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力与运动之间的平衡 适合所有应用的电机
---- 对驱动技术的需求反映为该技术领域的快速革新步伐。新的、对具有更高动态特性的紧凑型电机的需求(-更宽的功率输出范围和更多的样式)不断增加。我们的伺服电机系列符合了这种趋势,使您可以为每一个驱动应用提供最适合的电机。无论是同步电机还是异步电机或是更具创新性的直线电机和扭矩电机,带给您的将是驱动力和动态特性的平衡所获得的性能水平。
适合于所有任务 - 电机输出功率从0.2kW到630kW
---- 无论提出何种要求,西门子总能为用户提供最适宜的电机。低输出功率范围下限为0.2kW,这是具有高动态响应特性的紧凑型同步伺服电机所覆盖的范围。这些电机有多种样式,包括防爆设计等一系列的附件。我们的紧凑型异步伺服电机具有同样的设计,作为同步电机的补充应用在较高的输出功率范围,最高到630kW。
· 高等级的防护、耐用的轴承设计和抗振动的结构。
· 效率来源于直接联系的合作者
---- 灵活的模块化的系统,可很容易地满足您的应用,组合我们的伺服电机部件,您就可以找到一个独一无二的满足各种要求的驱动解决方案。为了能提供所需要的功率,伺服电机通过新型的MOTION-CONNECT连接系统可安全可靠地与我们的SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES矢量(VC)变频器、运动(MC)变频器和SIMODRIVE变频器相连。使用这种制作好的功率和信号电缆可为您节约时间和成本。
---- 西门子具有最密集的和最快捷的服务网络,为我们的驱动系统提供技术支持。无论它是工程驱动,系统集成,售后服务还是培训,我们遍及全球的有经验的服务人员都可随时为您服务。
· 塑料机械
· 造纸机械
· 印刷机械
· 纺织机械
· 木制品、玻璃、陶制品
· 包装机械
· 压力机械
· 拉丝机械
· 电缆缠绕机械
· 机床
· 机器人和操作设备
· 仓储运输系统
· 高架系统
· 起重和提升设备
· 测试平台
· 专用机械设备
--- 如今,我们的同步伺服电机在包括如定位和速度控制等复杂运动任务方面具有优势。今天,一种新型伺服标准建立了一个明确的基准-前沿的1FK7电机。显著提高的动态响应、紧凑性和系统集成度使得每个应用得以快速的处理,同时该电机能满足未来市场的需求。1FT6和1FS6电机完善了我们的同步伺服电机系列,为特殊工业领域和高端应用提供了解决方案。这些电机在特殊的情况下,比如在危险区将显示出它们的长处。
1FK7 HD(高动态特性) - 加速时的赢家
---- 我们的1FK7 HD伺服电机为您提供了适合于各种应用必要的性能。与高失速扭矩性能配合,它们就具有了相当高的加速能力和较低的固有转动惯量。甚至可选的制动器也具有较低的转动惯量。正是由于这些特点,我们可以在很短的时间内实现极端工作负载循环、快速定位和启停。
1FK7 CT(紧凑) - 适合各种应用的通用电机
---- 1FK7 CT伺服电机具有灵活的和模块化的设计,由于它们具有较小的封装尺寸,因此1FK7 CT是同类产品中结构最紧凑的一个。作为高功率密度和方形设计的结果,它们可以安装到任何机床中最紧凑的位置,以取得最大的驱动功率。例如,我们最小样式的结构尺寸为28,扭矩达到0.85Nm,而长仅为55mm。
1FT6 - 灵活,甚至需要大功率输出时
---- 特殊应用场合或者输出功率高达78kW的情况下,对同步电机有着很高的要求。这些要求完全可以通过使用我们的1FT6电机系列来满足。在许多高端应用中,无论是在具有高达IP68的保护等级的标准自然风冷方案,还是在为最高功率密度采用的独立风冷或水冷方案中,这些伺服电机代表着最适宜的解决方案。当它们集成进一个完整的系统时,各种附件和选项保证了高度的灵活性。
1FS6 - 防火性能,具有EEx de IIC T3防护等级
---- 危险工作场合,如在印刷工业和喷涂系统中,要求电机具有特殊的保护措施。除了必须具有所有相关标准功能和规范外,它们还须具有高动态响应和特别紧凑的结构。为了满足这些要求,我们特意研制开发了1FS6伺服电机,这种电机能够在I类危险工作场合安全地使用。
---- 宽频谱的编码系统保障了所需的驱动精度。这意味着几乎所有初级到中级运动控制任务都可以使用经过检验的旋转变压器。
---- 为了满足更高的要求,您可以选择高精度sin/cos编码器或绝对值编码器,它们都适合用于定位任务。为简单地将电机集成到您的系统中,您可以选择在轴终端是否带有键槽。除此之外,您可以定购带有制动器或者装有齿轮箱的电机。到喷涂油漆时,我们也可以考虑用户的要求。
