
1、西南大学21秋《英国文学史及选读》期末考核试题及答案参考 1. infrastructure ( ) A.an underlying base or foundation B.hard work C.brief and to the point 参考答案:A 2. Utterance meaning in a face-to-face communication refers to ( )。A. what the speaker has Utterance meaning in a face-to-face communication refers to (
2、 )。 A. what the speaker has intended to convey in what is said B. what the hearer has understood on the basis of what is said C. what what is said normally means D. the associative meaning words have 参考答案:C 3. ____ believe that nature is ennobling and that the individual is important. A
3、.Puritans B.realists C.Transcendentalists 参考答案:C 4. The police ______ (look)for the lost Child all day long. The police ______ (look)for the lost Child all day long. have been looking 5. John Bunyan&39;s pilgrim&39;s progress is often regarded as a typical example of ____. A.romanc
4、e B.fable C.epic in prose D.allegory 参考答案:D 6. eligible ( ) A.to eat without choice B.qualified or entitled to be chosen C.serve sb heart and soul 参考答案:B 7. Over the last few decades there has been a tremendous growth in information technolo Over the last few decades there ha
5、s been a tremendous growth in information technology and its impact on everyday life. Complex software systems have become criticalto the operation of many systems in areas such as banking, communications, manufacturing,power generation, and transportation. Progress in computer science and accumulat
6、ed experience with industrial production of software have led to the emergence of software engineering as a separate discipline. The software engineering discipline has been defined as"the application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approaches to the development,operation, and maintenance o
7、f software. " that is, the application of engineering to software. 参考答案在过去的几十年间,信息技术有了巨大的发展,并且影响着我们每天的生活。复杂的软件系统已经成为许多领域的关键,如银行,通信,制造业,电力,交通等。随着计算机科学的进步和工业生产经验的积累.导致软件工程作为一个独立的标准出现。软件工程规范已经被定义为\"应用系统的、规范的、量化的方法开发、操作和维护软件。\"也就是说,使用工程的方法开发软件。 8. The more a nation’s companies _______factories a
8、broad, the smaller that country’s recorded exports will be. A.lie B.locate C.spot D.stand 参考答案:B 9. Mrs.Warren&39;s Profession is one of George Bernard Shaw&39;s plays. What is Mrs.Warren&39;s profession then? A.Real estate B.Prostitution C.House-keeping D.Farming 参考答案:B 10.
9、avowal ( ) A.acknowledgment B.uncompromising C.please or satisfy 参考答案:A 11. What did Engelhardt advise China to do in a conference last month? ( ) A.People should clean up the foul air. B.People should take some measures to preserve their heritage. C.People should built more expressw
10、ay in the sites. D.People should allow more foreigners to visit China. 参考答案:B 12. Why do the buyers return the machine they have bought? Why do the buyers return the machine they have bought? 正确答案:Because the buyers have no service center in this territory. Because the buyers have no
11、 service center in this territory. 13. 《伊利昂纪》以战争结束前( )天的战事为描写重点。 A.五十 B.六十 C.七十 D.八十 参考答案:A 14. ________a computer will help prepare year-end accounts.A. UseB. To useC. Using ________a computer will help prepare year-end accounts. A. Use B. To use C. Using 参考答案:C 15. The
12、subject matter of Robert Frosts Poems focuses on. A.struggling masses and crowded urban quarters B.ordinary country people and scenes C.fantasies and mythical happenings D.battle scenes of ancient Greek and Roman legends 参考答案:B 16. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4, 1826, th
13、e fiftieth _______ of American Independence. A.ceremony B.anniversary C.occasion D.occurrence 参考答案:B 17. He seemed to be looking for words______to convey his meaning as precisely as I had done.A. He seemed to be looking for words______to convey his meaning as precisely as I had done. A
14、.that B.where C.with which D.from which 正确答案:C 解析:句意:他似乎在寻找合适的词语来像我一样准确表达他的意思。with which指代“with words”,即“convey his meaning with words。” 18. “英雄传说”的神话隐含了人性理解的原始形态,是原始初民对人性及其善恶本质的稚拙而浪漫的诗意理解与表达。( ) T.对 F.错 参考答案:F 19. 【C13】A.continueB.hopeC.hateD.prefer 【C13】 A.continue B.hope
15、C.hate D.prefer 正确答案:D 通过女孩后面所说的话判断,她喜欢听着音乐做功课。 20. Most laboratory and field studies of human behavior. ______ taking a situational photograph at a given time and in a given place. A.attach B.compose C.involve D.enclose 参考答案:C 21. It was no _____ that his car was seen near the
16、 bank at the time of the robbery. A.coincidence B.convention C.certainty D.complication 参考答案:A 22. ____ first collection of short stories is Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. A.Poes B.Irvings C.Coopers 参考答案:A 23. Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the ____ of th
17、e motor industry is uncertain. A.estimate B.terminal C.fate D.benefit 参考答案:C 24. The meeting ended______his lecture on high education.A.up inB.byC.up withD.up The meeting ended______his lecture on high education. A.up in B.by C.up with D.up 正确答案:C 25. Wuthering Heights dea
