Welcome to my class!,I’m Dr. Reading.,I’m Dr. Writing.,We often help each other.,,,Reading and Writing,Topic: Protecting the Environment,,Step 1 Brainstorming,How can we protect the environment?,We should … 1.plant more trees 2….,We should not… 1. 2. …,Step 1 Brainstorming,How can we protect the environment?,We should … 1.plant more trees 2….,We should not… 1…. 2…. …,,,,plant more trees,We should…,save water,turn off the lights when we leave the room,go to school on foot,,,We should not …,cut down trees,waste water,drop litter everywhere,use plastic bags,,Step 2 Reading,We should … 1. plant more trees 2. save water 3. turn off the lights when we leave the room …,We should not… 1. cut down trees 2. waste water 3. drop litter everywhere 4. use plastic bags …,How can we protect the environment?,Scientists say that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world won’t have enough clean water. We have to learn how to save more water for ourselves and our children. Here is some advice for saving water: First, turn off the tap while you brush your teeth. You can save as much as 450 liters each month. Second, leaky taps (漏水的龙头) waste a lot of water. Fix them right away! Third, you can easily cut your 10-minute showers in half---and you’ll be just as clean. Fourth, when you wash dishes, don’t let the water run. At last, only wash clothes when you have a lot to wash. If your washing machine isn’t full, you’re wasting water!,Passage,( )1.What’s the best title of the article? A. Why Should We Save Water ? B. Suggestions about How to Save Water. C. Water Is Important. D. Don’t Waste Water. ( ) 2.How many suggestions are there to save water? A.3 B.4 C. 5 D.6,B,1. Fast-reading,Who is the fastest ?,C,Scientists say that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world won’t have enough clean water. We have to learn how to save more water for ourselves and our children. Here is some advice for saving water: First, turn off the tap while you brush your teeth. You can save as much as 450 liters each month. Second, leaky taps (漏水的龙头) waste a lot of water. Fix them right away! Third, you can easily cut your 10-minute showers in half---and you’ll be just as clean. Fourth, when you wash dishes, don’t let the water run. At last, only wash clothes when you have a lot to wash. If your washing machine isn’t full, you’re wasting water!,Passage,Scientists say that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world won’t have enough clean water. We have to learn how to save more water for ourselves and our children. Here is some advice for saving water:,,,,,,,Reading tips 1:读首末段及每段第一二句,倒数一二句以快速确立文章主题。本篇文章主题句在Para. 1,Reading tips 2:巧抓关联词, 理清文章层次,条理。,Suggestions about How to Save Water 1. _________________when brushing the teeth. 2. Fix _______________right away. 3. __________10-minute showers_________. 4. Don’t _______water________ when washing dishes. 5. Wash clothes only when the washing machine is _________.,2. Read and fill in the blanks,Reading tips 3: 抓文章重点。,Turn off the tap,leaky taps,Cut in half,let run,full,,Practice makes perfect!,Step 3 Writing,Complete the sentences(3分),1.保护环境是我们的责任。 ________________protect the environment. 2.我们应该尽我们最大努力让城市越来越干净。 We should _____________ to make our city _____________________.,It’s our duty to,try our best,cleaner and cleaner,3. 他们经常捡起地上的垃圾, 并为自己的这种行为而自豪。 They often ___________ the litter on the floor and _________________their own behavior.,pick up,are proud of /take pride in,,Writing tips : 注意积累与写作话题有关的典型句型和 常见短语。,Correct the mistakes(5分),1. Mr. Green is a cleaner, she cleans the street. 2. Just now, he did homework and take out the trash. 3. In the future, there will have less cars and more trees. 4.My hometown is a interesting place. I very like it. 5. They by bike to school.,,,. He,took,there will be fewer,,an,I like it very much.,,,,go to school by bike,,Writing tips : 注意人称,时态,冠词等语法,避免中式英(Chinglish )。,同义句转换(4分),1. We should protect the environment. We _____ _______ _________ protect the environment. 2. He usually walks to school . He usually _____ _____school ____ _____. 3. We must look after the trees and flowers well. We must _____ ____ ________ _________the trees and flowers. 4. It took me an hour to wash the clothes by hand. I __________an hour __________the clothes by hand.,are supposed to,goes to on foot,take good care of,,spent washing,Writing tips : 善用同义词,同义短语,避免文章单调乏味。,保护环境, 人人有责。作为中学生,我们应该做些什么呢?