---- 当涉及到异步伺服电机时,重点考虑的是成本效益和高输出功率。它们具有有利的价格、低运行成本,并可以带或不带编码器使用。1PH7和1PL6电机具有革命性的设计,没有外壳。定子即是电机的外壳-这样使得电机更加紧凑和轻便。电机的冷却系统集成在定子中以节省空间,同时定子正是产生热量的地方。由于将框架尺寸提高到了280,我们的伺服电机现在的功率可以达到630kW。
1PH7 - 具有价格优势的紧凑型高效电机
---- 当标准电机的尺寸和技术特性不能适合某些工业领域的应用时,具有IP55防护等级的定子冷却1PH7异步伺服电机就是最适宜的驱动解决方案。框架尺寸可达225,1PH电机可以安装上耐用的、永久性润滑的轴承,以适应皮带或齿轮传动的悬臂力和最高速度,这些往往是测试的要求。
---- 在中等输出功率范围,电机具有一个使它们很容易安装的外形。这是通过使用一个终端盒来实现的,该盒被集成在分离的驱动风扇组件中。为了获得更高的输出功率,传统的解决方法是使用固定紧凑的终端盒。当应用范围从初级到一般复杂类型,这些电机与SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES矢量变频器配合使用,可不使用编码器。当对特性有较高要求时可选用各种编码器,这正如同步伺服电机一样。
---- 新的框架尺寸为280,由于通用的冷却系统和终端盒概念,电机可以很容易的集成到各种机床配置中。该电机可以通过一个放射状固定的冷却单元或者通过连接到齿轮端护板的冷却管冷却。这个终端盒的位置可以根据冷却类型自由地选择。
1PL6 - 较大的,具有高功率密度的电机
---- 如果您倾向于紧凑的三相驱动电机而非DC解决方案,或者周围环境允许使用开放式电机,那么无论是成本效率还是输出功率,1PL6电机都不会让您失望的。1PL6伺服电机可用的框架尺寸从180到280,是一个开环通风异步电机。这种电机冷却系统意味着输出功率可以达到630kW(850HP)。1PL6电机完全与 IEC 60034-5兼容,并具有IP23防护等级。
1PH4 - 特殊工业领域耐用的水冷电机
---- 我们的1PH4水冷伺服电机是特殊环境下最适宜的解决方案,例如高温、粉尘、污垢或恶劣的大气,此种环境下无法使用气冷,但是可以采用水冷。这些电机在非驱动端有入水和排水接口,取代了风扇单元,这意味着它们可以满功率输出,而不依赖于周围环境。
---- 我们的电机在创新性上总是处于领先地位的。这不是关于直流驱动电机还是三相驱动电机的问题而是涉及到基本的驱动概念,它应该是成本效益和技术都满足特殊产品的加工过程的。除了具有高效率和驱动质量外,是否容易地集成到您的机械中是非常重要的。将力作用在需要的地方是更加简单的,因为不再需要机械传动元件如齿轮、传送带或齿条和小齿轮等。因此,西门子公司的直接驱动电机提供了定制的解决方案,很好地满足了该领域的要求。使用这种电机将简化您机床的机械设计,同时因为提高了实用性和降低了的运行成本,从而减少了生命周期成本。
1FN3和1FN4线性电机 - 通用的功率动力单元
---- 直线电机的作用力是无接触传递的,这类似于磁悬浮列车原理。驱动力是初级部件的移动磁场与磁性的次级部件作用产生的。初级部件安装在直线导轨上,因此可以高速运行并具有较高的轨迹精度。这导致力可非常简单地传递,从而使我们能以创新的机床概念设计新的方案。西门子直线电机可以简单地从一个模块化系统中选出,这意味着直线电机的特性和特色能更符合您的特殊驱动应用。1FN3和1FN4线性电机方案确保了这些功能:由于1FN3线性电机作用力的峰值负载与连续负载的比值高,所以适于极度工作负载循环和较短的上升时间;可保持较低的功率损失的1FN4电机适于在载荷周期变化下的连续运行。
1FW6和1FW2扭矩电机 - 用于生产机械的精确旋转运动
---- 扭矩电机,类似于线性电机,是一种基于同步驱动技术的直接驱动器。扭矩电机已进行了优化,可在低转速时产生较高的扭矩。1FW6电机是模块化电机,它主要用于机床的旋转工作台或者摆角轴。使用1FW2电机,您就拥有了一台可直接安装的扭矩电机。由于紧凑的设计,这些电机意味着理想的机械结构方案,例如喷射铸模和专用机床。这两种电机都采用水冷法,并有多种尺寸和长度。
Totally drives-the widest range of servomotors
Balance between force and motion - the right motor for every application
The demands placed on drive technology reflect the rapid pace of innovation in the technological arena. More compact motors with higher dynamic performance are being increasingly demanded - in a broad range of outputs and versions.
