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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2001) 18:784789 2001 Springer-Verlag London LimitedA Clamping Design Approach for Automated Fixture DesignJ. CecilVirtual Enterprise Engineering Lab (VEEL), Industrial Engineering Department, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USAIn this paper, an innovative clamping design approach isdescribed in the context of computer-aided fixture design activi-ties. The clamping design approach involves identification ofclamping surfaces and clamp points on a given workpiece.This approach can be applied in conjunction with a locatordesign approach to hold and support the workpiece duringmachining and to position the workpiece correctly with respectto the cutting tool. Detailed steps are given for automatedclamp design. Geometric reasoning techniques are used todetermine feasible clamp faces and positions. The requiredinputs include CAD model specifications, features identified onthe finished workpiece, locator points and elements.Keywords: Clamping; Fixture design1.Motivation and ObjectivesFixture design is an important task, which is an integration linkbetween design and manufacturing activities. The automation offixture design activities and the development of computer-aidedfixture design (CAFD) methodologies are key objectives to beaddressed for the successful realisation of next generationmanufacturing systems. In this paper, a clamp design approachis discussed, which facilitates automation in the context of anintegrated fixture design methodology.Clamp design approaches have been the focus of severalresearch efforts. The work of Chou 1 focused on the twincriteria of workpiece stability and total restraint requirement.The use of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches as well asexpert system applications in fixture design has been widelyreported 2,3. Part geometry information from a CAD modelhas also been used to drive the fixture design task. Bidanda4 described a rule-based expert system to identify the locatingand clamping faces for rotational parts. The clamping mech-anism is used to perform both the locating and clampingCorrespondence and offprint requests to: Dr J. Cecil, Virtual EnterpriseEngineering Lab (VEEL), Industrial Engineering Department, NewMexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA. E-mail:jcecil?nmsu.edufunctions. Other researchers (e.g. DeVor et al. 5,6) haveanalysed the cutting forces and built mechanistic models fordrilling, and other metal cutting processes. Kang et al. 2defined assembly constraints to model spatial relationshipsbetween modular fixture elements. Several researchers haveemployed modular fixturing principles to generate fixturedesigns 2,711.Other fixturedesign effortshave beenreported in 1,3,9,1223. An extensive review of fixture designrelated work can be found in 21,24.In Section 2, the various steps in the overall approach toautomate the clamping design task are outlined. Section 3describes the determination of the clamp size to hold a work-piece during machining and in Section 4, the automatic determi-nation of the clamping surface or face region on a workpieceis detailed. Section 5 discusses the determination of the clamp-ing points on a workpiece.2.Overall Approach to Clamp DesignIn this section, the overall clamping design approach isdescribed. Clamping is usually carried out to hold the part ina desired position and to resist the effects of cutting forces.Clamping and locating problems in fixture design are highlyrelated. Often, the clamping and locating can be accomplishedby the same mechanism. However, failure to understand thatthese two tasks are separate aspects of fixture design may leadto infeasible fixture designs. Human process planners generallyresolve the locating problem first. The approach developed canwork in conjunction with a locator design strategy. However,the overall locator and support design approach is beyond thescope of this paper.CAD models of the part design (for which the clamp designhas to be developed), the tolerance specifications, processsequence, locator points and design, among other factors, arethe inputs to the clamp design approach. The purpose ofclamping is to hold the parts against locators and supports.The guiding theme used is to try not to resist the cutting ormachining forces involved during a machining operation.Rather, the clamps should be positioned such that the cuttingforces are in the direction that will assist in holding the partsecurely during a specific machining operation. By directingA Clamping Design Approach785the cutting forces towards the locators, the part (or workpiece)is forced against solid, fixed locating points and so cannotmove away from the locators.The clamp design approach discussed here must be viewedin the context of the overall fixture design approach. Priorto performing locator/support and clamp design, a prelimi-nary phase involving analysis and identification of features,associated