用4-5句话完成一篇作文。,口头作文( 10分),plant more trees,save water,turn off the lights when we leave the room,go to school on foot,保护环境, 人人有责。作为中学生,我们应该做些什么呢?用4-5句话完成一篇作文。,口头作文( 10分),plant more trees,save water,turn off the lights when we leave the room,go to school on foot,We had better We are supposed to…,First… Second… Third…,,Writing tips : 善于运用连词,使文章逻辑结构紧密,层次分明,条理清楚。,As students, we should try our best to protect the environment. First, we should plant more trees. Second, we are supposed to save water. Third, it’s best to go to school on foot. Besides, we had better turn off the lights when we leave the room.,,,,,,2. Writing : Low–carbon Life,,,,,,,,随着全球环境的恶化,越来越多的人选择过“低碳生活” (low-carbon life),即减少二氧化碳的排放,低能量,低消耗的生活。请根据表格中的内容,以How to Live a Low-carbon Life为题,用英语写一段80词左右的文章。内容必须包括以下要点:,注意: 1.文章已给出部分内容,不计入总词数。,,,In order to protect the environment, more and more people choose to live a low-carbon life. As students, first, we should_______________________________________ ________________________________________________ On the other hand, we shouldn’t do a lot of things. ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ In a word,____________________________________ __________________________________________________,_____________________________________,summary,homework,How to Live a Low-carbon Life In order to protect the environment, more and more people choose to live a low-carbon life. As students, first,,Sample,we should plant more trees. Second, we had better go to school on foot or by bike. Besides, we are supposed to turn off the lights when we leave the room. On the other hand, we shouldn’t do a lot of things. First, we shouldn’t cut down trees. Second, we had better not go to school by car. What’s more, we aren’t supposed to spend too much time watching TV or surfing the Internet. In a word, if we try our best to protect the environment, the world will become more and more beautiful.,summary,homework,Summary,Reading tips: 读首末段及每段第一二句,倒数一二句以 快速确立文章主题。 2. 巧抓关联词,以理清文章层次,条理。 3. 注意抓重点。平时注意积累, 为写作积累素材。,Writing tips: 1. 确定标题,抓齐要点,开篇点题。 2.注意人称,时态,冠词等语法,避免中式英语(Chinglish)。 3.善于运用同义词,同义短语,避免文章单调乏味。 4. 善于运用连词,使文章逻辑结构紧密,层次分明,条理清楚。,Summary,Homework,1. 收集与环保有关的短语及典型句型。 2. 收集整理与健康相关的文章,短语及典型句型,为下次写作做准备。,,Many thanks!,,,Writing tips,1. 确定标题,抓齐要点,开篇点题。 2. 注意时态,人称。 3. 注意不同语言的表达方式,避免中式英(Chinglish )切忌望文生义,生搬硬套。 名词单复数,冠词等的用法 一般来说,,3.扬长避短,迂回表达。 如:某句不知如何表达,最好用同义词或同义句表达。 4.巧用关联词, 让文章逻辑结构紧密,层次分明,条理清楚。 表罗列顺序:first, second, third… / first , next, then … finally 表因果:therefore , so , because 表举例:for example, such as 表转折: however, but 表正反对立:on the one hand…; on the other hand… 表总结:In a word (总而言之),Sample,My name is Li Ming. Now let me tell you something about my low-carbon life. First, I try my best to go to school on foot every day. Second, I always remember to turn off the lights ,TVs and so on when I leave the room. Third, I take an active part in outdoor activities so that I will stay away from my computer and spend little time surfing the Internet. Besides, I don’t use the plastic bags. I am proud of my low-carbon life.,My Low-carbon Life,节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。 Li Ming 是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生,假设你是他,请以“My Low-carbon Life ”为题,写一篇60-80词左右的短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 要点 1.尽量每天步行上学 2.离开房间时,关灯、电视等 3.少上网,多参加户外(outdoor)运动 4.不使用塑料袋 (plastic bags) ____________________ My name is Li Ming. Now let me tell you something about my low-carbon life. _______ _______________________________________ _______________________________________,,,,时态,人称,要点,标题, 常见语法错误:冠词,动词三人称单数,主谓一致, 书写,Earth Hour Earth Hour started in Sydney at 8:30 p.m. on March 31, 2007. More than 2.2 million homes and companies turned off the lights for an hour. A year later, on March 29, 2008, the Earth Hour became a global activity. 50 million people from 35 countries came into this activity. People turn off the lights to save the energy and improve the climate. What can we do in this hour? We can have dinner with our families in the candlelight, or we can sit with our friends and tell stories among one another. We can also do some sports. On March 28, 2009, Earth Hour came to China. People from about 2200 cities around the world turned off the light. The cities included Beijing,Shanghai, Harbin and so on. Earth Hour 2011 was very successful.,Passage 3,Read and fill in the blanks,1. Earth Hour is from _______ p.m. to_______ p.m. 2. To _______________ and ___________________, people turn off the lights. 