SAP 移动类型讲解
《SAP 移动类型讲解》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SAP 移动类型讲解(26页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。
移动类型 Translated by 2007 年 6 月 The Movement Type Concept 移动类型的概念 What Is a Movement Type 什么是移动类型 When you enter a goods movement in the system you must enter amovement typeto differentiate between the various goods movements A movement type is a three digit id entification key for a goods movement The following table contains examples of move ment types 当你在 SAP 系统输入一个货物移动时 你必须输入一个移动类型来区分不用的货物移动 一个 移动类型是由 3 个数字组成的检索表 下表中包含了几个移动类型的例子 Goods Movements and Movement Types 货物移动与移动类型 Goods movement 货物移动 Movement type 移动类型 Goods receipt for a purchase order 来自采购订单的收货 101 Goods issue for a cost center 有关成本中心的发货 201 Release from quality inspection stock 质检库存到非限制的释 放 321 Control Functions of the Movement Type 移动类型的控制功能 The movement type has important control functions in Inventory Management 在库存管理中 移动类型有着重要的控制功能 For example the movement type plays an important role in 例如 移动类型扮演着这样的角色 updating of quantity fields 数量值的更新 updating of stock and consumption accounts 库存及消耗科目的更新 determining which fields are displayed during entry of a document in the system 决定在系统输入一个凭证时 哪一个栏位会被显示 Results of a Good Movement in the System 货物移动在系统中产生的结果 Use 用法 When you enter a goods movement you start the following chain of events in the syst em 当你输入一个货物移动时 你便开始了如下一系列的事件 A material document is generated which is used as proof of the movement an d as a source of information for any other applications involved 一个物料凭证会被创建 可以被用来作为移动的证明 及作为其它任何相关应用的一个信息来源 If the movement is relevant for Financial Accounting one or more accounting d ocuments are generated 如果移动跟财务会计有关 同时还会另外产生一个或多个会计凭证 The stock quantities of the material are updated 物料的库存数量被更新 The stock values in the material master record are updated as are the stock a nd consumption accounts 物料主数据的库存价值被更新 例如库存及消耗科目 Depending on the movement type additional updates are carried out in participating ap plications All updates are based on the information contained in the material document and the financial accounting document For example in the case of a goods issue for a cost center the consumption values of the items are also updated 根据移动类型 在参与的应用中会产生额外的数据更新 所有的更新都是基于包含在物料凭证 及会计凭证的信息的 例如 有关成本中心的发货 行项目中的消耗值也同样会更新 Use of movement type 移动类型的使用 Inventory Management MM IM 库存管理 MM IM Classification key indicating the type of material movement for example goods receipt goods issue physical stock transfer 分类码指定了物料移动的类型 例如 收货 发货 库存转储 The movement type enables the system to find predefined posting rules determining ho w the accounts of the financial accounting system stock and consumption accounts ar e to be posted and how the stock fields in the material master record are to be updat ed 移动类型能够激发系统去查找过帐规则 以确定财务会计系统的科目 库存及消耗科目 如何 记帐 以及物料主数据中的库存值如何更新 Logistics Execution LE 后勤执行 LE Classification key used in the Warehouse Management system to describe a stock mov ement within a warehouse complex warehouse number 分类码在仓库管理系统中用来描述在一个复杂的仓库 仓库号 中的库存移动 Industry Specific Components for Hospitals IS H 用于医院的特定行业组件 IS H 略 Classification of a movement category By way of an example the movement category admission can have the movement typ es Self referral Referral by general practitioner Admission via emergency physician s car Transfer from external hospital Copy Change Movement Types 复制 更改移动类型 In this step you can 在这个步骤中 你可以 change the setting of existing movement types 修改已存在的移动类型的设置 define new movement types 定义新的移动类型 When you enter a goods movement you must always enter the movement type The movement type has important control functions in Inventory Management It is essential for 当你输入一个货物移动 你始终必须输入一个移动类型 移动类型在库存管理中有着重要的控 制功能 它对下列动作是必不可少的 updating the quantity fields 更新数量栏位 updating the stock and consumption accounts 更新库存及消耗科目 selection of the fields used for entering documents 选定用于输入凭证的字段 printing goods receipt issue slips 打印收货 发货标签 At the end of this document a short description of the movement types defined in the Standard configuration is contained underFurther