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题目: 车载式高空作业平台的结构设计
信机 系 机械工程及自动化专业
学 号: 0923104
学生姓名: 张 璐
指导教师: 黄敏(职称:副教授 )
(职称: )
目 录
题目: 车载式高空作业平台结构设计
信机 系 机械工程及自动化 专业
学 号: 0923104
学生姓名: 张 璐
指导教师: 黄敏 (职称:副教授)
(职称: )
我国高空作业机械的生产于上世纪70年代末开始起步,发展较快,根据中国工程机械工业协会对会员单位初步统计,2007年我国高空作业平台行业会员单位产量为2808 ,2008年达到了4045台,高空作业平台产品2008年比2007年增加了1237台,增长率为30.58%;2008年销量达到了3475台,比2007年增加了727台,增长率为20.92%;高空作业平台产品仅2008年1~9月就出口了2180台,比2007年增加了1605台。行业一些骨干企业通过近几年的技术改造,生产规模不断扩大,形成了有各自特色的系列产品,各项经济指标逐步上升,经济效益也逐年提高。国内高空作业平台行业近年来取得了较好的发展,主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)产品市场占有率进一步扩大;(2)产品种类和数量不断增加;(3)产品性能进一步提高;(4)新产品的开发推动了行业技术,利用自己的技术优势和设备优势,开发了许多本行业产品,推动了行业技术的进步。
① 了解高空作业平台的工作原理,国内外的研究发展现状;
② 完成车载式高空作业平台的总体方案设计;
③ 完成有关零部件的选型计算、结构强度校核及液压系统设计;
④ 熟练掌握有关计算机绘图软件,并绘制装配图和零件图纸,折合A0不少于2.5张;
⑤ 完成设计说明书的撰写,并翻译外文资料1篇。
① 测试出典型工况下变幅缸和上、下平衡缸的位移,获得大量的实验数据。
② 对实验数据进行分析处理,为建立高空作业平台工作机构动力学模型、进行仿真与分析作了必要的准备。
① 本课题采用实体建模的方式对设计结构进行强度分析。
② 利用积分法对结构进行强度、刚度分析,其结构比常规的解析法更准确、可靠。
① 实验方案思路已经非常明确,已经具备使用积分法进行强度校核的能力。
② 液压系统的研究还不够完善。
年 月 日
年 月 日
年 月 日
Janusz Krasucki a, Andrzej Rostkowski a, Lukasz Gozdek b, Michał Bartyś b,
a Construction Equipment Research Institute, Napoleona 2, 05-230 Kobyka, Poland
b Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics, Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland
如图1所示.MONTRAKS 3PS的专用车
West Start-CALSTART[3],一个先进的运输技术财团,在美国陆军国家汽车中心(NAC)的支持下,组织一部分混合动力卡车用户论坛(HTUF™)计划试点项目,以加快和协助混合商业化。根据制定的CAL-START的预测,混合驱动车的市场份额在2010年将达到约9%的增长,2020年将达到近18.5%的增长。
在许多情况下,该类机械的工作条件强烈限制或甚至消除燃烧的应用引擎。特别是封闭的空间领域,如工厂商店,仓库,本质安全区等。当前实现柴油 - 电力驱动,可大大推广使用该种设备。另一方面,和其他用于加工的市政服务工程在人口高度密集的区域在夜间(街道喷雾器人士,垃圾车,电车的牵引网络服务车辆等)的公共服务领域相比,是非常独特的。经常由市民报道,有关于服务项目问题的解决是关乎于柴油发动机产生的噪声的水平。