tolerances and other specifications is necessary.Based on the outcome of this preliminary evaluation anddetermination, the locator/support design and clamp design canbe carried out. The clamp design approach described in thispaper is discussed based on the assumption that locator/supportdesign attributes have been determined earlier (this includesdetermination of appropriate locator and support faces on aworkpiece as well as identification of locator and supportfixturing elements such as V-blocks, base plates, locatingpins, etc).2.1Inputs to Clamp DesignThe inputs include the winged-edge model of the given productdesign, the tolerance information, the extracted features, theprocess sequence and the machining directions for each of theassociated features in the given part design, the location facesand locator devices, and the machining forces for the variousprocesses required to produce each corresponding feature.2.2Clamp Design StrategyThe main steps in the automation of the clamping design taskare summarised in Fig. 1. An overview of these steps isas follows:Step 1. Consider the set-up SUi in the set-up configuration listalong with the associated process ? feature entries.Step 2. Identify the direction and type of clamping. The inputsrequiredarethemachiningdirectionvectorsmdv1,mdv2,. . .,mdvn and identified normal vectors of support face nvs. Ifthe machining directions are downward (which correspond tothe direction vector 0, 0, 1), and the normal vector of thesupport face is parallel to the machining direction, then thedirection of clamping is parallel to the downward machiningdirection 0, 0, 1. If sideways clamping is required, and ifthere are no feasible regions at which to position a clamp fordownward clamping, then a side-clamp direction is obtainedas follows. Let sv and tv be the normal vectors of the secondary(sv) and tertiary (tv) locating faces. Then, the direction ofclamping used by a side-clamping mechanism such as a v-block should be parallel to both these normal vectors, i.e. thenormal vectors of the each of the v-surfaces in the v-blockwill be parallel to sv and tv, respectively. The side clampingface should be a pair of faces parallel to the faces sv andtv, respectively.Step 3. Determine the highest machining force from the mach-ining forces list (for each feature) MFi (i = 1, . . .,n). This willbe the effective force FE that must be balanced while designingthe clamp for this set-up SUi.Step 4. Using the value of the calculated highest machiningforce FE, the dimensions of the clamp to be used to hold theFig. 1. The clamp design activities.workpiece can be determined (for example, a strap clamp canbe used as a clamping mechanism). The approach for this taskis explained in Section 3.Step 5. Determine the clamping face on a given workpiece.This step can be automated as described in Section 4.Step 6. The actual position of the clamp on the clampingface is determined in an automated manner as explained inSection 5.Consider next set-up SU(i + 1) and proceed to step 1.3.Determination of the Clamp SizeIn this work, the clamps used belong to the family of clampsreferred to as strap clamps. A strap clamp is based on thesame principle as that of the lever (see Fig. 2). In this section,the automated design of a strap clamp is described. Theclamping force required is related to the size of the screw ora threaded device that holds the clamp in place. The clampingforce should balance the machining force to hold the workpiecein position. Let the clamping force be W and the screwdiameter be d. The dimensions of the various screw sizes forvarious clamping forces can be determined in the followingmanner. Initially, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of thematerial of the clamp (depending on availability) can beretrieved from a data library. Various materials have differenttensile strengths. The selection of the clamp material can alsobe performed directly using heuristic rules. For example, if thepart material is mild steel, then the clamp material can be low786J. CecilFig. 2. The strap clamp.carbon steel or machine steel. To determine the design stress,the UTS value can be divided by a safety factor (such as 4or 5). The root area A1 of the screw (for a clamp such asa screw clamp) can then be determined: Clamping forcerequired/Design Stress DS. Subsequently, the full area FA ofthe bolt cross-section can be computed as equal to A1/(65%)(since the root area of the screw where shearing can occur isapproximately 65% of the total area of the bolt). The diameterof the screw d can then be determined by equating FA to(3.14 d2/4). Another equation which can be used involvesrelating the width B, height H and span L of the clamp to thescrew diameter d (B, H, and L can be computed for variousvalues of d): d2= 4/3 BH2/L.4.The Determination of the ClampingFaceThe required inputs to determine the clamping region includethe CAD model of the product, the extracted features infor-mation, the feature dimensions and faces on which they occur,the