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Wear 288 (2012) 54 61Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectWearj o ur nal ho me p age: for continuous wear measurements during wet clutch durability testsNiklas Lingestena, Pr Marklunda, Erik Hglunda, Martin Lunda, Joakim Lundinb, Rikard MkibaDivision of Machine Elements, Lule University of Technology, 971 87 Lule, SwedenbVolvo Construction Equipment, Eskilstuna, Swedena r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 23 May 2011Received in revised form 14 February 2012Accepted 21 February 2012Available online 1 March 2012Keywords:Wet clutchWearTest benchTribologyTemperature measurementa b s t r a c tWet clutches are used in many applications today such as automatic transmissions and limited slipdifferentials in cars as well as in heavy duty equipment such as wheel loaders. The present study isconcerned with the wear and engagement behavior of wet clutches in the latter type of application. Atest rig is developed in which the wet clutch engagement is monitored during an arbitrary number oftest cycles.This rig has many similarities with the SAE #2 test rig in that they are both inertia type test rigs.However, the test rig presented here has several original parts from heavy duty equipment in productionincorporated into it. The data collection includes a continuous measurement of the position of the pistonused to apply force on the clutch pack in addition to the separator disc temperatures, hydraulic actuatingpressure and torque transfer characteristics. The measurements of the piston position can then be relatedto the clutch wear during a long test series. 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.1. IntroductionWet clutches have been critical components of automatic trans-missions and limited slip differentials for several decades. However,phenomena in the clutch such as shudder and torque transfer fail-ure has prompted investigations into wet clutch behavior. The twomain methods used are computer simulations of the clutch behav-ior and experimental investigations using wet clutch test rigs.One of the most commonly reported methods used in wet clutchstudies is the SAE #2 test rig which mainly functions as an iner-tia dynamometer where a flywheel is accelerated to accumulateenergy whereupon a clutch is engaged to brake the flywheel. Thistest setup allows for measurement of torque transfer propertiesand friction characteristics for a wide variety of operating condi-tions and has been used extensively in research 13 and is alsofrequently used in industry. A similar test rig was developed by Hol-gerson 4 with the addition of allowing a contribution by a drivingtorque to the energy input to the clutch. In Holgersons test rig theclutch temperature was measured using an infrared thermome-ter, allowing for investigations on the influence of temperature onclutch behavior.For the limited slip differential application, however, the SAE#2 test rig is not suitable due to the continuous slip conditions ofthe clutch. Investigations into the clutch characteristics of limitedslip differentials has been performed by Mki et al. 5 and IvanovicCorresponding author. Tel.: +46 920 492415; fax: +46 920 49 13 99.E-mail address: par.marklundltu.se (P. Marklund).et al. 6 in test rigs designed specifically for this application. Thetemperature in the clutch separator discs was measured throughthe use of thermocouples which allowed for investigation of thedependence of friction characteristics on temperature.Marklund et al. 7 used pin-on-disc method to develop a frictionmodel for purposes of simulating wet clutch behavior. However,this approach is not suitable for studying clutch wear in particularas demonstrated by Ost et al. 8 nor is it suited for investigations ofclutch aging in general. This is in part because of the large differencein contact area to system size ratio in this setup as compared to theclutch.Deterioration of clutch performance during service life is animportant issue, limiting the development towards smaller andmore efficient clutches. The clutch aging can be divided into twocategories. One is lubricant aging as investigated by Berglund et al.9 for the limited slip clutch. The second is friction material aging,including for example wear. Glazing as described by Newcomb et al.10 could be described as a combination of the two where thelubricant degrades due to the high temperature in the interfaceforming smooth layer on the friction material surface. Wear in par-ticular will severely affect the clutch control since the thickness ofclutch discs should be considered when construction clutch controlalgorithms and might affect the friction characteristics.Wear of wet clutch friction discs has been investigated beforeusing a few different techniques. The early stages of wear has beenstudied by many authors 3,11,12 in terms of the real contact areabetween friction material and steel disc. For purposes of long termdurability of a clutch, the wear of the full clutch