2016年 4 月 18 日
第 1 周 查阅相关文献,为撰写开题报告做准备工作。
第 2-3 周 确定设计方案,粗化结构草图,完成开题报告。
第 4-5 周 根据工作要求,查阅相关手册书籍,选择、设计计算同时校核各零部件。
第6-10周 利用三维设计软件完成各零部件的三维实体建模。基本完成三维图的绘制,已开始二维装配图的绘制。
年 月 日
年 月 日
2015年11月27日——2016年5月28日(共 14 周)
第1~2周 查阅相关文献,撰写开题报告。
第3~4周 根据国内外现有的红枣收获机确定棒杆式红枣收获装置的总体设计方案,绘制总体结构简图。
第5~6周 根据工作要求,计算并查阅相关手册,选择和设计各零部件。
第7~9周 运用AutoCAD软件,绘制二维零件图和装配图。
第10~11周 运用三维设计软件完成整机各零部件的三维建模并进行运动仿真。
第12周 从工艺性能,经济性能,实用性能等方面对产品进行综合评价、校核、修正。
第13周 完成设计说明书。
第14周 整理材料,准备答辩
[1]成大先.《机械设计手册 单行本 液压传动》.化学工业出版社,2004: 311-317.
[8]成大先.《机械设计手册 单行本 机械传动》.化学工业出版社,2004:102-210.
2015年 11 月 20 日
任务接受人签名 杨海斌
2015年 11 月 20 日
课题名称 自走连续振动式红枣收获机
学生姓名 杨海斌
学 号 8011212125
所属学院 机电院
专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化
班 级 16-1
指导教师 郭文松
起止时间 2015-11-27
填 表 说 明
1、 本课题来源及研究的目的和意义:
2、 本课题所涉及的问题在国内外研究现状及分析:
当前,机械采收的方法主要有振摇法和梳刷法。其中,振摇法是应用最多的一种方法, 适用于采收大多数干果、坚果和部分鲜食水果;而梳刷法适用于采收草莓、葡萄等浆果。新疆兵团应根据林果生产实际,从易于实现机械采收的红枣、核桃等特色干果的收获入手, 研发基于振摇原理的干果收获机具。
新疆农垦科学院农机研究所已首次从意大利引进了一台干果收获机成套设备, 并于2007年9 月在新疆哈密农十三师火箭农场进行了红枣、核桃机械采收的适应性试验, 效果较好。
自2008年开始,新疆农垦科学院机械装备研究所经过反复研究,终于成功研制出了“4YS-24红枣收获机”。该红枣收获机每小时可采摘50棵枣树,采净率达到91.5% ,工效提高了10倍左右,而人工采摘红枣每小时只能采摘5棵枣树。
3、 对课题所涉及的任务要求及实现预期目标的可行性分析:
4、 本课题需要重点研究的、关键的问题及解决的思路:
5、 完成本课题所必须的工作条件及解决的办法:
6、 完成本课题的工作方案及进度计划:
第1~2周 查阅相关文献,撰写开题报告。
第3~4周 根据国内外现有的红枣收获机确定棒杆式红枣收获装置的总体设计方案,绘制总体结构简图。
第5~6周 根据工作要求,计算并查阅相关手册,选择和设计各零部件。
第7~9周 运用AutoCAD软件,绘制二维零件图和装配图。
第10~11周 运用三维设计软件完成整机各零部件的三维建模并进行运动仿真。
第12周 从工艺性能,经济性能,实用性能等方面对产品进行综合评价、校核、修正。
第13周 完成设计说明书。
第14周 整理材料,准备答辩
7、 主要参考文献:
(1)《机械设计课程设计手册》(第4版)吴宗泽、罗圣国等著 高等教育出版社
(2)《机械设计》(第七版)濮良贵、纪名刚等著 高等教育出版社
(3)《机械原理》(第七版)陈作模、葛文杰等著 高等教育出版社
(4) <<机械设计手册》(第二版)上册.化学工业出版社,1983
学生签名 杨海斌
2015 年 11 月 29 日
年 月 日
自走连续振动式红枣收获机的设计自走连续振动式红枣收获机的设计学生姓名:杨海斌学生姓名:杨海斌指导老师:郭文松指导老师:郭文松专业:机械设计制造及其自动化专业:机械设计制造及其自动化院系:机械电气化工程学院院系:机械电气化工程学院本设计的主要内容本设计的主要内容1.1.目的与意义目的与意义2.2.总体方案总体方案3.3.主要结构与工作原理主要结构与工作原理 4.4.工作过程工作过程5.5.主要部件与辅助部件主要部件与辅助部件6.6.小结小结1.1.目的与意义目的与意义 枣业是果业中的一种,在新疆南疆一带种植广枣业是果业中的一种,在新疆南疆一带种植广泛,枣树收获用工量多,劳动强度大。传统的人工泛,枣树收获用工量多,劳动强度大。传统的人工收获方法收获方法,效率低。效率低。随着新疆特色林果,尤其是红随着新疆特色林果,尤其是红枣等林果的规模化、产业化发展,依靠人工采收的枣等林果的规模化、产业化发展,依靠人工采收的方式已不能满足红枣等产业化生产的需要。方式已不能满足红枣等产业化生产的需要。目前,林果采收机械的研究在我国仍处于起步目前,林果采收机械的研究在我国仍处于起步阶段,阶段,针对我国尤其是新疆林果采收机械的研究现针对我国尤其是新疆林果采收机械的研究现状和林果业机械化发展的新形式要求,研究设计机状和林果业机械化发展的新形式要求,研究设计机械振动式林果采收机,对提高我国林果收获机械化械振动式林果采收机,对提高我国林果收获机械化水平具有重要意义。水平具有重要意义。2.2.总体方案确定总体方案确定1收果架 2钢架轮 3钢架 4轴承端盖 5螺钉 6轴承 7敲击棒 8联轴器 9螺栓 10垫片 11螺母 12轴承座 13链轮 14大带轮 15锥齿轮 16链条 17带 18小带轮3.3.主要结构与工作原理主要结构与工作原理主要结构组成:该机由工作部分、传动部分与辅助主要结构组成:该机由工作部分、传动部分与辅助部分组成部分组成。工作部分为敲击棒,传动部分为带轮、工作部分为敲击棒,传动部分为带轮、链轮、锥齿轮,辅助部分为接果架、轮子、钢架。链轮、锥齿轮,辅助部分为接果架、轮子、钢架。工作原理:通过传动机构将发动机动力输出轴动力工作原理:通过传动机构将发动机动力输出轴动力传递至执行机构,通过锥齿轮变向作用带动敲击棒传递至执行机构,通过锥齿轮变向作用带动敲击棒以固定频率敲击果实,使果实下落,并用接果装置以固定频率敲击果实,使果实下落,并用接果装置收集果实。收集果实。4.4.工作过程工作过程发动机动力输出轴减速机小皮带轮大皮带轮主动链轮从动链轮从动锥齿轮转动变向主动锥齿轮转动敲击棒敲打树枝,使果实下落接果装置收集果实5.主要部件1.皮带轮主要将动力传递给链轮,使链轮转动。2.链轮主要将动力传递给锥齿轮,使其旋转。3.锥齿轮主要起变向作用,带动敲击装置旋转。4.减速机减速作用辅助部件1.机架用于支撑机构,并实现主要部件的配合。2.接果架主要放接果装置,用以采摘果实。小结(1)自走连续振动式红枣收获机相对其他收获机,具有对枣树损伤小,效率高等优点。(2)该红枣收获机的应用可以充分利用机械运动进行收获,使原本的低效率的采收有了一定的提高,并且降低了采摘的人工成本,在采摘速度上人工采摘有了显著的提高。(3)本次设计仍有很多缺点,发展矮化密植红枣采收装置仍然很多内容需要探索。总装简图总体装配图恳请老师批评指教果树采摘机器人及控制系统研制
1 序言
