商务英语(上) 扇贝炼句
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商务英语(上)效率技能第一课10 炼句Why don't you call Suzy? She's a dab hand at organizing barbecues.你为什么不找苏西呢?她是组织烧烤的行家。I've got a month to reorganize the accounts department. I have my work cut out for me!我有一个月的时间重组财务部。这对我来说困难重重。The training course was very interesting but the acid test will come when I start my new job.培训课程非常有意思,但当我开始新的工作时,就要面临决定性的考验了。By studying on the train on the way home, Claire kills two birds with one stone.通过在回家的火车上学习,克莱尔一举两得。We need someone who is really on the ball to head the fund-raising campaign.我们需要一个有能力的人去主导这一次的筹款活动。When the argument turned into a fight, the bar owner took the bull by the horns and called the police.争吵升级为斗殴,酒吧老板当机立断,打电话报警。John is very intelligent but he can't hold a candle to his brother Paul when it comes to sports.约翰很聪明,但在体育方面就无法和他的哥哥保罗相提并论了。Meals are always served on time. In their home everything runs like clockwork.在他们家,饭菜总是按时上桌,一切都井井有条。When we launched the new product, we cut the ground from under our competitors' feet.我们推出了这个新产品,让竞争对手相形见绌。Another coat of paint should do the trick.再凃一层漆应该能达到理想的效果。效率技能第二课10 炼句We can't say it's impossible until we've explored all avenues.直到尝试过所有可能性以后,我们才能说这是行不通的。In view of the number of homeless, it was decided to fast track the construction of low-cost housing.考虑到无家可归的人口数量,(政府)决定为廉租房的建设开辟快速通道。The police are examining the scene of the crime with a fine-tooth comb.警察正在仔细地检查犯罪现场。He's got sandwich making down to a fine art.他让三明治的制作成为了一项精细的工艺。After a lot of hard work, we finally got the campaign off the ground.经过一番辛苦的工作,我们终于让活动顺利展开了。Jack's plan won't work unless he gets his act together.如果杰克不能振作起来进入状态,他的计划就起不了作用。We need to get our ducks in a row if we want our project to succeed.如果我们想要让项目成功,就需要做到有条不紊。You can count on Tom; he's always willing to go the extra mile.你可以指望汤姆;他总是很乐意去做些份外的事。 The two parties went to great lengths to reach an agreement.双方为达成共识不遗余力。We've already obtained a loan for the project - that's half the battle!我们已经为项目申请到了贷款—— 这就算成功了一半!效率技能第三课10 炼句Good lawyers need to be able to think on their feet when pleading a case.为案件辩护时,好的律师要能做到才思敏捷。As soon as he received the permit, he started to build. He never lets the grass grow underhis feet!他一得到许可就开始进行构建,从不浪费时间。A successful investor keeps his finger on the pulse of international business.一个成功的投资者能随时掌握国际商务的动向。The boys made light work of the cleaning up. The house was spotless in no time.男孩子们做起清洁毫不费力。房子很快就一尘不染了。The management left no stone unturned in their efforts to find a solution to the crisis.在为危机寻找对策的努力中,管理层用尽了一切办法。Our products will have to be more innovative if we want to stay ahead of the pack.如果我们想要保持领先,我们的产品就必须要有更多创新。The new office manager really runs a tight ship.新来的业务经理管理纪律严明。Demonstrating the new product was no problem for Pedro. He sailed through it.展示新产品对佩德罗来说不成问题,很轻松就能完成。When Susan saw the lack of progress, she decided to take matters into her own hands.当苏珊看到进展缓慢时,她决定亲自解决问题。There's no risk involved. The method has been tried and tested.这个方法是经过反复验证的,不存在任何的风险。协商第一 课10 炼句Because he was clearly on his uppers when he was hired, he was given an advance in salary.他被雇佣时一贫如洗,因此预付了部分工资给他。I'm well prepared for the negotiations. I've got an ace up my sleeve.我手中藏有王牌,已经准备好进行谈判了。When they refused the terms of the contract, it was back to square one for the negotiators.他们拒不接受合同条款。