pack is more inter-esting as it has more of an effect on how the engagement must be0043-1648/$ see front matter 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.doi:10.1016/j.wear.2012.02.014N. Lingesten et al. / Wear 288 (2012) 54 6155Fig. 1. The test rig layout: (1) drive shaft, (2) external flywheel, (3) gables, (4 and6) gears, (5) sealing door, (7) clutch axle with clutch drum and (8) torque arm withload cell.controlled. The wear of full clutch packs has been investigated usingthe SAE #2 test rig 1,3 or custom test rigs such as the one used bySaito et al. 13. The method requires the test rig to be disassembledregularly in order to measure the wear of the clutch. However, it ispossible to continuously monitor the wear of a clutch pack usingthe sensor technologies available today.Development of more efficient clutches requires reliable designcriteria with regards to the different failure modes of the clutch.In heavy duty equipment, the energies and power released in theengagements are generally large and places an important limitationon the clutch dimensions. This work focuses on the developmentof a wet clutch test rig which has the ability to continuously mon-itor the wear in the clutch in addition to the clutch engagementcharacteristics. The performance of different clutch designs can beevaluated by studying the wear and friction data which is collected.2. MethodsTo carry out wear studies on wet clutches a new test rig wasdesigned. The main focus of the authors is the application of wetclutches in heavy duty equipment and thus the requirements arebased on clutch usage is such machines. Through conditions iden-tified in such vehicles a list of requirements was compiled. The testrig must be able to:Measure the continuous wear of the clutch pack, the torque trans-fer, the clutch temperature and clutch rotational speed.Use standard size clutch discs from construction equipment inproduction.Achieve engagement energies above 260 kJ/m2.Finish the engagement within 1 s with good reproducibility.Allow for feedback control with regards to any output parameter.Allow for easy and accurate assembly/disassembly of the clutchpack2.1. MechanicsAn illustration of the core part of the test rig is shown in Fig. 1.The structural stability is provided by gables (3) and a bottom platein steel (AISI 1148). The clutch axle (7) and drive shaft (1) are sup-ported by tapered roller bearings in the gables and everything ismounted on a steel foundation.Fig. 2. The assembly of the clutch in the test rig: piston (A), spring seat (B), balancepiston (C), pressure plate (D), separator and friction discs (E and F), washer (G) andend plate (D).To be able to store energy in the system, the drive shaft (1) hasan integrated flywheel. The shaft was manufactured from a singlepiece of steel to obtain a well balanced shaft which would minimizethe risk of vibrations. Rotation is transferred from the drive shaftto the clutch by a helical gear pair (4 and 6) with the gear ratio 1.The gear on the clutch axle (6) has splines machined on the hub formounting of the friction discs. The drive shaft is driven by an electricmotor which has a maximum rotational speed of 3000 rpm. In total,the test rig has a moment of inertia of 0.6318 kg m2. An externalmass (2) can be added to the drive shaft. If this is done the totalmoment of inertia will increase to 0.7375 kg m2.The clutch axle (7) is a slightly modified original part from awheel loader. Channels for oil run through the shaft for the pur-pose of clutch lubrication and hydraulic clutch control. The clutchis mounted in the clutch drum. Two sensors for measurement ofengagement characteristics are mounted through holes in the rearwall of the clutch drum. During clutch engagement the torque arm(8) keeps the clutch axle stationary while pressing against a loadcell which registers torque transfer.To allow for assembly and disassembly of the clutch pack a holewas made in the gable near the gears. Through this hole the gear (6)and clutch assembly can be removed and replaced. During exper-iments the hole is sealed by a steel door (5) which supports theclutch axle.The clutch setup inside the clutch drum is shown in Fig. 2. Twofriction discs with inward splines are used, squeezed between threeseparator discs with outward splines (E and F). The inner separa-tor disc is loaded by a pressure plate (D) which is in direct contactwith a hydraulic piston (A) applying the axial load on the clutchpack. The outer separator disc is in contact with a steel washer (G).The washer allows for the assembly of the test specimens in thestandard clutch drum on the clutch shaft. The end plate (H) is posi-tioned outside of the washer and held in place with a locking spring.Between the hydraulic piston and the pressure plate, there is a bal-ance piston and a spring seat (B and C). Between these componentsa spring is mounted in order to return the piston to the original posi-tion when the hydraulic pressure is released. The standard springshas been replaced by a