information Note 注意 You have already completed the settings of the existing movement types in other steps This means that normally you do not need to maintain the existing movement types 在其它步骤中 你已经完成了现有的移动类型的设置 意思是说 通常地 你没有必要去维护 已有的移动类型 The various control indicators for the movement types are divided into several views in this step for example entry control posting control You can find the relevant control i ndicators in each view 在这个步骤中 不同的移动类型控制标识分别存在于几个视图中 例如 输入控制 过帐控制 你可以在各个视图中定义相关的控制标识 As some control indicators do not only depend on the movoment type but also on oth er parameters for example debit credit indicator special stock indicator indicator for up dating quantities and values you may find several entries for a movement type for cert ain views These entries are necessary to cover all possible dataconstellations in the sys tem 一些控制标识不仅取决于移动类型 而且还跟其它因素 例如 借 贷标识 特殊库存标识 数 量和价值更新标识 有关 你可以在不同视图中找到一个移动类型的几个条目 这些条目必须 含盖系统中遍布的所有可能的数据 Standard Settings 标准设置 In the standard system movement types are preset for all transactions events 在标准系统中 移动类型为所有的事务 事件预置好了 Recommendations 建议 SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system In this c ase no action is required on your part SAP 推荐你认可标准系统中定义好的设置 在这种情况下 你不必作任何改动 However if you have to define new movement types it is recommended that you creat e these movement types with reference to an existing movement type In doing so you do not have to manually maintain the control indicators 当然 如果你必须定义新的移动类型 建议你参考已有的移动类型来创建这些新的移动类型 如此一来 你就不必手动去维护那些控制标识了 Activities 作业 Check whether you can use the preset movement types 检查你能否使用系统预置的移动类型 If not define new movement types as follows 如果没有 你可以根据下列步骤定义新的移动类型 1 Once you have carried out the activity the system displays a dialog box for field sel ection In this you can restrict the movement types you work with to various fields To copy a movement type select the fieldMovement typeand chooseContinue The dialog boxDefine work areaappears 首先执行这个操作 事务代码 OMJJ 系统弹出 字段选择 对话框 在这里 你可以使用几个字 段作为条件来限定移动类型的范围 复制一个移动类型 要选定 移动类型 字段和选择 继续 按钮 出现 确定工作区 对话框 2 In the dialog box Define work area enter the movement type you want to copy in t heFrom field In theTo field enter the name of the movement type that you want to rec reate To go to the overview of the selected movement types chooseContinue 在确定工作区对话框中 输入你想复制的移动类型的范围 从 到 选择 继续 按钮 3 Select the movement type you want to copy and chooseEdit Copy as Overtype the selected movement type with the new movement type beginning with 9 X Y or Z and copy all dependent entries 选定你想复制的移动类型 选择 编辑 复制为 将选定的移动类型改写为新的移动类型 以 9 X Y 或 Z 打头 及 复制所有 附属的条目 The system copies all control indicators from the reference movement type to the new movement type 系统将从参考的移动类型中复制所有的控制标识到新的移动类型中 4 Check all views for the new movement type and if necessary change the control in dicators Please note that some views have a detail screen 检查新移动类型的所有视图 如果有必要 可以修改控制标识 注意一些视图会有一个详细的 屏幕 5 Copy the reversal movement type and enter it in the viewReversal follow on move ment types 复制冲销移动类型 及在 回转 后续移动类型 视图中维护这个冲销的移动类型 6 Save your settings 保存你的设置 1A Caution 警告 Movement types have an important control function In particular they play a major role in updating the stock quantity and stock value in the material master record Changing some of the indicators such as the quantity string or value string is considered amodi fication Please note that update errors resulting from incorrect settings for a movemen t type are modification based errors and as such cannot be corrected by the SAP Hotli ne 移动类型有一个重要的控制功能 特别地 它们在物料主记录的库存数量和库存价值更新中 扮演着主要的角色 更改一些控制标识 比如数量串和价值串 会被认为是一个 评估 修改 请注意从一个错误的移动类型的设置中出现的 基于 评估 修改的新的错误结果 而且这 个结果无法通过 SAP Hotline SAP 热线 来修正的 移动类型 Translated by 2007 年 6 月 Further information 补充材料 Below you will find a short description of the standard movement types The reversal m ovement type is the movement type 1 reversal of 101 102 在下面你可以找到一个标准移动类型的简略描述 其冲销的移动是这个移动类型加 1 比如 10 1 的冲销是 102 101 Goods receipt for purchase order or order 101 有关 采购订单或生产订单的收货 If the purchase order or order has not been assigned