对谈判双方而言,一切又回到了原点。With his back to the wall, the supplier had to accept the deal.供应商走投无路,只能接受这个交易。I asked Joe to lend me his bicycle, and he sent me this old, rusty one. But beggars can't bechoosers.我向乔借他的自行车,然后他给了我这辆锈迹斑斑的旧车。不过,饥不择食啦。The director bent over backwards to try and persuade them to accept our proposal.主管使出浑身解数试图说服他们接受我们的提议。He's not hesitating, he's just biding his time, waiting for the price to drop.他不是个犹豫不决的人,他只是在等待时机,等价格降下来。The salaries have been agreed on, but opening on Sundays is still a bone of contention.关于薪酬的问题已经达成了一致,但是在周日营业这一点上仍有争议。Be prepared for tough negotiations with Dan. He drives a hard bargain.准备好和丹进行艰难的谈判吧,他很会杀价。Our agent promised to keep us posted on developments in the negotiations.我们的代理商保证会及时告知谈判进程。协商第二 课9 炼句Both parties left the door open for further negotiations.双方都为进一步协商保留了空间。They settled the argument by agreeing to meet each other halfway.他们决定各退一步以解决争议。He decided to play for time in the hope that the price would decrease.他决定实行缓兵之计,希望价格能降下来。The two foreign ministers prepared the ground for negotiations.两国外长为谈判创造了良好的条件。If we play our cards right, we'll get the contract.如果我们能处理得当,就可以拿到这份合约。Don't mention that subject during the negotiations or you could be skating on thin ice.谈判的时候不要提到那个话题,不然你就会如履薄冰。The choice of distributor was a sticking point in the negotiations.经销商的抉择是谈判中的症结。He took time to take stock of the situation before making a suggestion.在提出建议之前,他会花一些时间评估形势。If the goods are not delivered this week, we'll have to turn up the heat.如果这周货物无法交付,我们就只好额外施压了。成功第一 课10 炼句Maria's parents said she could go to the party if she aced her English test.玛利亚的父母说,如果英语考试能拿 A 她就可以去参加派对。Negotiations have broken down, and it's back to square one.谈判破裂,一切重回原点。An hour before the polling stations closed, victory seemed in the bag for the Conservative candidate.投票站关闭前一个小时,保守党候选人似乎已稳操胜券。After years of hard work, his research finally began to bear fruit.在努力了很多年后,他的研究终于开始取得成果。The latest evolutionary theory may turn out to be a blind alley.最新的进化论可能会走进死胡同。If he sings like that on Saturday, he'll bring the house down.如果他星期六时能唱成那样,一定能博得满堂喝彩。The trip was difficult to organize, but it blew up in his face when the airline company went onstrike.这趟旅行好不容易组织起来,但航空公司的罢工让他的努力全白费了。He recorded an album but sold very few copies; the cake wasn't worth the candle.他录制了一张唱片,但只卖出了几份;这真是得不偿失。The ball touched the goal post - close but no cigar!足球击中了门柱—— 差点就 进了!His career as a lawyer came to grief after he became involved with gamblers.与赌徒掺和到一起以后,他的律师生涯惨淡收场。成功第二 课10 炼句The harder I work, the more I move up in the world.我越努力工作,越能往高处走。After several disappointments, everything seems to be coming up roses for the tennis player this year.在几度失望以后,这个网球选手今年所有的进展似乎都顺利了起来。When the burglar saw the police car arriving, he realized his goose was cooked!当窃贼看见警车来了时,他意识到自己彻底完蛋了。Our company is going from success to success. We're on the crest of a wave right now.我们的公司一直在成功,现在如日中天。Our team is on course for a victory in the national championship.我们队在全国锦标赛上所向披靡。Tony has already missed a lot of classes. He's cutting his own throat.托尼已经缺了很多堂课。他这是自取灭亡。The project was a dead duck from the start due to a lack of funding.由于资金匮乏,这个项目从一开始就注定是要失败。The project is out of funds and dead in the water for the time being.项目资金匮乏,暂时被搁置。I applied for the job, but being a woman, and over forty, the dice were loaded against me.