less stiff wave spring with a linear forcedisplacement behavior and the spring constant 48 103N/m.There are three separate oil circulation systems active in thetest rig, all using the same type of lubricant. Two for clutch lubri-cation and cooling, sharing one oil tank, and one hydraulic system56N. Lingesten et al. / Wear 288 (2012) 54 61Table 1Test rig dimensions.Component dimension SizeGable thickness 41 mmGable height350 mmGable width540 mmFlywheel diameter 275 mmFlywheel width 117 mmDrive shaft length 527 mmTorque arm length 150 mmfor clutch engagement with a separate oil supply. One lubricationsystem and the hydraulic system pump oil into the clutch shaftchannels through an oil divider mounted on the previously men-tioned door. An oil filter for the lubrication oil is also mounted onthe door as well as the solenoid servo valve which controls theengagement pressure.The lubrication oil tank has a volume of 20 l. The oil is pumpedby fixed displacement gear pumps through the two circulation sys-tems, both of which has a maximum flow rate of 10 l/min. Theprimary circulation system pump the lubricant through the clutchaxle into the friction interface, while a very small fraction of theoil is directed to lubricate the bearings of the drive shaft. In thesecondary circulation system, oil is pumped through a filter and aheat exchanger where the oil temperature is controlled by meansof water cooling. There is also a possibility to heat the oil in the tankusing a suspension heater allowing for control of the test temper-ature with a variation less than 2C. The dimensions of the test rigis summarized in Table 1.2.2. SensorsA number of different sensors are installed in the rig to mea-sure the clutch characteristics. The sensor working ranges and theirresolution is summarized in Table 2.The vertical torque arm is in direct contact with a load sensor.The sensor is mounted in a holder attached to the bottom plate. Theload cell output voltage is converted to load in the control software.The temperature is measured in the separator discs by the use ofthermocouples (type K). These thermocouples are metal sheathedwith a diameter of 0.5 mm with a specified response time of 14 ms.The short response time allows for the capture of the fast changes intemperature during clutch engagement. One thermocouple is alsoused to monitor the oil tank temperature.One thermocouple is installed in each separator disc. The ther-mocouples are inserted into holes of diameter 0.8 mm drilled fromthe separator disc edges. Three different materials were tested inthe interface between the thermocouple and the hole wall in termsof temperature response performance. Material one is simply theATF which will fill the gap between thermocouple and disc wallduring test rig running. Material two is a regular tin based solder.Material three is a gallium alloy which is in liquid state at roomtemperature with a boiling point higher than 1350C. This alloyis commercially available under the name Coollaboratory LiquidPro with application as thermal interface material for computerprocessors.The position of the piston (Fig. 2H) as the clutch engages ismeasured by a contact DVRT (differential variable reluctance trans-ducer) sensor (Fig. 3) mounted at the back of the clutch drum. Thesensor pin is spring loaded and follows the piston as it moves. Themaximum length of movement that can be measured by the sen-sor is 6 mm and it gives resolution down to single micrometers.The output is a voltage that is calibrated against a test curve andinterpreted in the post processing of experimental data. The changein distance traveled by the piston during an engagement over aFig. 3. Schematic of position sensor measurement setup.test series will yield information about the thickness change of theclutch pack, thus yielding information about wear.The hydraulic actuating pressure which controls the clutchengagement is continuously measured by a pressure sensor whichis also mounted at the back of the clutch drum. The sensor meas-ures relative pressure increase with a response time less than 1 ms.The pressure measurement is directly related to the axial force andclutch disc face pressure through the piston area.The rotational speed of the system is measured by a mechanicalcounter built into the electric motor that accelerates the rig. Forone revolution of the shaft, 4096 pulses are sent from the motor. Aset time interval is specified and the number of pulses are countedwithin this interval, giving the rotational speed. In this investiga-tion, the number of pulses were sampled at a rate of 100 Hz.2.3. Data retrieval and system controlThe test rig is controlled by a Compact Rio computer through aLabView interface running on a PC. The computer in turn controlsseveral sub systems; electric motor controller, the hydraulic pumpand valves, the pumps for the cooling and lubrication of the clutch.The hydraulic pump and valve controlling clutch engagement isswitched on and off through simple digital switches in the