The demands placed on drive technology reflect the rapid pace of innovation in the technological arena. More compact motors with higher dynamic performance are being increasingly demanded - in a broad range of outputs and versions. We address this trend with an extremely wide range of servomotors allowing you to select the optimum motor for every drive application. Whether synchronous or asynchronous servomotors or highly innovative linear and torque motors. Drive force and motion dynamics are balanced to obtain a level of performance which you have come to expect from Siemens.
力与运动之间的平衡 适合所有应用的电机
---- 对驱动技术的需求反映为该技术领域的快速革新步伐。新的、对具有更高动态特性的紧凑型电机的需求(-更宽的功率输出范围和更多的样式)不断增加。我们的伺服电机系列符合了这种趋势,使您可以为每一个驱动应用提供最适合的电机。无论是同步电机还是异步电机或是更具创新性的直线电机和扭矩电机,带给您的将是驱动力和动态特性的平衡所获得的性能水平。
Long service life and high efficiency as standard for low life cycle costs
The high degree of protection, rugged bearing design and vibration-free construction make these servomotors the ideal solution when conditions get tough. Integrated KTY84 temperature sensors additionally protect the DURIGNIT-IR-2000 winding insulation. The Siemens permanent-magnet synchronous motors utilize the latest magnet technology and have the highest efficiency compared to conventional three-phase motors. The permanent-magnet excitation means that these variable-speed servomotors have no excitation losses. This translates into extremely high efficiencies with the lowest energy consumption. The result: your operating costs are drastically reduced!
Efficiency through direct contact partners
Siemens offers the most comprehensive range of motors - ensuring a high degree of flexibility for the widest range of drive applications. This means that you can always find the optimum motor and beyond this, you always have the same competent partner in every phase of your project - from the initial concept through integration up to commissioning.
· 高等级的防护、耐用的轴承设计和抗振动的结构。
· 效率来源于直接联系的合作者
Fit for all tasks: Motor outputs from 0.2 to 630 kW
Siemens servomotors always provide the optimum motor over a wide range of outputs - no matter what your requirements are - high stall torques or high rated outputs, high maximum speeds or dynamic response, air or water cooling, linear or rotary motion. The lowest output range starts at 0.2 kW and is essentially dominated by the compact synchronous servomotor with a high dynamic response. These servomotors are available in a wide range of versions - including explosion-proof designs - and with a full line of accessories. Our compact asynchronous servomotors, which have a similar design, complement the synchronous motors for applications in the higher output range up to 630 kW. High outputs can be achieved thanks to the open-circuit, air-cooled version (IP23). We also have a full range of linear and torque motors for direct drive applications. These motors distinguish themselves as a result of the extremely high dynamic response and precision.
适合于所有任务 - 电机输出功率从0.2kW到630kW
---- 无论提出何种要求,西门子总能为用户提供最适宜的电机。低输出功率范围下限为0.2kW,这是具有高动态响应特性的紧凑型同步伺服电机所覆盖的范围。这些电机有多种样式,包括防爆设计等一系列的附件。我们的紧凑型异步伺服电机具有同样的设计,作为同步电机的补充应用在较高的输出功率范围,最高到630kW。
Exclusive: Only we offer motors, drive converters and accessories for all categories
Thanks to the flexible, modular system which can be simply adapted to your application, you can combine our servomotor components to create an individual drive solution for the widest range of requirements. Our servomotors have a high price-performance ratio - and they are extremely versatile. In order that you always have the power you require at your demand, the servomotors can be safely and reliably connected to our SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control, Motion Control and SIMODRIVE converters using the new MOTION-CONNECT system. This is an innovative connection system which offers you preassembled power and signal cables for every type of application and saves time and money thanks to the simple installation.