我应聘了这份工作。但是作为一名女性,一名年过四十的女性,我获得这份工作的机会很渺茫。The hardest part for the burglars was turning off the alarm system. After that it was alldownhill.对于小偷来说最难的部分是关闭报警系统,之后就很容易了。 成功第三 课10 炼句He made a few attempts at humor during his speech but most of his jokes fell flat.在演讲的过程中,他试着活跃气氛,但是大部分的笑话都反应平平。I nearly won the quiz; unfortunately I drew a blank at the last question!我差一点就赢得了竞猜;可惜最后一个问题没回答上来。I didn't win this time, but I'll be lucky one day. Every dog has its day.这一次我没有赢,但总有一天我会有这样的运气。风水轮流转。The Finance Minister fell from grace as a result of a sex scandal.财政部长因桃色新闻失去了当权者的信任。Hurd falls on his sword, apologizing for spying on its own directors and invading the privacy of journalists.赫德引咎辞职,表示对自己暗中监视董事、侵犯记者隐私的歉意。The overwhelming victory of the team was a feather in the cap for the new manager.团队压倒性的胜利对新来的经理而言是一种荣耀。The headmaster is fighting a losing battle trying to ban mobile phones at school.校长试着禁止在校内使用手机,这就像是在进行一场注定失败的斗争。I have read your report and studied your proposal. It'll never fly.我已经读过你的报告,也研究过你的提案。这绝对行不通。The manager hoped that the team's unexpected victory was not just a flash in the pan.经理希望团队的意外成功不会只是昙花一现。My daughter passed the entrance exam with flying colors. I'm so proud of her.我的女儿出色地通过了入学考试。我真为她而感到骄傲。成功第四 课10 炼句Sales of the book got off to a flying start and exceeded our expectations.这本书一出版就很畅销,超出了我们的预期。Who are the front runners in the coming elections?谁最有希望在接下来的选举中获胜?I realized it was a fool's errand to look for a bank in such an isolated region.我意识到,想在这样偏僻的地方找到一家银行是徒劳的。She went on a diet but it didn't last long - her love of chocolate got the better of her!她开始节食减肥,但是没有坚持多久—— 她对巧克力的 爱打败了她。Some think the company will go to the dogs if it is nationalized.有的人认为,公司如果被收归国有就会开始走下坡路。The party went over with a bang - everyone enjoyed it.这个派对举办得很成功—— 每个人都玩得很尽兴。I'm not worried about our company's future - we're going great guns, and I expect it to continue.我并不对我们公司的未来感到忧虑—— 我们发展的很好,我也希望能一直 这样发展下去。When Amy and Tom separated, my mother's dream of a romantic wedding went up in smoke.艾米和汤姆分手以后,我母亲对一场浪漫婚礼的期许也化为了乌有。With a happy family life, a new house and a super job, Sam's got it made.幸福的家庭生活,新房子和一份极好的工作,山姆拥有了他想得到的一切。The civil war brought the country to its knees.内战使这个国家一蹶不振。成功第五 课10 炼句In spite of the scientists' efforts, the research led to a dead end.尽管科学家们进行了努力,研究还是走进了死胡同。Major newspapers predict a landslide victory for the Democratic Party.各大报纸预言民主党会获得压倒性胜利。The number of subscribers to the newsletter has grown in leaps and bounds.简报订阅者的数量有了跨越式的增长。He should have accepted the job when it was offered. He let the opportunity slip through his fingers.有就业机会的时候他应该接受的。他让机会从指缝溜走了。He was defeated in the final match but he lived to fight another day.他在决赛中被打败了,但还有机会再战。After devoting several years to her children, she made a comeback on Broadway.她用了几年时间全心全意照顾自己的孩子,此后又重新回到了百老汇。The recent political crisis has left the country at a low ebb.最近的政治危机使这个国家陷入了低迷。Tony has come a long way since he opened his first little restaurant.自从开了自己的第一家小餐馆,托尼有了很大的改观。After intensive training, Sarah made the cut and joined the team.经过强化训练,萨拉达到了标准并加入了团队。He opened a restaurant and worked hard to make a go of it.他开了一家餐馆,并为了做好它而努力工作。成功第六 课10 炼句He made a killing on the stock market.他在股市大赚了一笔。Investigators have made little headway in their search for the causes of the catastrophe.在对灾难原因的调查上,调查者进展甚微。