在中国,农村经济的快速发展和水果种植领域结构的不断调整,如苹果、柑橘和梨自1993年以来达到8 - 9百万公顷,占四分之一世界上的水果种植总面积。然而,水果收集任务,以50%-70%/小时,仍然依靠体力劳动。所以收获将自动化,因为农业人口在中国逐渐减少。此外,由于果树高,采摘工作已经将使用梯子,这使得手工收割十分危险和低效。因此,未来需要对苹果采摘进入机械化和自动化。机械采摘实验在一些地区已经进行了假设模拟收获,但开发这一战略还没有广泛。有选择性的采摘,这是必要的,需要复杂的机器人技术。总之,有必要设计一个与人类感知能力相似的智能机器人。以下这个为实例,这台机器需要检测水果、计算水果的位置,然后选择不破坏果皮或果树,从而进行采摘。
研究水果收获机器人发生在1980年代。河村建夫、Namikawa Fujiura,Ura所言(1984)首次开发了一个果园机器人。后来, Rabatel,Pellenc、Journeau Aldon(1987)开发了一个机器人。从那时起,他们关于这方面的知识进行了开创性的研究。此外,一些相关的研究农业机器人在温室进行了。例如,番茄收获,黄瓜收获,樱桃收获,草莓收获。然而,大多数水果收获机器人的文献目前没有进入生产或销售。相反,他们仍然处于研究发展阶段。为此,支持进一步的研究和开发是很重要的,以提高性能和减少这些机器人的初始安装费用。
2 材料和方法
2.1 苹果采摘机器人的机械结构
1.移动车辆 2.水果篮子 3.活动带 4.末端效应器 5.采集单元
6. 电动绞盘棒 7.运动小手臂 8.大臂 9.运动大手臂 10.活动的腰部
11.腰部 12. 升降平台 13.中心控制系统
图1 苹果采摘机器人的原理图
2.1.1 自主移动车辆
2.1.2 机械手
与其他结构相比 ,联合结构是有效的三维位置和方向空间。采摘机器人是一个随机的操作空间分布,可能存在很多障碍机器人。联合操纵与自由的多具有任意曲线拟合功能。因此很容易躲开障碍,操作时相应的关节效应器到达指定的位置。因此,采摘机器人与五自由度机械手 (PRRRP)结构安装在自主移动车辆设计。第一个自由度是用于提出整个机械手。Xo、Xc、Yc为摄像机坐标系的轴。L1,L2,L3为机器人的腰,大臂和手臂。q1、q2为第三关节的腰和手臂。水平垂直。U0为平面坐标轴,中心坐标xg,yg,投影中心用来协调目标,按照目标苹果的图像特性的差异来进行辨别,要采摘的目标就会出现在显示器上。主要的直臂k1,k2武器的控制参数Dd,根据运动度的像素单元就会调整一个合适的角度。交流模拟信号A / D、数字CCD电荷装置,D /数字模拟直流电流。要求自由度GPS全球定位系统目标的的颜色,强度、饱和IBVS基于图像的视觉伺服,PBVS定位视觉伺服PRRRP棱镜的转动 ,从而进行判断。中间三个自由度的旋转,其中,第二个驱动臂设计旋转腰部,第三和第四的转动轴移动终端上下操作符。这个自由度允许效应器朝任意方向移动。最后,手臂的灵活用于伸长, 机器人控制命令会根据实测值的误差达到目标位置,从而实现苹果的采摘。上面的讨论表明,五自由度机械手的设计应足以执行苹果采摘的操作。机械手的机械结构如图2所示。机械手的升降是通过升降平台来进行的,能够应付特殊情况下苹果的采摘。旋转接头和灵活的关节是由伺服电机驱动的。机器人机械手的运动参数和机械结构如表一所示。
图2 机械手的照片
2.1.3 实测值的误差
图3 末端效应器的图片
2.2 传感器
2.2.1 效应器上的传感器
传感器的上的效应器,包括摄像头传感器、位置传感器、碰撞传感器和压力传感器。如图4所示。视觉传感器,它使用高分辨率的电荷耦合装置(CCD)摄像机,采集系统通过串行总线(USB)接口的视频窗口捕获技术形成图像, 在完成图像采集、水果搜索和认可扮演一个重要角色。获得广泛应用。视觉传感器的位置是在一个眼手并用的模式。在图4中可以看出的两对红外双光电位置传感器光电电池。此外, 传感器的开关位置通常是用来限制安装在手臂上的电切刀。手臂开始减速时,效应器通过视觉传感器上传来的采摘对象的图像。手臂停了下来,钳子夹水果当蓄电池的两双都是模糊的。在这一点上,压力和碰撞传感器采用力敏感电阻。当压力爪感到一定的压力传感器,电动切割器旋转和切断花梗。开关位置传感器便会操作电切刀停止工作。碰撞传感器用于采摘过程中躲避障碍物。模拟信号来自力敏感电阻和红外线光电管,在工业计算机与数据采集模块通常是不相容的。因此,他们之间需要调制传输之前数据采集模拟信号。图5显示了传感器信号调制电路。
图4 末端传感器的布局
图5 传感器信号的调制电路
2.2.2 传感器为避免操作的碰撞
控制旋转关节的角度和位置用来控制关节的灵活度。霍尔传感器安装在腰的转动关节,主要负责小手臂关节的两端。在工作环境中,小手臂的运动空间大。其中位置传感器,压力传感器,图像传感器,碰撞传感器图,效应器的传感器。图5 为信号调制电路。
2.3 视觉系统
最后,基于支持向量的分类算法并建立了辨识苹果方法。仿真和实验表明, 基于苹果的颜色特征和形状特征,支持向量机方法和径向基函数(RBF)的内核是对于苹果被发现最好的认可。
Research PaperDesign and control of an apple harvesting robotZhao De-An, Lv Jidong, Ji Wei*, Zhang Ying, Chen YuSchool of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, XueFu Road No.301, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province 212013, PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 9 February 2011Received in revised form4 July 2011Accepted 17 July 2011Published online 6 August 2011A robotic device consisting of a manipulator, end-effector and image-based vision servocontrol system was developed for harvesting apple. The manipulator with 5 DOF PRRRPstructure was geometrically optimised to provide quasi-linear behaviour and to simplify thecontrol strategy. The spoon-shaped end-effector with the pneumatic actuated gripper wasdesigned to satisfy the requirements for harvesting apple. The harvesting robot autono-mouslyperformeditsharvestingtaskusingavision-basedmodule.Byusingasupportvectormachine with radial basis function, the fruit recognition algorithm was developed to detectand locate the apple in the trees automatically. The control system, including industrialcomputer and AC servo driver, conducted the manipulator and the end-effector as itapproached and picked the apples. The effectiveness of the prototype robot device wasconfirmed by laboratory tests and field experiments in an open field. The success rate ofappleharvestingwas77%,andtheaverageharvestingtimewasapproximately15sperapple.Crown Copyright 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IAgrE. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn China, with the rapid development of the rural economyand the continuous adjustment of planting structures, fruitcultivation areas, such as apple, citrus and pear, havereached 8-9 million ha since 1993, accounting for one-quarterof the total fruit cultivation area in the world. However, fruitharvesting tasks, which take 50%e70% of the total workinghours, still depend on manual labour (Xu & Zhang, 2004.Harvesting is expected to be automated because the farmingpopulation is gradually decreasing in China. In addition,since the fruit trees are tall, harvesting work has to be con-ducted using step ladders, which makes manual harvestingdangerous and inefficient. Therefore, there is a strong desireto mechanise and automate harvesting. Mechanical har-vestingexperimentshavebeenperformedontheassumptionof once-over harvesting in some areas, but exploitation ofthis strategy is not yet widespread (Hancock, 1999). Selectiveharvesting, which is commonly used, requires sophisticatedrobotic technology. In short, it is necessary to design anintelligent robot with human-like perceptive capabilities. Forinstance, the machine needs to detect fruit, calculate theposition of the fruit and then pick it without damaging thepericarp or the fruit tree.Research on fruit harvesting robots took place in the 1980s.Kawamura, Namikawa, Fujiura, and Ura (1984) first developeda fruit-harvesting robot for orchards. Later, Grand, Rabatel,Pellenc, Journeau, and Aldon (1987), developed an apple-harvesting robot. Since then, their pioneering studies werefollowed by many research papers covering several aspects(e.g., ;Edan, Rogozin, Flash, & Miles, 2000; Foglia & Reina, 2006;Hwang&Kim,2003;Kondo&Ting,1998;Muscato,Prestifilippo, Abbate, & Ivan, 2005; Sakai, Osuka, Maekawa, &Umeda, 2007, 2008; Sarig, 1993; Van Henten, Hemming, VanTuijl, Kornet, Meuleman, 2002). In addition, several relevantstudiesonagriculturalrobotsingreenhouseshavebeencarried* Corresponding author. Tel.: 86 511 82028322; fax: 86 511 82028322.E-mail address: (J. Wei).Available at journal homepage: engineering 110 (2011) 112e1221537-5110/$ e see front matter Crown Copyright 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IAgrE. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2011.07.005out; for instance, tomato harvesting (Monta et al., 1998),cucumber harvesting (Van Henten, Van Tuijl, Hemming,Kornet,Bontsema&VanOs,2003),cherryharvesting(Tanigaki, Fujiura, Akase, & Imagawa, 2008), strawberry har-vesting (Hayashi et al., 2010). However, most of the fruit har-vesting robots discussed in the literature are not currentlymanufacturedorsold.Instead,theyremainintheresearchanddevelopment stages. To