楚的褐色唯一水含量与没有酵素和营养素 ? 。粗劣的汁液出产量 ? 很多泡沫?
国内或商业汁液准备将给您生存酵素的好处, 维生素、矿物和其它物质。如此,即然我们完全说服了那他们, 只值得喝新鲜的汁液如果准备使用齿轮榨汁机, 我们左边是以一个问题,唯一齿轮或双胞胎齿轮吗?
唯一齿轮榨汁机:一个唯一齿轮榨汁机有唯一转动的螺丝与一条狭窄的螺纹产物,随后而来直到击碎在允许汁液和黏浆状物质抛出在要诀的屏幕里面。这个过程与肉研磨机的蠕虫齿轮是非常相似。首先击碎,然后绞碎产物,果糊透过滤网流出。唯一齿轮榨汁机提议您一流的质量汁液以最后友善用途。您将不会曾经被推迟使用一个唯一齿轮榨汁机, 这永远将保留喜悦。在英国原物Oscar 502 再制造可利用作'Oscar 榨汁机', 一个机器你将会看见在果汁糕里象有机行星。有其它唯一齿轮榨汁机可利用的现在囤积, 包括遮阳, 独奏星和居住。 有另外更慢是更好的证据(相对这个类别, 即70r/min 不是更好比120r/min) 。事实上, 慢速有巨大好处在数以万计转每分钟, 而是在速度上的小区别在榨汁机之间在这个类别不是起因使您选择最慢。 历史上唯一齿轮榨汁机被发明在90 的初期以介绍 Oscar 502, 由韩国公司设计和制造命名。1988 年由二个商务伙伴建立了制造基地。二个人当中一个商人背叛了另一个, 投靠了附近的制造业公司, 开始的新公司称东Oscar,并且在短时间之内有生产了麦特斯榨汁机 - Oscar 设计的拷贝。在韩国外面机器被烙记了萨姆松 , 并且全球性地, 萨姆松代理招来他们机器作为新模型Oscar 。他们减少一定数量做他们的麦特斯榨汁机,沉重的负债和他们的行销被推挤导致失败。在一国家, Oscar 经销商的前雇员窃取了$75,000 和顾客数据库在设置之前作为Samson 经销商。在英国, 那里不是常驻Oscar 销售特许权, Oscar 是忘记了,许多人相信对今天, 他们的萨姆松/麦特斯机器是'新' Oscar 。故事几乎完成与东Oscar 下落对破产在2005 年9月26 日。酵素榨汁机,这些未证明一样高效率或可靠的Oscar 品牌。我们严密地推荐在保单期间, 作为Oscar 生存榨汁机 提供12年。双重阶段唯一木钻榨汁机最新的创新在唯一齿轮榨汁机里是3 阶段提取木钻运转在一个双重阶段里面榨汁在最初击碎产物, 任一被分布的汁液被指挥通过第一阶段榨汁的屏幕入汁液收集碗。被击碎的产物减去它的汁液然后继续它的方式通过机器, 又更加美好的被钻孔的屏幕任意获得不仅更高的出产量, 但近的黏浆状物质汁液。 这个过程声称获得20% 更多汁液比普通的唯一齿轮榨汁机和主要产生喜欢双胞胎齿轮机器。一个测试用红萝卜产生了26% 更多汁液! 与其它唯一木钻榨汁机, 汁液是只生产在第二阶段, 要求更大的孔在榨汁的屏幕。筛子结果是提供其它唯一齿轮榨汁机盖汁液收集碗捉住黏浆状物质。如同汁液被允许退出在第一阶段这类型榨汁机 不会遭受一定数量的问题影响实际上所有其它榨汁机 的泄漏, 特别是入锁的夹子和马达住房。有只二个双重阶段唯一齿轮榨汁机可利用在市场、独奏星II 和Oscar 上900 VitalMax 。你将会记住, 两个老品牌是在更加早期的模型。我们更喜欢Oscar VitalMax 为编号原因, 包括lighter/sleeker 设计, 并且更加容易使用和清洗。并且, 两个阶段 Oscar榨汁的屏幕是不锈钢作为独奏星II 有塑料第一阶段的地方。最后, Oscar VitalMax 是唯一的榨汁机拿着一张20 年马达保单。 即然是一张勇敢的保单贯彻。Oscar 保证我们, 他们的机器被测试了在10,000 个小时用途之外。他们坚持我们每日榨汁液, 和坚持他们使用最美好的马达和组分在世界上。或许一些搬弄是非的标志这质量居住在这机器表现, 和安静, 因为VitalMax 最确定地是我们所使用最安静的机器。因为Oscar 是在事务自1988 年以来它是安全信任他们的保单提供也是。唯一齿轮榨汁机 没有榨汁的屏幕总结 Oscar VitalMax 绝对是最可靠的, 最好执行, 最快清洗, 最容易聚集并且使用器具它的类型和它有最少第4部数字加上跳跃者! 有一个唯一产品在这个类别, 是一个电版本的活酵素榨汁机。手工和电版本被设计了为用途以绿色, 特殊完全。由于这些食物非常高象线的纤维内容他们不会创造稀烂汁液, 并且一个榨汁的屏幕因而不是必要的。 但是, 缺乏一个榨汁的屏幕在这些机器被结合与榨汁所有产物要求和列为头条新闻,你将会保存不清洗屏幕 ,小心地进行。您将需要筛, 并且更软的产物疑难。如果您喜欢稀烂汁液, 但当您想要纯净的汁液(没有黏浆状物质), 黏浆状物质迅速收集在筛子堵塞它。如果筛子是联合进入榨汁的鼓那么被分离的黏浆状物质会被放置从他汁液, 但与筛子基于汁液水罐您必须频繁地倒空它和浪费很多汁液这样做。这是非常杂乱, 特别是与软的产物, 包括苹果, 和蕃茄将带领您放弃希望。终于, 二木钻带有这个榨汁机为另外产物- 其它独特的特点。但假定您需要两个, 您可以希望改变零件到汁液下个项目在您的食谱。这重要比较, 因为每一个这些榨汁机有一个38mm 哺养的滑道, 并且因而有同样任务忍受。最后, 更高力量, 更低一项唯一榨汁的任务的马达穿戴的力量机器被陈列在榨汁的表现, 但如果您这与保单图比较在您之上能确切地看什么您得到。人们象太昂贵总认为更高的价标记设备... 但他们不要体会... 您想要多少辆汽车买在以后10 年? 多少吸尘器您要对拥有? 您要多少次买立体音响? 或您想要买某事和部份地不满意与它因为在您使用它时候, 它打破在您? 或您想要做它一次和它正确吗?