Gary offered to paint the kitchen but he made a pig's ear of it.盖理自告奋勇要粉刷厨房,但完全搞砸了。Foreign cars have made inroads into the European market.国外车系已经打入了欧洲市场。I sent off my university application at the last minute and nearly missed the boat.我在最后一刻寄出了自己的大学申请,差一点错失良机。The assignment will make or break his career.这个任务将决定他职业生涯的成败。This is the moment of truth when we find out whether we have got planning permission or not.这是决定性的时刻,我们将知道自己是否获得了建筑许可证。We've tried to prepare for every possible incident, but remember Murphy's law.我们尽力为每个可能的变故做好准备,但不要忘了墨菲定律。The success of my first book encouraged me to continue writing. Nothing succeeds likesuccess!第一本书的成功鼓励了我继续写作。一事成功百事顺。I've spent the whole day looking for a solution but I'm not getting anywhere.我用了一整天的时间寻找对策,但是毫无进展。成功第七 课10 炼句Our products will have to be more innovative if we want to stay ahead of the pack.想要保持领先,我们的产品就必须更新颖。She found city life so stressful, she decided to pack it in and move to the country.她觉得城市生活太压抑,决定离开城市回到乡村。Now that Tom is out of the picture, we needn't concern ourselves about his objections.既然汤姆与此不相干,我们也就不用理会他的反对了。She finally found a place in the sun with the triumph of her latest book.她最近出版的一本书很畅销,让她终于树立了自己的优势地位。The bank's refusal to grant him a loan put the kibosh on Jack's project.银行拒绝给杰克贷款,这让他的项目彻底完蛋了。It was a Pyrrhic victory. The shop owner won the lawsuit but went bankrupt because of the legal expenses involved.这是一场付出极大代价才获得的胜利。店主打赢了官司,但因投入昂贵的诉讼费宣告破产。In a quiz show on TV yesterday, a teenage girl ran rings around the other contestants.在昨天电视上的一个智力竞赛节目里,有一个十几岁的女孩子技压群雄。The president is still riding high in the polls.总统在民意调查中的呼声任然很高。When her boss broke his leg, Julie had to represent the company at the congress, and she roseto the occasion extremely well.朱莉的老板腿摔断了,她不得不代表公司出席会议。临危受命,表现极好。Your excellent speech calmed the crowd and saved the day.你精彩的演讲让人群屏气凝神,扭转了局面。成功第八 课11 炼句After I've studied and learned all I can, I have to take the test and sink or swim.把所有能学的都学完了以后,我必须接受考核,成败在此一举。You can do anything you set your mind to. The sky's the limit.只要你下定决心就没有做不到的事情。一切皆有可能。The movie "Titanic" was a smash hit all over the world.电影《泰坦尼克号》轰动了全球。With a last-minute goal, the team snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.最后一刻的进球让球队翻盘险胜。Don't spread yourself too thin or you'll get nowhere.不要三心二意,不然你会一事无成。The sudden withdrawal of the guest speaker really threw a monkey wrench in the works.演讲嘉宾的突然退出把事情全搅乱了。After unsuccessfully competing in several championships, she decided to throw in the toweland go back to college.有过几次失败的参赛经历后,她决定放弃比赛,回去上大学。She is top dog in cosmetics today.她是当今化妆品业中的翘楚。Given the current recession, the company is weathering the storm better than most.考虑到当前经济萧条,该公司渡过难关的情况比大多数公司都好。Let's hope the recent efforts towards peace will not wither on the vine.让我们祈祷最近为和平进行的努力不会白费。She's got the world by the tail now, but her fame won't last forever.她现在万事顺利,但是她的名声不会永存。数词第一 课10 炼句The number of visitors to the exhibition, all told, was 2543.参观展览的人数总计为 2543 人。Don't listen to him! Can't you see he's had one over the eight!别听他的!你没看到他喝醉了吗?Instead of the crowd expected, people arrived in dribs and drabs.人们是零零星星抵达的,而不是像预期的那样成群而来。Our team won after they scored a goal at the eleventh hour.他们在最后一刻射入一球,让我们队得了胜利。First and foremost I want to thank our hosts for their wonderful reception.首先,我想对主人热情的招待表示谢意。