this end, it is important to supportfurtherresearch anddevelopment toimprove the performanceand reduce the initial set-up costs of these robots.Based on the concepts above, this study intends to developand evaluate a competitive low price device for automaticharvesting, i.e., an apple-harvesting robot. Firstly, a detaileddescription on the components of the robot including themanipulator,theend-effectorandtheimage-basedvisionservocontrol system is described. Secondly, the geometrically opti-misation of the manipulator to gain a quasi-linear behaviourand simplify the control strategy is described. Thirdly, the end-effectorwiththepneumaticactuatedgripperdesignedtosatisfythe requirements for harvesting apple is described. Based onthis design, the harvesting robot autonomously performs itsharvesting task using a vision-based module to detect andlocate the apple in the trees, and control system conducts themanipulator and the end-effector to approach and pick apple.To verify the validity of the developed harvesting robot, thelaboratory tests and field experiments in an open field wereperformed. The experimental results are the important contri-bution of this paper.The paper is organised as follows: in section 2 the maincomponents of the robot are presented in detail, i.e., themanipulator, the end-effector and the image-based visionservo control system, respectively; in section 3 the experi-mental results are discussed to show the feasibility of therobot system proposed; finally, in section 4 conclusions aredrawn and suggestions for future research are made.2.Material and methods2.1.Mechanical structure of apple harvesting robotA prototype model of the apple harvesting robot is designedfor both efficiency and cost effectiveness. It mainly consists ofan autonomous vehicle, a 5 degree of freedom (DOF) manip-ulator, an end-effector, the sensors, the vision system andcontrol system. The mechanical structure of fruit harvestingrobot self-developed in this paper is shown in Fig. autonomous mobile vehicleA crawler type mobile platform was selected as the mobilevehicle. It carried the power supplies, pneumatic pump,electronic hardware for data acquisition and control, and themanipulator with the end-effector for cutting the fruit. Globalposition system (GPS) technology was used for autonomousnavigation of the mobile vehicle, whose typical speed was1.5 ms? manipulatorCompared with other structures, as described in Sakai,Michihisa, Osuka, and Umeda (2008), joint structure is effec-tive for any position and orientation in three-dimensionalspace. The operation of a harvesting robot is a random largespace distribution, where a lot of obstacles may exist aroundthe robot. A joint manipulator with multi-degrees of freedomhas an arbitrary curve fitting function. It is therefore easy toavoid obstacles by operating the corresponding joints whenthe end-effector reaches the object position. Therefore,aharvestingrobotmanipulatorwith5DOFprismatic-revolute-revolute-revolute-prismatic (PRRRP) structure to bemounted on autonomous mobile vehicle was designed. Thefirst DOF was used for uplifting the whole