一个由瓦拉公司[4] 设计电池供电的起重机路线的例子,就如何满足不断增加的法规控制室内起重作业时的环境条件,最近对混合解决方案将报盘延期。另一例子是由伊顿公司[5,6]研究的,用于高空作业平台设备的中型卡车的混合动力系统。伊顿公司从2007年8月开始使中型混合动力系统的各种应用商业化,例如一个:电信和直辖市,城市配送,拒绝,城市公交大巴,挑选和携带等。
两层分层控制系统结构在本文中被提到。较低的控制水平是被本地经典的比例 - 积分 - 微分(PID)控制器所应用建造的。一个更高的控制水平是周围形成了一个模糊逻辑控制器(FLC),目的是对低水平本地控制器动态设置控制规则。
图2结构的混合动力驱动单元理念:X - 活塞杆的位移,V - 活塞杆速度,p1- 活塞式压力,R 1 - 阀(8)的开关信号,p2的 - 供应压力,R2 - 切换阀(7)的信号- EM转速,U - 电池电压,I - 电池电流,n2 - ICE转速
常常,牵引网络的维护和修理要耗时整晚,大都消耗在操作上。对于在维修工作的时间期间进行的,该车辆被停放;代替发动机连续不断地运行,并且驱动液压泵供应油给液压设备。在这个执行阶段周期,工作设备的功率需求很低 - 值不超过3%,由于柴油发动机的额定功率[2] 接近它的低效率和重大排放量操作点的区域。同时,柴油机还产生特别恼人的噪音。
讨论的混合动力驱动系统的结构示意图 2。
用于电机的能源供给的是一组电化学蓄能器(5)。驱动设备单元的主要动力源是EM。电动机牵引参数由脉冲宽度调制器(6)控制。它可能扭转电动机运行到发电机模式。EM运行的液压泵(3)供应液压传动系统。 ICE,选择适当的工作点进行试转,成为第二液压泵(2)。液压油流量(2)和(3)在公共电源线上被添加在一起。液压切换阀(7)和(8)重定向油流量在干线电源上通过,要么储罐溢流到油箱阀或液压缸下活塞的腔室(9)。活塞缸(9)控制仰角臂(10)和间接高空作业平台部(11)的位置。很明显,气缸(9)控制负载的势能Q从而影响平台的提升或降低。
图3 结构的控制系统,概念:sp xp -定位点的位置。光伏xp -实际值的位置;e xp -用位置控制误差;sp vp -定位点取消或降低速度的实际工作压力;光伏vp -实际价值,用速度;sp SOC -定位点的电池SOC;太阳能光伏电池SOC -实际价值的电池SOC;pv p1 -实际价值的压力p1;光伏p2 -实际价值的压力p2;OUT2 - PID控制器的输出。
图4 用隶属函数的位置控制误差
•SPL阶段 - 提升的AWP,
•SPD阶段 - 较低的AWP,
•SPP阶段 - 停车的AWP。
在SPL阶段,由于气缸(9)的活塞式运转以及适当的吊杆上升运转,油流的添加或分化从泵(2)和(3)发生。万一流动减少,一个泵流量的一部分会被引导到主电源线,所述提供一部分驱动流量的泵(3)切换到电动机模式。在SPD阶段,油的流动方向在主油压供给线上发生变化,油运行泵(3)和机械耦合的电动马达(4)。在这两个阶段中它可能供给汽缸(9)通过油供给泵(3)由电动马达(4)驱动。电池充电(5)发生在SPP阶段。在此阶段中, AWP是被固定的,泵(3)是由石油供给给泵(2)所驱动的。
t = T时,可表示为:
Q(t0)= Q max的最大容量的电池中,SOC(t0)= 1,
同时,一个电池组的SOC应控制在最小的SOC和最大的SOC之间,从而有效的得到能源的再生制动,使能量最少的丢失和对电池组的压力最小。最低和最高的SOC的标准是根据电池吸收再生能量的能力,并重新启动交通工具系统所确定的。在一般情况下,最小的SOC标准和最大SOC标准之间的差异,在于电池更多的可再生能源能有效地吸收。然而,对于在SOC标准内大跨度地操作可能会降低电池的使用寿命,同时受放电深度的影响。因此,SOC水平应适当地确定在最佳的最小和最大之间的水平[SOC min, SOC max].。考虑到电池的充电和放电效率,本文的SOC范围被设置为[0.3,0.8]。
其中:PICE - 发动机的功率,PMOT - 电机功率。
在 SPL 和SPD 阶段出现最大值DOH
- AWP的位置和速度的控制,
- 控制电池组的SOC。