18、ls with a story of love and violence.( ) A.错误 B.正确 参考答案:B 26. Note! Your writing ability will also be assessed in this section of the test. Case 1 When Zhang Tao traveled in America , he lived in the home of his American friend , Bill. Once after he had traveled back , he found Bill was
19、 in a bad mood. When he asked what the problem was , Bill told Zhang Tao that his son Adam got furious about the noise Zhang made when walking upstairs and also because he was using too much water in the solar powered shower and Adam had to have his shower in cold water. Bill told Zhang Tao that he
20、should walk more softly in future , and have a fast shower to save water. Zhang Tao felt uneasy. How could the host set such rules for his guest?! Question: Why did Zhang Tao feel uneasy? 参考答案: (1) In China, when people host someone , they put the guest in the place of honor to show hospitali
21、ty. They try to take care of the guest , and try to make the guest feel comfortable and at ease. (2) In America , people tend to give the guest great freedom and treat a guest more casually , naturally and truthfully. (3) Zhang Tao knew he was a guest , and thought in terms of Chinese expectations
22、 of hospitality. He thought Bill should treat him courteously instead of setting rules for him. (4) Since Zhang Tao lived in American surroundings , he should have known about the customs there sooner. 27. 《安娜·卡列尼娜》的题记“伸冤在我,我必报应。”语出《圣经·旧约》“创世纪”。( ) T.对 F.错 参考答案:F 28. 【C12】A.lossB.in
23、creasedC.decreasedD.played 【C12】 A.loss B.increased C.decreased D.played 正确答案:B 29. The reason Gore lost in the election is that he was not a devotional follower of a religion.( ) A.错误 B.正确 参考答案:A 30. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. A.I was and al
24、ways will be B.I have to be and always will be C.I had been and always will be D.I have been and always will be 参考答案:D 31. Mr. Arafat’s compound is situated in ( ). A.Qalqilya B.Haifa C.Efrat D.Ramallah 参考答案:D 32. To speed up the ______ of letters, the Post Office introduced
25、automatic sorting. A.treatment B.transmission C.departure D.delivery 参考答案:D 33. G.B.Shaw&39;s play Mrs.Warren&39;s Profession is a realistic exposure of the ____ in the English society. A.slum landlordism B.inequality between men and women C.political corruption D.economic exploitati
26、on of women 参考答案:D 34. What is the attitude of Ian Lang toward the secessionist fever? ( ) A.He supports the secessionist action. B.He is against it because he thinks it will harm the unity of the U.K. C.He is neutral towards the action of the secessionists. D.It is not clear in the tex
27、t. 参考答案:B 35. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday. A.will come B.was coming C.had been coming D.came 参考答案:B 36. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days. A.must take B.must have made
28、 C.was able to make D.could make 参考答案:C 37. panacea ( ) A.sth. that will put right all troubles B.hard working C.lazy person 参考答案:A 38. marital ( ) A.of or relating to marriage B.wife or husband C.to save 参考答案:A 39. Irving was best known for his short stories such as
29、 Rip Van Winkle.( ) A.错误 B.正确 参考答案:B 40. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _________ solar heating device in our home. A.some type of B.some types of a C.some type of a D.some types of 参考答案:A 41. It may be necessary to stop
30、______ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons. A.at case B.at length C.at intervals D.at a distance 参考答案:C 42. hack ( ) A.to cut roughly and violently B.desperate C.to instist, to state firmly 参考答案:A 43. ( ) is a spokeswoman for the Americ
31、an Association of Health Plans. A.Gerald D. Kleczka B.John Dl Dingell C.Susan M. Pisano D.Stephanie Sue Stein 参考答案:C 44. Sir Gawain and Green Knight was created by ____. A.None of the above B.Langland C.Chaucer D.Bede 参考答案:A 45. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at th
32、e meeting. A.so as to B.such as to C.such to D.as much as to 参考答案:B 46. When we woke up, everywhere was ______ snow. A. covered B. covered in C. covered with When we woke up, everywhere was ______ snow. A. covered B. covered in C. covered with D. covering 正确答案:C 47. These
33、causes produced the great change in the country that modernized the _______ of higher education from the mid-1860’s to the mid-1880’s A.branch B.category C.domain D.scope 参考答案:C 48. 50%用信用证,其余的用付款交单,您看怎么样? 50%用信用证,其余的用付款交单,您看怎么样? What do you say to 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?
34、 49. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her ______ attitude toward customers A.impartial B.mild C.hostile D.opposing 参考答案:C 50. We hope they will reach you ______ due course and will help you ______ making your selection. We hope they will reach you ______ due course and will help you ______ making your selection. in, in
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