大连理工大学-DUTER队 化工原料药多功能车间初步设计【含CAD图纸+PDF文档】
大连理工大学-DUTER队 化工原料药多功能车间初步设计【含CAD图纸+PDF文档】,含CAD图纸+PDF文档,大连理工大学-DUTER队,化工原料药多功能车间初步设计【含CAD图纸+PDF文档】,大连理工大学,DUTER,化工,原料药,多功能,车间,初步设计,CAD,图纸,PDF,文档
Step Recipe DescriptionStep Recipe DescriptionProcess (Version):Process (Version):Efavirenz (1.0)Key Input Intermediate:Key Input Intermediate:ANILINE Step (Version):Step (Version):Step1 (1.0)Key Output Intermediate:Key Output Intermediate: M1 Simulation Date:Simulation Date:#Number of Batches:Number of Batches:1 Plan Quantity:Plan Quantity:3.89kg Unit IDUnit IDSequenceSequenceNumberNumberOperationOperationOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Volumed VolumeVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid dVolumeVolumeOperationOperationTimeTimeVesselVesselOccupancyOccupancyTimeTimeBatch TimeBatch Time(kg)(kg)(kg)(kg)(liter)(liter)(liter)(liter)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)V0021.1.Purge unit V002. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.1.3.Charge V002 with 160 liter of ZnEt2.The charge time is 2 min.159.01159.01160.00160. contents of unit V002 toMT001. Transfer 72 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min. Transfer using P002.-72.0087.01-72.4587.555.0013.0013.00MT0011.2.Purge unit MT001. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.1.4.Transfer contents of unit V002 toMT001. Transfer 72 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min. Transfer using P002.72.0072.0072.4572.455.0010.0013.001.21.Transfer contents of unit MT001 toR006. Transfer 72 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.-72.000.00-72.450.005.0017.0020.00V0011.5.Purge unit V001. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.BATCH PLUS - Step_2_Recipe_Description.xlsConfidential and ProprietaryPage 1 of 29Step Recipe DescriptionStep Recipe DescriptionProcess (Version):Process (Version):Efavirenz (1.0)Key Input Intermediate:Key Input Intermediate:ANILINE Step (Version):Step (Version):Step1 (1.0)Key Output Intermediate:Key Output Intermediate: M1 Simulation Date:Simulation Date:#Number of Batches:Number of Batches:1 Plan Quantity:Plan Quantity:3.89kg Unit IDUnit IDSequenceSequenceNumberNumberOperationOperationOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Volumed VolumeVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid dVolumeVolumeOperationOperationTimeTimeVesselVesselOccupancyOccupancyTimeTimeBatch TimeBatch Time(kg)(kg)(kg)(kg)(liter)(liter)(liter)(liter)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)1.7.Charge V001 with 76.8 kg of B. Thecharge time is 1 min.76.8076.8048.0248. contents of unit V001 toMT003. Transfer 76.8 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min. Transfer using P001.-76.800.00- unit MT003. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.1.8.Transfer contents of unit V001 toMT003. Transfer 76.8 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min. Transfer using P001.76.8076.8048.0248.025.009.0012.001.34.Transfer contents of unit MT003 toR001A. Transfer 76.8 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.-76.800.00- unit V003. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.1.11.Charge V003 with 400 liter ofANILINE. Material is charged usingP003. The charge time is 4 min.770.02770.02400.00400.004.0010.0010.00BATCH PLUS - Step_2_Recipe_Description.xlsConfidential and ProprietaryPage 2 of 29Step Recipe DescriptionStep Recipe DescriptionProcess (Version):Process (Version):Efavirenz (1.0)Key Input Intermediate:Key Input Intermediate:ANILINE Step (Version):Step (Version):Step1 (1.0)Key Output Intermediate:Key Output Intermediate: M1 Simulation Date:Simulation Date:#Number of Batches:Number of Batches:1 Plan Quantity:Plan Quantity:3.89kg Unit IDUnit IDSequenceSequenceNumberNumberOperationOperationOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Volumed VolumeVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid dVolumeVolumeOperationOperationTimeTimeVesselVesselOccupancyOccupancyTimeTimeBatch TimeBatch Time(kg)(kg)(kg)(kg)(liter)(liter)(liter)(liter)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)1.12.Transfer contents of unit V003 toMT002. Transfer 160 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.-160.00610.02-83.12316.885.0015.0015.00MT0021.10.Purge unit MT002. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.1.12.Transfer contents of unit V003 toMT002. Transfer 160 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.160.00160.0083.1283.125.0012.0015.001.30.Transfer contents of unit MT002 toR007. Transfer 160 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.-160.000.00- unit V007. