高中英语必修五-unit 5 课文详解

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1、5 必修五 Unit 5 课文详解 杨磊译注 必修5 Unit 5 First aid急救 I.Vocabulary: firstaid (对伤患者的)急救 fall ill 生病 injury n. 损伤;伤害 bleed vi. & vt.(bled,bled) 流血 sprain vt.扭伤 ankle n.踝(关节) choke vi. & vt.(使)噎住;(使)窒息; blood n.血,血液;血统 bloody adj.出血的;血染的; burn vi. & vt

2、.(被)烧毁、烧伤、烫伤 essential adj.最重要的;本质的 organ n.器官 layer n.层次;层 poison n.毒药;毒害 vt.毒害 treatment n.治疗;处理;对待 liquid n.液体 radiation n.辐射;射线 mild adj.轻微的;温和的;温柔的 mildly adv.轻微地;温和地 iron n.烙铁;熨斗;铁 vt.熨烫 heal vt. & vi. (使)康复/化解 tissue n.(生物)组织;薄的织物;手巾纸 electric adj.电的;电动的 electr

3、ic shock触电;电休克 swell vi. & vt.(使)膨胀;隆起 swellen adj.肿胀的 blister n.水泡 vi. & vt.起泡 watery adj.水的;似水的 char vi.烧焦 nerve n.神经;胆量 damage vt. & n.损害;毁坏 jewellery n.珠宝(=[美] jewelry) squeeze vt. & vi.榨;挤;压榨 squeeze out 榨出;挤出 over and over again反复;多次 wound n.创伤;伤 bandage n.绷带 in plac

4、e 在适当的位置;适当 ointment n.药膏;油膏 infection n.传染;传染病;感染 symptom n.症状;征兆 label vt.加标签或标记;分类 kettle n.(水)壶;罐 wrist n.手腕 damp adj.潮湿的 sleeve n.袖子 throat n.咽喉;喉咙 present vt.给;介绍;赠送;呈现 ceremony n.典礼;仪式;礼节 bravery n.勇敢;勇气 a number of +n[pl.]若干;许多 put one’s hands on找到 ambulance n.救护

5、车 II。 Reading FIRST AID FOR BURNS烧伤急救 The skin is an essential part of your body and its largest organ.皮肤是人体最基本的组成部分,也是最大的器官。 You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun's harmful rays.人有三层皮肤作为阻止疾病、毒物及太阳有害光线。【注释:act as扮演, 表演 eg. 1) He acted

6、his part well.他扮演的那个角色很成功。 2) A newly-devised microcomputer can act as a guide to a blind person.一种新设计的微型计算机能够充任盲人的向导。 3) Don't act fool.别装傻。】 The functions of your skin are also very complex:人的皮肤功能也很复杂: it keeps you warm or cool;既能让人保暖又能让人保凉; it prevents your body from losing too much water;它能避免人

7、的身体丢失过多的水分; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.正是在皮肤人能感觉到寒冷、热或者疼痛,既皮肤让人有触觉感。【注释:where you feel cold, heat or pain是由where引导的名词从句作表语。】 So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.所以,你可以想象的到如果人的皮肤被烧伤,将是很严重的。【注释:burn vi. & vt.(被)烧毁,烧伤

8、,烫伤;n.烧伤或灼伤(的痕迹)。Get burned烧伤; burn sth. to the ground夷为平地;burn sb. to death烧死;burn (sth.) away(使)烧掉;burn (sth.) down(被)焚毁;burn out烧光;烧空; eg. 1) Dry wood burns easily. 2) The factory burned to the ground. 3) Most of the skin on his face got burnt away in the fire. 4) Don’t leave the gas on ——

9、 you might burn the house down. 试题: Do you see the oil ____? Be careful not to get ____. A. burned; burning B. burning; burnt C. be burnt; burnt D. to burn; burning 】 First aid is a very important first step in the treatment of burns.急救是治疗烧伤非常重要的一步。【注释:aid vt. & n.帮助;援助;资助 aid

10、 sb.帮助某人;aid sb. win sth.以某物帮助某人; aid sb. in (doing) sth.在某方面帮助某人;aid sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事;in aid of支持;为…筹借;first aid急救;with the aid of …在…的帮助下;come to one’s aid来帮助某人;do/ give/ offter/ perform/ carry out first aid进行急救 eg. 1) One of the station staff saw he was in difficulty and came to his aid.

