
1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 医院慰问病人常用英语 Hope you recover soon、 I want to send you my best wishes for your quick return to good health、 最诚心地祝福您早日康复。 。复康日早您祝ﻫ 、)yrevocer ruoy rof( sehsiw tseb ym dnes Iﻫ您得手术顺当吗 ?ylhtooms og noitarepo ruoy diDﻫ建议再委婉一点 ytterp enog evah tsum noitarepo ehT、tae
2、rg kool uoYﻫwell? 您气色很好、手术肯定进行得不错吧 I wish you a successful operation 、It will help you recover more quickly、 请多吃一些.这样可以关心您早日康复. How do you do it? Does it hurt? ?吗痛,呢法做个怎您ﻫWe\"ll give you anaesthesia.If you feel any pain during the operation,just let me know、 。们我诉告就痛得觉若您间期术手.得药麻您给会们我ﻫ I have nev
3、er been in a hospital before. I\m so scared、过住没来从我ﻫ医院,我害伯极了。 The operation went very well。Please turn from side to side every two or three hours、 手术很顺当.请您每两、三个小时翻一次身。 I only feel mild pain.I don\"t think a pain-killer is necessary。vig esaelP .ti dnats t"\nac I 、ereves yrev si niap ehTﻫe me
4、 a pain-killer at once、 。片痛止吃着不用想我,痛疼得微轻有到感只我ﻫ痛得很厉害.我简直受不了;请马上给我止痛片吧. I"11 help you gat up. You can try walking around the room or corridor、 .走走里廊走或里间房在着试以可您.吧床起您助帮我ﻫYou are going to be discharged the day after tomorrow、 您后天就要出院了. have a good 、tserﻫ6.It is not serious。 病情不严峻 There is nothing to
5、 worry about、 。虑顾必不ﻫYou need a thorough examination。 您需要做一个全面检查.。9 .syad larves rof latipsoh ni yats ot evah lliw uoYﻫ您需要在医院里住几夭。zilatipsoh eb retteb dah uoy taht kniht eWﻫed 。来院医进住好最您为认们我ﻫ10。 You should stay in bed for a few days、 .天几床卧要需您ﻫ You can keep on working。 You can carry on w
6、ith your work、 可以连续工作。 .21 owt ro keew a rof luferac yrev eb dluohs uoYﻫ这一两周内,您需要很留意。 You\"\"ll soon be all right。 .得来起好会就快很您ﻫplete recovery will take a rather long time. 彻底恢复需要一段很长得时间。 。91cidoirep rof ereh e ot evah lliw uoYﻫal checkups. 您需要定期来门诊检查. 20. If you feel worse, pleas
7、e e back to the clinic right away、 要就是您觉着病加重了,就请立刻来门诊。。12tiseh t\"\nod ,deirrow leef uoy fIﻫate to go to the clinic anytime, day or night、 您要觉着难过,无论白天黑夜都抓紧上医院瞧去. 22.I\\"ll e right away、..来就上马我ﻫ32emegnarra ekam ot gniog m\"\Iﻫnts for your admission. 我去给您支配住院。。42 .emit txen reterpretni ruoy htiw e esa
8、elPﻫI suggest you do some light exercises、 .炼锻得微轻些做您议建我ﻫ41. How long have you been feeling unwell? .了久多服舒不您ﻫPlease unbutton your shirt and loosen your belt.腰开松,子扣得衣上开解请ﻫ带. Please stick Out your tongue、 .头舌出伸请ﻫ59.Please let me feel your pulse、 让我摸摸您得脉搏。、06 erusserp doolb ruoy ekat em teLﻫ我给您量一下血
9、压。.16 )gel thgir(gel tfel ruoy tfil,saelPﻫ请抬起您得左腿(右腿)。 62. Please open your mouth and say "Ah、 请张开口说"啊 。36 。)lamron yllaitnesse(lamron si tIﻫ结果正常(基本正常)。 64.Have you ever received any treatment before? ?吗过治前以您ﻫIs the pain gentting less? 痛苦减轻些了吗? 。96 ?truh llits ti seoDﻫ还疼吗? 70。How long have
10、 you had this pain? ?得痛种这有始开侯时么什从您ﻫ71. What kind of pain is it? 就是什么样得痛? Thanks, Tina、 And say hello to the others for me、 感谢您,罗伯特,替我向其她人问候、 汤姆: Yes, I will、 Oh, I almost forgot to tell you、 Charles left Beijing this morning for a trip and he asked me to give you his best、 就是得,我会
11、得、哦,我几乎忘了告知您、查理今日早上离开北京去度假了,她要我代她向您问候、 How are you feeling? ,retteb hcuM :琳罗卡ﻫ?样么怎得觉在现您,琳罗卡,嗨ﻫRobert、 Thanks for ing to see me、 好多了,罗伯特,感谢您来瞧我、 tup I llahS 、stiurf emos uoy thguorb ev`I :姆汤ﻫthem on your bedside locker ?好上柜边床在放、果水些一了带您给我ﻫ吗? 、您感谢、得好ﻫ、uoy knahT 、eruS :琳罗卡ﻫ汤姆: It was such a shock to hear that you were in an accident、 How did it happen? ?得生发么怎是就、惊震得大很是就真,外意了出您到听ﻫ The pain seems less、 我得痛苦有些减轻. 第 4 页 共 4 页
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