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.1.15.Charge V007 with 3200 liter ofETHYL-ACETATE. The charge time is 4min.2,859.572,859.573,200.003,200.004.0010.0010.001.16.Transfer contents of unit V007 toMT011. Transfer 34.85 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.-34.852,824.72-39.003,161.005.0015.0015.00BATCH PLUS - Step_2_Recipe_Description.xlsConfidential and ProprietaryPage 3 of 29Step Recipe DescriptionStep Recipe DescriptionProcess (Version):Process (Version):Efavirenz (1.0)Key Input Intermediate:Key Input Intermediate:ANILINE Step (Version):Step (Version):Step1 (1.0)Key Output Intermediate:Key Output Intermediate: M1 Simulation Date:Simulation Date:#Number of Batches:Number of Batches:1 Plan Quantity:Plan Quantity:3.89kg Unit IDUnit IDSequenceSequenceNumberNumberOperationOperationOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Volumed VolumeVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid dVolumeVolumeOperationOperationTimeTimeVesselVesselOccupancyOccupancyTimeTimeBatch TimeBatch Time(kg)(kg)(kg)(kg)(liter)(liter)(liter)(liter)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)1.33.Transfer contents of unit V007 toR001A. Transfer 320 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 10min. Transfer using P009.-320.002,504.72-358.102,802.9110.0030.0030.001.29.Transfer contents of unit V007 toR007. Transfer 160 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 8min. Transfer using P009.-160.002,344.72-179.052,623.868.00125.00125.001.46.Transfer contents of unit V007 toR001A. Transfer 480 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 23min. Transfer using P007.-480.001,864.72-537.142,086.7123.00792.77792.772.1.Transfer contents of unit V007 toR002A. Transfer 565.5 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 15min. Transfer using-565.501,299.22-632.821,453.8915.001,492.771,492.77P009.2.9.Transfer contents of unit V007 toS001A. Transfer 113.1 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 20min. Transfer using-113.101,186.12-126.561,327.3320.001,977.771,977.77P007.2.21.Transfer contents of unit V007 toMT011. Transfer 18.85 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.-18.851,167.27-21.091,306.235.002,825.302,825.303.2.Transfer contents of unit V007 toR005A. Transfer 350 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 10min.-350.00817.27-391.67914.5710.002,910.892,910.89BATCH PLUS - Step_2_Recipe_Description.xlsConfidential and ProprietaryPage 4 of 29Step Recipe DescriptionStep Recipe DescriptionProcess (Version):Process (Version):Efavirenz (1.0)Key Input Intermediate:Key Input Intermediate:ANILINE Step (Version):Step (Version):Step1 (1.0)Key Output Intermediate:Key Output Intermediate: M1 Simulation Date:Simulation Date:#Number of Batches:Number of Batches:1 Plan Quantity:Plan Quantity:3.89kg Unit IDUnit IDSequenceSequenceNumberNumberOperationOperationOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Volumed VolumeVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid dVolumeVolumeOperationOperationTimeTimeVesselVesselOccupancyOccupancyTimeTimeBatch TimeBatch Time(kg)(kg)(kg)(kg)(liter)(liter)(liter)(liter)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)3.10.Transfer contents of unit V007 toMT012. Transfer 18.52 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min. Transfer using Pump-18.52798.75-20.72893.845.003,701.473,701.47metering 1.MT0111.14.Purge unit MT011. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.1.16.Transfer contents of unit V007 toMT011. Transfer 34.85 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.34.8534.8539.0039.005.0012.0015.001.58.Wash the cake in unit M001A. Foreach wash, use 16 kg of the materialin MT011. The feed time is 30 min.Wash the cake 1-16.0018.85-17.9021.0930.001,394.771,397.77times. Dissolve the followingcomponents: 41.36% of ETHYL-ACETATEand 2.35% of M1. Spent Wash Stream:The stream is sent toV005.1.62.Transfer contents of unit V009 toMT011. Transfer 18.85 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min. Transfer using P009.18.8537.7023.9645.065.001,399.771,402.772.21.Transfer contents of unit V007 toMT011. Transfer 18.85 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.18.8556.5521.0966.155.002,822.302,825.30BATCH PLUS - Step_2_Recipe_Description.xlsConfidential and ProprietaryPage 5 of 29Step Recipe DescriptionStep Recipe DescriptionProcess (Version):Process (Version):Efavirenz (1.0)Key Input Intermediate:Key Input Intermediate:ANILINE Step (Version):Step (Version):Step1 (1.0)Key Output Intermediate:Key Output Intermediate: M1 Simulation Date:Simulation Date:#Number of Batches:Number of Batches:1 Plan Quantity:Plan Quantity:3.89kg Unit IDUnit IDSequenceSequenceNumberNumberOperationOperationOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Volumed VolumeVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid dVolumeVolumeOperationOperationTimeTimeVesselVesselOccupancyOccupancyTimeTimeBatch TimeBatch Time(kg)(kg)(kg)(kg)(liter)(liter)(liter)(liter)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)2.22.Wash the cake in unit M001A. Foreach wash, use 18.85 kg of thematerial in MT011. Wash the cake 1times. The moisture content-18.8537.70-22.0544.100.592,822.892,825.89in the final cake is 20%. Dissolvethe following components: 100% ofETHYL-ACETATE. Spent Wash Stream:The stream is sent toV005.V0091.17.Purge unit V009. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.1.18.Charge V009 with 3200 kg of ACETONE.The charge time is 6 min.3,200.003,200.004,068.314,068.316. contents of unit V009 toR006. Transfer 72 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 4min. Transfer using P009.-72.003,128.00-91.543,976.775.0025.0025.001.25.Transfer contents of unit V009 toR007. Transfer 80 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 8min. Transfer using P009.-80.003,048.00-101.713,875.068.0073.0073.001.62.Transfer contents of unit V009 toMT011. Transfer 18.85 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min. Transfer using P009.-18.853,029.15-23.963,851.105.001,402.771,402.773.1.Charge V009 with 1000 liter ofETHYL-ACETATE. The charge time is 15min.893.623,922.771,000.004,851.1015.002,900.892,900.89BATCH PLUS - Step_2_Recipe_Description.xlsConfidential and ProprietaryPage 6 of 29Step Recipe DescriptionStep Recipe DescriptionProcess (Version):Process (Version):Efavirenz (1.0)Key Input Intermediate:Key Input Intermediate:ANILINE Step (Version):Step (Version):Step1 (1.0)Key Output Intermediate:Key Output Intermediate: M1 Simulation Date:Simulation Date:#Number of Batches:Number of Batches:1 Plan Quantity:Plan Quantity:3.89kg Unit IDUnit IDSequenceSequenceNumberNumberOperationOperationOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Volumed VolumeVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid dVolumeVolumeOperationOperationTimeTimeVesselVesselOccupancyOccupancyTimeTimeBatch TimeBatch Time(kg)(kg)(kg)(kg)(liter)(liter)(liter)(liter)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)R0061.19.Purge unit R006. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.1.21.Transfer contents of unit MT001 toR006. Transfer 72 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.72.0072.0072.4572.455.0020.0020.001.22.Transfer contents of unit V009 toR006. Transfer 72 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 4min. Transfer using P009.72.00144.0091.54163.995.0025.0025.001.23.Heat unit R006 to 30 C. The heatingtime is 30 min. Use 131.5 C Steam(Low Pressure).0.00144.001.03165.0130.0055.0055.001.24.Transfer contents of unit R006 toMT005. Transfer 100% of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 10min. The transfer stream is-144.000.00-165.010.0010.0065.0065.00named Mix 1.MT0051.20.Purge unit MT005. Purge 3 times withNITROGEN between high pressure 1.25atm and low pressure 0.04 atm for 1min each. Then0. blanket to maintain 101325 Papressure in the unit.1.24.Transfer contents of unit R006 toMT005. Transfer 100% of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 10min. The transfer stream is144.00144.00165.01165.0110.0062.0065.00BATCH PLUS - Step_2_Recipe_Description.xlsConfidential and ProprietaryPage 7 of 29Step Recipe DescriptionStep Recipe DescriptionProcess (Version):Process (Version):Efavirenz (1.0)Key Input Intermediate:Key Input Intermediate:ANILINE Step (Version):Step (Version):Step1 (1.0)Key Output Intermediate:Key Output Intermediate: M1 Simulation Date:Simulation Date:#Number of Batches:Number of Batches:1 Plan Quantity:Plan Quantity:3.89kg Unit IDUnit IDSequenceSequenceNumberNumberOperationOperationOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Volumed VolumeVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid dVolumeVolumeOperationOperationTimeTimeVesselVesselOccupancyOccupancyTimeTimeBatch TimeBatch Time(kg)(kg)(kg)(kg)(liter)(liter)(liter)(liter)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)named Mix 1.1.37.Transfer contents of unit MT005 toR001A. Transfer 100% of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 2 h.