11、 2) It’s useful to know some knowledge of first aid. 3) A good dictionary can aid language learning. 4) He should be able to read this without the aid of a dictionary. 5) We’re collecting money in aid of cancer research. 试题: 1. We were _____ in our investigation by the cooperation o

12、f the police. A. stopped B. aided C. aimed D. cooperated 2. They collected much money________the poor girl,which helped her return to school. A.in aid   B.in aid of C.with the aid of D.gave aid to 】   Causes of burns烧伤的原因:   You can get burned by a variety of th

13、ings:各种各样的东西都可以让人烫伤: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation (by being close to high heat or fire, etc), the sun, electricity or chemicals.滚热的液体、蒸汽、火、辐射(如:太靠近热源或火等)、太阳、电或化学物质。   Types of burns烧伤类型:   There are three types of burns.烧伤有三种类型。 Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, dependin

14、g on which layers of the skin are burned.烧伤被称为一度烧伤、二度烧伤或三度烧伤取决于哪层皮肤被烧伤。【注释:depending on which layers of the skin are burned是现在分词短语作状语,表示方式。】   ◎ First degree burns:一度烧伤: These affect only the top layer of the skin.这只影响到皮肤的表层。 These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two.这种

15、烧伤不严重,一两天就好。 Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by touching a hot pan, stove or iron for a moment.这类病例包括轻度的太阳晒伤以及由于一不小心碰到了热锅、炉子或电熨斗而造成的烧伤。【注释:①for a moment一会儿;片刻 eg. She hesitated for just a moment/ an instant. 她只踌躇了片刻。②caused by touching a hot pan, stove or iron for a moment是过去分词短语作定语

16、,修饰前面的名词短语sunburn and burns,与所修饰的名词之间的逻辑关系为动宾关系。】   ◎ Second degree burns 二度烧伤:These affect both the top and the second layer of the skin.这影响到表皮和二层皮肤。【注释:affect vt.影响;感动; (疾病)侵袭;喜爱; effect n.影响;效果 have effect on/upon对…有影响;bring/ pu sth. into effect开始使用(生效);come into effect实行;实施。 Eg. 1) She w

17、as deeply affected by the news of her father’s death. 2) Her kidneys had become affected. 3) It won’t be easy to put the changes into effect. 4) The new tax rates come into effect from April. 5) Inflation is having a disastrous effect on the economy. 】 These burns are serious and take a f

18、ew weeks to heal.这种烧伤严重,需要几个星期才能愈合。【注释:These burns take a few weeks to heal. = It takes a few weeks to heal these burns.】 Examples include severe sunburn and burns caused by hot liquids.这种病例包括严重的太阳灼伤以及有滚烫的液体造成的烧伤。 ◎ Third degree burns三度烧伤: These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue an

19、d organs under the skin.这种烧伤影响到三层皮肤以及皮肤下面的组织和器官。 Examples include burns caused by electric shocks, burning clothes, or severe petrol fires.这种病例包括由触电、燃烧的衣服、或严重的汽油火造成的烧伤。【注释:include vt. included, including包括;包含 eg. 1) Price $14.90, postage included.价格14.90美元,邮资包括在内。2) He had included a large num

20、ber of funny stories in the speech.他在讲话中加进了许多引人发笑的故事。3) The United kingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales.联合王国包括北爱尔兰和威尔士。】 These burns cause very severe injuries and the victim must go to hospital at once.这种烧伤造成非常严重的伤害,受害者必须立刻到医院治疗。【注释:injury n.伤害;损害; injure v.受伤 injured adj.受伤的 injure on

21、e’s pride/ self-esteem伤害某人的自尊心 eg. 1) I hope I didn’t injure her feelings. 2) His back was injured. 3) He escaped from the train wreck without injury. 辨析:injury, wound, hurt, damage, harm (1)injury平时的大、小创伤或伤害,也可用于无生命物。如:an injury to the roof屋顶的破损 (2)wound指战斗中刀伤或枪伤。如:The soldier had

22、 a wound in his chest.这位战士胸部受伤。 (3)damage指损失、损害(不表示伤痛),主要用于物。如:Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most damage. (4)harm指精神上和肉体上的极大损害,不但可以用于生物也可以用于抽象事物。如:Too much drinking will do you great harm/ do great harm to you. 试题: Mike didn’t play football yesterday because he had _____

23、 his leg. A. damaged B. hurt C.hit D. struck 】   Characteristics of burns烧伤的特点:   First degree burns一度烧伤   ◎ dry, red and mildly swollen皮肤干燥、发红以及伴有轻微肿胀   ◎ mildly painful轻微地疼痛   ◎ turn white when pressed挤压时会变白   Second degree burns二度烧伤   ◎ rough, red and swollen皮肤粗糙、发红以及