manipulator. TheNomenclatureSymbolsCR, CRU, CU, CLU, CLAvoidance sensors numberXc, Yc, ZcThe camera coordinates axesXo, Yo, ZoRobot coordinates axesL1, L2, L3Lengths of waist, major arm and minor armq1;q2;q3Joint angles of waist, major arm and minor arm.u, vImage plane coordinates horizontal and verticalaxesuo, voImage centre coordinatexg, ygProjection centre coordinate of target fruitex, eyThe difference of target fruit image featurebetween xg, ygand uo, voM ? NImage plane pixels of video camerajexmaxj;jeymaxj Maximum of ex and eyDq1; Dq2; Dq3Joint deviationangles of waist, major armandminor armk1, k2Control parameters of armsDd The angle to adjust for the movement of a pixel withunit of degree per pixel.AbbreviationsACAlternating CurrentA/DAnalog, DigitalCCDCharge Coupled DevicesD/ADigital, AnalogDCDirect Current.DOFDegree of FreedomGPSGlobal Position SystemHISHue, Intensity, SaturationIBVSImage-Based Vision ServoPBVSPosition-Based Vision ServoPRRRPPrismatic Revolute Revolute Revolute PrismaticRBFRadial Basis FunctionRSTRotation Scale, TranslationSVMSupport Vector MachineUSBUniversal Serial BusVFWVideo for Windowsbiosystems engineering 110 (2011) 112e122113middle three DOF were for rotation, among which, the seconddriving arm was designed to rotate around the waist, and thethird and fourth ones were rotation axes to move the terminaloperator up and down. This DOF allowed the end-effector tomove towards an arbitrary direction in the work space. Thefifth, and last, DOF was flexible and used for elongation, whichmade the end-effector reach the target location according tothe robot control commands, thus achieving the harvesting offruit (Zhao, Zhao, & Ji, 2009; Zhao, Zhao, & Shen, 2009). Thediscussion above shows that 5 DOF manipulator designedshould be sufficient to perform the harvest operation. Themechanical structure of the manipulator is shown in Fig. 2.The lifting of manipulator was performed by the pump-driven lifting platform, which was able to cope with thespecial circumstances of tall fruit crops. The rotary joints andflexible joints were driven by servo motors. Motion parame-ters of the robot manipulator mechanical structure are shownin Table end-effectorThe mechanism of end-effector is determined by operationand biological characteristics of the target object. The opera-tion objects of harvesting robot are mainly spherical fruit suchas apple. A spoon-shaped end-effector (shown in Fig. 3) isdesigned according to biological characteristics of sphericalfruit, which are picked by means of cutting off the stalk.The end-effector contained the following parts: a gripper tograsp the fruit and an electric cutting device to separate thefruit from the stalk. The opening and closing of end-effectorgripper was determined by some pneumatic devices, whosequick action, fast response characteristics were suitable forthe switching control of the end-effector. Pressure trans-mission was a transferring mode using compressed gaspressure to achieve energy transference. The apple stalk wassevered by an electric cutter installed in the side of grippermechanism. When the fruit was grasped, the direct current(DC) motors transmited power by