每个回路可以控制电动机控制器。控制信号是受逻辑单元管理。它的目标是适当的时刻供应平稳切换的控制信号。AWP控制系统用一个级联结构来定位和控制速度。模糊控制器处理AWP的速度。其是从实际的和需求的平台位移来计算的。辅助控制器SP_vp的速度信号,被美联储以经典的PID控制器作为参考,把它与实际速度的平台PV_sp相比。第二控制回路电池的SOC保持在预定义的限制范围。这个循环是由PID控制器和逻辑单元组成的。 PID单元通过连续调节的液压阀位置控制管理电池的充电水平。
3.1 AWP位置控制器
AWP控制器的开发是基于已经开发的经典的级联控制器PID和控制器FLC。 FLC已经被选中,因为其适合控制的非线性,多领域的控制,并随时间变化有多种不确定因素[3]的工厂。该控制器有两个输入:一个AWP(SP_xp-PV_xp)控制位置误差,和一个AWP(PV_vp)测当前速度。 FLC为PID控制器的电动马达计算AWP的速度SP_vp的定位值。
FLC[14]由三个基本的的块组成:模糊化,推断和非模糊化。控制器的输入是在模糊块被统一标准模糊化。事实上,模糊化把清晰的空间映射到模糊的空间。在这个过程中,对于适当的模糊值(模糊集),把每个鲜明的输入信号的每个样品被转变为一组数字信号理解为这个样本的隶属度。 同一的模糊化标准输入被供应到一个推理机。 推理机是在模糊输入,模糊逻辑规则和知识嵌入在规则库中(图6)进行模糊输出。该规则是根据相应的知识或通过依靠资料学习或从真实的后天获得或模拟实验建立起来的。模糊输出从推理机被转化成鲜明值通过依靠非模糊化程序。模糊化的过程中,专门三角形和梯形隶属函数已被使用。每个模糊AWP速度控制器的输入,都是依靠同一模糊化标准的7个隶属函数的装置来实现的(参见图4和5)。
推理过程中应用的规则库描绘在图 6。规则库被设定定量的知识集。总共有49个规则已经被FLC论证。对于清晰度,规则库以彩色矩阵的形式显示。每个条目的矩阵对应于适当的模糊的输出(SP_vp);呈现在图6的右侧垂直条的形式 。
图6 速度规则基于FLC使用,使用概念是表1中给出
3.2 SOC控制器
图7 控制表面的FLC
3.3 无冲击切换系统
一个特别小组已经开发,以避免突然变化的混合动力驱动控制信号的潜在影响。 “
本单元的概念已被示于图 8。
块P1,I1,D1分别表示:成比例的PID1控制器的加-积分 加-导数成分。控制器的主要部分是配有设置控制器输出初始值的输入配置。切换单元跟踪各自的输出:控制器PID1和PID2的OUT1和OUT2。在控制器输出切换的时刻,跟踪系统的设置输出的积分动作I1和I2的值满足下列条件:
一)I1= OUT1切换到SOC控制器,
控制误差值e切换的时刻(t = 0时)补偿辅助值e k,由校正单元生成。校正值e k从值E0= SP_vp-PV_vp下降到零值,在预定义的时间间隔Δt内。这意味着,OUT1和OUT2的值将等于在转换i.e. 控制值时对于直流电动机控制器的不会改变切换时刻。此操作可确保的切换电动机控制装置设定值时无冲击。后来Δt消逝i.e.= 0时,输入的PID1控制器er=e 。
[11]中给出。模型的调整参数部分是从专用汽车MONTRAKS的开发调查[12]所得的。开发的仿真模型具有的一般框图被示于图 9。
图8 交换单元的方块图
图9 MONTRAKS驱动装置模型的方块图
电解铅蓄电池标称容量Q nom=200Ah;额定电压U nom=48 V,
•DC电机:额定功率P nom = 5千瓦,标称转速速度n nom =2300 rpm,
•柴油机额定功率N = 120千瓦
•液压泵提供的标称单位QP =42.3⁎10-6 m3/rev
•液压缸活塞直径D = 10毫米,最大行程S =0.65米
•AWP的惯性负载:M= 680千克
•AWP允许以V max=0.5米/秒速度的提升/降低:
•电池充电的初级水平SOC(T0)= 0.8。
模拟调查被作为循环周期为T =18秒假设的职务执行的,以下是几个阶段:
•SPL阶段 - 解除平台ΔH=1.6米,
•SPP阶段 - 停车平台,tp=5秒,
•SPD阶段 - 降低平台ΔH=1.6米。
图10. AWP 的速度在 SPL 阶段.