终究, 您知道, 您得到什么, 不是您支付较少金钱因为您从长远看能支付更多金钱。我总认为的事的当中一个是, 我不喜欢买破烂物。由于我结束再买它。多少您买了许多同样产品因为您从未买了好一个? 事关于Oscar 是- 它仍然存在, 不正传奇, 但居于在那里之外仍然拥有他们的Oscar 502 并且被看见他们通过十年。Dr Gillian McKeith 被生动描述使用Oscar 在她的书里她永远拥有那个榨汁机 。Oscar 是汁液大师, 罗斯・艾略特, 和许多许多的选择榨汁机 更多- 居于谁只想要买一次和得到它正确因此他们维护他们的图象当推荐产品对其他人。
双胞胎齿轮榨汁机如此为什么双胞胎齿轮? 很好, 孪生, 内部转动的齿轮传统上考虑到更加了不起的汁液出产量。但是, 汇编是少许更多搬弄一些与更多零件, 价格可观地升级, 并且哺养在产物是更慢的事理比与唯一齿轮榨汁机。如果你已经 使用了一个离心榨汁机 然后一个唯一齿轮也许感觉一少许慢, 但双胞胎齿轮使您惊奇, 许多类型产物必须被强迫在齿轮之间。基本上, 双胞胎齿轮榨汁机 由操作进行它的结果它的齿轮在0.1mm 单独, 一英寸的大约4/1000 。草本, 和其它叶茂盛产物强度因为齿轮拉扯内部, 红萝卜会要求力量。这是一个注意事项为任何人有任一个弱点在他们的前臂和特别是腕子- 如果你无法使用手修平刀在庭院, 双胞胎齿轮榨汁机 也许哀伤地然后是太多为您。双胞胎齿轮榨汁机这个设计经常做软的产物一个挑战。果子保留可行在双胞胎齿轮 榨汁机, 但榨汁机单独会要求一些额外耐心。双胞胎齿轮榨汁机总提供一更大被钻孔屏幕为果子。
要诀当网站曾经告诉您他们的榨汁机 齿轮经营得更加紧密比任何人。请知道, 他们全都经营在这个距离, 他们所有给同样图和做同样'uniqueness' 要求历史双胞胎齿轮juicing 由当前的绿色星榨汁机 发明了(先生的设计师 Jong G. 金绿色力量), 最初被命名绿色生活。巨型竞争在韩国看见多数榨汁机 制造者关闭, 包括先生金。如同绿色力量最近进入了国际市场, 它的零件供应商协力恢复他们的顾客债务。简单地, 他们卖了继续销售的模子对Tribest (美国经销商) 机器憎恨没有发展或在服务以后在来源- 在韩国。金先生然而持续改善在他的设计在许多模型。这扭捏导致他们最新提供(不少7 年新比绿色星) 。在多个名字的旗下, GPT-1303 是或者每绿色力量, Kempo 或Hippocrates 榨汁机 (轻微的变异在模型号发生为每个名牌) 。所有榨汁机s 是相同的, 除了绿色力量被提供以a 录影, 和Hippocrates 被供应以录影和以拷贝的 Hippocrates 健康节目, 由布赖恩・R. Clement 写。
最新的式样绿色力量Hippocrates 榨汁机 由wheatgrass 生产大约25% 更多汁液比绿色星, 它做如此在大约15% 较少时间, 并且没有经常支持 (强迫您停止和扭转- 或拆卸, 清洗和再开始) 。机器另外更小, 打火机, 有二较少零件聚集, 更加容易清洗,并且doesn't 简单地招致规则部份破损象绿色星。
下面是二个磁性双胞胎齿轮榨汁机s 的双胞胎齿轮。在左边是Greenstar, 在右边 Greenpower Hippocrates 。通知那里是没有尼龙在Greenstar 齿轮的前线防止金属从碰撞。足够奇怪地有在原始的设计但简化和降低它是制造的费用去除。金先生称这"clean gear" 并且它现在是只可利用的在他的最新的发明。什么一不能看而是重要巨型地是磁铁在齿轮里面。如同磁铁的原始的目的防止齿轮碰撞他们被优选使各个齿轮互相反对- 不提高最后的汁液的矿物含量和广泛现在被接受作为他们的目的。
因而, Hippocrates 有无敌的磁性能力, 更多细节下面是。绿色星的优秀全球性营销继续看这作为最好知道的双胞胎齿轮榨汁机 。我们知道许多顾客有从他们的绿色星和现在是愉快。最初地有关象绿色星, 他们迅速意识到大小并且重量他们的老机器是没有更多用途比多余重量在人。我们甚而有顾客谁退休了他们的绿色星倾向于Oscar VitalMax! 如果您的兴趣是主要果子汁, 双胞胎齿轮榨汁机s 然后将提供您伟大的汁液和产物非常容易哺养。请注意然而, Oscar VitalMax 榨汁机 提供双胞胎齿轮表现横跨所有产物键入, 做双胞胎齿轮市场更多专家一个。如果有更加便宜, 更加容易使用机器为什么应该任何人打扰与双胞胎齿轮? 答复是磁铁。是, 有磁铁在绿色力量汁液提取器。在各个转动的双胞胎齿轮核心是一系列轴向磁铁。当双胞胎齿轮适当地被排列, 磁铁二系列生产被聚焦 2600 高斯的磁场在详细的4/1000 英寸清除在双胞胎齿轮之间。如同汁液流动通过这个被聚焦的磁场, 水分子群在汁液之内被打开给他们再结合与矿物譬如钙、钾、钠, 和镁入新分子结构。这个磁场过程援助在提取矿物的更加了不起的百分比从产物在期间的过程和是有助的在保留那些矿物在身体可能使用的暂停的胶质形式为一个更长的时间。
一次独立试验证明, 汁液从芹菜和绿色叶茂盛菜的组合包含了: 95.4% 更多钙 173.3% 更多钢 96.95% 更多镁 61.4% 更多钾 205% 更多硅 108.2% 更多锌 它。您的原因购买Greenpower 磁性双胞胎齿轮汁液提取器。其它竞争者在双胞胎齿轮里juicing 是双胞胎健康和天使。设置这些的特点 榨汁机s 在旁边是他们的100% 不锈钢齿轮, 和自动反向作用。请注意两者都不机器用途磁铁在它的双胞胎齿轮里和最后因而起作用象Oscar VitalMax 只与更多笨重零件和更多费用对您, 买家。
