江苏省扬中市同德中学九年级英语上册 9A Unit 1 Star signs课件1 牛津版

《江苏省扬中市同德中学九年级英语上册 9A Unit 1 Star signs课件1 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省扬中市同德中学九年级英语上册 9A Unit 1 Star signs课件1 牛津版(39页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。
1、Unit 1 Reading 1What is your star sign?RamAriesBullTaurusFishPiscesCrabCancerLionLeoCentaurSagittariusScalesLibraScorpionScorpioTwinsGeminiGoatCapricornwater carrierAquariusVirginVirgo1.What is your star sign? 2.Can you tell me something about yourself?( abilities, special qualities, characteristics
2、)3.How many students are under the same star sign as you?4.What are they like?5.Do you share similar characteristics?clever, kind, generous, hard-working, brave, patient, polite.active inactive hard-working lazy modest proud outgoing shy patient impatient easy-going peaceful elegant practical energe
3、tic fair selfish generous imaginative wise smart honest dishonest brave successful attractive gentle curious stubborn confident creativeWhat words can describe ones characteristics?MORE WORDS TO DESCRIBE PEOPLEenergeticoutgoingconfidentselfisheasy-goingfairpatientcuriousdoes not easily get angrycare
4、s only about himself/herselfis friendly and loves to meet peoplecan wait without getting angryhas lots of energywants to know about everythingfeels sure his/her own abilitytreats everyone equallyHAVE A TRY!The child is so_. He never feels tired and keeps running around. She loves parties. Because sh
5、e is very _. He answered the question in a _ way. He thinks he will win all the time. My desk-mate is very _. She never shares cakes with me.energeticout-goingconfidentselfishHe is a(n) _ man. He always says yes to others.A teacher should be _ to every student in judging his or her performance.You m
6、ust be _when talking to a young child. Dont be angry.Eddie is _ to everything because he thinks it may be nice food.easy-goingfairpatientcuriousHAVE A TRY!1. Is Aries lazy? 2. Which star sign likes saving money?3. Does Sagittarius like telling jokes?4. Which star sign has the best imagination? 5. If
7、 your birthday is on 13th September, what is your star sign? Aries白羊座白羊座21st Mar 20th AprWhat are this star signs characteristics?vEnergetic activevimpatientvlike to be the leadervbe selfish sometimes Taurus金牛座金牛座21st Apr 21st MayWhat are this star signs characteristics?vstubbornvdo not like changev
8、hard-workingvpatientvdo not give up easilyGemini双子座双子座22nd May 21st JunWhat are this star signs characteristics?vcuriousvclevervout-goingvButvlove to talkCancer巨蟹座巨蟹座22nd Jun 22nd JulWhat are this star signs characteristics?vkindvlove your home and familyvlike to take care of othersvlike saving mone
9、yvlike cookingLeo狮子座狮子座23rd Jul 22nd AugWhat are this star signs characteristics?vstrongvconfidentvgenerousVirgo处女座处女座23rd Aug 22nd SeptWhat are this star signs characteristics?vmodestvworry too much at timesvpractical valways pay attention to detailsLibra天秤座天秤座23rd Sept 22nd OctWhat are this star s
10、igns characteristics?vpolitevfairvelegantvlove beautiful thingsvlove peace, do not like to argue with othersScorpio天蝎座天蝎座23rd Oct 21st NovWhat are this star signs characteristics?vpowerfulvlike to keep secretsvsometimes can not forgive others faults Sagittarius 射手座射手座22nd Nov 20th DecWhat are this s
11、tar signs characteristics?vhave a good sense of humorvenjoy lifevlucky vlove travelingCapricorn摩羯座摩羯座21st Dec 20th JanWhat are this star signs characteristics?vHard-workingvoften successfulvgood at making or planning things vpatient enough toAquarius水瓶座水瓶座21st Jan 19th FebWhat are this star signs ch
12、aracteristics?vkind and wisevhave many friends vstrange because hate to be like anyone else vtry to do everything differentlyPisces双鱼座双鱼座20th Feb 20th MarWhat are this star signs characteristics?vgenerousvkindvgentleveasy-goingvcreativevimaginativevlike to dream about everything1. Kitty was born on
13、26th March. She should be kind and wise. 2. Suzys birthday is on 28th April. She should be energetic and active3. Simons star sign is Leo. This means he is strong and confident.4. Sandys star sign is Virgo. This means she is probably a careless person.5. Daniel was born on 7th October. He should be
14、polite.6. Amys birthday is on 2nd November. She should be a patient person.energetic and activehardworking but stubborn at timesmodestpowerful Which star sign doesnt give up easily? Which star sign loves peace and doesnt like to argue with others? Which star sign is suggested to forgive others for t
15、heir mistakes? Which star sign likes to dream about everything?GUESS WHAT STAR SIGNS THEY ARE?Hes a strong and confident person. Hes good at singing and dancing. He plays basketball well. Hes generous and often takes part in charity shows. He likes to buy his friends gifts. Leo Hes a very kind perso
16、n. During Sichuan earthquake, he donated a lot of money to the people there. He loves his family very much. He tries his best to stay with his family. He also thinks of others. He says he likes to take care of others.Cancer He is energetic and active but sometimes impatient AriesShe is fair and eleg
17、ant . She doesnt like to argue with others .LibraHe has a sense of humor.He is lucky .SagittariusHe is good at making things and often successful .CapricornHe is wise and always tries to be different.AquariusHe is modest and practical.He pays attention to details.VirgoShe is stubborn and doesnt like
18、 change . She is hard-working and seldom gives up.TaurusShe loves home and family . She likes saving money .CancerHe is curious and outgoing . He loves to talk .GeminiHe is powerful. He doesnt forgive others for their mistakes.ScorpioHe is confident and generous .He likes to buy gifts for friends.Le
19、oShe is easy-going , gentle , generous.She is creative and imaginative .PiscesWhat is your star sign?Do you have the same characteristics as the star sign says?Do you think what the star signs say about people are facts?Homework1.Read the passage three times.2.Try to remember all the adjectives which describe a persons characteristics.
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