图11. AWP 的速度在SPD 阶段
如3.1节中提到的,速度设定值由FLC生成。在早期开始的平台提升阶段(图10)和更低的阶段(图11),当控制误差最大,FLC快速推动最大的输出值。在实际系统中,这可能造成阻尼以低振幅的速度振荡(参照图10)。 平台速度的设定值和实际值在平台运行的结束阶段会无效。这个合理的方法,保证了所要平台的位置。一个较低的平台改变电池的充电水平。在AWP的工作期间SOC的改变示于图 12。轻微电池放电过程被观察到在SPP阶段。这是由于由电动马达装载电池运行液压泵所造成的。在SPD阶段,可观察到SOC增加是由平台的势能转换和再生的。能量回收比率(在SPD阶段热能源的份额比上SPL阶段所使用的能源)以约36%为例被考虑。
图12 电池SOC改变占空比期间
建议配置电池放电的每一个责任周期是0.017%。连续循环的模拟得出结论,SOC达到其最低值0.3在2920循环周期之后。这是相当于14.6 h工作时间,见图13。AWP的有效使用时间占整个工作周期时间74%并达到2.5小时[12]。从而可以得出结论,即AWP的驱动电源只有在电池不过度放电时才能够供给的电动机。如下所述,为整个车辆的工作时间估计平均燃油消耗量可以降低约24%。
图13 电池SOC下降
一个用于混合动力驱动,由AWP速度控制器,AWP位置控制器和电池充电控制器组成的两级多输出控制系统结构,已经研制成功。该系统允许转移系统的工作点使其运动轨迹能达到最佳的节能效果区域。模拟混合动力驱动的调查结果,实验验证表明了所开发的控制系统的正确性。 取得的模拟结果已经制定了一个固定的基础,发展用于发展原型实验室控系统的调查。本文提出的控制系统结构可以考虑用在混合动力驱动器的应用程序中,其在占空比之后致动元件改变它的潜在能量。例如:叉车,高空作业平台,安装转盘的拖车,移动式起重机等。MONTRAKS需要增加现有的高空作业平台驱动器的投资,估计占车辆总成本的2%。为进一步推广应用的技术经济可行性,研究报告应详细到每个个案。
作者答谢在波兰教育部和高等教育部的资金支持下获得5 TO7C 0192:
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Control strategy of the hybrid drive for vehicle mounted aerial work platform
Janusz Krasucki a, Andrzej Rostkowski a, Łukasz Gozdek b, Michał Bartyś b,
a Construction Equipment Research Institute, Napoleona 2, 05-230 Kobyłka, Poland
b Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics, Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland
The development process i.e. assumptions, construction, simulations and analysis of a control strategy for thehybrid drive of the vehicle mounted aerial work platform is presented in the paper. Particular attention ispaid to the development of the control system strategy ensuring appropriate energy recuperation by makinguse of energy stored in the electrochemical form. The control strategy is built up around the concept of bilevelhierarchic control system. The elevation control of the aerial work platform is assumed as the primarygoal of the control system. The secondary goal of the control system is formulated in terms of tracking andkeeping the charging level of the rechargeable electrochemical accumulator in predefined limits. A control system simulation model is developed in Matlab-Simulink environment. Exemplary results of control system simulations are shown on the example of a hydraulic power unit driving aerial work platform mounted on
special vehicle MONTRAKS.