to an account a stock type unr estricted use stock stock in quality inspection blocked stock can be entered during go ods receipt 如果采购订单或订单没有指定科目 其库存类型 非限制使用库存 质量检验库存 冻结库存 可以在收货的时候输入 If the purchase order or order has been assigned to an account the goods receipt is not posted to the warehouse but to consumption 如果采购订单或订单已经存在科目分配 收货没有过帐到仓库库存中 而是过帐到消耗中 PS 如 成本中心 固定资产 办公用品等 In the case of non valuated materials the goods receipt is posted to the warehouse al though the purchase order has not been assigned to an account 对于无评估物料的情况 收货时也会过帐到仓库中 尽管采购订单中没有分配科目 Possible special stock indicators 相关的特殊库存标识 K Goods receipt for purchase order to consignment stock K 有关寄售库存采购订单的收货 O Goods receipt for purchase order to stock of material provided to vendo r O 有关委外加工库存采购订单的收货 分包 E GR for purchase order or order to sales order stock E 有关销售订单库存的收货 Q GR for purchase order or order to project stock Q 有关项目库存采购订单的收货 Goods receipt for subcontract order at goods receipt the consumption of the compone nts is posted at the same time see movement type543 有关分包订单的收货 在收货时 组件的消耗过账也会同时进行 参见移动类型 543 PS 委外加工后返回的物料 原先在库存中的状态为 分包 在 101 收货的同时 系统会自动作 5 43 的转储动作将物料从分包库存转储到非限制自有库存中 Goods receipt for stock transport order at goods receipt the transported quantity is pos ted in the receiving plant from stock in transit into unrestricted use stock stock in qualit y inspection or blocked stock 有关库存转储订单的收货 收货时 在接收工厂中 转储数量从在运库存过帐到非限制库存 质量检验或冻结库存 中 103 Goods receipt for purchase order into GR blocked stock 103 有关采购订单的收货到 GR 冻结区 You cannot receive goods into goods receipt blocked stock for stock transport orders 你不能从库存转储订单收货到 GR 冻结库存中 Possible special stock indicators K O E Q 105 Release from GR blocked stock for purchase order 105 有关采购订单的从 GR 冻结区释放到非限制库存 Movement type 105 has the same effects as101 移动类型 105 的效果等同于 101 Possible special stock indicators K O E Q 121 Subsequent adjustment for subcontracting 121 有关分包的收货后续调整 This movement type cannot be entered manually With a subsequent adjustment for a subcontract order it is possible to correct the cons umption of components In this case the material produced by the supplier is credited with the excess consumption under consumption For this reason if there is a subseq uent adjustment an item is generated for the produced material using movement move ment type 121 Movement type 121 does not have a reversal movement type 这个移动类型不能手工输入 在有关分包订单的收货后续调整中 用于矫正组件的 实际 消 耗 在这种情况下 由供应商加工 返回 的物料贷记到过剩消耗或不足消耗 科目 中 基 于这个原因 如果作一个后续调整的话 就会产生一个使用移动类型 121 的加工材料 PS 即最 终产品 而非组件或原料 的项目 Possible special stock indicators O E Q 122 Return delivery to supplier or to production 122 退货给供应商或生产 Using movement type 122 you can distinguish real return deliveries for a purchase ord er or order from cancellations 102 In the standard version you must enter a reason for the return delivery if you are usin g movement type 122 This enables you to carry out evaluations for return deliveries The effects of movement type 122 correspond to a cancellation of movement type 101 使用移动类型 122 你可以区分是从采购订单或生产订单退货还是从 102 取消 在标准的版本 中 使用移动类型 122 你必须输入一个移动原因来说明退货原因 以实现对退货的评估 Possible special stock indicators K O E Q 123 Reversal of return delivery 123 退货给供应商的冲销 If you returned a goods receipt using movement type122 you can reverse the return d elivery using movement type 123 This movement type has the same effects as movem ent type 101 如果你使用移动类型 122 退回一个收货 你可以使用移动类型 123 来接收退回的交货 这个移 动类型作用等同于 101 Possible special stock indicators K O E Q 124 Return delivery to vendor from GR blocked stock 124 从 GR 冻结区退货给供应商 Using movement type 124 you can return a goods receipt to GR blocked stock 103 Movement type 124 has the same effects as movement type 104 使用移动类型 124 你可以把从 103 接收到 GR 冻结区的货物退回给供应商 移动类型 124 作 用等同于 104 Possible special stock indicators K O E Q 125 Return delivery from GR blocked stock reversal 125 收货退给冻结库存冲销 If you returned a goods receipt to GR blocked stock using movement type124 you can reverse the return delivery using movement type 125 Movement type 125 has the same effects as movement type103 Possible special stock indicators K O