---- 灵活的模块化的系统,可很容易地满足您的应用,组合我们的伺服电机部件,您就可以找到一个独一无二的满足各种要求的驱动解决方案。为了能提供所需要的功率,伺服电机通过新型的MOTION-CONNECT连接系统可安全可靠地与我们的SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES矢量(VC)变频器、运动(MC)变频器和SIMODRIVE变频器相连。使用这种制作好的功率和信号电缆可为您节约时间和成本。
---- 灵活的模块化的系统,可很容易地满足您的应用,组合我们的伺服电机部件,您就可以找到一个独一无二的满足各种要求的驱动解决方案。为了能提供所需要的功率,伺服电机通过新型的MOTION-CONNECT连接系统可安全可靠地与我们的SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES矢量(VC)变频器、运动(MC)变频器和SIMODRIVE变频器相连。使用这种制作好的功率和信号电缆可为您节约时间和成本。
Support and service - worldwide
Siemens has one of the most closely meshed and fastest service networks to support our drive systems. Whether it involves engineering drives and integrating systems, after-sales service or training - our experienced service personnel are at your service worldwide.
---- 西门子具有最密集的和最快捷的服务网络,为我们的驱动系统提供技术支持。无论它是工程驱动,系统集成,售后服务还是培训,我们遍及全球的有经验的服务人员都可随时为您服务。
Servomotors for a wide range of applications:
· Plastic machines
· Paper machines
· Printing machines
· Textile machines
· Woodworking, glass, ceramics and stone finishing machines
· Packaging machines
· Presses
· Wire-drawing machines
· Cable stranding machines
· Machine tools
· Robots and handling equipment
· Logistics-transport systems
· High-bay racking systems
· Crane and hoisting equipment
· Test stands
· Special-purpose machines
· 塑料机械
· 造纸机械
· 印刷机械
· 纺织机械
· 木制品、玻璃、陶制品
· 包装机械
· 压力机械
· 拉丝机械
· 电缆缠绕机械
· 机床
· 机器人和操作设备
· 仓储运输系统
· 高架系统
· 起重和提升设备
· 测试平台
· 专用机械设备
Premium synchronous motors
-zhigh dynamic performance and extremely compact
which involve complex motion tasks such as position and speed control. Today, there is a new servo standard which sets a clear benchmark - leading-edge 1FK7 motors. Significantly enhanced dynamic response, compactness and system integration allow every application to be quickly addressed - but the motors will still be fit for future market demands. 1FT6 and 1FS6 motors roundoff our range of synchronous servomotors for specific industry sector solutions and high-end applications. These motors show their strengths when operating under extreme conditions, e.g. in hazardous zones.
--- 如今,我们的同步伺服电机在包括如定位和速度控制等复杂运动任务方面具有优势。今天,一种新型伺服标准建立了一个明确的基准-前沿的1FK7电机。显著提高的动态响应、紧凑性和系统集成度使得每个应用得以快速的处理,同时该电机能满足未来市场的需求。1FT6和1FS6电机完善了我们的同步伺服电机系列,为特殊工业领域和高端应用提供了解决方案。这些电机在特殊的情况下,比如在危险区将显示出它们的长处。
1FK7 HD (High Dynamic): An obvious winner when accelerating
Dynamic performance in your process means increased production. In this case, drive acceleration is the name of the game. Our 1FK7 HD servomotors offer you the necessary performance for these types of applications. In conjunction with the high stall torque, they have a truly high accelerating capacity and an extremely low intrinsic moment of inertia. Even the optional holding brake has a low moment of inertia. As a result of these features, extreme load duty cycles, fast positioning and stopping can be achieved in the shortest time.
1FK7 HD(高动态特性) - 加速时的赢家
---- 我们的1FK7 HD伺服电机为您提供了适合于各种应用必要的性能。与高失速扭矩性能配合,它们就具有了相当高的加速能力和较低的固有转动惯量。甚至可选的制动器也具有较低的转动惯量。正是由于这些特点,我们可以在很短的时间内实现极端工作负载循环、快速定位和启停。
1FK7 CT (Compact): The universal motor for every application
Only the most compact drive has a chance where space is tight. 1FK7 CT servomotors, with their flexible and modular design, are, thanks to their small envelope dimensions, one of the most compact of their class. As a result of the high power density and the square design, they can fit into the tightest space in any machine to provide maximum drive power. Our smallest version, for instance with frame size 28, packs a torque of 0.85 Nm and is only 55 mm long.