1. Introduction
The reduction of vehicle emission has been an objective of research for many years; partly it is forced by increasingly stringent environmental legislation. The Kyoto protocol, whichwas adopted at the COP3in December 1997, is aimed to decrease the green house gas emissions(GHG) by an average of 5% referring to 1990 levels. It came into force on February 16, 2005 following its ratification by Russia.
Hybrid systems are now gaining attention as a means for reducing GHG emissions by improving fuel economy and energy eficiency.
Market for hybrid driven vehicles is growing up dynamically sincemany years. Contemporary, eleven large car manufacturers use to deliver or to intensively develop hybrid driven vehicles. Even that is mainly focusing on passenger cars segment, it should be stressed that the remarkable effort is undertaken to implement hybrid drives in the trucks, delivery vans and buses [1,2].
WestStart-CALSTART [3], an advanced transportation technologies consortium, supported by U.S. Army National Automotive Center(NAC), organized the pilot program as part of its Hybrid Truck Users Forum (HTUF™) program, to speed up and to assist hybrid commercialization. According to the forecasts elaborated by CALSTART,the hybrid driven trucks market share will grow reaching ca 9% in 2010 and near 18.5% in 2020.
Still heavy duty machines and special purpose vehicles are the object of possible implementation for hybrid drive solution. However there are some doubts, if that application is economically feasible.Considering passenger cars,in respect of environmental regulations,important role plays the “effect of the scale”. In case of heavy duty machines, aerial work platforms, pick and carry mobile cranes or special vehicles with lift equipment, the application of hybrid solution is driven with operating constrains and application.
For many cases, working conditions for that class of machinerystrongly limits or even eliminates the application of combustion engines. In particular that is case of closed space areas such as factory shops, warehouses, intrinsically safe zones, etc. Here the implementation of diesel-electric drives could considerably extend possible use of that kind of equipment. Very unique and on the other side common area of services is municipal services and works used to be processed during night in the highly populated zones (street sprayer-sweepers,garbage trucks, tramway traction networks service vehicles, etc.). It is often reported by municipalities, that the issue to be solved for that services is the level of noise generated by diesel engine.
An example on how to meet the ever-increasing regulations controlling environmental conditions during indoor lifting operations is the battery powered cranes line designed by Valla Corporation [4],which recently extended the offer for hybrid solution. Another example is a hybrid system investigated by Eaton Corporation [5,6]for medium trucks with optional aerial work platform equipment.Eaton began commercializing its medium-duty hybrid system in August 2007 in a wide variety of applications such a: telecommunications and municipality, city delivery, refuse, city transit bus, pick andcarry and so on.
A hybrid vehicle is defined as one that has more than one source of power. Several different types of hybrid solutions have beenconsidered in the past and are still undergoing extensive research,
Fig. 1. Special purpose vehicle MONTRAKS 3PS.
such as Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) [1], which use a motor/generator and battery packs (or other electrical storage devices) and mechanical hybrids which use flywheels to store energy. Hybrid Hydraulic Vehicles (HHVs) [2], which store kinetic energy captured during braking events and store it in hydro-pneumatic accumulators and return energy to driveline during vehicle acceleration. Various different structures of hybrid drives (serial and parallel) have been developed. [7,8]
The hybrid electric system maintains conventional drive train architecture while adding the ability to enhance engine power withelectrical one.
One feature of this system is its ability to recover energy normally lost during braking and store the energy in batteries. The stored energy is used to improve fuel economy and vehicle performance for a given speed or used to operate the vehicle with electric power only.