Everyone seemed to have a specific role except me. I felt like a fifth wheel.除了我以外,每个人似乎都起了作用。我觉得自己很多余。Tickets for the match will be sold on a "first come first served" basis.比赛门票的销售本着“先到先得 ”的原则。If you go to the interview dressed like that, you won't get to first base!如果你穿成那样去面试,第一关都过不了!Getting to see the performance first hand is much better than watching it on television.去现场看表演比在电视上看要好多了。Sandra was so enthusiastic about the project that she was first out of the gate.桑德拉对这个项目十分热心,以至于在工作中总是冲在最前面。 数词第二 课10 炼句The violinist gave a performance that was of the first water.这个小提琴家进行了一流的表演。Sam used his five-finger discount to get the kind of ring Jane wanted.山姆在店里顺手牵羊偷到了简想要的那种戒指。Dad likes to have forty winks after a game of golf.爸爸喜欢在打完一场高尔夫球以后打个盹儿。When I arrived, he was on all fours playing with his grandchildren.我到的时候,他正趴在地上和孙子一起玩耍。The nearest town is about 100 miles away, give or take a few miles.最近的城镇离这里大约 100 英里,误差在几英里以内。If you know where to look for the information, half the battle is won.如果你知道到哪里去查找信息,你就成功了一半。She kept half an eye on the kids all through our conversation.在我们整个谈话过程当中,她都会分些神留意孩子。I've half a mind to start up my own business but first I need some advice.我有点想创建自己的事业,但首先我需要一些建议。There's a chance in a million of finding the key I lost on the golf course.找到我在高尔夫球场弄掉的那串钥匙的几率很小。I will never in a million years understand why Anne married Bob.即使再过一万年,我也不会明白安妮为什么要嫁给鲍勃。数词第三 课10 炼句The public transport system is very bad. Trains arrive late nine times out of ten.公共交通系统很烂,火车十有八九都会晚点。When the boss announced my promotion, I was on cloud nine!老板告诉我我晋升了的时候,我高兴极了。Caroline must be going to a party - she's dressed up to the nines.卡若琳盛装打扮,一定是要去参加派对。She's a number cruncher who perfectly understands the organization's financial situation.她是做财务统计的,很了解很了解这个机构的财务状况。He was talking nineteen to the dozen so I didn't catch the whole story.他说个没完,我没听懂整件事情是什么。None of the group went sightseeing alone, knowing there was safety in numbers.没有一个团是单独去观光的,他们知道人多更保险。The three houses were demolished at one fell swoop.三栋房子被一举拆毁。My promotion was one in the eye for my ambitious colleague.我的晋升让雄心勃勃的同事很恼火。The poor man has one foot in the grave.这个可怜的人已是风烛残年。His sudden departure was a nine days' wonder but he was soon forgotten.他的突然离开轰动一时,但他很快就被人们遗忘了。 数词第四 课10 炼句We helped Alex and Sara when they moved into their new house, just as they helped us last year; one good turn deserves another.亚历克斯和萨拉搬新家的时候我们去帮了忙,就像他们去年帮我们那样;善有善报。The company is successful because they're always one step ahead of their competitors.这个公司很成功,因为他们总能比自己的竞争对手领先一步。You've got to have a one-track mind if you want to succeed in business.如果你想在生意上取得成功,就得一条路走到底。I think Tony's had one too many - he's talking rubbish.我想托尼喝多了—— 他在胡 说八道。The police have located the escaped prisoner so it looks as if his number is up!警方已经定位了那个越狱的犯人,看上去他的气数已尽啊!If he continues to gamble like that, it will be his own undoing.如果他继续像那样赌博,就是自走绝路。He's a successful man, but his one-upmanship has left him with few friends.他很成功,但他高人一等的作风让他很少交到朋友。My idea was to move to an apartment, but on second thought, I'd rather have a garden.我原本想搬去公寓,但是转念一想,我更想要一个花园。The service was perfect and the food was second to none.这里的服务很完美,食物首屈一指。Andy's father told him that looking out for number one should be his first priority.安迪的父亲对他说,他应该把谋求自身利益放在首位。数词第五 课10 炼句I didn't know who to vote for. It was six of one and half a dozen of the other!