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1、Chinese Seal1HistorySeal is a comparatively independent traditional art form in our country. It was born out of the combination of painting techniques , calligraphy, carving and the art of arrangement in a limited space. The art dates back about 3,700 years to the Shang Dynasty. During Han Dynasty,

2、only the imperial seal was called “xi”, and the others were often referred to as “zhang” or “yinzhang”. Thats why seal are called “yinzhang” in China. 2Types1.官印和私印2.公章和私章3.姓名字号印,斋馆印,书简印,收藏鉴赏印,吉语印,成语印,肖形印,署押印4.白文印、朱文印、朱白相间印、回文印5.铸印、凿印、琢印、喷印、光敏印6.金印、玉印、银印、铜印、铁印、象牙印、犀角印、水晶印、石印等,今人尚有木质印、塑料印、有机玻璃印等7.一面印

3、、二面印、六面印、子母印、套印3光敏印章光敏印章Modern common seal回墨印章回墨印章红胶印章红胶印章渗透印章渗透印章牛角印章牛角印章铜印章铜印章原子印章原子印章日期印章日期印章钢印章钢印章回墨铜回墨铜印章印章4StructureFace(正面)Grip(握柄)Sides(侧面)Platform(平台)Sash(饰带)5Before the Song and Yuan Dynasties most of making seal with a hard texture of gold, silver, copper, jade(玉)or water products, rhino

4、horn(犀牛角), ivory(象牙), bamboo, wood and other materials. Up to the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Mian(王冕) began to try to make Ophical cite (花乳石) up seals. To the Ming Dynasty, more and more stone seals are widely used.Materials6UseAt the beginning, seals were used to create protective marks on letters and larg

5、e items being sent to the others. So , it was a representation of a persons self-identity and status. Probably from the Song and Yuan dynasties, artists began to stamp their seals on their works. Nowadays, seals are still widely used, and the art of seal engraving has become more popular than ever b

6、efore. 7Function(ancient)1. mark power that office, status.(当权者表明官职、地位的标志)2. The circulation of goods and Guan Yi tax certificate.(货物流通和关邑赋税的凭证)3. Official status symbol. Portable, as “Zhixin,” official departure or death, chop to collection, after death can be copied.(官员身份的象征。随身携带,作为“执信”,官员离任或亡故,官印

7、要收缴,死后可复制殉葬)8Function(modern)1. “yin and “zhang is a symbol of authority, representing a certain function and power.(“印”和“章”便是权威的象征,代表着一定的职能和权力)2. Seal has a statutory role of the certificate, the seal is a legal act.(印章具有法定的凭证作用,加盖印章是一种法律行为。)3.When we carrying out the work, the seal will clearly indicate its legal status.(在开展工作过程中,印章便明确地表明了其合法身份。)910

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