locating faces and locators selected. Consider a potentialclamping face PCF as shown in Fig. 3. The crucial criterionto be satisfied is that the clamping surface should not overlapor intersect with the features on that face, as shown in Fig. 4.The clamping surface area, which is in contact with theworkpiece surface (or PCF) is a 2D profile consisting of linesegments (see Fig. 6). By using line segment intersection tests,it can be determined whether the potential clamping area ofcontact overlaps any of the features on the given PCF.The determination of clamping faces can be automated as fol-lows:Fig. 3. Potential clamping face and feature profiles.Fig. 4. Potential clamping face and clamp box profile.Step 1. Identify faces that are parallel to the secondary andtertiary locator faces (lf1 and lf2) and at the farthest distancefrom lf1 and tcj, respectively. This is performed as shownbelow:(a)Identify faces tci, tcj such that tci is parallel to lf1 andtcj is parallel to lf2.(b)Insert candidate faces tci in list TCF.(c)By examining all faces tci listed in TCF, determine facestci and tcj that are farthest from face lf1 and lf2, respect-ively, and discard all other faces from list TCF.Step 2. Identify the face that is parallel to the location facesbut not adjacent to the additional locator faces. It is preferableto select a clamp face that does not have to share the adjacentperpendicular face with a locator. This step can be automatedas shown below:(a)Consider each face tci in list TCF and obtain correspond-ing faces fci that are adjacent and perpendicular to eachtci. Then, insert each face fci in list FCF.(b)Examine each fci and perform the following test:If fci is adjacent, perpendicular to lf1 or lf2,then discard it from list FCF and insert it in list NTCF.Step 3. Determine the clamping faces, based on the availabilityof potential clamping faces, as described below.Case (a). If there are no entries in list NTCF, then use thefaces in list TCF and proceed to step 4. If any faces werefound that were perpendicular to the secondary and tertiarylocation faces lf1 and lf2, such faces are the next feasiblechoices to be used for clamping.In this case, the only remaining choice is to re-examine thefaces in list NTCF.Case (b). If the number of entries in list NTCF is 1, thefeasible clamping face is fci. The normal vector of thecorresponding adjacent, perpendicular face tci is the axis ofclamping.Case (c). If number of entries in list NTCF is greater than 1,determine the face tci with larger area and proceed to step 4.Step 4. Depending on the direction of clamping which is either(+ or )1, 0, 0 or (+ or ) 0, 1, 0, the clamp can bepositioned along the centre of the face tci. The candidategeometrical positions of the clamp can be determined usingpart geometry and topological information, which is describedin the next section.A Clamping Design Approach787Fig. 5. Determination of the clamp profile dimensions.5.Determination of the Clamping Pointson a Clamping FaceAfter the clamp face has been determined, the actual clampingpositions on that face must be determined. The inputs are theclamp profile dimensions, clamp directions x, y, z, and poten-tial clamping face CF. The clamp profile dimensions areobtained (as in case (g) using CF geometry as follows.The first step is to determine a box size, which is tested todetermine whether it contains any features inside it. Profileintersection tests can also be performed using the methoddescribed earlier. If the intersection test returns a negativeresult, then no feature intersects with the clamp box profile,as shown in Fig. 4. If the intersection test returns a positiveresult, the following steps can be performed:1. Divide the clamp box profile into smaller rectangular stripsof size (1 w) (Figs 5 and 6).2. Perform the intersection tests with the feature profiles offeatures that occur on the face CF for the given part design.Fig. 6. Profiles intersection test of feature and clamp regions.3. The rectangular strips, where no feature intersection occurs,are feasible clamping regions. If there is more than onecandidate rectangle for clamping, the rectangle profile thatis toward the mid-point of the CF face along the clampingaxis is the clamp profile (and clamp points).If no profile Pi can be found that does not intersect with thefeature profiles, clamp width can be reduced by half and thenumber of clamps increased to two on that face. Using thesemodified clamp dimensions, perform the feature intersectiontest described earlier. If this test also fails, then the side faceadjacent to the PCF can be used as the clamping surface toperform side clamping. The side face then becomes the PCFand the feature intersection test can be repeated.5.1The Intersection of Profiles TestThe required inputs include the 2D profile P1 another 2Dprofile P2. The intersection of profiles can be determined inan automated manner using the following approach. Each inputprofile Pi consists of a closed loop of line segments Lij. Thesteps in this profile test are as follows:(T1) Consider a line segment L(i,1) in P1 and another linesegment L(2, j) in P2.