flexible wire to drive thecutter rotating around the gripper,cutting off the stalk in frontof end-effector at any position.Fig. 1 e Schematic diagram of the fruit harvesting robot.Fig. 2 e Photograph of the manipulator.biosystems engineering 110 (2011) 112e1221142.2.The sensorsThe non-structural and uncertain features of the operatingenvironment, and the individual differences and randomnature of the operating objects, determines that fruit har-vesting robots should have intelligent sensibility to theircomplex environment (Edan et al., 2000; Zhao, Zhao, & Ji, 2009;Zhao, Zhao, & Shen, 2009). During the process of clamping thefruit, the biological characteristics of fruit including its thinand fragile pericarp put a high demand on grasping force ofend-effector (Monta, 1998). It required sensors to control thegrasping force accurately. In addition, the rotation of arm, itstraveling position and accurate capture also required thesensors to detect and locate fruit (Jiang, Cai, & Liu, 2005; Qiao,Wu, & Zhu, 1999). Furthermore, in order to avoid damagingequipment, causing injury and failing to pick fruit, collisionavoidance of the arm also needs sensors to perceive theoperating environment effectively.2.2.1.The sensors on end-effectorThe layout of sensors on end-effector, which includes a visionsensor, a position sensor, a collision sensor and a pressuresensor, is shown in Fig. 4. The vision sensor, which uses high-pixel colour charge coupled devices (CCD) video camera withuniversal serial bus (USB) interface and the video for windows(VFW) capture technology to form image acquisition system,plays a key role in completing image acquisition, fruit searchand recognition. To obtain a wide visible-field and not influ-encedby end-effector, the position of the vision sensoris in aneye-in-hand mode. In Fig. 4, it can be seen that there is thephotoelectricpositionsensorwithtwo pairsofinfrareddoublephotoelectric cells. In addition, the switch position sensorwhich was usually used to limit for electric cutting knife wasalso mounted on the position sensor. The arm began decel-eration when the end-effector moved towards the target fruitguided by the vision sensor and the first pair of photodiodeswas obscured by the fruit in the holder. The arm stopped andthe gripper clamped fruit when the two pairs of photocellswere obscured. At this point, both the pressure and collisionsensors adoptedforce sensitive resistance. When the pressuresensor on the gripper felt a certain pressure, the electric cutterrotated and cuts off pedicel. The cutter stopped working whenthe switch position sensor operated. The collision sensor wasused for obstacle avoidance during the process of harvesting.Analogue signals derived from the force sensitive resistanceand infrared photoelectric tubes are usually incompatiblewith the data acquisition module inside industrial computer.Therefore, they require modulation before transmission to thedata acquisition module. Fig. 5 shows the sensors signalmodulation circuit.2.2.2.The Sensor on manipulator for collision avoidanceControl of the angle of the rotating joints and position controlof the flexible joints was fulfilled using 8 Hall sensors,installed on the rotation joints of waist, the major arm, theminor arm and both ends of flexible joints. In the workingenvironment, the movement space of minor arm was wide;Fig. 3 e Photograph of the end-effector.PositionSensorPressureSensorVisionSensorCollisionSensorFig. 