3. Earth Hour first started in ____________ on March 31, 2007. 4. ___________ cities joined in the activity in 2009. 5. “Earth Hour” has lasted for ________years.,9:30,8:30,save the energy,Sydney,About 2200,5,improve the climate,2. Read and fill in the blanks,,拥有一个干净、优美的学习环境非常重要,因此,保持校园环境的清洁,人人有责.请你以 “How to Make Our School Clean and Beautiful” 为题,根据提示,写一篇60-80词的文章,内容可适当拓展。 要点: 1. 爱护花草树木。 2. 不随地吐痰 。 3. 不乱涂乱画,不乱扔垃圾。 提示: spit(吐痰) throw rubbish(扔垃圾),Homework,How to Make Our School Clean and Beautiful Our school is like our home. We should love it. It's our duty to keep it clean and beautiful all the time. We should take good care of the trees and flowers in it. We shouldn't spit in public places, like the library and the classroom. We should neither draw pictures on the wall nor throw any rubbish around us. If we try our best to protect our school environment, I'm sure our school will be more and more beautiful.,What can we do to live a low- carbon life?,go to school on foot/ by bus/ by bike don’t take a car or taxi plant more trees turn off the lights , TVs and so on don’t use plastic bags(塑料带 ) save water … 图片, 链接文章,flash,,?,Second , we should keep quiet in the library. First , we have to wear our uniforms in school, though most of us don’t like them at all. We have many school rules. Besides , we are supposed to return books to the library on time. In my opinion, school rules are good for us. We should try our best to follow them. Third , we must do lots of homework.,Put the sentences into the right order .,3 - 2 - 1- 4- 6 - 5,___-____-____-_____-_____-_____,School rules,School Rules,We have many school rules. First , we have to wear our uniforms, though most of us don’t like them at all. Second , we should keep quiet in the library. Besides , we are supposed to return books on time Third , we must do lots of homework. In my opinion, school rules are good for us so we should try our best to follow them. .,为配合我市“礼仪湛江(Charm Zhanjiang)”活动的开展,某学校开展以“How to behave well?”为主题的英语作文比赛,请你以一名初中学生的身份写一篇80词左右的短文参赛。 内容包括: 1.守时,不说脏话 2.礼貌待人,热心助人。 3.遵守交通规则,不乱扔垃圾。 4……. 注意: 1. 文中不能出现校名和自己的姓名; 2. 内容可适当拓展。 要求: 不要逐词翻译.,Sample,How to behave well? As a student in Zhanjiang, we should behave well. First, I think it’s very important to do everything on time and keep promises. Never lie to others or say dirty words. Next we should be polite to others and ready to help people in need. Then we’d better not talk loudly in public. Don’t throw litter or spit about. And remember to obey traffic rules. In a word, we should try our best to make Zhanjiang more and more beautiful.,On watching TV,Now watching TV has become a part of our life. It has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, we can learn many things from it and it can take us anywhere we haven’t been before. On the other hand, it also does harm to us. If we put our hearts into TV, we may have no time to do our homework. Besides, it is bad for our eyes. Many students begin to wear glasses because of watching TV too long. Some TV programs are unhealthy and they are bad for us too. So in my opinion, I think we should watch TV less and we shouldn’t watch unhealthy TV programs. If everyone follow these, life will become more colorful and healthy.,How to make coffee,If you want to make coffee, 1._________, put water in a pot and heat the water. 2.__________, take the instant coffee(速溶咖啡) and put about one teaspoon of it into your teacup. After that, pour the nearly boiling water into your teacup. 3._____________, slightly stir your coffee and put some sugar in it. 4.____________, enjoy the wonderful drink you’ve made.,first,Next,Then,Finally,Chinese Tree Planting Day came from Doctor Sun Yansen. He started calling for tree planting in the 19th century. In order to remember him, In 1979 China made March 12 Tree Planting Day. Can you guess how many trees have been planted in China in the past 26 years? Around 40 billion! That's enough trees to go around the earth 994 times. Trees are good for many things, so the more, the better. Even more than this, a tree near your house means you don't have to worry about being late for school any more. Birds’ songs will wake you up early every morning! Already thinking about where to plant your first tree? Get going!,Fast reading,Tree Planting Day,Read and answer the questions,,When did the tree planting day start? 