双胞胎健康和天使榨汁机使用一张嵌入控制板而不是健壮的开关。象现代汽车电缺点的数量不影响技工而且仍然使您的机器失去能力是挫败和完全多余。我们最后的词在当前的天使榨汁机 是, 它被卖在非常被翻译的热闹的要求从韩国语(没有章程) 的地方- 南瓜任何人?绿皮胡瓜或些其他南瓜家庭- 不是您需要的秘密营养素的成员。要求去类型营养素戏剧在害病的细胞的治疗和再生的重大角色在." 做广告标准喜欢。为杀虫剂撤除, 有从未是这的任一个测试,并且马达保单期间是失望。 双胞胎健康比Greenpower 是完全大用每个方式Hippocrates, 正义神色在多少更大的齿轮是在Hippocrates! ) 。天使的齿轮是更大的平静, 下面看见。历史天使有一点jaded 历史, 一原始的inspirer 在juicing 的市场上制造商犯了看见他们的产品消失从的许多错误市场直到最近再介绍。双胞胎健康实际上与有关天使, 因为制造商承担了很多天使研究小组当天使有财政麻烦。双胞胎健康根本上是塑料改造早期的式样天使没有更长可利用。 创造100% 不锈钢机器的目的(不仅齿轮, 但整个机器) 将创造卫生的最高水平。双胞胎健康无法在这笔记与它穷地凄惨地认为在造型之外。如果原始的天使将是可利用的, 我们会作这发光的报告。机器并且会有价牌大约.1000 。当前的天使是更多可实行的销售选择为制造商, 与倍数绘了和镀了零件那最后起因,发光的剥落脱去。但这无限使一个榨汁机 难处理, 装配、干净, 仍然它doesn't 出产量更加伟大汁液的容量。人们真实地需要磁性双胞胎齿轮被生产的汁液为愈合经常是星期特别是在他们的手和腕子里。另外,它们的齿轮牙是完全直言的, 比较轻微地尖牙, 因此产物艰苦使哺养。并且, Hippocrates 有显着更宽的滑道为哺养的产物- 它有一个方形的横剖面- 并且在它的最宽的点是8mm 更宽比双胞胎健康的滑道- 使它引人注目地更加快速和更加容易哺养生产。 双胞胎健康齿轮运载一张终生品质保单(是100% 不锈钢, 这是一个容易的被保证人维护) 。不锈在不锈的实施不看因为一个好想法照原样不锈在尼龙保证Hippocrates 榨汁机的实施不锈钢零件从未进入联络和通过金属削片入汁液。双胞胎健康营销材料指出, 尼龙在齿轮是较少耐久性, 可能崩裂(整个地真实他们被滥用- 以双胞胎健康恶习简单地会导致某一其它部份改为打破) 。
The Honest Guide to Choosing a Juicer
In the 1930's a chap called Dr Norman Walker invented a juicer which firstly grated and then cut produce. The resulting mass was then to be put into a linen bag and placed under a hydraulic press, directing juice down a spout. (Dr Walker lived to 108 years of age - he died in a surfing accident). You can still purchase this 2-stage "Norwalk" machine for around $2000, which is a very prohibitive price indeed. And most of the juicers you will find on sale haven't evolved much since then, which brings us to...Centrifugal juicers. Centrifugal juicers work by using a flat cutting blade on the bottom of a rapidly spinning strainer. Cut produce is flung out over the sides of the strainer. Due to the centrifugal force, juice then passes through tiny holes in the strainer. Features intrinsic to this design include:
The strainers are HUGE and a pain to clean
The cutting blades are tricky to clean and some are particularly dangerous to handle
The process incorporates mass oxidization and therefore a 'dying' and brown juice
There is a lot of unpleasant froth
Leafy green vegetables are impossible, so no herbs and no wheatgrass
Pulp builds up in the strainer and efficiency falls rapidly
The centrifugal force pushes a lot of pulp through the strainer, resulting in a lot of pulp in the juice