24、肿胀   ◎ blisters起水泡   ◎ watery surface表面有水样物   ◎ extremely painful及其疼痛   Third degree burns三度烧伤   ◎ black and white and charred发黑、发白、烧焦   ◎ swollen; often tissue under them can be seen肿胀;通常皮肤下面的组织能看得见 ◎ little or no pain if nerves are damaged; may be pain around edge of injured area.如果神经组织被破坏,

25、很少或没有痛感;也许在烧伤区域周围会痛。【注释:damage vt. & n.伤害;损害;损伤 damage one’s health损害健康; damage one’s good name毁坏名声;cause/ do damage to…使…受到损害;suffer (great) damage (from…)受到(…的)损害;costs for damages损害赔偿费 eg. 1) The earthquake caused great damage. 2) A torrent(急流、洪流) of rain came down and damaged the crops.

26、 3) Many factories suffered great damage. 辨析:damage, destroy, ruin (1) damage指价值、用途降低或外表损坏等,不一定全部破坏;或表示可以修复的损坏。如:The heavy rain damaged many houses. (2) destroy指严重毁坏以致不能或很难修复的损坏。如:That town was destroyed in a big fire. (3) ruin指“毁坏”而使某物失去优良的特性或特征。如:He knocked over a bottle of ink and

27、ruined the table cloth. 试题: 1.Millions of pounds’ worth of ____ has been caused by a storm which swept across the north of England last night. A. damage B. injury C. hurting D. wound 2. Much damage has been ____ to the car; you’d better get it repaired. A. made B. acted

28、 C. done D. found 】 First aid treatment急救处理【注释:treatment n.治疗;处理;对待;治疗方法 be under treatment在治疗中;in the treatment of (illness)治疗某种疾病; treat vt. & n.治疗;对待;请客;享受愉快的事 be one’s treat由…请客;treat …as …把…看作…; treat (sb.) to (sth.)招待(吃……),请客吃…… eg. 1) The prisoners complained of ill

29、 treatment by their guards. 2) The girl is still under treatment in hospital. 3) He treats me to an ice cream. 4) The police treated his death as a case of murder. 辨析:treat, cure, heal (1)treat“治疗”,强调治疗的过程。如:Which doctors are treating her for her illness? (2)cure“治愈”强调治疗的结果。作及物动词时,主语可以

30、是人或物,宾语可以是人也可以是疾病。如:We could use cloning to cure illness. (3) heal“愈合、长好”强调慢慢的恢复过程,也可以指伤口的愈合(指结果)。如:His wound has healed. Heal sb. of a disease. 试题: 1) Treat ____ to a glass of wine to help you relax at the end of the day. A. one B. oneself C. you D. yourself 2) There have

31、been great advances in the ______ of cancer. A. process B. treatment C. instruction D. influence 3) —Let's go Dutch for this supper,OK? —No,______this time,as a reward for all your help. A.It's up to you B.It's my treat C.Let's talk about it D.it doesn’t matter [

32、解析:选B。句意:“这顿晚饭让我们AA制吧。”“不,这次由我请客,作为对你的帮助的回报。”A项意为“由你做决定”;B项意为“由我请客”;C项意为“让我们讨论一下”;D项意为“没关系”。Go Dutch AA制,各付各的钱。] 】 1. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.除非衣服紧贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀.【注释:unless conj.除非,如果不 eg. 1) “Exceptional talent does not always w

33、in its reward unless favored by exceptional circumstances” “除非得到特殊的情况的护佑,否则有特殊才能的人并不总能赢得对其才能的回报. 2) My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry.我刚出生的妹妹除非饿了,她是从来不哭的。 3) I shall go there tomorrow unless I'm too busy.如果我不太忙,明天将到那儿去。 4) Unless you go at once you will be late.如果你不马上走,就会迟到的。考题汇集

34、: 1. (09全II-10) All the dishes in this menu, ___ otherwise stated, will serve two to three people. A. as B. if C. though D. unless 2. (09川-12) Owen wouldn’t eat anything ____ he cooked it himself. A. until B. since C. unless D. while 3. (08全II-7) A small car is

35、big enough for a family of three ____ you need more space for baggage. A. once B. because C. if D. unless 4. (08津-1) We’ll have a picnic in the park this Sunday ___ it rains or it’s very cold. A. since B. if C. unless D. until 5. (08浙-16) Don’t promise anythin

36、g ___ you are one hundred percent sure. A. whether B. after C. how D. unless 6. (07全I-26) I won’t call you, ____ something unexpected happens. A. because B. whether C. unless D. while 7. (06京-33) _____ you’ve tried it, you can’t imagine how pleasant it is. A. Unless

