广东省深圳市九年级英语全册 Chapter 12 Friend or enemy教学课件 牛津深圳版

《广东省深圳市九年级英语全册 Chapter 12 Friend or enemy教学课件 牛津深圳版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省深圳市九年级英语全册 Chapter 12 Friend or enemy教学课件 牛津深圳版(39页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。
1、CHAPTER12 Friends or Enemy? Can you name animals as many as you can?What animals are you afraid of?-What is this? What does it look like?-Its a spider. It is . and it has eight legs.-Do you like it? Why or why not?-I like it because / I dont like it because A What do you know about?Read through thes
2、e statements about spiders and mark them T (True ) or F (False).1. All spiders are dangerous to humans.2. Spiders are insects.3. Some spiders are 25 cm in length. 4. Some spiders eat birds.FFTT蜘珠是节肢动物蜘珠是节肢动物All spiders are carnivoresk:niv: / flesh-eaters(食肉动物)食肉动物)and eat insects or other small crea
3、tures. Their bodies are divided into two parts, and they have eight legs, unlike an insect, which has a three- part body and only six legs. There are about 40,000 types of spiders, living in all parts of the world. B Look and think B1 Look at the title, the picture and the first sentence of each par
4、agraph on the next page. Then try to answer these questions.1.What is the friend or enemy in the title?2. Whose friend is it?3. Whose enemy is it?A spider. It is a friend of humans.It is an enemy of insects.B2 You need some facts about spiders for a project. Scan the conversation and complete the no
5、tes below. Put one word in each blank.Facts about spiders1. They are very _ creatures.2. They are enemies of _, but friends of _.Scanning usefulinsectshumans3. During _ in China, _ build _ for them.4. In spring, they eat _ that attack _ _. 5. They make webs with _ which is strong and _.6. Scientists
6、 are trying to develop a _ material for use in _, etc.7. Their bites are rarely dangerous to _. autumnfarmerssheltersinsectsfarmers cropssilklightsimilarspaceshipspeopleCareful reading 1)Enemies of insects and friends of humans. They protect the farmers crops by eating harmful insects. So the farmer
7、s can save money on pesticides.2)The silk in spiders webs is useful. Scientists plan to use it in spaceships, man-made organs like hearts, and to make bulletproof vests.List the advantages of spiders. spaceship man-made organ bulletproof vestsAnswer the questions below. 1. What is Simons view on spi
8、ders? 2. What may happen to spiders in winter if farmers do not build shelters for them? 3. What will be the qualities of the material used to make bulletproof vests? He thinks that they are very useful creatures.They may die.The material will probably be stronger than steel and lighter than a feath
9、er.C Find the meanings C1 Match the words in the box with the right pictures.stomach feather web vest3. 4. vest1. 2. featherwebstomachC2 Complete the following conversations with the words in silk man-made quality1 DEBBIE Is this material _? SIMON No, it is natural. It is _. DEBBIE The _ mu
10、st be SIMON What time is it now? DEBBIE Its 7 oclock. The film will start in 30 minutes. We must hurry now. SIMON Why dont we take a taxi to _ time? Then we can arrive early and buy some food and drink the film.saveC3 Find the words in the conversation to replace the italic
11、ized words in the sentences below.1. In my opinion, it is a wonderful TV programme.2. We must do everything possible to make sure that the environment is not damaged. viewprotect3. The child likes to do exactly the same as his father does.copyD1 Complete the sentences below with the words and phrase
12、s in the box. Use each word or phrase once only.after and as a result of at the same time because when but so that D Read and think1. _ watching a TV programme, Simon changed his views on spiders.2. _ autumn comes, farmers build shelters for spiders.3. _ the spiders eat the insects, the farmers, cro
13、ps are saved.As a result ofWhen Because 4. The farmers use the spiders to catch the insects _ they can save a lot of money on pesticides.5. Spiders bites are dangerous to insects _ seldom to people.6. The spiders appear from their shelters. _ insects arrive in the thatbutAt the same time7.