(T2) For inputs L(i,1) and L(2, j), the intersection of edgescan be employed. If the edge intersection test returns a positivevalue, then the feature profile intersects with the candidate orpotential clamp profile under evaluation. If it returns a negativevalue, proceed to step 3.(T3) Repeat step (T1) for the same segment or edge (Li,1) inP1 with all remaining segments (L2, j+1) till j = n1 in P2.(T4) Repeat steps (T1) and (T2) for the remaining edges orsegments L12, L13,. . .,L1n in profile P1.If the feature profiles overlap the clamping profiles, the lineintersection tests will determine that occurrence. The inter-section of edges test can be performed automatically to detectwhether two edges intersect with each other. The inputsrequired for this test are the line segments L12 connecting(x1, y1) and (x2, y2) and L34 connecting (x3, y3) and(x4, y4).Let the equation of L12 be represented by:F(x,y) = 0(1)and that of L34 by:H(x,y) = 0(2)Step 1. Using Eq. (1) compute r3 = F(x3, y3) by substitutingx3 and y3 for x and y and compute r4 = F(x4, y4) by substitut-ing x4 and y4 for x and y.Step 2. If r3 is not equal to 0, r4 is not equal to 0, and thesigns of r3 and r4 are the same, (which indicate r1 and r2lie on same side), then the edges L12 and L34 do not intersect.If this is not satisfied, then step (3) is performed.Step 3. Using Eq. (2), compute r1 = H(x1, y1). Then, computer2 = G(x2, y2) and proceed to step 4.Step 4. If r1 is not equal to zero, r2 is not equal to zero, andthe signs of both r1 and r2 are the same , then r1, r2 lie on788J. CecilFig. 7. Sample part to illustrate the clamping design approach.the same side and the input line segments do not intersect.Else, if this condition is not satisfied, proceed to step 5.Step 5. The given line segments do intersect. This completesthe test.Consider the same sample part shown in Fig. 7. The featuresto be produced are a step and hole. Initially, the locator designis completed. The support locator (or primary locator) is abase plate (placed against face f4) and the secondary andtertiary locators are placed against faces f6 and f5 (whichcorrespond to the locator faces lf1 and lf2 discussed in Section4). An ancillary locator is also used, which is a v-block(positioned against the ancillary faces f3 and f5), shown inFig. 8. Based on the steps outlined in the clamp designFig. 8. Fixture design for the sample part in Fig. 7.approach discussed earlier, the candidate faces (which areparallel and at the farthest distance from lf1 and lf2) are facef3 and f5. There are no faces which are parallel to the locatorfaces but not adjacent to them. Using the priority rules in suchcases (as discussed in step 3 of Section 4), the remainingcandidate face is face f2. The clamp direction is downward;the v-block radial locator and other locators provide therequired location with the clamp holding the workpiece down-ward against the baseplate.The position of the clamp is determined based on the stepsdescribed in Section 5. As there are no feaures occurring onface f2, there is no need for feature intersection tests todetermine collision-free clamping. The position of the clampshould be away from the v-locator (which is positioned alongthe ancillary location faces) as the clamping face is adjacentto the ancillary location faces (this ensures better access forquick clamping). The final location and clamping design isshown in Fig. 8.The method discussed in this paper compares favourablywith the other clamp design methods discussed in the literature.The uniqueness of the discussed approach is the systematicidentification of the clamping faces based on part geometry,topology, and the occurrence of features to be machined. Whileother approaches have not exploited the position of the locatorsadequately, the proposed method uses the locators to hold theworkpiece during machining against the primary, secondary,and tertiary locators. Another advantage of this approach isthe determination of candidate feasible locations on clampfaces using the detection of profile intersections test (describedearlier), which quickly and efficiently identifies potential down-stream problems which may occur during clamping and mach-ining of features.6.ConclusionIn this paper, the clamping design aspects in the overall contextof a fixture design methodology was discussed. The locatordesign, the part design specifications, and other inputs areconsidered in identifying the clamping faces and directions.The various steps to automate this approach are also discussed.References1. Y. C. Chou, V. Chandru and B. Barash, “A mathematical approachto automatic configuration of machining fixtures: analysis andsynthesis”, Transactions ASME, Journal of Engineering for Indus-try, 111(4), pp. 299306, 1989.2. Y. Kang, Y. Rong and M. Sun, “Constraint based modular fixtureassembly modelling and automated design”, Proceedings of theASMEManufacturingScienceandEngineeringDivisio