controlprogram. In the current setup, the hydraulic pump yields a sys-tem pressure of 5 MPa. The servo solenoid valve controlling theactuating pressure is controlled through a feedback loop includinga control channel. Any sensor reading can be used as the controlchannel, but in the present cases the actuating pressure readinggoverns the valve action. The pressure sensor reading is comparedto the desired pressure and combined into a control voltage fed tothe valve. The response time for the valve is less than 5 ms, allowingfor precise control of the actuating pressure.The test rig can run in two modes. One where everything is con-trolled manually and one which is a sequence based running mode.In the second mode, a test sequence can be specified and set to runa number of clutch engagements. This mode is ideal for runningextended wear tests on a clutch pack. The manual control is mainlyuseful for testing sensors and test rig functionality.The computer also handles the data retrieval, saving the data onan external hard drive in binary form. Data is only stored during theactual clutch engagement, which lasts for approximately 1 s. Thesystem samples the data at a rate of 2000 Hz, enough to resolve allthe phenomena present during the engagement.Parallel to the control system, there is a security systemincluding relays to switch off power if the temperature or actu-ating pressure exceeds a preset value. There are also relays forN. Lingesten et al. / Wear 288 (2012) 54 6157Table 2Sensor working range and resolution.Quantity Working range Resolution Manufacturer and modelActuating pressure MPa 010 0.05 Tecsis P3349 Axial force N(02.67)104128.5Piston displacement mm06 0.0006 Microstrain DVRTTorque arm load N 5020,000 100 Sensy 5960 Torque N m7.53000 15Temperature C 600 3 at 100C Pentronic 8105000Table 3Friction disc geometrical properties.Type A Type BGroove patternWaffleWaffleGroove width1 mm1.4 mmGroove depth0.35 mm 0.25 mmContact patch size 6.2 mm 6.2 mm 5.8 mm 5.8 mmFriction material thickness0.50 mm0.47 mmlubrication and hydraulic oil levels. A final relay will switch off thepower in 30 s if it has not received a pulse from the controller withinthat time. These systems will protect the rig from damage in caseof software failure or excessive oil leakage.The discrepancy between the 2000 Hz sample rate of the systemand 100 Hz sample rate of the rotational speed results in a stairshape in the rotational speed curve. This is handled by processingthe speed data using interpolation which yields a smooth curve,which is necessary in order to produce well defined friction versussliding speed curves.The coefficient of friction is calculated directly from the torquemeasurement and the measurement of engagement pressurethrough the equation? =Tn(App Fs)Rf. (1)Here n is the number of friction interfaces, Apthe area of the piston,p is the hydraulic actuating pressure, Fsis the force exerted by thereturn spring and Rfis the mean radius of the friction discs. Thespring force is calculated via the piston position measurement. Allof this is done for each measurement point which allows for match-ing between the friction measurement and the speed measurementto construct a plot over the friction versus speed behavior.2.4. Test specimens and lubricationThe clutch discs tested are paper based friction discs and steelseparator discs. The clutch friction material surface has an outerdiameter of 148.5 mm and an inner diameter of 114.2 mm. Thesedimensions are the standard friction disc dimensions for the clutchaxle used in the test rig.Table 4Varied parameter and its effect on engagement braking power.Actuating pressure MPa0.8 1.3 1.8Nominal surface pressure MPa 2.0 3.3 4.6Maximum power W1.2 1051.6 1052 105Mean power W 6.0 1049.4 1041.3 105Max specific power W/m2 5.7 1067.9 1069.8 106Mean specific power W/m2 2.9 1064.5 1066.3 106Two different types of friction discs have been used to evaluatethe test rig performance. Material A is a paper type friction mate-rial designed to have a good balance of frictional characteristics andmechanical strength with a large amount of synthetic fibers. Mate-rial B is a paper type material used in many construction equipmentdrivetrains. Differences in the geometry of the friction discs aresummarized in Table 3.The lubricant used is Volvo Transmission Oil 97342 defined inVolvo Corporate Standard 1273,42 14. The ATF has a viscosity of34 cSt at 40C and 5.5 cSt at 100C.2.5. Test seriesInitial tests have been performed to assess the ability of the testrig to measure clutch wear, temperature and engagement charac-teristics. The tests have been performed at one single energy level,3.12 104J, corresponding to a rotational speed of 3000 rpm. Interms of specific energy this equals 1.51 106J/m2. The parametervaried is the hydraulic actuating pressure which influences the sur-face pressure and power as shown in Table 4 based on the propertiesof friction material A.Using these settings, 25,000 engagements were performed dur-ing 120 h. The clutch pack was rem