1FK7 CT(紧凑) - 适合各种应用的通用电机
---- 1FK7 CT伺服电机具有灵活的和模块化的设计,由于它们具有较小的封装尺寸,因此1FK7 CT是同类产品中结构最紧凑的一个。作为高功率密度和方形设计的结果,它们可以安装到任何机床中最紧凑的位置,以取得最大的驱动功率。例如,我们最小样式的结构尺寸为28,扭矩达到0.85Nm,而长仅为55mm。
1FT6: Flexible, even at high outputs
Extreme applications or outputs up to 90 kW place high demands on our synchronous motors. Demands, which we can completely fulfill with our 1FT6 motor series. In many highend applications, these servomotors represent the optimum solution, whether in the standard nonventilated version with degree of protection up to IP68 or in separately cooled or water-cooled versions for the highest power densities. The wide range of accessories and options guarantees a high degree of flexibility when they have to be integrated into a complete system.
1FT6 - 灵活,甚至需要大功率输出时
---- 特殊应用场合或者输出功率高达78kW的情况下,对同步电机有着很高的要求。这些要求完全可以通过使用我们的1FT6电机系列来满足。在许多高端应用中,无论是在具有高达IP68的保护等级的标准自然风冷方案,还是在为最高功率密度采用的独立风冷或水冷方案中,这些伺服电机代表着最适宜的解决方案。当它们集成进一个完整的系统时,各种附件和选项保证了高度的灵活性。
1FS6: Flameproof with type of protection EEx de IIC T3
Hazardous zones, for example, in the printing industry and in painting systems, demand motors with special protection. In addition to having to fulfill all of the relevant standards and specifications, they must also have a high dynamic response and be extremely compact. We specifically developed our 1FS6 servomotors for these requirements and these motors can be safely used in hazardous Zone 1.
A wide spectrum of encoder systems guarantees the demanded drive accuracy. This means that almost all basic up to medium motion control tasks can be tackled using the well-proven resolver systems.
For even higher requirements, you can select from high-precision sin/cos encoders and absolute-value encoders which are ideal for positioning tasks. Alternatively, you can order the motor with holding brake or mounted gearbox. And when it comes to the paint finish, we can also take into account our customer's requirements.
Here, versions with helical, bevel, offset or worm gearboxes are available. We recommend that planetary gearboxes be used for more sophisticated positioning applications.
1FS6 - 防火性能,具有EEx de IIC T3防护等级
---- 危险工作场合,如在印刷工业和喷涂系统中,要求电机具有特殊的保护措施。除了必须具有所有相关标准功能和规范外,它们还须具有高动态响应和特别紧凑的结构。为了满足这些要求,我们特意研制开发了1FS6伺服电机,这种电机能够在I类危险工作场合安全地使用。
---- 宽频谱的编码系统保障了所需的驱动精度。这意味着几乎所有初级到中级运动控制任务都可以使用经过检验的旋转变压器。
---- 为了满足更高的要求,您可以选择高精度sin/cos编码器或绝对值编码器,它们都适合用于定位任务。为简单地将电机集成到您的系统中,您可以选择在轴终端是否带有键槽。除此之外,您可以定购带有制动器或者装有齿轮箱的电机。到喷涂油漆时,我们也可以考虑用户的要求。
Asynchronous and encoderless
-high performance at a low price
When it comes to asynchronous servomotors, the emphasis is on cost-effectiveness and a high output. They have a favorable price, low operating costs and can be used with or without encoder. The 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors have a revolutionary design without housing. In this case, the stator is also the motor enclosure - which makes the motor compact and light. The motor cooling, integrated in the stator, saves space and cools precisely where the heat is generated. Thanks to the expanded range of frame sizes up to size 280, our servomotors are now available up to 630 kW.