The control of hybrid power trains is more complicated than the control of ICE only power train. First, one needs to determine the optimal operating mode among five possible modes (motor only,engine only, power assist, recharge, and regenerative). Furthermore,when the power assist mode or the recharge mode is selected, the enginepower and motor power needs to be selected to achieve optimal fuel economy, battery charge balance, and operability. With the increased power train complexity and the need to achieve multiple objectives, most often a two-level control architecture is adopted [5].
Fig. 2. Structure of the hybrid drive unit. Notion: x — piston stem displacement, v — piston stem velocity, p1 — under piston pressure, R1 — switching signal of valve (8), p2 — supply pressure, R2 — switching signal of valve (7), n1 — EM rotational speed, U — battery voltage, I — battery current, n2 — ICE rotational speed, OUT — setpoint of electric motor controller.
Fig. 3. Structure of the control system. Notion: SP_xp — Setpoint of the AWP position. PV_xp — Actual value of the AWP position. e_xp — AWP position control error. SP_vp — Setpoint of the lifting or lower velocity of the AWP. PV_vp — Actual value of the AWP velocity. SP_SOC — Setpoint of the battery SOC. PV_SOC — Actual value of battery SOC. PV_P1 — Actual value of the pressure p1. PV_P2 — Actual value of the pressure p2. OUT1, OUT2 — Outputs of PID controllers.
The analysis of power control systems optimizing: power efficiency factors, fuel consumption and emissions has been given in[3,9,10]. Investigations have been mainly focused on the possibility of kinetic energy recuperation in the phase of vehicle braking.
In this paper, the design of a power management control system isdescribed for a hybrid drive system of special purpose vehicle with hydraulic aerial work platform (AWP) equipment. For that type of vehicles (stop-and-go duty cycles) the potential energy of the load being handled with AWP should be seriously considered as recyclable [11,12].
The major advantage of the proposed hybrid drive over othersolutions is a simple drive architecture. It differs from known solutions, thosewidely used in personal cars. The classic approach (personal cars) needs full redesign of power transmission system. The innovative approach for the special purpose vehicles requires only extension of classic ICE drive with extension unit. Extension unit is composed of electricmotor coupledwith hydraulic pump/motor. That solution allows to differentiate the power flowbetween the thermal and electrical path with help of hydraulic subsystem. However, even that solution is not straightforward from the point of view of power flow, it demands for advanced control system strategies.
Two-layer hierarchical control system architecture is considered in this paper. A lower control level is built by application of local classic proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. A higher control level is developed around a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) with the intention of dynamically setting out control rules for lower level local controllers
2. Characteristics of the target system
A specialized automotive vehicle MONTRAKS (Fig. 1) is intended for repairing and maintenance of tram and trolley-bus overhead wire system, assembling and disassembling of rail track sections and is exploited by the municipal communication services.
Such types of vehicles are usually designed on the bases of regular trucks undercarriage equipped with appropriate working accessories. The equipment is built up around the aerial work platform (AWP) (1) embedded at the end of the boom (2) driven by the set of two hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic swing motor (3).Besides a standard road running on the tires, the major feature of these vehicles is the possibility to move on rail run. That is achieved with additional set of rail wheels (4) which are driven with low speed hydraulic motors.As often as not, maintenance and repairing of the traction networks take place throughout the night, and these are time consuming operations. For the period of the time that repair work is carried out, the vehicle is parked; instead of the engine is continuously running and driving the hydraulic pump which is used to supply oil to the hydraulic equipment. In this phase of duty cycle, a power demand from the working equipment is low — does not exceed 3% value of engine rated power [2], due to that the diesel operation point approaches the regions of its low efficiency and significant emissions. Simultaneously, the diesel generates particularly bothersome noise.
Disadvantages mentioned above may be eliminated for instance by introducing an additional electric motor (EM) powered by an electrochemical battery pack. In this case, the ICE will deliver
mechanical power when the vehicle moves from/to its operation area. While parking the vehicle's power demand from the working equipment will be balanced from the EM and optionally from the ICE.