These juicers can seriously damage your hearing, and won't be popular in a terraced house or flat, or if anyone is still in bed
Ultimately, the technology inside a centrifugal juicer is not unlike that of a tree cutter. They're spinning at up to10000rpm. The resulting frictional heat is not good for your juice. Neither is 10000rpm an easy task for a motor when under constant resistance. The amount you can spend on a centrifugal juicer varies from £30 to over £100 - so what are you paying for? Well, in truth, mostly brand name and aesthetic design. While the cheapest of machines are certainly week hearted and not going to last you long, experience and feedback tells us that more expensive machines don't necessarily last any longer. In fact, if everyone who bought a juicer used their machine every day we think nearly every machine on the market would be withdrawn because with daily usage virtually all machines would fail within their first year, let alone within warranty. This guide has been written as a result of the cumulative experience of several people, spanning over 4 years and many many juices. In this guide you will:
discover clearly the best type of juicer for you
pinpoint the best machine in each category
be saved from the confusion of conflicting promotional material
benefit from unique comparison charts and photos
gain links to background information and in dependant reviews
And that's a brave statement for us to make but far braver is the warranty provided with juicers. Most people we speak to that have burnt out previous machines never even took it back. We live in a throw away society sadly, but it's great for manufacturers. Another fact of society is how many of us 'shelve' new products. In a recent survey juicers were found to be the most likely new item to be left in the cupboard, second only to the George Foreman style grills. We believe this is because of the above drawbacks of this style of juicer - as the high street centrifugal is by far the most purchased type of juicer in the UK. Centrifugal juicers that handle whole produce. WOW! what a feature, whole apples, whole heads of celery. Having said that, impatience isn't the highest virtue. One health food author tells us "it's great being able to put in a whole head of celery, but the motor keeps burning out and I have to take it back to the shop". Ultimately, this feature is one of convenience, but the process still destroys the juice, and you still have to clean up after every glass produced as the strainer clog seven more rapidly.