---- 当涉及到异步伺服电机时,重点考虑的是成本效益和高输出功率。它们具有有利的价格、低运行成本,并可以带或不带编码器使用。1PH7和1PL6电机具有革命性的设计,没有外壳。定子即是电机的外壳-这样使得电机更加紧凑和轻便。电机的冷却系统集成在定子中以节省空间,同时定子正是产生热量的地方。由于将框架尺寸提高到了280,我们的伺服电机现在的功率可以达到630kW。
1PH7: The compact high performer at a favorable price
If the size and technical features of standard motors are not adequate for certain industry sector applications, then our stator-cooled 1PH7 asynchronous servomotors with degree of protection IP55 can be used to provide the optimum drive solution. Up to frame size 225, the 1PH motors are equipped with rugged, permanently lubricated bearings - even for increased cantilever forces for belt and pinion drives as well as the highest speeds, as are often required for test stands.
In the medium output range, the motors have an external contour which makes them very easy to install. This is achieved using the terminal box which is integrated in the separately-driven fan assembly. For higher outputs, a traditional solution is used with a mounted, compact terminal box. For applications ranging from very basic ones to average complexity, these motors, in conjunction with the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control System, can also be controlled without using an encoder. Various encoder systems are available for higher requirements, just the same as for the synchronous servomotors and for all drive converter systems.
The new frame size 280 can be easily integrated into any machine configuration as a result of the versatile cooling and terminal box concept. The motors are either cooled using a radially- mounted cooling unit or through a cooling duct connected to the bearing endshield. The terminal box position can be freely selected depending on the cooling type.
1PH7 - 具有价格优势的紧凑型高效电机
---- 当标准电机的尺寸和技术特性不能适合某些工业领域的应用时,具有IP55防护等级的定子冷却1PH7异步伺服电机就是最适宜的驱动解决方案。框架尺寸可达225,1PH电机可以安装上耐用的、永久性润滑的轴承,以适应皮带或齿轮传动的悬臂力和最高速度,这些往往是测试的要求。
---- 在中等输出功率范围,电机具有一个使它们很容易安装的外形。这是通过使用一个终端盒来实现的,该盒被集成在分离的驱动风扇组件中。为了获得更高的输出功率,传统的解决方法是使用固定紧凑的终端盒。当应用范围从初级到一般复杂类型,这些电机与SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES矢量变频器配合使用,可不使用编码器。当对特性有较高要求时可选用各种编码器,这正如同步伺服电机一样。
---- 新的框架尺寸为280,由于通用的冷却系统和终端盒概念,电机可以很容易的集成到各种机床配置中。该电机可以通过一个放射状固定的冷却单元或者通过连接到齿轮端护板的冷却管冷却。这个终端盒的位置可以根据冷却类型自由地选择。
1PL6: The BIG one for machines with the highest power density
If you prefer a compact three-phase drive over DC solutions or if the ambient conditions allow the use of open motors, then our 1PL6 motors cannot be beaten when it comes to costeffectiveness and output. 1PL6 servomotors, available in frame sizes 180 to 280, are open-circuit entilated asynchronous motors with stator and rotor cooling. This motor cooling means that outputs are available up to 630 kW. 1PL6 motors are in full compliance with IEC 60034-5 with degree of protection IP23.
1PL6 - 较大的,具有高功率密度的电机
---- 如果您倾向于紧凑的三相驱动电机而非DC解决方案,或者周围环境允许使用开放式电机,那么无论是成本效率还是输出功率,1PL6电机都不会让您失望的。1PL6伺服电机可用的框架尺寸从180到280,是一个开环通风异步电机。这种电机冷却系统意味着输出功率可以达到630kW(850HP)。1PL6电机完全与 IEC 60034-5兼容,并具有IP23防护等级。
1PH4: Rugged water-cooled motors for special industry sectors
Our 1PH4 water-cooled servomotors are the optimum solution for extreme ambient conditions, such as high temperature, dust, dirt or aggressive atmosphere here air cooling cannot be used but suitable cooling water is available. These motors have water intake and discharge connections at the non-drive end instead of a fan unit which means that they can develop their full
1PH4 - 特殊工业领域耐用的水冷电机
---- 我们的1PH4水冷伺服电机是特殊环境下最适宜的解决方案,例如高温、粉尘、污垢或恶劣的大气,此种环境下无法使用气冷,但是可以采用水冷。这些电机在非驱动端有入水和排水接口,取代了风扇单元,这意味着它们可以满功率输出,而不依赖于周围环境。
Linear,rotary ,innovative
-cool solutions for direct drives
Innovation and loss-free force transfer distinguish the direct linear and rotary drives from Siemens: The linear motor for straight-line motion and the torque motor for rotary motion. Both of these series guarantee the highest dynamic response and precision no matter what the application. What makes our direct drives so special: On one hand, the current is directly transformed into motion without any significant power loss and detour through the mechanical system. On the other hand, the integrated water cooling neutralizes the motor temperature increase therefore always guaranteeing cool drive solutions.
