1、 关于蒙古族的英文介绍 作者: 日期: MONGO L The area of w ha t is now Mongo lia has been ruled by v a r ious n o m adic e m p i res , in c ludi n g the Xiong n u, the Xi a n b e i , th e Ro u ra n , the Turkic Khagan ate, and othe r s. In 1 2 06 , Geng hisKhanf ounded t h eMon g ol Em pi r
2、 e, andhis grand so nK u bl a i Khanc o nque red C h i nato establi s h the Yuan D yn ast y . Aft ert he collapseo f t h e Yu an, t he Mongolsr etre a ted to M o n g ol i a and resumed their earlie r p a ttern of fact i onal confl i c t and occasiona 1 ra i ds on th e C h in e s e bor d e rlands
3、. In the 1 6th and 17 th centur i es, M o ng o lia came u nder the i n f 1 ue n ce of T i b et a n Budd h i sm. The T ibeta n inf 1 uence of Mo n golia da t e s ba c k to the Tibet a n empire e x pan s ion o f Central Asia and S outh A s ia. At th e end of the 17th century, a 1 l of Mo ngol i a had
4、 been i n corp o rated in t o the area r u led by the M a nchus 'Qing Dyna s t y. Du ring th e collapse of the Q i ng D ynast y t he Mongols est a bl i shed Te m p o r ary Governme n t o f K halkha i n 30 Nov e m b e r 1911. On 2 9 Decem b er 1911Mo n g o l i a de clar e d i ndependen c e from th e
5、Qi n g Dyn a st y and th i sNa t i o nal L i b e rat i on Re v o lution ende d 2 2 0 years of Manchu r u le. N a a d a m F est i v al is the large s t f esti val, celebrated i n every town a nd v i ll a g e a cross t h e cou n t r y . It fe a tures t h re e spo r t i ng eve n ts: w r est 1 i n g, a
6、rc h ery a n d horse ra c i ng, among s t ot h er tra d itional game s and e x hi b it s . The Ea 2 le Fest i val draw s abou t 400 e ag 1 e hunter s on hors e bac k , i ncluding the tr a v e l e r M?h x 6 a ifSpair can \Munkh b a yart Bats a i kha n ), t o c o m pe t e 邓 ith the i r b irds. The Ic e Fe s ti v al and the Thousand Camel Festi valare amongst man y o t he r t rad i ti o n a l Mongolian fes t i v al s . W r es t i n g Horse racing A rch e ry
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