The structure of discussed hybrid drive is shown in Fig. 2
Energy for the motor is supplied from a set of electrochemicalaccumulators (5). The primary power source of the equipment drive unit is the EM. Motor traction parameters are controlled by the pulse width modulator (6). It is possible to reverse the motor's operation into generator mode. The EM runs the hydraulic pump (3) supplying the hydraulic actuation system. The ICE, running in the appropriate chosen operating point, drives the second hydraulic pump (2).Hydraulic oil flows frompumps (2) and (3) are added together in the common supply line. Hydraulic switching valves (7) and (8) redirect the oil flow in the main supply line either to the tank via overflow valve or to the under piston chamber of the hydraulic cylinder (9).The piston stemof the cylinder (9) controls the elevation angle of the boom (10) and indirectly the position of AWP (11). It is obvious that the control of the cylinder (9) influences the potential energy of load Q while the platform is lifting or lowering.
The following phases are to be distinguished in the duty cycle of the
hybrid drive unit:
• SPL phase — lifting of the AWP,
• SPD phase — lower of the AWP,
• SPP phase — parking of the AWP.
In SPL phase, as a result of movements of the cylinder's (9) piston and appropriate boom lifting movements, the addition or differentiation of oil flows from pumps (2) and (3) takes place. In case of subtraction of flows, one part of the pump flow (2) is directed to the main supply line and the reminder part of flow drives the pump (3) switched into motor mode. In SPD phase, the direction of oil flow in the main hydraulic supply line changes, oil runs the pump (3), and the mechanically coupled electric motor (4). In both phases it is possible to supply cylinder (9) by the oil delivered by the pump (3) driven by electric motor (4). Charging a battery (5) occurs in the SPP phase. In this phase, the AWP is fixed, and the pump (3) is driven by oil provided by the pump (2).
Fig. 4. Membership functions of the AWP position control error.
3. Control strategy
In general, the main objective of the power control strategy is to operate the hybrid drive with possible high energy efficiency and low emissions while maintaining specified vehicle performance [13].Maximal use of electric power is the main task of the hybrid drive control system. This corresponds with specific requirements for noise level and economic operation of MONTRAKS vehicle.This can be achieved by applying of the proposed power control strategy. This strategy is based on operation of AWP velocity closed to required trajectory and effectively capturing of the regenerative energy by controlling the state of charge (SOC) of a battery. As it is only possible,the electric drive should be used in SPL and SPD phases of duty cycle.SOC is the ratio of present charge of a battery to the maximum charge that can be possibly stored in the battery and in time instantt=T may be expressed as:
where:Q(t0)=Qmax maximal capacity of the battery, SOC(t0)=1,i(t) battery charging or recharging current.Meanwhile, the SOC of a battery should be controlled between a minimum SOC and a maximum SOC to obtain regenerative braking energy effectively with the least amount lost and stress on the battery.The minimum and maximum SOC levels are determined according to
the ability of a battery to absorb regenerative energy and to restart vehicle systems. In general, the larger the difference between the minimum SOC level and the maximum SOC level, the more regenerative energy a battery can effectively absorb. However, the larger span of operating SOC levels may reduce the battery's life, which is affected by the depth of discharge. Hence, the SOC levels should be appropriately determined between optimal minimum and maximum levels [SOCmin, SOCmax]. Considering the battery charging and discharging efficiency, the SOC range is set to [0.3, 0.8] in this paper. The power flow distribution between engine and electric motor may be defined through degree of hybridization (DOH) of the drive:
where: PICE — engine power, Pmot — motor power.
The combined power management/design optimization problem can be written as follows:
XSP(t) 2 desired AWP trajectory
XPV(t) 2 actual AWP trajectory.
A structure of the proposed control system for this purpose is given in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 shows the structure of the control system. The control system consists of two loops:
— control of the AWP position and velocity,
— control of the SOC of battery pack.