The juicers themselves have had no technical redesign other than a widening of their feeding chute, so there has been no consideration of increased motor resistance. Also, a wide feeding chute is extremely dangerous an adult could loose their whole arm in there. Also, anything that doesn't fill the chute rattles all over the place, like a simple carrot. Generally there is immense volumes of foam and the juicers dump a lot of pulp into the juice which then requires straining. How many juicers do you want to buy this year? One last word on whole fruit juicing: animals that live inside fruit. Think about it, even if your juicer can take whole apples, maybe it's worth quartering each apple first.... worm juice anyone? Centrifugal juicers with pulp ejection. A relatively small market place that holds a few domestic machines, and mostly commercial machines used by juice bars. Juice bars need juice QUICK (which is why they have to sacrifice quality and use the centrifugal process) and they can't afford to continually disassemble their juicer to clean it. In a centrifugal juicer that has pulp ejection, the sides of the straining basket are cleverly slanted, the air flow sending the pulp produced automatically into a collection basket without the need for cleaning. The process IS NOT full-proof by a long way, and offers no inherent improvement on all the flaws of centrifugal juicing already mentioned. Please be aware that stringy, fibrous produce and wheatgrass is still not a success in this type of juicer. If you're looking to incorporate these into your juice read on...A revolution occurred in the 1950's when Plastaket invented the Champion, the worlds' first masticating juicer. Masticate means 'to chew', and as the Champion is the only juicer with teeth we feel it's the only masticating juicer available. Many other web sites will class 'gear' juicers as masticators. We have put these into their own category below. The Champion juicer gives a greater yield then centrifugal juicers and the degradation isn't nearly as severe. But its cutter is running at 1425rpm - and that can be a problem.
Leafy veg is still a NO - only now it gets caught in the teeth!