14、 Spiders save crops _ are useful for scientific study.8. _ talking to Simon, Debbie realized the importance of understanding things in nature.andAfter D2 Complete the answers to the questions below.1.What is Simons view on spiders?He thinks that they _.2.What may happen to spiders in winter if farme
15、rs do not build shelters for them?They may _.3.What will be the qualities of the material used to make bulletproof vests?The material will probably be _.are very useful creaturesdie in winterstrong and lightWords & afraid of afraid to do sth.3.change ones view4.change ones m
16、ind5.the friends of the same time7.millions of 8.fillwith9. be filled full of害怕某物害怕某物害怕做某事害怕做某事改变观点改变观点改变主意改变主意人类的朋友人类的朋友同时同时数以百万计的数以百万计的使使充满充满充满充满充满;有很多的充满;有很多的11.protect(from)doing12.prevent(from)doing13.make full use on ene
17、 water the earth保护保护以免以免 阻止阻止做做充分利用充分利用节约;节省节约;节省储蓄储蓄省钱省钱节省时间节省时间节省能源节省能源节约水节约水拯救地球拯救地球21.all over the organs24.instead of =in place of全世界全世界做实验做实验人造器官人造器官代替;取而代之代替;取而代之Important Sentences1.Suddenly she sees a spider on the wall.suddenly adv.突然地突然地
18、 = all of a sudden我突然想起我没有带钥匙。我突然想起我没有带钥匙。 I suddenly remembered that I didnt bring my key. All of a sudden, I remembered that I didnt bring my key.2.You are not afraid of spiders, are you?反意疑问句(前反意疑问句(前肯肯, 后后_; 前否,后前否,后_) 否否 肯肯 Have a try:She was ill yesterday,_? He cant ride a bike, _? Your father
19、 will be back in a week, _ _?They work hard, _? You didnt go,_? He has never been to Beijing, _ _?wont hewasnt shedo theycan he did you has he 注意注意never, no, hardly, seldom, few, little等否定词等否定词uLets go running, _ _?uLet us go running, _ _?uW have to get there at eight tomorrow, _ _?uHe used to live
20、here, _ _?u-He likes playing football, _ _? -Yes, he _. / No, he _.uHis mother must be a doctor, _?A. mustnt she B. cant she C. is she D. isnt she shall wewill youdont wedidnt/ usednt hedoesnt hedoesdoesntD must在此在此表示猜测表示猜测3. Last night, I watched a programme _ has completely changed my views_ spide
21、rs.thaton()programme定语从句引导词:定语从句引导词:who(人人,主、宾)主、宾)whom(人,宾)人,宾);which(物物); that(人,物)人,物); whose(所属关系所属关系); when(时间)时间); why(原因原因); where(地点地点)Have a try:1).I met someone _ said he knew you.2).This is the book _ he bought yesterday.3).I know the child _ father is Bill Gates.whowhich/thatwhose4).Wher
22、e is the key _ fits this lock?5).This is my beautiful school _ is near Wutong Mountain.6).The time _ we got home was 11:00pm.7).I dont know the reason _ he looks unhappy today.8).The house _ I lived ten years ago has has pulled down.which/thatwhich/thatwhenwhywhereuThe village _ I visited last year
23、has changed a lot. A. where B. which C. who D. whenB4.So everyone is happy except the insects.-Are the insects happy?-No, they arent.All of the students have passed the exam except Jody.-Has Jody passed the exam?-No, she hasnt.All of the students have passed the exam besides Jody. -Has Jody passed t
24、he exam?-Yes, she has.except & besidesSummary Debbie and Simon are discussing spiders. Simon is not afraid of them and he thinks they are very _ creatures. The spiders are the _ of insects and the_ of humans, because they eat the insects and _farmers fields. What is more, the _ in spiders webs is stronger than _and lighter than a_. So scientists are doing experiments to develop a _ with similar _.usefulenemiesfriendsprotectsilksteelfeathermaterialqualitiesDebbie now realizes that humans should learn to understand things in nature _ of destroying them.instead
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