Motors for innovative designs: Tailored drive concepts
When it comes to innovation, our motors are always leading-edge. In this case, it is not a question as to whether DC or three-phase drive, but what is the fundamental drive concept which is both cost-effective and technically fits the particular production process. In addition to the high efficiency and drive quality, it is especially important that the drive can be easily integrated into your machine.
This is because it is far simpler to directly apply the force where it is needed without having to use mechanical transmission elements such as gears, belts or rack and pinion. In this case, direct drives from Siemens offer a tailored solution precisely aligned to requirements in the field. These motors simplify the mechanical design of your machine, reduces its life cycle costs by providing a higher availability and lowers the operating costs.
---- 我们的电机在创新性上总是处于领先地位的。这不是关于直流驱动电机还是三相驱动电机的问题而是涉及到基本的驱动概念,它应该是成本效益和技术都满足特殊产品的加工过程的。除了具有高效率和驱动质量外,是否容易地集成到您的机械中是非常重要的。将力作用在需要的地方是更加简单的,因为不再需要机械传动元件如齿轮、传送带或齿条和小齿轮等。因此,西门子公司的直接驱动电机提供了定制的解决方案,很好地满足了该领域的要求。使用这种电机将简化您机床的机械设计,同时因为提高了实用性和降低了的运行成本,从而减少了生命周期成本。
1FN3 and FN4 linear motors: The universal power packs
For linear motors, the force is transferred without contact similar to the principle of a magnetic levitationtrain. The driving force is generated by a traveling electromagnetic field in the primary section which moves with respect to the magnetic secondary section. The primary section, located on linear guides, can then move with a high velocity and with absolute track precision. This results in a simple linear force transfer which allows you to create new solutions for innovative machine concepts. Siemens linear motors can be simply selected from a modular system which means that the characteristics and features can be more precisely tailored to your particular drive application. Two motor versions ensure this: 1FN3 linear motors for extreme load duty cycles and short rise times. This is guaranteed as a result of the high ratio between the peak and continuous load and 1FN4 linear motors with their typical low power losses in continuous operation with cyclic load changes.
1FN3和1FN4线性电机 - 通用的功率动力单元
---- 直线电机的作用力是无接触传递的,这类似于磁悬浮列车原理。驱动力是初级部件的移动磁场与磁性的次级部件作用产生的。初级部件安装在直线导轨上,因此可以高速运行并具有较高的轨迹精度。这导致力可非常简单地传递,从而使我们能以创新的机床概念设计新的方案。西门子直线电机可以简单地从一个模块化系统中选出,这意味着直线电机的特性和特色能更符合您的特殊驱动应用。1FN3和1FN4线性电机方案确保了这些功能:由于1FN3线性电机作用力的峰值负载与连续负载的比值高,所以适于极度工作负载循环和较短的上升时间;可保持较低的功率损失的1FN4电机适于在载荷周期变化下的连续运行。
1FW6 and 1FW3 torque motors: Precision rotary motion for production machines
Torque motors, similar to linear motors, are direct drives based on synchronous drive technology. Torque motors have been optimized for high torques at low rated speeds. 1FW6 motors are modular motors which are mainly used as direct drives for rotary tables or swiveling axes of processing machines. With 1FW3 motors, you have a complete range of torque motors which are ready to be installed. Thanks to their compact design, these motors represent the ideal solutions for machinery construction, such as injection molding and special-purpose machines. Both series are water-cooled and are available in different sizes and lengths.
1FW6和1FW3扭矩电机 - 用于生产机械的精确旋转运动
---- 扭矩电机,类似于线性电机,是一种基于同步驱动技术的直接驱动器。扭矩电机已进行了优化,可在低转速时产生较高的扭矩。1FW6电机是模块化电机,它主要用于机床的旋转工作台或者摆角轴。使用1FW3电机,您就拥有了一台可直接安装的扭矩电机。由于紧凑的设计,这些电机意味着理想的机械结构方案,例如喷射铸模和专用机床。这两种电机都采用水冷法,并有多种尺寸和长度。