-144.000.00-165.010.00120.00213.00216.00R0071.25.Transfer contents of unit V009 toR007. Transfer 80 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 8min. Transfer using P009.80.0080.00101.71101.718.008.0073.001.29.Transfer contents of unit V007 toR007. Transfer 160 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 8min. Transfer using P009.160.00240.00179.05280.768.0060.00125.001.30.Transfer contents of unit MT002 toR007. Transfer 160 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.160.00400.0083.12363.875.0065.00130.001.31.Heat unit R007 to 30 C. The heatingtime is 30 min. Use 131.5 C Steam(Low Pressure).0.00400.002.26366.1330.0095.00160.001.32.Transfer contents of unit R007 toMT007. Transfer 100% of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 10min. The transfer stream is-400.000.00-366.130.0010.00105.00170.00named Mix3.R0091.26.Charge R009 with 62.5 kg of CALITHIUM. Material is charged usingFM004. The charge time is 4 min.62.5062.5062.8962.894.004.0077.001.27.Heat unit R009 to 30 C. The heatingtime is 30 min. Use 131.5 C Steam(Low Pressure).0.0062.500.3163.2030.0034.00107.00BATCH PLUS - Step_2_Recipe_Description.xlsConfidential and ProprietaryPage 8 of 29Step Recipe DescriptionStep Recipe DescriptionProcess (Version):Process (Version):Efavirenz (1.0)Key Input Intermediate:Key Input Intermediate:ANILINE Step (Version):Step (Version):Step1 (1.0)Key Output Intermediate:Key Output Intermediate: M1 Simulation Date:Simulation Date:#Number of Batches:Number of Batches:1 Plan Quantity:Plan Quantity:3.89kg Unit IDUnit IDSequenceSequenceNumberNumberOperationOperationOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Volumed VolumeVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid dVolumeVolumeOperationOperationTimeTimeVesselVesselOccupancyOccupancyTimeTimeBatch TimeBatch Time(kg)(kg)(kg)(kg)(liter)(liter)(liter)(liter)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)1.28.Transfer contents of unit R009 toMT006. The transfer time is 10 min.The transfer stream is named Mix2.-62.500.00-63.200.0010.0044.00117.00MT0061.28.Transfer contents of unit R009 toMT006. The transfer time is 10 min.The transfer stream is named Mix2.62.5062.5063.1963.1910.0010.00117.001.38.Transfer contents of unit MT006 toR001A. Transfer 100% of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 2 h.-62.500.00-63.190.00120.00229.00336.00MT0071.32.Transfer contents of unit R007 toMT007. Transfer 100% of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 10min. The transfer stream is400.00400.00366.13366.1310.0010.00170.00named Mix3.1.39.Transfer contents of unit MT007 toR001A. Maintain the temperature at40 C. Transfer 320 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer-320.0080.00-292.9073.23180.00356.00516.00time is 3 h.R001A1.33.Transfer contents of unit V007 toR001A. Transfer 320 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 10min. Transfer using P009.320.00320.00358.10358.1010.0010.0030.001.34.Transfer contents of unit MT003 toR001A. Transfer 76.8 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 5min.76.80396.8048.02406.125.0015.0035.001.35.Charge R001A with 11 kg of A. Thecharge time is 1 min.11.00407.806.76412.881.0016.0036.001.36.Cool unit R001A to 0 C. The coolingtime is 1 h. Use -10 C Brine.0.00407.80-13.32399.5660.0076.0096.00BATCH PLUS - Step_2_Recipe_Description.xlsConfidential and ProprietaryPage 9 of 29Step Recipe DescriptionStep Recipe DescriptionProcess (Version):Process (Version):Efavirenz (1.0)Key Input Intermediate:Key Input Intermediate:ANILINE Step (Version):Step (Version):Step1 (1.0)Key Output Intermediate:Key Output Intermediate: M1 Simulation Date:Simulation Date:#Number of Batches:Number of Batches:1 Plan Quantity:Plan Quantity:3.89kg Unit IDUnit IDSequenceSequenceNumberNumberOperationOperationOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Massd MassOperationOperationLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid Volumed VolumeVesselVesselLiquid+SoliLiquid+Solid dVolumeVolumeOperationOperationTimeTimeVesselVesselOccupancyOccupancyTimeTimeBatch TimeBatch Time(kg)(kg)(kg)(kg)(liter)(liter)(liter)(liter)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)(min)1.37.Transfer contents of unit MT005 toR001A. Transfer 100% of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 2 h.144.00551.80163.60563.16120.00196.00216.001.38.Transfer contents of unit MT006 toR001A. Transfer 100% of vesselcontents. The transfer time is 2 h.62.50614.3062.96626.12120.00316.00336.001.39.Transfer contents of unit MT007 toR001A. Maintain the temperature at40 C. Transfer 320 kg of vesselcontents. The transfer320.00934.30323.12949.24180.00496.00516.00time is 3 h.1.40.Charge R001A with 40 kg of WATER.The charge time is 1 min.40.00974.3039.04988.281.00497.00517.001.41.React in unit R001A via Reaction 1.Reaction occurs over 2 h. Use 131.5C Steam (Low Pressure).0.00974.30-37.55950.73120.00617.00637.001.42.Charge R001A with 40 kg of WATER.The charge time is 1 h.40.001,014.3039.15989.8860.00677.00697.001.43.Concentrate the