2. We have had Tree Planting Day for _______years. 3. When is the article written? ________ .,In 1979.,33,In 2004,,Have you ever planted some trees on Tree Planting Day? Every year, millions of people, both 1 , plant a lot of trees. But this may not be the best way to make our home a 2 place. Last week we visited a city in Hebei. We were all 3 to see a lot of trees burning near the hills. We drove there and asked why, the workers there told us that the trees 4 soon after they were planted. 5 they burned them and cleaned the place for planting 6 trees this year. We found a card and it 7 ,“I hope this tree will grow up with me to 8 the backbone(栋梁)of our country.”The workers said that it was important for us to plant more trees, but making them alive was more important.Some people now have a new idea that they can donate(捐赠)some money and let professionals(专业人员)plant and 9 the trees. Because they have more knowledge about planting trees and can do 10 than us. Do you think so?,,,Step 1 Brainstorming,,,,,,,,,What should we do to protect the environment?,Protecting the Environment,What shouldn’t we do?,use disposable [di’spəʊzəbəl] (一次性的)chopsticks,We should not …,,,How do cars and factories make our water dirty? First, they pollute the air. Then, when it rains, the rain water comes down and makes our drinking water dirty. Dirty rain , called acid rain, is also bad for plants, animals and buildings.,写好英语书面表达,应注意哪些问题? 1、认真审题,紧扣提示内容 准确理解题意是成功写好作文的第一步,然后把要点一一写清,不能丢三落四,一般情况下,写清要点后,要适当发挥,但必须紧扣主题,适可而止。 2、做到语言基本无误。 要点确定了,就可以构思文章的写作框架,先写什么,后写什么,尽量不要出现语法错误。eg:名词的复数、所有格、代词的数与格,数词的基数与序数、形容词的等级、动词的各种形式、句子的结构语序、标点等都要准确。 3、文章要通顺连贯。 条理要清晰,句与句之间联系要紧密,连接词使用要恰当。不能东一笔,西一笔,让人看了不知所云。 4、尽可能表达清楚,发挥想象力和创造力。 每个要点、句子都尽可能表达清楚明白,根据提示,选用自己最熟悉、最有把握的词组、句型来写每一句话,最好多用简单句,适当运用并列句、复合句,切记不用自己没把握的、不熟悉的句式,以免写成chinglish。 5、提笔写文章时,要做到: (1)语言精练,层次、结构分明。,一般有词数限制,句子要言简意赅,语句达意,严禁写出与主题无关的话题。 (2)用词贴切,力求变化。 选用的词、句式,避免单一,反复出现,善用同义词、同义句表达出来。 (3)时态准确,无语法错误。 正确使用句子时态也是中考作文的重头戏。一般来说,记叙文是记叙已发生的事,以过去时为主,说明文阐明的是事实,以现在时为主,通知表达的是将要发生的事,以将来时为主。 (4)扬长避短,迂回表达 尽量用大家都会用的句子,大家都认识的词,如果某词不记得,或某句不知如何表达,最好用同义词或同义句表达。 (5)字数要相当。 中考作文大都要求在60—80字左右,一般不能少于最低字数,否则将被扣分,字数相符加1分。 (6)书写工整、规范。 如文章书写潦草,会被甩到下一档,会吃大亏。 (7)反复修改,检查。,,Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I don't agree with them. Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of(缺乏) others, for example, fresh water(淡水)。 It is reported that we will have no coal(煤) or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it.I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.,,In our everyday life,we can do many things to prevent waste from happening,for example,turn off the water taps(水龙头) when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom,try not to order more food than we need,and so on. Little by little,everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day,if we do our best.,White pollution,?,Complete the sentences (2),多亏了这些清洁工,我们的城市总是很干净。 ___________ the cleaners, our city is always clean. 2. 他们捡起地上的垃圾,并为自己的这种行为而自豪。 They ___________ the litter on the floor and _________________their behavior.,Thanks to,pick up,are proud of /take pride in,,Correct the mistakes,1. Mr. Green is a cleaner, she cleans the street. 2. Just now, he did homework and take out the trash. 3. In the future, will have less cars and more trees. 4.My hometown is a interesting place. I very like it.,,,. He,took,there will be fewer,人称,时态,,,,,an,I like it very much.,,冠词,冠词,习惯用法,,,We can improve our writing ability by reading. Writing is helpful to reading skills.,,,cut down trees,waste water,drop litter everywhere,use plastic bags,We are not supposed to … We had better not…,保护环境,人人有责。 作为中学生,我们应该不应该做什么呢?根据下列图片提示,用4-5句话完成一篇话题作文。,We should not …,cut down trees,waste water,drop litter everywhere,use plastic bags,口头作文,We are not supposed to … We had better not…,,Sample,In order to protect the environment, we aren’t supposed to do a lot of things. First, we shouldn’t cut down trees. Second, we had better not waste water. Third, we shouldn’t drop litter everywhere. Besides, it’s best to take our own shopping bags instead of using plastic bags.,,As students, we should try our best to protect the environment. First, we should plant more trees. Second, we are supposed to save water. Third, it’s best to go to school on foot. Besides, we had better turn off the lights when we leave the room.,,- 配套讲稿:
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- 英语 阅读写作 环境保护