37、 B. Because C. Although D. When 8. (06浙-2) We won’t keep winning games ____ we keep playing well. A. because B. unless C. when D. while 1-8 DCDCD CAB 】 Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.去掉烧伤附近的其它衣物和首饰。   2. Cool burns immediately with cool but not

38、icy water.立刻用冷水但不是冰水冷却烧伤。 It is best to place burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes.最好将烧伤放在缓慢流淌的自来水下面,大约10分钟 (The cool water stops the burning process, prevents the pain becoming unbearable and reduces swelling.) (冷水阻止烧伤继续,避免疼痛变得不可忍受,并能减轻肿胀) Do not put cold water on third degree burn

39、s.不要将三度烧伤放在冷水下冲洗。   3. For first degree burns, place cool, clean, wet cloths on them until the pain is not so bad.对于一度烧伤,将凉的、干净的、湿布放在伤口上,直到不那么疼痛。 For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and

40、over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad.对于二度烧伤,把布放在一盆冷水里浸凉,拧干后放在烧伤处,一遍又一遍地这样做,直到不那么疼痛。【注释:squeeze out榨出;挤出 eg. The wound will heal itself if you squeeze out the purulence/ pus(脓)。】   4. Dry the burned area gently.轻轻地弄干烧伤处, Do not rob, as this may break any blisters and the wound

41、 may get infected.不要擦,因为这样会擦破水泡,造成伤口感染。   5. Cover the burned area with a dry, clean bandage that will not stick to the skin.用一个干净的绷带附在伤口上,但不要贴着皮肤。 Hold the bandage in place with tape.用带子将绷带固牢, Never put butter, oil or ointment on bums as they keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.千万不

42、要在伤口上涂抹黄油、油脂或药膏,因为这样会将热留在烧伤处,从而造成感染。   6. If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible. 如果烧伤是在胳臂上或在腿上,如果可能的话,将它们置于高过心脏。 If burns are on the face, the victim should sit up.如果烧伤在脸上,那么受害者应当坐直。   7. If the injuries are second or third degree bums,如果烧伤是二度烧伤或三度烧伤, it is vit

43、al to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.至关重要的是将患者立刻看医生或送到医院去。【注释:it is vital to do sth.(= Sth. is vital to (do) . 或sth. is vital to sth.)做某事至关重要。如:Irrigation was vital to early civilization灌溉对早期文明至关重要。】   重点句型: 1.Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the

44、 burn. 【精提取】 unless是连词,意为“除非,如果不”,引导的是一个肯定条件状语从句。 【巧应用】 如果我不被邀请,我将呆在家里。 I will stay at home________ ________ ________. 答案:unless I’m invited 2.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming. 【精提取】 此句中when为并列连词,意为“正在这时(突然)”。类似结构还有:be doing...when...正在……这时……;be about to do...when...正打算

45、做……这时……;be just going to do...when...正要……这时……;had just done...when...刚做了……这时……; be on the point of doing...when...正要……这时…… 。 【巧应用】 我正在看书,这时灯突然灭了。 I was reading _____ _____ _____ ______ _____. 答案:when the light went out 3.There is no doubt that John’s quick thinking and the first aid skill

46、s he learned at school saved Ms Slade's life.【精提取】 There's no doubt that...毫无疑问……。 【巧应用】 毫无疑问他不称职。 ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____the job. 答案:There is no doubt that he isn’t fit for 4.It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference. 【精提取】 make a(some,no,etc.) dif

47、ference有(一些,没有什么)区别; 有意义;起重要作用;有影响。 【巧应用】 我喜不喜欢对你来说没什么区别,因为你从来就不听我的。 ____ ___ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____I like it or not,because you never listen to me. 答案:It makes no difference to you whether 课堂补充: apply vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 vi.申请;请求;使用;有效; apply(to...)for(向……)申请;apply to 运用; 致力于; 涂抹;apply...t

48、o...把……运用于……;apply oneself to...专心于…; adapt to为固定短语,意为“适应”。 1. (2009浙)The good thing about children is that they _____very easily to new environments. A.adapt B.appeal C.attach D.Apply 2. Now a lot of new technologies can________problems in industry. A.be applied to solv

49、e B.be applied to solving C.apply to solve D.apply to solving 3. I have been out of work for half a year,so I want to________a job in this company. A.prepare for B.apply for C.wait for D.care for 4. Don’t take anything away.Father likes everything to be________. A.in place B.in the place C.out of place D.out of the place 5. They are now in great need of help.So your support will certainly make a________. A.deal B.decision C.point D.difference 5 版权所有,翻印必究 如有所需,敬请联系 QQ771053303 13819507153

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