E Q 131 Goods receipt for run schedule header 131 运行计划抬头的收货 This movement type cannot be entered manually It is generated automatically at notific ation of goods receipt for a run schedule header 这个移动类型不能手工输入 而是在有关运行计划抬头收货的通知单中自动生产的 Possible special stock indicators E Q 141 Goods receipt for subsequent adjustment for active ingredient 141 有关活性成分的收货后续调整 This movement type cannot be entered manually It is generated automatically upon su bsequent adjustment for aproportion product unit Subsequent adjustment is necessary if the system finds that there has been excess consumption or under consumption after a goods receipt posting 这个移动类型不能手工输入 而是在比例 产品单位的后续调整的基础上自动产生的 当系统发 现收货之后产生过剩的消耗或不足的消耗时 必须要进行后续调整 Possible special stock indicators K O E Q 161 Return for purchase order 161 采购订单收货退回 If a purchase order item is marked as a returns item the returns to vendor are posted using movement type 161 when the goods receipt for purchase order 101 is posted Movement type 161 has the same effects as movement type122 如果采购订单一个项目被标记为退货项目 当为采购订单收货使用移动 101 收货过帐时 此退 回给供应商的项目自动使用移动类型 161 进行退货过帐 其功效等同于 122 Possible special stock indicators K O E Q 201 Goods issue for a cost center 201 有关成本中心的发货 The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted use stock 货物只能从非限制使用库存中提取 Possible special stock indicators K Goods withdrawal from consignment stock K 货物从寄售库存中提取 P Goods withdrawal from the pipeline P 货物从管道物料中提取 If you have withdrawals from consignment stock and from pipeline payables to supplier s ensue 如果你从寄售库存和管道中提取物料后 就要相应地要给供应商付款 221 Goods issue for a project 221 有关项目的发货 The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted use stock 货物只能从非限制使用库存中提取 Possible special stock indicators K Q 231 Goods issue for a customer order without Shipping 231 有关销售订单的发货 不带装运 You use this movement type if you want to process the delivery without Shipping 如果你想通过不作送货单 直接处理交货时 可以用这个移动类型 The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted use stock Possible special stock indicators E K Q 241 Goods issue for an asset 241 资产及在建工程发货 The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted use stock 货物只能从非限制使用库存中提取 Possible special stock indicators K 251 Goods issue for sales without customer order 251 有关销售的发货 不带客户订单 Use this movement type if you have not entered a customer order in SD In the stand ard system the movement is assigned to a cost center 如果你没有在 SD 里创建客户订单 可以使用这个移动类型 在标准的系统中 这个移动类型 需要指定一个成本中心 The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted use stock 货物只能从非限制使用库存中提取 Possible special stock indicators K 移动类型 Translated by 2007 年 6 月 261 Goods issue for an order 261 有关生产订单的发货 This refers to all withdrawals for orders for example production orders maintenance or ders with the exception of customer orders 这里可以参考除了客户订单外的订单进行发货 例如 生产通知单 维修订单 Possible special stock indicators E K P Q W The goods issue can be posted manually in Inventory Management or automatically wh en an order is confirmed or via a delivery in Shipping 这个移动类型的发货可以在 IM 库存管理中手工进行过帐 或当一个订单被确认时 或通过装运的 一个交货来自动过帐 281 Goods issue for a network 281 有关网络的发货 The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted use stock 货物只能从非限制使用库存中提取 The goods issue can also be posted via a delivery in Shipping 可以通过装运的一个交货来发货 Possible special stock indicators E K P Q 291 Goods issue for any arbitrary account assignment 291 有关任何任意的科目设置的发货 With this movement type all account assignment fields are ready for input You can as sign the movement to any arbitrary account assignment object 对于这个移动类型 全部的科目设置字段都是待输入的 没有必输项 你可以分配这个移动类型到 任何任意的科目设置对象 成本中心 WBS 元素 生产订单 销售订单 网络等等 The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted use stock 货物只能从非限制使用库存中提取 Possible special stock indicators E K P Q 301 Transfer posting plant to plant in one step 301 工厂到工厂 一步 转帐 The quantity is transferred from unrestricted use stock in the issuing plant to unrestricte d use stock in the receiving plant 数量从发货工厂的非限制库存转储到收货工厂的非限制库存上 Possible special stock indicators E O Q V W 303 Transfer posting plant to plant in two steps removal from storage 303 工厂到工厂 两步 转帐 出库 The