4 e Layout of sensors on end-effector.Fig. 5 e Sensors signal modulation circuit.Table 1 e Motion parameters of manipulator mechanicalstructure.Joint MotionparametersLift platform0 me0.8 mRotation joint of waist?180?e180?Rotation joint of major arm?80?e80?Rotation joint of minor arm?80?e80?Flexible joint0 me0.8 mbiosystems engineering 110 (2011) 112e122115and the probability of collision with obstacles was high.Therefore, the collision sensor was fixed in the minor arm todetect obstacles. Five groups of micro switches were fixed ondifferent positions in the minor arm to obtain real-timeinformation from obstacles. Noting that software program-ming processes signals conveniently, the five groups ofavoidance sensors were designated CR、CRU、CU、CLU、CLin accordance with their position. The distribution of theminor arm collision avoidance sensors is shown in Fig. 6.2.3.The vision systemsFor the vision system of the apple harvesting robot, the keyingredient was the image processing method that recognisedand located the fruit. It affects the robots dependability andalso determines its ability to directly, quickly and accuratelyrecognise in the fruit real time (Bulanon, Kataoka, & Okamoto,2004). However, in the earlier research (Bulanon, Kataoka, &Ota, 2002; Liu, Zhang, & Yang, 2008; Plebe & Grasso, 2001;Zhao, Yang, & Liu, 2004), there exist some unsolved issuessuch as low accuracy rate and time consumption, which tosome extent restricted the real-time and multitasking abilityof the apple harvesting robot in the natural environment.To overcome these shortcomings, a real-time automaticrecognition vision system consisting of a colour CCD cameraforcapturingoriginalappleimagesandanindustrialcomputer for processing images to recognise and locate thefruit was developed. Since the Fuji apples are the mostpopular in China, our research focused on this variety.The recognition and location procedure is as follows.Firstly, due to the natural environment and the imageacquisition device used, the original unprocessed apple imageinevitably includes noise that influences its quality. A vectormedianfilter wasappliedtoimageenhancementpre-processing. It can not only remove noise effectively andhighlights the apple fruit in foreground, but it also maintainsgood image edges.Secondly, most apple images acquired in the naturalconditionsusuallyincludebranchesandleaveswhichcomplicate matters. By using only a conventional imagesegmentation algorithm, it was difficult to achieve anticipatedeffect. Based on hue histogram statistics from the hue,intensity and saturation (HIS) model, the double thresholdand region growing method was employed to develop animage segmentation algorithm for identifying apple fruitfrom complex background. The chromaticity component isirrelevant when lightness is extracted and this avoided theinfluence of