If you juice slowly (or the teeth are clogged with plant fibers) you get warm foamy juice as the cutter is spinning rapidly against the produce that hasn't yet cleared the juicing chamber. When the Champion arrived on the scene over 50 years ago, Siegfried Gursche, author of "Healing with Herbal Juices," described as a 'tragedy' the extremely high speed of the juicer which causes lots of friction which heats and sometimes even steams the juice. Some nutrients, especially all live enzymes, are destroyed by heat. Where the Champion excels (in terms of speed of throughput and yield) is with root vegetables. If you're planning to process A LOT of carrots, then the Champion would be a consideration for you (i.e. the Gerson Diet). Although, in our opinion you'd still be better off with a gear juicer, and you should make green juices your main stay. To read more about why the Champion should be nominated for retirement, click here. Now lets take a jump into the 1990's. Suddenly an innovation occurred in juicing..
Low speed, gear juicersGear juicers operate anywhere between 70 and 120 r/min. Thus, in a gear juicer:
Produce is crushed - No cutting or spinning
Enzymes are preserved
AMAZING green juices become possible
Your juice is cold, as it should be
You lift a glass of living juice every time
They are the easiest of all juicers to clean (don't let anyone lie to you and claim that any juicer mentioned previously in this guide is easy to clean they're not).
As a visual representation of the differences we have prepared two glasses of apples juice - one prepared in a single gear juicer, the other in a centrifugal juicer. The rapid oxidization of apple juice makes this a good test for the colour and therefore vitality of the juice. Other produce would show similar results for the centrifugal produced juice, but typically the single gear prepared juice would exhibit less or no foam. E.g. orange juice is entirely foam in a centrifugal juicer and zero foam in a single gear juicer. Many people have said or written that you need to drink juice produced in a centrifugal juicer straight after producing it. Usually it is explained that as the juice deteriorates you can benefit from the juice by consuming it straight away. PLEASE stop and think. If a process causes destruction, removing it from your sights quickly does not alter the destruction. If you want to juice for health you must produce the juice yourself in a low speed gear juicer. This is the only way to gain benefit from the abundance of nutrition available in fresh fruits any vegetables when their fibre is safely separated. No other Apple juice extracted with a Single Gear Juicer
Has a healthy, even color, showing that it's full of enzymes and nutrients
20% more juice yield
Less foam Apple juice extracted with a Centrifugal Juicer
Has oxidized and turned clear brown -only water content with no enzymes andnutrients
Poor juice yield
A lot of foam domestic or commercial juice preparation will give you the benefits of living enzymes,vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients.
So now that we're totally convinced that it's only worth drinking fresh juice if prepared using a gear juicers, weare left with one question - single gear or twin gear?Single gear juicers
A single gear juicer has a single rotating screw or 'auger', with an ever narrowing thread along which produce follows until crushed inside a screen which allows juice through and pulp to be ejected at the tip. This process is very similar to the worm gear of a meat grinder. The auger is divided into a two phase process of first crushing and then wringing-out the produce against the wall of a conical filter screen. Single gear juicing offers you top quality juice with ultimate friendliness of use. You won't ever be put off using a single gear juicer, it will forever remain a joy. In the UK the original Oscar 502 has just been made available again as the 'Oscar Living Juicer', a machine you'll see in juice bars like Planet Organic. There are a hoard of other single gear juicers available now, including the L'E quip Visor, Solo Star and Live Please take note that despite superiority claims of the enzyme content produced by different gears juicers, there is NO evidence or test ever been done to identify if one machine is more successful than another in this area. It seems that all promotional material for this type of juicer, including unedited web copy, claims superiority. We would advise not basing your purchase around such statements. Additionally there is no evidence that slower is better (relative to this category, i.e. 70rpm is not better than 120rpm). TRUE, slow speed has immense benefits over thousands of revs per minute, but the small differences in speed between juicers in this category are not cause for you to choose the slowest.
Single gear juicing was invented at the beginning of the nineties with the introduction of the Oscar 502, designed and Manufactured by a Korean company named Dong Ah which was founded by two business partners in 1988. One of the two businessmen betrayed the other, set up a nearby manufacturing facility, started a new company called Dong A Oscar (cheeky, hey?) and within a short time had produced the Matstone juicer - a copy of the Oscar design. Outside of Korea the machine was branded the Samson, and globally, Samson agents touted their machine as the new model Oscar. They cut a number of corners to make their Matstone juicers more affordable and pushed heavily with their marketing. In one country, an ex-employee of the Oscar distributor stole $75,000 and the customer database before setting himself up as the Samson distributor. In