quantity is transferred from unrestricted use stock of the issuing plant to stock in tr ansfer in the receiving plant For technical reasons you cannot carry out transfer postings from plant to plant in two steps for split valuation materials 数量从发货工厂的非限制库存转储到收货工厂的转储中的库存 库存传送 工厂 上 由于技术的 原因 不能对分割评估物料进行工厂到工厂的两步转储过帐 Removal from storage can be posted with movement type603via Shipping 通过装运作出库可使用移动类型 603 过帐 Possible special stock indicators None 305 Transfer posting plant to plant in two steps placement in storage 305 工厂到工厂 两步 转帐 入库 The quantity is posted from stock in transfer to unrestricted use stock in the receiving p lant The movement is not valuated 数量在收货工厂从转储中的库存 库存传送 工厂 转储到非限制库存上 这个过程不产生会计凭 证 You can use movement type605in Shipping to post the goods receipt with reference to the delivery 你可以使用移动类型 605 在装运中参考交货单来作收货过帐 Possible special stock indicators None 309 Transfer posting material to material 309 物料到物料的转帐 The quantity is posted from unrestricted use stock of the issuing material into unrestrict ed use stock in the receiving material 数量从转出物料的非限制库存转储到接收物料的非限制库存上 Prerequisite both materials have the same stock keeping unit 前提 两物料的库存计量单位必须一致 Possible special stock indicators E O Q V W 311 Transfer posting storage location to storage location in one step 311 库存地点到库存地点一步转帐 The quantity is transferred from unrestricted use stock of the issuing storage location to unrestricted use in the receiving storage location Possible special stock indicators E K M Q See also321 343 349 and455for other stock types 313 Stock transfer storage location to storage location in two steps removal fro m storage 313 库存地点到库存地点两步转帐 出库 The quantity is transferred from unrestricted use stock of the issuing storage location to stock in transfer in the receiving storage location Possible special stock indicators None 315 Transfer posting storage location to storage location in two steps placemen t in storage 315 库存地点到库存地点两步转帐 入库 In the receiving storage location the quantity is transferred from the stock in transfer to the unrestricted use stock Possible special stock indicators None 317 Creation of a structured material from constituent components Retail A material split into its components using movement type319can be rejoined using mov ement type 317 Movement type 317 has the same effect as a cancellation of movement type 319 Possible special stock indicators None 319Splitstructured material into components Retail You can enter the splitting of a structured material manually using movement type 319 You can configure Customizing so that a structured material for example aset prepac k or display is automatically split into its components at goods receipt The system pos ts the split using movement type 319 In this process the BOM header material is post ed and each of the component stocks are increased You can also use this function if you use the Warehouse Management System LE WM Possible special stock indicators None Example A box of the structured material S contains 3 pieces of the component K1 and 4 piece s of the componentK2 The following material document items result after the material i s split at goods receipt Qty Unit Material Movement type 1 box S 101 1 box S 319 4 piece K1 319 5 piece K2 319 321 Transfer posting stock in quality inspection unrestricted use stock 321 质量检验到非限制的转帐 The quantity is transferred from stock in quality inspection into unrestricted use stock H ere you can post the quantity to another storage location 数量从质量检验库存转储到非限制库存 你可以过帐数量到别的库存地点上 You cannot use this movement type for QM managed materials since transfer posting f or these materials takes place via the usage decision 当在对实行了 QM 管理的物料进行质检到非限制转储时 必须通过使用决策来进行 但不 能输入这个移动类型 PS 如果你不想对物料作 QM 管理 又希望将库存过帐到质检中 可以在物料主数据中激活 过帐到检验库存 但不能激活 检验设置 中的相关内容 在这种情况下 你才可以用 MB1 B 321 来释放质检库存 Possible special stock indicators E K O Q V W 323 Transfer posting storage location to storage location stock in quality inspec tion 323 质检库存从库存地点到库存地点的转帐 The quantity is transferred- 配套讲稿:
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- SAP 移动类型讲解 移动 类型 讲解