Each loop may control electric motor controller. Control signals are governed by the logic unit. It is aimed to provide smooth switching of control signal for appropriate time instants. Control system for AWP positioning and velocity control has a cascade structure. Fuzzy controller processes the velocity of the AWP. It is calculated from the real and desired platform displacement. Velocity signal from the auxiliary controller SP_vp is fed as the reference to the classic PID controller and it is compared with actual velocity of the platform PV_sp. The second control loop keeps the SOC of battery in predefined limits. This loop consists of PID controller and logic unit. PID unit controls the level of charge of the battery through continuous adjustment the hydraulic valves positioning.
Fig. 5. Membership functions of the AWP velocity.
3.1. AWP position controller
A controller of the AWP has been developed based on the cascade of classic PID controller and FLC. The FLC has been chosen because of its suitability for control of nonlinear, multiple-domain, and timevarying plant with multiple uncertainties [3]. This controller has two inputs: a control error of the AWP postion (SP_xp−PV_xp), and acurrent velocity of the AWP (PV_vp). The FLC calculates setpoint value of the AWP velocity SP_vp for the PID controller of the electric motor.
The FLC [14] consists of three basic blocks: fuzzyfication, inference and defuzzyfication. Inputs of the controller are fuzzyfied in the fuzzyfication block. In fact, fuzzification maps the space of crisp values onto the space of fuzzy ones. In this process, each crisp sample of each input signal is transformed into the set of numbers interpreted as the membership degrees of this samples to the appropriate fuzzy values (fuzzy sets). Fuzzyfied inputs are fed to an inference machine. The inference machine makes fuzzy outputs based on: fuzzy inputs, fuzzy logic rules and knowledge embedded in the rule base (Fig. 6). The rule base is created based on the appropriate knowledge or by means of learning from data or is acquired from real or simulation experiments. Fuzzy output from the inference machine is transformed into the crisp value by means of defuzzyfication procedure. Exclusively the triangle and trapezoidal membership functions have been used in the process of fuzzyfication. In fuzzy AWP velocity controller each input was fuzzyfied by means of seven membership functions (see Figs. 4 and 5).
The rule base applied for the inference process is depicted in Fig. 6. Rule base is assumed as the set of quantitative knowledge. A total of 49 rules have been formulated for the FLC. For the clarity, the rule base is displayed in the form of colored matrix. Every entry to the matrix corresponds with the appropriate fuzzy output (SP_vp); that is presented in the form of vertical bar in the right side of Fig. 6. Conventional, center of gravity [14] method has been applied for the defuzzyfication of fuzzy output. A control surface of developed FLC has been presented in Fig. 7. As mentioned above, the output from the FLC is fed to the AWP velocity PID controller. Velocity of the AWP is controlled in the follow-up control system by controlling rotational speed of the hydraulic pump (Fig. 2). Settings of the velocity controller have been carefully tuned to ensure aperiodic transition (without overshoots) even in case of stepwise excitation (see Figs. 10 and 11).
3.2. SOC controller
The linear PID controller has been applied for the control of the battery's SOC (Fig. 3). The actual value of SOC is continuously estimated fromEq. (1) making use of the measurements of the battery current. An additional control unit allows for driving the coils of electro-hydraulic valves R1 and R2. Control signals for the electro-hydraulic valves are obtained from the measurements of supply pressure p2, under piston pressure p1, and current and voltage (I, U) of the battery.
Fig. 6. The rule base of the AWP velocity FLC. Notion used is given in Table 1.
Fig. 7. Control surface of the FLC.
In the lifting phase of the AWP, the control unit delivers an appropriate excitation for the electro-hydraulic valves (7) and (8). In outcome, the under piston chamber of the cylinder is connected with the main hydraulic supply line. After a demanded position of the AWP is reached, the valve (8) will be driven towards its neutral position, which will finish the movement of the platform.
Here, the energy of the combustion motor may be used for battery charging. In the battery charging phase, the charging controller controls also the pressure in the under piston chamber of the hydraulic cyli