我不知道应该投票给谁。两边半斤八两。Every time she wins a match, she's in seventh heaven!每次赢了比赛,她都会欢天喜地的。I can't get a job without a work permit, and I can't get a work permit without a job. It's a catch-22situation!没有工作许可证,我就找不到工作,但没有工作,我就拿不到就业许可证。这是个互相矛盾的困境。The managers were at sixes and sevens when they were informed of the Chairman's visit.当被告知主席将要来访时,经理们乱成一团。Pete and Ben are two of a kind; they enjoy sports and are very competitive.皮特和本很相像;他们都爱运动,并且求胜心切。He refuses to take my call? Tell him two can play at that game!他不接我的电话?告诉他,这一套他会我也会!I'm afraid I'm a bad dancer. I've got two left feet!恐怕我跳舞很差劲。我笨手笨脚的。I don't trust Billy. I find him two-faced.我不相信比利。我发现他很两面派。I'm in two minds about whether or not to accept the offer.我很犹豫要不要接受这份工作。We've heard Fred's side of the story - but it takes two to tango!我们已经听过弗雷德的说法了—— 但是一个巴掌拍不响!数词第六 课10 炼句The two brothers are very alike - they're like two peas in a pod!两兄弟很相似—— 简直是一个模子里刻出来的!Wait for me. I'll be ready in two shakes of a lamb's tail.等等我,我马上就好!Sally left Harry when she discovered he was two-timing her.萨利发现哈利对她不忠后离开了他。I didn't want to go. Choosing the train instead of driving was the lesser of two evils; at least I could relax on the way.我并不想去。选择坐火车而不是自己开车去,不过是两害相权取其轻,至少在路上我能休息一下。"Can I go to lunch with you and Tom?" "Two is company, three's a crowd."“我能和你还有汤姆一起吃午餐么? ”“两人结伴,三人不欢。”There are no two ways about it. You can't accept the money, so you must give it back.这是毫无疑问的。你不能收这个钱,所以你必须把它还回去。When she saw Jill and Ben holding hands, it wasn't hard to put two and two together!当她看到吉尔和本手牵手时,就不难从事实进行推断了。"I found his speech rather boring." "That makes two of us!"“我 觉得他的演讲很无聊。 ”“我也是!”The authorities have announced zero tolerance for smoking in public buildings.当局已宣布对公共建筑内吸烟零容忍。The boss immediately zeroed in on the sales figures.老板立刻将目标对准了销售数字。资金第一 课10 炼句I don't need the exact amount. Just give me a back-of-the-envelope calculation.我不需要确切的数量,只用给我一个大致的数目。Jack is very punctual. You can bet your bottom dollar he'll be here at 9 o'clock on the dot.杰克很守时。你能确信他会在九点钟准时抵达。She never has to worry about money; she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.她从不需要担心钱的问题;她是含着金钥匙出生的。Due to the recent crisis, there are more people on the breadline than ever before.由于最近的危机,挣扎在生活线上的人比以往任何时候都要多。Another bill? I'll have to tighten my belt this month!又来了一张账单?这个月我得省吃俭用了。I got a job during the holidays but the pay was chicken feed.我找了一份假期工作,但报酬很微薄。The other side of the coin is that fewer working hours means less pay.从另一方面来看,工作时间短意味着薪酬少。The house cost us an arm and a leg, but we have no regrets.这房子花了我们很多钱,但是我们一点也不后悔。She wears designer clothes that must cost the earth!她穿着价值不菲的名牌服装。The journalist was determined at all costs to get a report from the war zone.这个记者决心不惜一切代价拿到战区的报道。资金第二 课10 炼句The project is heading for failure. Let's cut our losses before it's too late.这个项目注定会失败。我们趁早收手止损吧。Andy's business is not doing well at the moment. He says he needs a friend with deep pockets!目前安迪的生意状况不是很好。他说他需要一个财力雄厚的朋友。Emma and Paul are excited. They put a down payment on their first house yesterday.艾玛和保尔十分激动。他们昨天刚为自己的第一套房子付下定金。Young people today tend to go Dutch when they go out together.如今的年轻人一起出去玩时倾向于各付各的帐。I had to dip into my savings to have the car repaired.我必须动用自己的存款来修车。The building contractor used a lot of publi- 配套讲稿:
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