different illumination levels on the images. Thealgorithm was simple, and required little processing time.The apple features were extracted to determine the spatiallocation, and provide corresponding motion parameters forarm. For colour feature extraction, the chroma componentshue and saturation, are usually extracted as colour featuresfor recognition. However, in our study, apple fruit, branchesand leaves havespecific shapes, and their differences in shapeare large. Therefore, the shape feature is important in appleobject recognition. The selected rule of shape features wasbased on invariance in rotation, scale and translation (RST).Taking account of characteristics of apple fruit images,circular variance, variance ellipse, tightness, ratio betweenperimeter and square area were used to describe the outlineshape features of apple. These four feature vectors wereextracted as shape features. After the calculation of the cor-responding eigenvalues, they were used as feature vectors ofeach sample and used for training and classification.Finally, a new classification algorithm based on supportvector machine was constructed to recognise the apple fruit.Simulation and experiment shows that the support vectormachine (SVM) method with radial basis function (RBF) kernelfunction based on both colour features and shape featureswas found to be the best for apple recognition. Details of thealgorithm can be found in Wang, Zhao, Ji, Tu, and Zhang(2009).2.4.The control systemThe hardware structure is shown in Fig. 7. At the centre of thecontrol system was the host computer, which integrates thecontrol interface and all of software modules to control thewhole system. The sensor signal acquisition system andimage acquisition system constituted the input section whichwas used to collect external environment information for theFig. 6 e Layout of sensors on minor arm.Servodrivers14Incrementalphotoelectricencoder14Cutter of theend-ffectorUSB interfacePosition limitedsensorDrive motorfor cutterAirpumpCollision sensorInfrared sensorCCD Vision sensorElectricvalveSignalmodulationcircuitGripper of theend-ffectorAC Servomotors andload joints14Data acquisition moduleHost control computerRS232/RS422convertersFig. 7 e Hardware structure of apple harvesting robotcontrol system.biosystems engineering 110 (2011) 112e122116harvesting robot. The output section included a servo drivenmotor, air pump and end-effector.2.4.1.Host computerA Kintek KP-6420i (Kintek Electronics Co., Ltd., Miaoli Hsien,Taiwan, China) industrial computer with Intel Pentium41.7 GHz processor and 512 M memory was selected as the hostcontrol computer, which was responsible for collecting wholesensor signals, processing images online, calculating theinverse kinematics of manipulator and completing the controlalgorithm. The host computer transmitted instructions to thealternating current (AC) servo driver through a serial port tocontrol the joint motors of waist and arms. HighTek HK-5108(Shenzhen FangXingLiuTong Industrial Co., Ltd., Shenzhen,China) RS-232/RS-422 converters were chosen for serialcommunicationfunctions.Adataacquisitionmoduleinstalled inside host computer